Hollywood censorship and remakes! The 1930s saw tremendous advancements in film. Not only through the introduction of sound and colour, but for the quality of screen plays, acting, and in delivering a message through this emerging media. The “original” Scarface is one of several films that are classified as “gangster” films ~ a popular genre of the 1930s. It needed to closely follow the “codes” set forth by a body of representative to ensure that morality and societal virtues were adhered to. Some people may actually argue that the Production Code Administration was the beginning of censorship; while others may of thought that the Production Code was simply a reflection of the times in terms or what we valued and what we deemed as important. You will have the opportunity to view both the original and the remake. The Motion Picture Production Code went into effect in 1934, and American films still feel its effects today with varying degrees. What was the motivation behind the Code? How was it finally put into place and how did the business aspects of moviemaking enter into its implementation? How did it affect actors and directors? How did the representation of women, men, crime, ethnicity, and politics change? Can we link the effect of the Production Code to today's movies? How do the movies reflect the values of the times? How does Scarface (1930s) compare to Scarface (1980s) in regard to the production codes? The 1980s version had big issues with ratings, how does this affect the movie and how the audience views it? Using the 1930s and 1980s version of Scarface, discuss in essay style the above questions as it relates specifically to the Production Code. THINGS TO CONSIDER (IN OTHER WORDS....MAKE SURE OF THE FOLLOWING): Research Using critical thinking to demonstrate your understanding and ability to communicate your knowledge EXPAND AND EXPLAIN using detailed descriptions of plot, scenes, dialogue, etc. The following websites may prove useful to you in helping you research and develop your essay. http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Production:Code.html http://productioncode.dhwritings.com/multipleframes_productioncode.php http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG02/gangsters/censorship.html http://www.crimeculture.com/Contents/FilmReviews/Scarface.htm http://cinemaroll.com/cinemarolling/scarface-a-classic-remake-of-a-classic/ http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/394174/Motion-Picture-Association-of-America It is important that you structure your essay to a higher level of writing. This is a much easier essay to write than previous ones; however, I do expect you to research and draft essays that CLEARLY show understanding, connection, and a well structured thesis. This essay will be due Thursday, March 11th (beginning of class). Please hand in your rough notes and draft clearly signed by a proofreader as well. This will count towards 10% of your mark.