Select any 2-dimensional work of art (painting, drawing, photograph or print) from the ARTFORMS textbook.* This can be a work of art we have covered so far, or you may look ahead to other parts of the book. You will not be graded on your choice of artwork-there is no "right" or "wrong" choice, so choose a work that you are drawn to and interested in! Write a 2-page (double-spaced, 750-word) paper describing, analyzing and interpreting the work. Submit your paper in the "Answer" text box below as well as through (see instructions in following Module Section). Attachments will not be accepted. You may compose your paper in a word-processing program and then cut and paste it into the text box, using the clipboard with the yellow “T” for best results. Your paper must include the following, (does not have to be in this order, however): Introduction & Thesis-- What are you going to write about in this paper? Identify the title of the work, the name of the artist and date of the work. What is the main idea of the paper? Identification of media -- What material is the artwork made out of? I.e. clay, bronze, watercolor, collage, oil on canvas, metal, mixed media, etc. Description of subject matter, including identification & interpretation of iconography, if applicable -- What is being portrayed and what is the painting "about"? Is this painting representational, abstract, or nonrepresentational? Is there iconography present? Analysis of the visual elements apparent in the work -- Use your "Ingredients of An Artwork" Assignment to write about the visual elements that are used, citing specific instances in the painting and how/why these instances exemplify the visual element. Analysis of the principles of design apparent in the work -- Use your "Ingredients of An Artwork" Assignment to write about the principles of design that are used, citing specific instances in the painting and how/why these instances exemplify the principle of design. Interpretation of content -- What is the possible meaning of the work? This is your chance to interpret the work in your opinion. However, remember to back up your opinions with specific references to the work of art! Conclusion -- A brief summary of what you have covered in your paper. Your paper must be in your own words and based on the material covered in this course so far. Please note that this is not a research paper. Besides the ARTFORMS textbook, no outside source material (i.e. Google, Wikipedia, etc.) is allowed! Your paper will be graded based on the following criteria: * Your paper is at least 2-pages (double-spaced, 750-word) * Inclusion and quality of these items: Introduction & Thesis Identification of media Description of subject matter, including identification & interpretation of iconography, if applicable Analysis of the visual elements Analysis of the principles of design Interpretation of content Conclusion * Your paper contains correct and acceptable mechanics of writing and formatting NOTE: It is important that you do not just repeat back what the textbook says on the subject of the work in question. You must go above and beyond—using critical thinking skills and synthesizing the terms and concepts covered so far in this course. Please also bear in mind the college's policy on academic dishonesty. Plagiarism in any form will not be tolerated. Submissions will be checked for plagiarism using the college's TurnItIn account. Papers will be checked against those of other students enrolled in the course as well as papers in the public domain. In the case of copying from another student's paper, both students will receive a score of "0". Violators will also be prosecuted according to the college's policies. Therefore, you are responsible for not letting your paper fall into the wrong hands!