Thesis Statements - Collingswood High School

Thesis Statements--Answers To Practice Questions.
1. You're right; the correct answer is no. This does not qualify as a thesis statement,
as it has not point-of-view; it is a fact only.
2. You're right; the correct answer is yes. This statement fits all of the criteria for an
explicit thesis.
3. You're right; the correct answer is no. This is a statement that does not work as a
thesis. These statements should not contain a personal pronoun such as "I" or
4. You're right; the correct answer is no. This is a fact only.
5. You're right; the correct answer is yes. This qualifies as a thesis because it states a
fact and the person's opinion about that fact.
6. You're right; the correct answer is no. While this is, more or less, saying the same
as statement 5, it is too overtly opinionated. Try for a more objective voice in
thesis statements.
7. You're right; the correct answer is no. This is a fact only.
8. You're right; the correct answer is yes. This general statement meets the criteria of
an explicit thesis.
9. You're right; the correct answer is no. This is a fact only.
10. You're right; the correct answer is no. This is opinion only. Remember a thesis
reflects thought and consideration, not just opinion.
Thesis Statements
A report without a thesis is like a computer without a mouse, you can still get around but
doing so is tedious and frustrating. The thesis is the guide, which directs and moves the
reader through the report. We have been focusing on the thesis in order to gain mastery of
its form. Some other common traits of the thesis are:
1. They DO NOT contain personal opinion that CANNOT be argued against. Everyone
has the right to her own opinion; however, the point of a thesis is start with a strong
statement that will be developed throughout the report. Judgmental statements using
dumb, stupid, etc., leave no room for discussion.
Wrong: Guns are dumb and should be banned.
Right: Guns should be banned.
2. They DO NOT state what you will be talking about in a direct statement.
Wrong: In this paper, I am going to discuss the why I think computers should be
Right: Computers cause problems in the classroom and should be banned.
3. They DO NOT contain first person pronouns.
Wrong: I believe that we should all use computers in the classroom.
Right: Computers should be used in the classroom, as they are tools that help
students achieve success.
4. Thesis statements should contain strong, definite language.
Wrong: Computers might be useful in the classroom.
Right: Computers must be used in the classroom to help students achieve success.
Thesis practice: Choose whether the sentences below qualify as thesis statements.
Email is a modern form of communication.
Learning email can be frustrating but exciting.
I am going to talk about learning email.
Netscape is a browser used for online classes.
Students should use Netscape for online classes, as it is the easiest to use of all the
6. If students don't use Netscape in online classes, they will be sorry.
7. Different email software causes different problems.
8. Knowing how to use different email software will help students become more
proficient in their computer abilities.
9. Taking online classes can give a student credit.
10. Don't take online classes as they make you upset, and you work too much. Yes
Practice 1
Below you will see pairs of sentences. Each pair contains one sentence that would make a
better thesis statement. Write T before the sentence in each pair that would make a good
thesis statement. Write N before each sentence that needs improvement.
1. __________ Sachar illustrates that forming trustworthy friendships is beneficial to the
characters in Holes.
2. __________ Rex and Alan's nicknames are X-Ray and Squid.
3. __________ When Stanley asks Theodore where he can find water, Theodore grabs
Stanley, throws him down, and says his name is Armpit.
4. __________ Brutality is all around Camp Green Lake, and its harmful results are often
5. __________ In Holes Camp Green Lake is dry, hard, and hot which symbolize Stanley's
feelings of being trapped and sad while God's Thumb is green and fertile which symbolize
Stanley's feelings of being free and happy.
6. __________ In Holes, the physical environment is a symbol of Stanley's feelings.
7. __________ Onions signify a healing power in the novel.
8. __________ Onions - A Food Rich in Sugar and Oil
9. __________ Over 3,000 species of lizards live throughout the world with the largest
number living in warm climates.
10. __________ The Yellow Spotted Lizard in Holes represents death.
Practice 2
Read the following report about bullying, then answer the multiple choice questions that
A bully is a person who is mean or hurtful to others. Bullies often use a combination
of threats and shame to annoy others. Bullies may hurt others physically by hitting,
kicking or pushing. They may also be mean by calling names, teasing, leaving a kid out
of the group on purpose, or scaring others. Some bullies many even threaten people or try
to make people do things they don't want to do.
Bullying is a problem that affects many kids. Bullies may cause a person to feel
scared, worried, or embarrassed. The stress of being bullied may even make a person feel
physically ill. Having a bully around may make a person afraid to go to the restroom,
lunchroom, or playground. Worrying about a bully may affect a person's ability to
concentrate on schoolwork.
People become bullies for a number of reasons. Some are looking for attention. They
think that bullying is a way to be more popular. By being a bully a person is trying to
make himself feel more powerful. Some bullies come from families in which name
calling and pushing others around is a normal way to act. These bullies are just copying
what they have learned from home.
Dealing with a bully may be difficult, but there are some things you can do.
Sometimes you may turn a bully off just by acting brave. If you walk away, a bully will
be less likely to give you trouble. You may also tell a bully to stop teasing or scaring
someone else. Telling an adult is important. Teachers and parents can help. Go to recess,
lunch, etc. with a buddy. Often bullies try to get a person alone before bullying. Finally
don't bully back. Fighting back gives the bully what he is looking for.
In most incidences bullies get into trouble. If they continue to bully others, eventually
they have few friends. The power they wish slips away. Bullies who wish popularity soon
realize that they are labeled as troublemakers.
1. Which sentence is the thesis statement for the first paragraph?
a) Characteristics of Bullies
b) A bully is a person who harasses a weaker peer physically, mentally, or
c) Researchers agree that bullying contains three elements: aggressive and
negative behavior, behavior is carried out repeatedly, one person has power over
d) One form of bullying is spreading gossip.
2. Which sentence is the thesis statement for the second paragraph?
a) Persistent bullying may have a number of effects on an individual.
b) On March 21, 1993 Curtis Taylor committed suicide about being bullied for
three years.
c) In the 1990s, the United States witnessed many school shootings which were
connected to bullying.
d) Effects of bullying
3. Which sentence is the thesis statement for the third paragraph?
a) Reasons for Bullying
b) It is often said that bullies bully because they have low self esteem.
c) Eighty-five percent of the time another kid witnesses a bully acting out.
d) People become bullies to gain attention, to become more popular, to feel power
over others, and because they are copying behaviors of others.
4. Which sentence is the thesis statement for the fourth paragraph?
a) Several victims have been suing bullies directly.
b) Many schools have programs designed to teach students cooperation.
c) Kids who are being bullied can turn the situation around by trying several
d) Dealing with Bullies
5. To gather more information about about bullying, the most reliable source would
a) an encyclopedia
b) a fictional story
c) a tabloid newspaper
d) an entertaining TV show
Practice 3
Write a thesis statement for each set of words.
1. red nail polish
2. sympathize
unacceptable by society
3. Trout Walker
Practice: Creating Thesis Statements
Using what you have learned in English class, change the following topics into thesis
statements. Don’t remember how? Here’s a hint: subject + your opinion = thesis.
Example- Topic: Controlling the pet population through spaying and neutering
Thesis: Controlling the pet population through spaying and neutering is very important because it
helps prevent the birth of unwanted and neglected animals.
1. TOPIC: School uniforms
2. TOPIC: Your parents and trust
3. TOPIC: Drinking and driving
4. TOPIC: Fossil fuel emissions
5. TOPIC: Smoking marijuana
6. TOPIC: Animal testing
7. TOPIC: Changing high schools
8. TOPIC: Endangered species protection
9. TOPIC: Life on other planets
10. TOPIC: Art museums
11. TOPIC: Dance clubs
12. TOPIC: Nutritious foods
13. TOPIC: Darwin’s theory of evolution
14. TOPIC: Going to college
15. TOPIC: Legalizing gay marriages