Metabolic flux analysis of L-arginine of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Guohui Li, Dondguang Xiao Guohui Li, Qiding Zhong, Zhenghe Xiong Key Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology (Ministry of Education) School of Biological Engineering, Tianjin University of Science & Technology Tianjin, China e-mail: National Standard Center of Food & Fermentation China National Research Institute of Food & Fermentation Industries Beijing, China e-mail: Abstract—Metabolic network of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae was established and modified by stoichiometry. The concentrations of extra-cellular metabolites were determined under quasi-steady state (18h~20h) of the batch culture. The metabolic flux distribution maps of L-arginine was obtained and analyzed. This study indicate that the flux of L-arginine account for 0.30% of the total. Based on metabolic flux analysis, the main nodes are pyruvic acid and glutamic acid. The analysis may play an important role in helping fermentation industry to control ethyl carbamate metabolism for further reduction of rice wine fermentation process. In the process of Chinese yellow rice winemaking, the main parameters during fermentation period exactly fell in the interval. It was reported that 90% of EC in Chinese yellow rice wine was formed by the reaction between urea and ethanol [4]. However, there are no available studies on the formation of EC in Chinese yellow rice wine. Metabolic flux of L-arginine of S. cerevisiae from glucose in batch culture was analyzed according to flux balance model which we established in this paper. II. Keywords- Saccharomyces cerevisiae; L-arginine; metabolic flux analysis; amino acid I. INTRODUCTION Ethyl carbamate (EC, urethane) that widely exists infermented food, occurs naturally in the process of fermentation and storage. It has been reported that EC shows a potential for carcinogenity as administered in high doses in vivo[1]. Thus, the wine industry is interested in developing suitable methods to reduce EC level in the final products. The previous investigation indicates that the formation of EC in alcoholic beverage is mainly related to its precursor, urea, which was carried out by yeasts from arginine, reacts with ethanol under specific conditions during winemaking and storage[2]. L-Arginine is not only a conditionally essential basic amino acid primarily involved in urea metabolism and excretion as well as DNA synthesis, but also a semi-essential amino acid of human and animal body. However, it would be a harmful substance as a by-product of fermentation. Flux balance analysis (FBA) has been used extensively for predicting cellular growth and product secretion patterns in microbial systems [3]. Extensions of classical FBA allow the redesign of metabolic networks for the overproduction of desired metabolites through gene deletions and insertions, which are implemented by removing or adding intracellular reactions to the network. These computational methods provide metabolic engineering targets that are experimentally testable. Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Number: 311101333) MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Microorganism S. cerevisiae SCFF-Y-032 was provided by rice wine factory (Shao Xing, China). B. Fermentation Conditions The mineral medium used for cultivation containing 20 g/L glucose, 0.5 g/L (NH4)2HPO4, 1.0 g/L (NH4)2SO4, 0.05 g/L MgSO4 •7 H2O, 0.025 g/L citric acid, 0.5 g/L KCl, 0.03 g/L CaCl2•2 H2O, 3 mg/L FeCl3•6 H2O, 2.1 mg/L MnSO4•H2O, 1.8 mg/L ZnSO4•7 H2O, 0.5 mg/LCuSO4•5 H2O, 60.3 mg/L myoinositol, 30 mg/L Ca-panthotenate, 6 mg/L thiamin•HCl, 1.5 mg/L pyridoxine•HCl, 0.03 mg/L biotin and 50 mmol/L phosphate buffer (pH 6.2). All chemicals were of analytical grade and purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, USA). Cultivations were performed in a shake flask with a culture volume of 100 ml at 30°C and 150 rpm. C. Determination of extracellular concentration of metabolites Residual glucose was measured by SBA-Biosensor (Shandong Academy of Sciences). Ethanol was analyzed by automated biochemical analyzer (Konelab Arena20). Cell concentration was measured with ultraviolet spectrophotometer under the wavelength of 600 nm. Acetic acid, glycerol and amino acids were determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (WATERS). D. The method of establishing flux balance model A flux balance model based on a steady-state metabolic network reconstruction is developed for in silico analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism and arginine metabolism in batch culture. To analysis the availability of stoichiometric models of cellular metabolism, a popular approach is flux balance analysis (FBA), where a linear programming problem is posed to resolve the intracellular fluxes in an underdetermined stoichiometric model under the assumption that the cell utilizes available resources for growth rate maximization [5]. E. Analysis of accumulation rates of metabolites The accumulation rates of metabolites were calculated by the following equation (1): V (C 20 C 18) 1000 2MW (1) In which V is accumulation rate of metabolite (mmol•L-1h), C20 and C18 is the metabolite concentration at 20h and 18h, respectively (g•L-1), MW is the molecular weight of metabolite. 1 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The central metabolic routes, biosynthetic pathways towards the different amino acids were implemented. In most researches amino acid formation was carried out by a single pathway in either one of the two compartments. Exceptions are the biosynthesis of alanine and glycine. For alanine biosynthesis a cytosolic and a mitochondrial pathway was implemented in the model. In addition to the known mitochondrial route, a cytoplasmic alanine amino transferase, generating alanine from cytosolic pyruvate, was recently identified in S. cerevisiae. For glycine the alternative route via threonine aldolase [6] was taken into account in addition to the synthesis from serine.Finally, complete content and organizational editing before formatting. A. Establish model of L-arginine The analysis shows that the carbon skeleton of L-arginine, energy and reducing power are mainly from glucose. In addition to the central metabolic pathway of glycolysis, pentose phosphate cycle and tricarboxylic acid cycle, the synthesis pathway of 18 amino acids also are considered in this model. Meanwhile, ethanol and acetic acid are the main metabolites of S. cerevisiae, as well as glycerol. According to above-mentioned theory and the research results of Nissen [7], by using flux balance analysis, the metabolic network of Larginine and equations of equilibrium were constructed (Fig I). Metabolite pools were established according to metabolic network of L-arginine synthesis: Glucose 6-phosphate: r1-r2-r8=0 (1) Ribulose 5- phosphate: r8-r9-r10=0 (2) Xylulose 5- phosphate: r9-r11-r12=0 (3) Ribose 5- phosphate: r10-r11-r22=0 (4) Erythrose 4-phosphate: r13-r12-r18=0 (5) Sedoheptulose 7-phosphate: r11-r13=0 (6) Fructose 6-phosphate: r2-2r3+r12+r13=0 (7) Gylceraldehyde-3-phosphate: r3-r4+r11+r12-r13+r39+r46=0 (8) 3-Phosphoglycerate: r4-r5-r19 =0 (9) Phosphoenolpyruvate: r5-r6-r18-r17=0 (10) Pyruvate: r6-r7-r23-r25-r32-r41=0 (11) Acetyl Coenzyme A: r7-r14-r21-r27-r33+r44=0 (12) α-ketoglutarate: r14-r15-r16+r19+r38+r23+r26+r27+r29+r32+ r33+r35+r36+r37=0 (13) Glutamate: r15-r19-r23-r24-r26-r27-r28-r29-r32-2r33-r35-r36r37+r39=0 (14) Glutamine: r24 -r38-r39=0 (15) Oxaloacetic acid: r16 -r14-r29+r33+r17=0 (16) Serine: r19-r20-r21-r39=0 (17) Chorismate: r18-r34-r39=0 (18) α-ketoisovalerate: r25-r26-r27=0 (19) Threonine: r30-r32=0 (20) Aspartic acid: r29-r30-r31-r33=0 (21) NADPH: 2r8+r14-r15-r18-r25-2r28-2r29-2r30-r31-r32-r33 +r36-2r37+1/2 r43=0 (22) PrePhA: r34-r35-r36=0 (23) Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate: r22-r38-r39=0 (24) Acetaldehyde: r41-r42-r43=0 (25) Acetate: r43-r44=0 (26) Glycerol-3-phosphate: r45-r40=0 (27) Dihydroxyacetone- phosphate: r3-r45-r46=0 (28) There were 28 equations and 46 unknown numbers in this matrix of metabolic flux. The degrees of freedom in this system were 18, it means that we must measure the formation and consumption rats of 18 kinds of metabolites to determine the flux distribution in metabolic network. The extracellular concentration of glucose, ethanol, acetic acid, glycerol and some amino acids was measured in this research at different fermentation times. Figure I. Simplified metabolic network of L-arginine synthesis for S. cerevisiae. B. Metabolic flux analysis of L- arginine In the fermentation process sample and analysis on time, then draw out the curves of yeast fermentation process (Figure II). synthetic flux of other 17 amino acids, such as Ala, His, Pro, Lys, etc, which would set the stage for the researches on amino acid metabolism during rice wine production in future. TABLE II. Figure II. Fermentation time courses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae From the analysis of this figure, the yeast entered stable phase after 18h. We could suppose this state was pseudo steady state. It meant that intracellular metabolic intermediates accumulation rate was zero. Meanwhile, accumulation rate of L-arginine was faster between 18h~20h. Consequently, the concentrations of extracellular metabolites were determined at fermentation 18h and 20h (Table I). Then the accumulation rates of metabolites were calculated by the following equation (1). Arginine metabolic flux was simulated by software of MATLAB 2009a (table II) TABLE I. ACCUMULATION RATE OF METABOLITES Metabolite Accumulation rate(mmol/h·L) glucose ethanol 1.972 1.8598 acetate glycerol 0.03845 1.598 arginine 0.002939 cysteine 0.0007371 phenylalanine arginine isoleucine leucine proline methionine 0.0004541 0.02695 0.002930 0.001143 0.001789 0.001913 valine 0.0004473 glycine 0.006097 lysine tyrosine tryptophan histidine 0.006476 0.0002257 0.001300 0.004930 In the whole metabolism network, glutamate and ethanol account for the proportion of total flux which is 3.64 and 47.26, respectively. That results has no obvious difference with the data of Nissen [7] and Oliver [8]. Furthermore, L-arginine took up 0.30 of the total flux. In this study we also analyzed the METABOLIC FLUX DISTRIBUTION Reaction Rate r1 100* r2 93.88 r3 46.94 r4 86.78 r5 86.45 r6 85.60 r7 6.90 r8 6.12 r9 2.88 r10 3.24 r11 2.93 r12 -0.05 r13 0.05 r14 7.45 r15 3.64 r16 7.03 r17 0.75 r18 0.10 r19 0.34 r20 0.31 r21 0.13 r22 0.32 r23 1.37 *Glucose was considered 100. Reaction r24 r25 r26 r27 r28 r29 r30 r31 r32 r33 r34 r35 r36 r37 r38 r39 r40 r41 r42 r43 r44 r45 r46 Rate 0.63 0.08 0.02 0.06 0.09 0.39 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.30 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.33 0.25 0.07 8.01 47.61 47.26 0.35 0.31 8.01 38.84 C. Main nodes analysis Synthetic rate of metabolites were controlled by enzyme activities in metabolic pathway. However, the accumulation of metabolites was the synthetic result of various nodes flux distribution. Flux of the mainly nodes which effected Larginine synthesis, including pyruvate and glutamate, was analyzed, according to metabolic network of L-arginine synthesis. These provided theoretical basis for flux distribution of amino acid metabolism. As shown in table II, the flux of pyruvate nodes was more complex than others. There is 85.60 flux from phosphoenolpyruvate into pyruvate node. And then the flux would be distributed into different pathway, including AcCoA 6.90, Lys 0.33, Ile 0.15, Ala 1.37 and α-ketoisovalerate 0.08(0.02(Val)+0.06(Leu)). The most flux was Ala in all the amino acid, and L-lysine was the largest product outflow branch at node of L-aspartic acid. The synthesis of L-leucine consumed 0.15 AcCoA in the next way. Figure III. Effective metabolic flux distribution at the glutamate node L-glutamate was the precursor and the first reactants of 8step reaction during the L-arginine biosynthesis. The accumulation of L-arginine was directly related to flux distribution in this node. Table III indicates that the flux distribution at the glutamate node. As the L-glutamate was the amine donor in amino acid biosynthesis, syntheses of other amino acids led to plenty of ineffective metabolic circulation during α-ketoglutarate and Lglutamate. This result was consistent to previous researches. Arginine was the final metabolites of branched metabolic pathway and its synthesis was regulated by itself. Acetylglutamate kinase which was inhibited by L-arginine was the key enzyme. It was feedback inhibited and repressed by Larginine. Thus, accumulation of L-arginine was determined by the degree of relieving the feedback inhibition and repression of acetylglutamate kinase. It was important to reduce effective metabolic flux of L-arginine and improve the synthesis of other amino acids through by decreasing the resistant level of Saccharomyces cerevisiae L-arginine analogue. L-arginine was precursor of EC. Current study would provide more evidences for illustrating EC distribution and formation during Chinese yellow rice winemaking. IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Our research was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Number: 311101333), express cordial acknowledgment here! REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] CONCLUSION In this research, a metabolic model of Saccharomyces cerevisiae L-arginine was established according to flux balance analysis. The L-arginine metabolic pathway was simulated accurate in vivo of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. L-arginine took up 0.30 of the total flux. It provided a theoretical basis to control synthesis of L-arginine. We also analyzed the synthetic flux of other 17 amino acids, such as Ala, His, Pro, Lys, etc, which would set the stage for the researches on amino acid metabolism during rice wine production in future. [7] [8] D.F. Stevens, C.S. 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