Book Title :A Tale of Two Cities Author :Charles Dickens Publisher

Book Title
:A Tale of Two Cities
:Charles Dickens
:Commercial Press
“A Tale of Two Cities” is one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens. It is
set in the time of French Revolution. It is about love and sacrifice.
In the story, the main characters are Charles Darnay, Sydney Carton and Luice
Manette. Darnay and Sydney looked alike. Darnay was the descendant of a French
nobles but he felt resentful to the other noble families who oppressed the laborer.
Therefore he gave up the inheritance of the property. He went to London to teach
French. Sydney was a British lawyer. He was a genius but was a cynical guy. They
both loved Lucie. Although Sydney loved Lucie, she loved Darnay. When the French
Revolution broke out, Darnay was arrested and he would be sentenced to death.
Because Sydney looked like Darnay so he dressed up as Darnay to help him. Finally
Sydney died and Darnay escaped to Paris with Lucie.
The first chapter of the story is "The times". The opening of this chapter is "It was
the best of times. It was the worst of times." This sentence shows that French
Revolution was a critical period for French. The French were happy as they were
striving for freedom. However the price was great as many people were killed in this
period of time.
I think we man must learn from Sydney. When we are helping others, we must not
think what we will get. We have to be a modest person. Then no one will hate you and
we should know how to sacrifice, too.
About helping others, I think no one will help the person that you hate. So
nowadays a lot of people are selfish and refuse to offer help. I think if we do not
forgive someone you dislike, then you will be upset. And he or she will not be friend
with you. Oppositely, if we forgive him or her, he or she will be happy.
Nowadays just a few people know how to be modest. I think modesty is a good
quality. I think if all of us are modest, then the world will be more beautiful.