FHSS, Bond University, QLD Australia Latin America Department of International Relations R. James Ferguson © 2006 Lecture 7 The Struggle for Democracy: Chile as a Reform Model Topics: 1. Democracy? - Which Democracy? 2. Democracy in the Context of Development 3. Chile: From Problematic Socialism to an Entrenched Democracy? 4. Argentina: Military Rule and Re-democratisation 5. Democracy, Neo-Liberalism and Economic Crisis 6. Bibliography and Resources 1. Democracy? - Which Democracy? 'Democracy' is a term routinely deployed in international relations, in newspapers, in political argument, and in current debates concerning globalisation. It is indeed one of the most important concepts in the current assessment of the legitimacy of governments and the kind of prestige they have in the international system. Disguised behind all this, however, is the fact the term democracy itself is fiercely disputed and that several different types of democracy can discerned behind this one word. Nor should be assume that democracy is equivalent to 'liberal democracy' (with its strong emphasis on liberty and the rights of the individual), nor necessarily entirely compatible with a rapid shift to free-market capitalism and the current pattern of financial capitalism (neo-liberalism). We need to pause and briefly look at this issue before we go on the assess patterns of political change in Chile, and in lesser detail Argentina and Latin America as a whole (see Schultz 2001). Democratisation, as it turns out, requires much more than simply a shift to an electoral process with opposition parties. It involves institutional, cultural and social aspects if it is to endure through crises and economic down turns. Democracy, of course, derives from the Greek word demos and literally means the rule of the people. Traditionally, it goes back to one pattern in Greek city states such as Athens and Samos, where for a time citizens (excluding slaves and women) had political power through various forms of direct representation, election officials, and the democratic jury system (see Farrar 1988; Finley 1985; Ober 1989; Sinclair 1988). In the modern period, democracies tend to be representative democracies, based largely on the election of officials into senates, congresses and parliaments (Burnheim 1985; Duncan 1983; Watson & Barbar 1990), and for much of Latin America, the direct election of the President. On this basis, many of these countries can be said to be procedural democracies, i.e. that have an electoral process and political system that look like a democracy. However, as we have seen, Latin American democracies have also been shaped by Presidentialism and populism, with a strong emphasis on the executive power of presidents, on an organic corporatist notion of the state, or on a direct mass political participation (see lecture 2). Neo-populism and new forms of mass mobilisation, in particular, have had a strong impact on the politics of resistance in Mexico (ELZN), land reform and social justice in Brazil (the MST and the politics of the Worker's Party), resistance of indigenous peoples throughout the Andes' Region, and in the popularity of President Chavez in Venezuela (see lectures 2-6). Lecture 7: 1 A lot more, however, needs to be established before a country can be genuinely democratic, i.e. allocating real power to the broad mass of people and diverse groups in fair or just way, i.e. some degree of political pluralism. Thus elections needed to contested with a genuine opposition and viable opposition parties, there needs to be a relatively open media, a relatively fair court system to avoid exclusion and unfair prosecution of political candidates, and the army has to be willing to accept the process and outcome of elections, even if a certain degree of political instability and unpredictable change is generated. Even under these conditions, it is possible that political elites will tend to dominate established political parties, leading to a selfserving political system in which the real needs and interests of many citizens can still be marginalised (see Llosa 2001; Coe & Wilber 1985; Di Palma 1970; Graebner 1987; Michels 1958; Miller 1987; Pateman 1970; Riley 1988; Schumpeter 1954), a problem experienced, as we have seen, to some degree even in contemporary Brazil and Mexico. This means we need to study democratic transition within its economic, cultural and developmental context. Likewise, in modern thought, democracies should not only empower majority rule, but should also protect minority rights, human rights more generally, and individual liberties, i.e. we often speak of liberal democracies which balance these difference needs. We have already seen that in the past, various Latin American states have fallen short of these requirements even when allowing elections, e.g. Mexico's Partido Revolucionario Institutional (the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI) limited the ability of a genuine opposition to form through its control of the press and its vast mobilisation of state resources (Klesner 2001 p107; Ruiz 1992, p449), while even Cuba has local elections but does not allow genuine opposition parties. Likewise, a country such as Venezuela under President Chavez has favoured a mobilisation of popular, direct participation designed to support a strongly Presidentialist system that undermines the powers of other elected officials (Ellner 2001; Levine 1999). At a deeper level, a democratic country needs not just a democratic procedure, but a range of democratic institutions, a generally democratic culture that is willing to accept opposition and debate, and probably the beginnings of a viable civil society if it is to sustain a balanced democratic system (Nathan 1990; Nathan 1993). The good news is that over the last fifteen years democratic systems has made serious progress in many Latin American countries, e.g. in Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Argentina. The bad news is that the full package needed to support deeply democratic societies that are also stable has not yet been forged across the hemisphere. This can be demonstrated through a brief assessment of Chile, drawing in some other secondary examples. Several assumptions are often made in foreign policy on the basis of preferring democratic systems of governance. The U.S., the European Union, NATO and the OAS in particular, claim to link levels of recognition, trade and membership requirements, or levels of diplomatic and military support, to perceived patterns of democratisation and respect for human rights. The EU does this in a fairly consistent but limited manner (e.g. through democracy requirements within framework and associational agreements), the U.S. in a more variable way often linked to its national interest and the needs of domestic and security politics (for U.S. policy in 2 relation to Chile, see Hickman 1998; for these factors in the Bush administration, see Dobriansky and Carothers 2003). For example, the U.S. was willing to allow and indeed covertly support the Pinochet military coup in Chile in 1973, but pressure from the U.S. Congress also led to the reduction of military assistance to Chile due to human rights problems from 1976 (Webber 2005; see further below). This is done partly on the basis of old ideological concerns (democracy verses communism from the Cold War period), but also on the assumption that functioning democracies will be more peaceful and fit more effectively into the norms of the current global system. These claims in favour of democracy in the international system, though partially disputed, include: 1) Claims that democracies are fairer (more just) societies and support human rights more effectively, but this may require certain legal and developmental conditions (Silva 1999; Rawls 1971). This may only be true if democratic leaders have control of the military and police, and so long as economic conditions do not undermine societies, e.g. a democratic Argentina and a democratic Indonesia may have fairer political systems than before, but due to past economic and social crises had severe limitations in how far they can actively support and sustain political and social rights. Likewise, democratic transition in Venezuela and Haiti have been violence prone and distorted by mobilised interest groups. 2) Democracies are sometimes viewed as more compatible with capitalism and market economies, itself viewed as a form of economic democracy (i.e. enhancing economic and consumer choices). From this point of view, such countries may be more likely to open their borders to trade and neo-liberal reform policies. However, democracies impose limits on elite decision-making, and allow a strong critique of market capitalism, e.g. in Brazil, Argentina and India. Furthermore, extremely rapid economic opening may tend to destabilise new democracies and create severe social problems, e.g. localised levels of poverty in Mexico. Simultaneous transition to market economies and democratic systems can lead to serious instability, as almost happened in Mexico through the mid-1990s. 3) In a line of thought going back to Immanuel Kant's essay Perpetual Peace, 'democratic peace' theory suggests that democratic states are unlikely to go to war with each other. On this basis, an entirely democratic Latin America would also be internationally very stable, a vision already established in the early origins of the Organisation of American States (see lecture 8). This theory, once regarded as a truism in international relations, has begun to be challenged in certain cases (see Schwartz 2002; Cederman 2001; De Mesquita 2001). States which are in transition to democracy sometimes experience high levels of nationalism, and unresolved historical claims can sometimes be brought into play politically in discontented states, e.g. in parts of the Caucasus and former Yugoslavia where procedural (but otherwise very limited) democracies exist. Likewise, it is uncertain that further democratic reform in Pakistan would end its tensions with India, or that a more democratic China would automatically agree with the United States on the future role of the PRC in world affairs. Democratic states have less internal pressure or domestic benefit from adventurist wars, but may still compete with other democracies economically and diplomatically, and Lecture 7: 3 where real interests are at stake might clash violently. Likewise, the democratic peace theory does not deal adequately deal with revolutionary wars, nor civil wars, which are sometimes fought out over differing shades of democratic representation or national self-determination (see Schwartz 2002). In the case of Mexico-U.S. relations, for example, a more open and democratic Mexico will not automatically solve social and economic problems across their shared border. 4) In general terms, democracies may allow greater rights to women and allow their fuller participation in society. In Latin America there were major social constraints to this participation. They included the culture of male 'machismo' whereby 'male virtues' such as aggression, assertiveness, and protection of honour were highly prised (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p62). Furthermore, the female stereotype of marianismo (named after the Virgin Mary) tended to exalt notions of propriety, humility, sacrifice, and the role of mothers, thereby also presenting a certain social barrier (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p63). However, female suffrage did come to Latin America, with most states giving women the vote between 1929 and 1961 (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p64). Since this time, however, women have taken on major political roles, as leaders, activists in community organisations, and as those willing to protest crimes conducted by the military, e.g. in Chile and Argentina. External Resource: For one mapping of value systems go to the World Values Survey at http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/ 5) Lastly, progress towards a democratic culture may also need to rely on constellations of related values, including the role of religion, secularisation, relative wealth, and the degree towards which expressions of individual values are tolerated and accepted as part of political liberty. In such a system, political culture may be as important as democratic institutions. One mapping of such values, suggested by the World Values Survey, would suggest that high levels of rational and secular tolerance, combined with tolerance for individual expression, may form the underpinnings for stable democratic cultures. Thus, it may be necessary to modify the democratic peace theory in the light of a range of associated cultural factors: Cultural identity has become prominent in studies of world politics in the postCold War era. First, a growing literature in world politics has emerged that focuses on the impact of social culture, broadly conceived as the shared religious, racial or ethnolinguistic characteristics of a society. The significance of this aspect of culture is epitomized in studies focusing on 'ethnic conflicts', 'ethnic security dilemmas', and most prominently in Huntington's 'clash of civilizations' thesis, which suggests, among other things, that shared civilization membership is the fulcrum upon which post-Cold War era world politics rests. Secondly, the impact of political culture, broadly conceived as the shared norms and institutions guiding political behaviour in a society, has become increasingly salient, as evidenced by the bourgeoning literature on the democratic peace thesis, which posits that the extent to which a state (or pair of states) is democratic is a major determinant of its war-proneness. Adherents of this view argue either that although democracies are just as war-prone as non-democracies they rarely fight other democracies, or that democracies are more peaceful than non-democracies, in general. (Henderson 2004) 4 2. Democracy in the Context of Development To understand the broad pattern of political development in Latin America, it is necessary to briefly position it against the national and economic development of these countries. Ongoing social, economic, and political changes are to some degree linked: If we are to understand modern Latin America it must be placed in the context of global economic expansion, beginning with the Conquest of the sixteenth century. Within this system, Latin America has occupied an essentially subordinate or "peripheral" position, pursuing economic paths that have been largely shaped by the industrial powers of Europe and the United States. These economic developments have brought about transitions in the social order and class structure, and these changes in turn have crucially affected political change. We thus begin with a set of simplified causal relationships: economic changes produce social changes which furnish the context for political change. (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p42) This means, that it is possible in very general terms to correlate patterns of economic development, social change, and political outcomes (see Table 1). The leading question we ask is: What would a sixth phase look like? Would it simply duplicate North American or European models, or would specific local features remain? Table 1 Patterns of Change in Latin America (adapted from Skidmore & Smith 2001, Table 2-1, p62). Economic Development Social Change Typical Political Outcome Phase 1 (1880-1900) Initiation of Exportimport growth Modernisation of elite, commercial sector, new professionals Oligarchic democracy or integrating dictatorship Phase 2 (1900-1930) Export-import expansion Appearance of middle class, working class Co-optative democracy Phase 3 (1930-1960s) Import-substituting industrialization Formation of elite, growing working class Populism or co-optative democracy Phase 4 Stagnation in (1960s - 1980s) import-substitution, some export growth Sharpening of political and class conflict Bureaucraticauthoritarian regime Phase 5 (1980s - 2001) Increased mobilisation of middle and lower classes Incomplete electoral democracy, (with military veto) Economic crisis, neo-liberal reform, gradual recovery Certain patterns of political authority had developed in Latin America had developed from the 19th century: either landowners and social elites that keep control of government and create a limited 'oligarchic democracy' (as in Chile), or a tendency for a dictator or strongman, often from the army, to seize control in the Lecture 7: 5 name of law and order, as in the Porfirio Díaz regime (1876-1910) in Mexico (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p46). However, through the early 20th century, labour groups and workers begin to able to organise, influence exports, and to claim a greater share in political and economic power, sometimes leading to partial reform, but in other cases to political conflict. In particular, urban, professional middle-class interest in liberal reform (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p51) does not always extend to effective rural reform for peasants (Kay 1999). Through the 1960s and 70s import substitution industrialisation strategies did not lead to sustained economic growth, and this combined with increased unemployed and political crises led to the forceful intervention of the military which ran repressive regimes, e.g. Brazil 1964, Argentina 1966, and Chile 1973 (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p56). In turn, these regimes created 'bureaucratic-authoritarian' states designed to clamp down on dissent, restore economic growth, and consolidate cooperate with international economic forces and transnational corporations (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p57), often with a strong technocratic orientation. At the same time, many of these countries increased their borrowing and debt, e.g. Latin American debt rose from $27 billion in 1970 to $231 billion by 1980 (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p58). This led in the 1980s to a debt crisis in most of these countries, with high levels of debt servicing, and in many cases the intervention of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to help these countries, but only under stringent conditions of structural adjustment. This locked many of these countries more firmly into the global economy, but also reduced their ability to maintain government initiatives, social services and developmental programs (see Brown 1999). We have seen several examples of this already, e.g. Mexico and Brazil. We can no look further at two very divergent examples. Chile seems to have adapted relatively well to these pressures of globalisation, while Argentina's path has led to a viable but troubled democracy. 3. Chile: From Problematic Socialism to an Entrenched Democracy? Chile from the 19th century developed a relatively strong economy based on agriculture, nitrates, silver and copper mining, and in the 1990s emerged as a diversified free market economy (Hudson 1994). During the 19th century a small elite managed to run a 'oligarchic democracy' based on control of the political system, at first through the Conservative Party, then via the influence of 'strongman' Diego Portales through the 1830s (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p107). By the later part of the century, however, this elite wished to continue effective government but avoid the rise of dictators: this led to the new Constitution of 1871 which stopped Presidents from serving two consecutive terms, and improved the power of Congress to hold government ministers accountable. The period of 1861-1891 thus came to known as the period of the Liberal Republic, but economic problems in the later 19th century led to creation of the Radical Party (1863) and the Democratic Party (1887) which articulated 'mass demands' for workers rights, free education, and a more open and democratic political system (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p113). In general, Chile seemed to have strong political credentials and a strong historical trend towards democracy: Chile, after Uruguay, traditionally has been one of South America's best educated and most stable and politically sophisticated nations. Chile enjoyed constitutional and democratic government for most of its history as a republic, particularly after the 6 adoption of the 1833 constitution. After a period of quasi-dictatorial rule in the 1920s and early 1930s, Chile developed a reputation for stable democratic government. Like Uruguayans, Chileans have benefited from state-run universities, welfare institutions, and, beginning in 1952, a national health system. (Hudson 1994). In general terms, the Constitution of Chile was inspired by that of the United States, while after 1833 Chile decided not to follow a federal model (Hudson 1994). Improvements in copper mining, the early mainstay of the economy, the strong reliance on copper exports through the 20th century, the issue of foreign control (largely U.S. ownership) of copper companies, and the development of unionised workers, first in the nitrate mining of the north, then in other mining areas, helped create a volatile mix of economic dependence and political grievance (Skidmore & Smith 2001, pp110-111). Even through 2005-2006, the government of Chile has remained reliant on strong copper prices to help underwrite its promises for improved education and social welfare policies. Chile: Selected Political Timeline 1540-2000 (updated from Hudson 1994) 1540 Feb. 12, 1541 1603 1759-96 Sept. 18, 1810 Oct. 2, 1814 Feb. 12, 1817 1817 April 5, 1818 August 1818 1818-30 April 17, 1830 1830-61 1830-37 1833 1836-39 January 1839 1861-91 1879-83 1883 1891 1891-1925 1925 Sept. 4, 1970 Sept. 11, 1973 Sept. 1973-90 1980 1988 1990 March 11, 1994 January 2000 Pedro de Valdivia conquers Chile. Valdivia founds Santiago. First army-like force, or militia, established in Chile. Bourbon reforms give Chile greater independence from Viceroyalty of Peru. Criollo leaders of Santiago declare independence from Spain. The Reconquest Spanish troops from Peru reconquer Chile at Battle of Rancagua. Troops led by Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme, father of Chile, and General José de San Martín defeat Spanish in Battle of Chacabuco. O'Higgins (1817-23) becomes supreme director of Chile. Chile wins formal independence after San Martín defeats last large Spanish force in Battle of Maipú. First provisional constitution approved in plebiscite. Period of civil wars. Liberals defeated by Conservatives at Battle of Lircay. Period of Conservative rule. "Portalian State" initiated by businessman Diego Portales Palazuelos, who dominates politics. New Portalian constitution implemented. Chile wages war against Peru-Bolivia Confederation. Chile wins war by defeating Peruvian fleet at Casma and Bolivian Army at Yungay. Period of Liberal rule. Chile wages war against Bolivia and Peru in War of the Pacific. Chile seals victory with Treaty of Ancón. Civil war pits supporters of President José Manuel Balmaceda Fernández against Congress, which wins. Period of Parliamentary Republic. Chile's second major constitution approved. Popular Unity's Salvador Allende Gossens wins presidential election. Military led by General Augusto Pinochet Ugarte overthrows Allende government. Period of military rule under General Pinochet. New military-designed constitution is approved in a plebiscite. Plebiscite held on Pinochet rule. Transition to democracy begins with presidency of Patricio Aylwin Azócar. Presidency of Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle Ricardo Lagos, socialist candidate, wins elections Lecture 7: 7 In spite of some political opening by the elite, this relatively peaceful political system received a rude shock in the civil war of 1891. In part this was driven by President Balmaceda's desire 'to increase government intervention in the economy' in order 'to pay for the building of new railways, roads, and urban infrastructure' (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p113-114). It was also a conflict over Congressional verses Presidential powers, with the efforts of the President to select his successor being blocked. Conservative financial and mining interests also opposed the president's reforms, with the President being defeated in a bloody civil war from which a Parliamentary Republic emerged (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p114). This democracy, though not widely based, did have a strong Congress which could limit presidential power, though Congress in turn tended to be dominated by landed elites (Hudson 1994). Instability emerged again in 1921 when President Alessandri tried to push through labour and welfare reforms opposed by conservatives: the military intervened to end the deadlock in 1924, with the army taking on a major role. From 1925 this led to emergence of Colonel Carlos Ibãnez as a strongman who was elected president by Congress in 1927 and maintained power down to 1931, jailing opposition elements and suspending civil liberties (Skidmore & Smith 2001, pp116-117). This indicated that the military was willing to play a role in managing the state, with interventions occurring in 1891, 1924, 1925, 1932 and 1973 (Hudson 1994). However, from 1932 down to 1973 Chile was able to maintain a mass democracy with widely divergent parties competing for power, making its system somewhat similar to West European rather than Latin American systems (Hudson 1994). In the post-World War II period party politics became extremely active and fiercely contested, with an active and relatively well informed electorate: 80% of registered voters turned out for elections (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p121). Indeed, by this period political parties had 'policitized schools, unions, professional associations, the media, and virtually all other components of national life.' (Hudson 1994). From 1952 the strongman General Carlos Ibãnez returned to the scene, was elected and sought to cure the problems financial problems by turning to the IMF, but soon found this path extremely unpopular with the unions and with a range of leftist parties (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p121). From 1958 President Jorge Alessandri also pursued conservative economic policies designed to avoid inflation, but in the end was unable to gain more revenues from the largely foreign-owned copper companies, incensing nationalists and leftist alike (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p123). In part this explains the victory of the Christian Democratic party's candidate Eduardo Frei in 1958, who came forward as a centrist candidate, in part winning support from the rightist parties (and gaining some CIA election funding) as a way of heading off the policies of the left (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p124). Indeed, recently revealed documents suggest that the US had spent a total of $1 billion dollars up to 1970 in support of moderate and rightist parties in order to prevent a feared left-wing take over (Webber 2005 following Kornbluh 2003). President Frei also tried to solve the problem of gaining more for the national budget from Chile's main resource, copper mining. His plan for the Chilean government to buy further ownership of the mines to secure 51% of ownership and then invest in expanded processing facilities was controversial, with left verses right debating the value of this approach to Chile (for differing interpretations, see Skidmore & Smith 2001, p125; Hudson 1994). Land reform policies were also carried out slowly, and did not meet popular expectations. 8 This history helps explain the strong boost received by the Communists and Socialists alliance (UP, Unidad Popular) in the 1970 elections and the 36.3% victory for their presidential candidate, Salvador Allende, more than his opponents (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p126). Allende then proceeded towards strongly socialist policies based on his electoral victory, including a prices freeze, an increase in wages, nationalisation of the coal and steel industries, nationalisation of the main foreign copper firms, and of 60% of the private banks, as well as an expansion of fiscal spending by approximately 70% (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p127; Hudson 1994; Posner 2004). Almost 500 firms would be nationalised (Hudson 1994). Workers often took the initiative, occupying the offices of foreign firms such as ITT and Ford until they were nationalised - this led to a partial financial blockade by the U.S., which reduced bilateral aid as well as the withholding of loans via the World Bank, the InterAmerican Development Bank, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p127; Rogers & Maxwell 2004. For the debate on the level of U.S. involvement in 'destabilising' or 'engineering' the collapse of Allende's government, see Rogers & Maxwell 2004; Hitchens 2001; Komisar 1999). Washington also secretly gave $6 million in funding to opposition parties and press outlets (Rogers & Maxwell 2004). The economy was soon dislocated, with depressed exports earnings and emerging economic chaos brought on by a combination of external pressures and internal problems. By mid-1972 massive demonstrations for and against Allende were being staged, including strikes by copper workers and truck-owners who were negatively affected by the economic slow down (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p130). Political violence began to increase. The 1973 congressional elections did not solve this conflict: Allende's Popular Unity party secured 43% of the vote, enough to avoid impeachment but not enough to break the political stalemate (Hudson 1994). In this context, the Chilean army began to mobilise, supported both by right-wing elements in the country and by tacit U.S. support via the CIA (see now Kornbluh 2003; Webber 2005). General Augusto Pinochet led a well-organised coup that began on 11 September 1973, leading to a mass rocket attack (from airforce jets) on the presidential palace in the heart of Santiago, where President Allende had chosen to make his last stand. He died, either in fighting or by committing suicide in order to avoid capture (for differing views, see Hudson 1994). Scattered resistance to the army was followed by widespread oppression and large number of arrests of leftists, largely conducted by the Chilean 'secret police', the intelligence agency DINA. Some 2,000 may have died, and thereafter many went missing in a campaign to depoliticise society (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p131). The later National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation (the Rettig Commission) could document the deaths of some 2,115 Chileans, while thousands of others were imprisoned or tortured (Hudson 1994). Other sources suggest that in total up to 40,000 people were detained at various times, and 9,000 were exiled and some 4,000 killed (Komisar 1999; see further Kornbluh 2003). The Allende government, though democratically elected, was destabilised by a vigorous political culture in which there was little comprise, an overly ambitious socialist program, strong international opposition from the U.S. (see Kornbluh 2003; Webber 2003 for strong U.S. pressure to destabilise the Allende government), and the onset of economic crisis. The intervention of the military under an ambitious and autocratic leader sealed the fate of this experiment in elected socialist democracy. Lecture 7: 9 However, in turn the Pinochet regime would not be able to establish itself as a government that could switch from authoritarian to democratic modes of governance. The 'bloody coup seemed incongruously violent for a country of Chile's democratic and civil traditions' (Hudson 1994). In retrospect, the coupe was a failure in deep civil support for peaceful power-sharing among the different parties and interests within the country: Many analysts would concur that there was ample blame to go around. In the view of many Chileans, groups at all point on the political spectrum helped destroy the democratic order by being too ideological and too intransigent. Many observers agree that a minority president facing adamant domestic and foreign opposition was extremely unlikely to be able to uphold democracy and create socialism at the same time. (Hudson 1994). The Pinochet regime soon moved to establish military government, removed opponents, stopped political activity, controlled the media, and launched a strongly guided neo-liberal trade policy designed to boost exports, following the ideas put forward by 'the Chicago boys', economists trained in the free trade agenda (Hudson 1994). Major trading partners included the European Union, US, Japan and Brazil, while foreign debt declined in relation to GDP through the early 1990s (Hudson 1994). Direct military rule ran from 1974 till 1979, then was extended through a plebiscite in 1978, and then a second plebiscite in 1980 (both suspect in terms of competitive freedoms) approved a new constitution in 1980 which laid down the preconditions for future democratisation (Posner 2004). This constitution gave Pinochet sweeping executive powers from 1980 down through 1990. However, in 1988 the Pinochet opted for another plebiscite aimed an extension of his rule for a further 8 years. The election was held partly in response to international pressures (Hickman 1998), but also because the military assumed that the improved economy of Chile would allow them to win the election fairly easily. This turned out not to be the case. This underestimated the effective mobilisation and strategies of a broad centre and left coalition that had emerged over the previous decade. Thus, many Chileans were reminded of the atrocities of the military coupe by the Arpilleras, the protesting women who wove traditional tapestries protesting the loss of their children and spouses (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p132). The Catholic Church had also moved to condemn the human rights atrocities of the regime and to support reform (Hudson 1994). From 1983, in spite of oppressive clamp-downs, massive protests were made publicly, lead in part by labour leaders (Hudson 1994). Likewise, the coalition of parties used the strategies of social surveys, public relations campaigns, and community networking to mobilise a large part of the electorate, including those living in shantytowns (Paley 2001). This campaign also involved volunteer consultants on the election, including Chilean and U.S. volunteers, some from the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (Paley 2001). A record 92% of the voting age-group actually registered to vote (Hudson 1994). When the opposition was for a short time allowed to advertise on television, it used positive messages appealing to unity, harmony, and a democratic Chile (Hudson 1994). In effect, opposition to Pinochet had never disappeared, but simply needed en environment to channel itself politically. The opposition also promised to continue the broad economic policies that had boosted growth, as well as promising an improved social welfare net (Paley 2001). 10 Thus the fourteen party coalition (the Concertación) won with a decisive 'no' vote (55%) against Pinochet (who received a 43% vote for continuation of his rule). Badly shaken and surprised, Pinochet accepted the vote against him (Hudson 1994), perhaps because segments of the elite had begun to be unsettled by his continued autocratic style in decision making. This did not lead to an immediate return to full democracy. The 1980 constitution still allowed a role for Pinochet as head of the armed forces (to be continued down till 1998), and with a number of appointed senators in congress, it also tended to favour conservative politics. Although a large number of constitutional reforms, leading to a more open system, were approved in mid-1989, a number of 'mooring lines' were left to secure a strong voice of the right in politics and the army (see Hudson 1994; Wilde 2002). Presidential elections in 1989 put the Christian Democratic leader Patricio Aylwin into power, supporting a centre and centre-left style government. Aylwin attempted to cautiously prosecute military offices for human rights abuses, but with the help of rightist elements in Congress this was not generally successful at that time (Hudson 1994). The military, likewise, assembled in battle dress in a protest in Santiago in May 1993, protesting against the human rights prosecutions and reminding the government that they might act (Wilde 2002, p12). In 1993, the Christian Democrats once again won the elections, with Eduardo Frei becoming president. Chile during this period had strong economic growth (circa 6.7% growth in GDP), foreign debt was reduced, foreign investment came into the country, and poverty was reduced (Drake 2000). However, the gap between rich and poor remained problematic (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p135-136). A certain fragility remained in the democracy of Chile. Amnesty laws had meant that the military had not been brought to trial for the events of the 1970s, while Pinochet, even when he stepped down from being the chief of the army, remained a Senator-for-Life and thus escaped prosecution as a state official, though later attempts were made to change this situation (1998-2006, see below). He, along with a small number of non-elected, designated senators (nine in number), also tipped the Congress in the direction of limiting radical legislation (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p136; Hudson 1994). There was also a strong social memory that led in two directions: the deep resentment of the human rights abuses of the Pinochet regime, and a need to avoid sparking off another civil war or direct intervention by the military. Some writers have spoken of a 'conspiracy of consensus' and 'a widespread aversion to open conflict' singe 1989 (Wilde 2002, pp4-5; see further below). This issue was deeply inflamed when Pinochet was arrested during an October 1998 visit to London, on the basis of a Spanish judicial request (supported by Switzerland and France) that he stand trial for human rights abuses against Spanish citizens within Chile (Brody 1999). President Frei, afraid of political turmoil at home, supported the claim of diplomatic immunity (in the basis of Pinochet being a Senator), and argued that Pinochet was not mentally fit to face a long trial (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p136). The decision by a the High Court for England and Wales that Pinochet could not be prosecuted for his actions while head of state was soon overturned by the House of Lords, which argued that immunity on this basis could not be sustained (Brody 1999). This was again overturned by another meeting of 'Law Lord', concerned over issues of impartiality, with Pinochet remaining under house arrest until at least his extradition was dropped on the basis of health problems (for the Lecture 7: 11 complicated political process, see Wilde 2002, p15). Within Chile, a large number of people felt that a trial in Europe would infringe the sovereignty and rights of Chile, while an equal number wanted him tried within Chile (Dorfman 1999). For a time, the Chilean ambassador was withdrawn from Madrid (Brody 1999). The very divisiveness of this issue showed that reconciliation was not complete within Chile, and how the past decisions of Pinochet still affected political life. Thus Ariel Dorfman can speak of the 'sham reconciliation' that has sought to ignore the events of the 1970s and 1980s (Dorfman 1999). Britain in the end decided that Pinochet was not fit to stand trial, and he was returned to Chile. This debate continued as presidential elections occurred within Chile. In a run-off election in January 2000, Ricardo Lagos, a moderate socialist candidate, won the elections. The election, like others in Chilean history, was a competition between the right and the centre-left, with the centre and Christian Democrats playing a crucial role as to who would win (Drake 2000). His opponent, Joaquín Lavín, was a pragmatic rightist who adopted a more popularist style that earned him a such sizeable vote (47.52% to Lagos' 47.96%) that they had to go through a second run-off round, with Lagos winning with 51.3% on the second ballot (Drake 2000). The socialism of Lagos, moreover, was moderate, attuned to the needs of fitting into the global economy, and sought consensus and reconciliation rather than confrontation with right wing. In some ways it fits in with the type of modern social democratic parties, e.g. the type of middle ground formerly staked out by Britain Tony Blair (Drake 2000). In general, the political values of Chilean parties had tried to turn towards the middle ground and consensus (Paley 2001), but this could be undermined if the past and its perpetrators, and how they should be treated, was used in a divisive way. In recent years, 'Chile's economic and political stability have been the envy of Latin America. The country is widely viewed as the region's most successful case of transition form state-led to market-driven economy and from authoritarianism to democracy' (Posner 2004). Generally, political elites have accepted the importance of export-led growth and a supportive environment for a growing and free-market oriented economy (Faust 2004). Likewise, there has been a tendency for some reduction in role of grass-roots organisations and popular mobilisation, and a weakening of local level democracy, with the Centre left channelling most of their efforts through federal electoral politics (see Posner 2004). A certain disenchantment with the political system also needs to be avoided, e.g. in 1997 congressional elections, up to 40% of voters annulled or left blank ballots, or did not attends polls (Paley 2001). However, political process seemed vigorous through 2003-2006. Moreover, the 'Coalition of Parties for Democracy', the base support for the Lagos government, have been supported by a relatively strong economy, high international prices for copper, and scandals that have undermined some opposition figures (Espinoza 2003). Likewise, a vigorous but peaceful election through January 2006 suggested that for the time being these tensions have been contained, in part because of the cautious progress in maintaining a social balance across different interests. Michelle Bachelet, the Concertacion candidate won on the second round (with a solid 53% vote) against businessman Sebastian Pinera. It seems likely that President Bachelet will continue in general terms the policies of Lagos, but with some greater emphasis on issues such as 'social justice and inequality' (Southern Cone 2006). The result is 12 interesting, since as a woman and a single mother it suggested that Chile has moved away from conservative political trends, though Bachelet remains committed to a moderate left-of-centre approach combined with free market economics. Bachelet was previously minister of health and minister of defence, and she had stated that she will use strong copper prices and government revenues to improve education and improve social conditions for the poor (ABC Online 2006a). It has also been suggest that both Bachelet and Pinera, in the political ground they chose to occup before the elections, set up a true competition that also helped normalise current politics: The impetus for normalization came from the right through Pinera, whose National Renovation Party broke its alliance with the more conservative Democratic Independent Union, which is rooted in a base of supporters of the Pinochet legacy. Repudiating that legacy and promising a modern conservatism committed to democratic practices, Pinera finished second in the first round of the presidential elections, setting him up to oppose Bachelet in the run-off and forcing the Union to back him. As a result of Pinera's move toward the center, Bachelet edged toward the left, creating a contest in the run-off that resembled the pattern that has become familiar in Southern Europe. Released from the overhang of Pinochet, the candidates addressed a broad spectrum of social and foreign policies, offering proposals that differed in emphasis, yet did not evince deep ideological divisions.(Weinstein 2006) Selected Time-line 2000-2006 (after BBC 2006a) 1998 - Pinochet retires from the army and is made senator for life but is arrested in the UK at the request of Spain on murder charges. 2000 March - British Home Secretary Jack Straw decides that Pinochet is not fit to be extradited. Pinochet returns to Chile. Socialist Ricardo Lagos is elected president. 2000 August - Supreme Court strips Pinochet of his immunity from prosecution. A judge charges him with kidnapping during the 1973-90 dictatorship. 2001-2002 Pinochet is ordered to stand trial for human rights abuses. But charges against him are suspended after a court rules that he is unfit to stand trial. The Supreme Court upholds the ruling in July 2002. Days later, Pinochet resigns from his post as a lifelong senator. 2003 Further attempts to force Pinochet to stand trial and to lift his legal immunity are blocked. 2004 May - President Lagos signs a law giving Chileans the right to divorce, despite opposition from the Roman Catholic Church. 2004 August - Supreme Court strips Pinochet of legal immunity over charges related to Operation Condor, a shared plan by regional dictators to kill opponents in the 1970s. 2005 January - Pinochet is put under house arrest, and later freed on bail, after the Supreme Court upholds his indictment for alleged rights offences. 2005 May - 45 young soldiers perish in a blizzard, prompting calls for an end to compulsory military service. Lecture 7: 13 2005 July - Senate approves changes to the Pinochet-era constitution, including one which restores the president's right to dismiss military commanders. Pinochet loses legal immunity over the case of a secret police operation in 1975 in which more than 100 activists disappeared. 2005 November - Pinochet faces separate charges over disappearances in 1975 and tax fraud. 2005 December - Presidential elections. Socialist Michelle Bachelet gains the most votes but fails to win more than 50% support, forcing a second-round vote against conservative billionaire and former senator Sebastian Pinera. 2006 January - Michelle Bachelet wins the second round of presidential elections to become Chile's first woman president - and the fourth consecutive head of state from the centre-left Concertacion coalition. From 1998 there was also a shift in the way law was applied to human rights cases. Prior to this, the 1978 Amnesty Law was often applied routinely to dismiss such prosecution, but from 1998 the Criminal Bench of the Supreme court suggested that 'Chile's international treaty obligations' demanded that investigations would need to go ahead to determine 'individual responsibility' (Wilde 2002, p17). Successively stronger efforts were made to deal with the Pinochet under the Lagos government by passing the issue on to the judiciary: Prosecuting Judge Juan Guzman accumulated charges and in August, Chile's Supreme Court confirmed by a 16-4 vote an Appeals Court decision stripping Pinochet of immunity from prosecution, thus opening up the possibility of a trial. In December, Guzman issued an indictment and order for the general's house arrest, but this was struck down on a technicality - Pinochet had not been interviewed as required under Chilean law (Bearman 2001, p72). We can thus ask, is 'Chile entering the new century as an "untrammelled democracy . . . ?" (Drake 2000). The current government offers both continuity in general policies, but also has a major challenge: It also offered Chile the opportunity to experience a Socialist presidency that promised to avoid confrontation and economic turmoil. The outcome confronted Lagos with the challenge of both modulating and meeting his supporters expectations, especially pent-up hopes from leftists (Drake 2000). However, we should note that the current stability in part has been achieved by a certain convergence between the main parties, a relatively strong economy, and the ability to avoid a head-on conflict over the Allende and Pinochet legacies (Reuss 2001). Certain features of the democracy remained unusual until recent reform: the lack of control over campaign funds (Drake 2000), the appointed senators, and the implicit recognition that the army does have a special political role in the nation, in part through the National Security Council - the Cosena, the fact that the President could not directly dismiss military commanders until this law was reformed in July 2005 (Hudson 1994; BBC 2006a; Bearman 2001, p72). In 2002, Chile's courts ruled that Pinochet was unfit to stand trial due to dementia (UPI 2004b). In 2003 a Chilean judge ordered the arrest of five intelligence officials from the Pinochet period, undercharges of the murder of a former General Carlos Prats, head of the army under former President Allende (BBC 2003b), but attempts 14 again to have Pinochet tried failed in October 2003. Through early 2004, there were also signs that citizens in France might consider pressing separate charges against Pinochet, though these have not yet been developed into official requests, though France's foreign minister has expressed interest in pursuing the matter (UPI 2004b). In May 2004 Manuel Contreras, former head of secret police, was jailed over disappearance of a journalist in 1974, while in August 2004 the 'Supreme Court strips Augusto Pinochet of his immunity from prosecution, confirming lower court ruling' and January 2005 Pinochet was placed under house arrest, 'after Supreme Court upholds his indictment for alleged human rights offences', with appeals under way through February 2005 (BBC 2005a). Pinochet lost his immunity in the July 2005 proceedings over a case in 1975 in which over 100 'activists' lost their lives, with separate charges under way for tax fraud (BBC 2006a). This was confirmed through further charges for diverting public funds (totalling around $28 million) into private accounts, a process in which the Santiago Court of Appeals argued that Pinochet did not have immunity and that he was well enough (though 90 years old) to stand trial - it remains to be seen whether this will upheld by the Supreme Court (Associated Press 2005; his wife and younger son have also been indicted on tax evasion). The gradual but persistent effort to prosecute and pursue these human rights issues now suggests a certain confidence in the robustness of the democracy, and the relative control of the military by government. In large measure, it may also have suited that these issues be dealt with at home, and not in foreign courts or before international institutions. Likewise, the economy, though still growing, has slowed to some degree. It has had somewhat modest real growth in 2001-2003 of 2.2-3.7%, and stronger figures of 6.1% in 2004 and 5.8% in 2005, but with unemployment around 7-9% (DFAT 2003-2005). In general terms, there has also been a strong decline in government relations with grass roots organisations, the labour movements and unions, with a shift towards stronger support for liberal policies (Frank 2002; Kurtz 2001; Posner 2004). There has been some decline in peasant ownership of land, though seasonable agricultural labour demands remain quite strong (Kurtz 2001). Although understandable in the current international climate, in the worst case scenario this could lead once again lead to political polarisation and increased political violence (see Barrett 2001). It should also be noted that after political reforms Chile joined the Rio Group (of 18 Latin American Countries) in 1990, playing 'an active role in promoting democracy within the inter-American system' (Hudson 1994; see further Atkins 1999). Chile was also active in the Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA), the Organisation of American States (OAS), and the United Nations (Hudson 1994), and later on negotiated open trade relations with the U.S. and with Mercosur. Thus, through 2004-2005 it has been of the leaders of the UN mandated peace-keeping forces in Haiti. It has sought to play a role in an open regional system, engaging with fairly open trade with Argentina and the United States, with cooperative agreements with Mercosur, and the prospect of joining the FTAA after 2005 if the project does indeed go ahead. It has also sought to diversify trade and diplomatic relations into the Asia-Pacific and East Asia, having been among the most successful of Latin American countries to do this, thereby avoiding further 'peripheralisation' within the global economy (Faust 2004). It is also been involved in the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC, a primarily business organisation), is a member of PECC (Pacific Economic Lecture 7: 15 Cooperation Council), APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation process), and the Forum for East Asian and Latin American Cooperation (FEALAC) (Faust 2004). It has tried to diversify its trade into the Pacific region, with growing trade with China (which took 8.6% of Chile's exports in 2003) and through 2002-2004 efforts to improve trade with China, South Korea, Singapore and New Zealand via bilateral free trade agreements, with prospects for Thailand and Indonesia to also consider such agreements (UPI 2004a; DFAT 2004; Faust 2004). It has also developed strong export capacities in copper, agricultural products, timber, and fisheries, though there has been some lag in improving the strength of manufacturing exports (see Kurtz 2001; Faust 2004). Essentially, Chile has hoped to position itself as a natural bridge between Mercosur economies and the Asia-Pacific. In general terms, Chile has sought both a peaceful Southern Cone system in South America (thereby improving relations with Brazil and Argentina), and has sought to promote continued development within Latin America as a whole. Chile thus has a progressive foreign policy, even as it deals with political legacies at home. Through March 2003, it signalled its independence from U.S. foreign policy by resisting pressure to support military intervention against Iraq (both Chile and Mexico were sitting as (non-permanent) members of the UN Security Council) (Hall 2003). However, tensions with Bolivia have continued in recent years, while through early 2004 Bolivia (a landlocked country) once again laid claims to coastal zones and ports controlled by Chile (territory on during the 19th century War of the Pacific), with rising Bolivian nationalism fuelling 'anti-Chilean sentiment' (Arostegui 2004a). Bolivia wants the Chilean border to be demilitarised and mines to be removed form the frontier, and also threatened to re-route trade to Peruvian ports (Aristegui 2004a; Xinhua 2004a). The issue was exacerbated by the proposed natural gas pipeline (now on hold) from Bolivia that would have earned some $6 billion for the poor country, but would have to be routed through Chilean-controlled territory (Gentile 2004). The public dispute between Bolivia and Chile was not solved in the January 2004 Summit of Americas, and Mexico's offer of mediated was declined by Chile (Gentile 2004). The problem was still viewed as part of the need for wider reform of regional cooperation through mid-2004: Bolivian President Carlos Mesa reiterated . . . that his country will export natural gas to Chile only on the condition that the latter grants Bolivia a sovereign access to the sea, said reports from La Paz, capital of Bolivia. Bolivia will sell natural gas to Chile only after a "definitive solution" to the Bolivian "landlockedness," Mesa told foreign correspondents in La Paz. Mesa said the dispute between the two countries is more complex than a simple "sea for natural gas" swap because integration must be promoted between southern Peru, western Bolivia and northern Chile. This would comprise "energy integration, economic complementarity, and the development of specific poles in the three regions," said Mesa. Mesa said the eventual solution to the territorial dispute with Chile would contribute to the possible exports of Bolivian natural gas to the neighboring country, which has suffered fuel shortages. Bolivia demands a sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean on the Chilean coast in order to end the "condition of a landlocked nation," which has affected Bolivia since 16 the end of the 19th century after jointly with Peru losing the War of the Pacific against Chile. (Xinhua 2004b) Through 2004, Bolivia moved to approve a greater role for government in controlling energy exports, opened up exports routes to Argentina, and in August 2004 signed a deal which allowed gas exports through a Peruvian port. The deal further supports the mutual development of 'a bilateral commission to work on developing a special economic zone on Peru's Pacific coast from where Bolivia will be able to export its gas' (Hennessy 2004). In general, Chile, then, combined a successful economic transition with an enhanced foreign policy. However, reconciliation over the past, plus some tendency a drop in democratic participation, will need careful watching if Chile is to remain a 'democratic success' story. 4. Argentina: Military Rule and Re-democratisation We can briefly assess the difficult path to democracy in another great regional power, Argentina (see lecture 2). Argentina declared independence in 1816 and managed to back this with effective resistance against Spain during the 1820s. However, the future direction of the country economically and politically soon led to conflict: The competing groups came from different regions. Once faction was made up of the "unitarians," mainly from the province (and city) of Buenos Aires. They wanted to nationalize the port city of Buenos Aires: strip it of its autonomy, then make it into a base from which to reduce provincial barriers to trade and thereby open the entire country to international commerce. The second group were the "federalists," who were from the interior. They agreed on the need to nationalize the city of Buenos Aires because they wanted the city's customs receipts distributed to all the provinces. At the same time, they wanted to maintain provincial autonomy, especially the ability to levy interprovincial tariffs and this protect local industries. The third group were also called the "federalists," but they were of a very different kind: they were from the province of Buenos Aires and opposed nationalization of the port city of Buenos Aires, since that would mean loss of their province's existing monopoly over the city's customs revenues. They also wanted free trade. (Skidmore & Smith 2001, pp68-69) These issues would cause conflict down through the 1830s and 1840s, with the dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas rising to subdue regional caudillos, leading to a strong federalist country dominated from Buenos Aires (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p69). From 1853 Argentina adopted a constitution based on that of the United States, with a two-house congress and an elected president. However, the problem of an overly strong and wealthy Buenos Aires, and different cultures and conditions of the urban and rural sectors would continue to be one of the features of Argentina through the 20th century (for an account of the culture of Cordoba, Argentina's second biggest city, see Florine 1998; Walter 2000). Likewise, the role of the military and political 'strong men' would undermine many of the features of this democratic system. Organised urban labour would also be key a political actor through much of the twentieth century (Brennan & Pianetto 2000). Argentina built its economic strength during 1880-1914 on exporting beef and agricultural products to 'the North Atlantic industrial world' (Skidmore & Smith Lecture 7: 17 2001, p70). Immigration from southern Europe (especially Spain and Italy) and investment (at first mainly from Britain, followed by France and Germany) would help develop the country, and also 'give Argentina a distinctly European quality, with the resulting tension among the Argentines as their real national identity', as well as discounting in the large measure the influence of the Indian and the gaucho (the horsemen of the pampas) in national life (Skidmore & Smith 2001, pp70-73, though the gaucho would become an important literary image, e.g. in Ricardo Rojas' poem Martín Fierro). During the 19th century and first half of the 20th century Argentina was one of the fastest growing economies in the world and through 1945 the peso was a one of the strongest currencies in the world backed by huge gold reserves (Falcoff 2000). For a time, its GDP per capita was higher than European countries (Carlin 2002), and it was viewed as an emerging power within South America. Some relative decline in this economy over the last five decades has been postulated as due to public sector inefficiencies created under the regime of General Peron (1946-55), decline in agricultural exports as the European Union became more self-sufficient, and loss of markets after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which was a major importer of cereals (Falcoff 2000). At a social level, it is possible that a certain 'getrich-quick' mentality may have permeated the aspirations of many Argentines, leading later on to intensified political and economic instability (Carlin 2002). Argentina - Selected Political Timeline 1916-2000 (based on BBC 2002) 1916 - Hipolito Yrigoyen of the Radical party is elected president. He introduces a minimum wage to counter the effects of inflation. 1930 - A coup involving all services of the Argentine armed forces and led by General Uriburu. 1932 - Civilian rule is restored. 1939 - Outbreak of World War II. Argentina proclaims its neutrality, even after 1942 1943 - Military regime seizes power. One of its leading figures is Colonel Juan Peron. 1944 - Argentina breaks diplomatic relations with Japan and Germany and declares war on them in 1945. 1946 - Peron wins elections for the presidency. He had promised workers higher wages and social security. His wife, Eva Peron ('Evita'), is put in charge of labour relations. 1949 - A new constitution strengthens the power of the president. Regime opponents are subsequently imprisoned, independent newspapers are suppressed. 1951 - Peron is re-elected president with a huge majority. 1952 - Peron's wife dies of cancer. Peron's support begins to decline. 1955 June - An attempted coup by the Argentine navy is crushed as the army remains loyal to Peron. 1955 September -Coup by all three branches of the armed forces succeeds after three days of fighting, during which thousands are killed. Peron resigns and takes refuge on a Paraguayan gunboat. He subsequently goes into exile in Paraguay, and later in Spain. The federal constitution of 1853, based on that of the United States, is restored. 1966 - Military rule is imposed again with a coup led by General Juan Carlos Ongania. 1973 - The Peronist party wins elections in March. Hector Campora is inaugurated president. Argentina is wracked by terrorist violence. Peron returns to Buenos Aires in June. Campora resigns and Peron becomes president in September. 1974 - Peron dies in July. His third wife, Maria, succeeds him. Terrorism from right and left escalates, leaving hundreds dead. There are strikes, demonstrations and high inflation. 1975 - Inflation rises to more than 300%. 1976 - A military junta under General Jorge Videla seizes power. Parliament is dissolved. Opponents of the regime are rounded up in the 'Dirty War', which is to see thousands of people 'disappear'. 1981 - General Leopoldo Galtieri heads the military regime. 1982 April - Argentine forces occupy the British-held Falkland Islands, which Argentina calls Islas Malvinas and over which it had long claimed sovereignty. The United Kingdom dispatches a force to re-take the islands, which it does in June. More than 700 Argentines are killed in the fighting. Galtieri is replaced by General Reynaldo Bignone. 18 1983 - Argentina returns to civilian rule. Raul Alfonsin becomes president. Argentina begins to investigate the 'Dirty War' and charge former military leaders with human rights abuses. Inflation is running at more than 900%. 1989 - Carlos Menem of the Peronist party is elected president. He imposes an economic austerity programme. 1992 - Argentina introduces a new currency, the peso, which is pegged to the US dollar. 1995 - Menem is re-elected. 1997 - A judge in Spain issues orders for the arrest of former Argentine military officers on charges of participating in the kidnapping and killing of Spanish citizens during the 'Dirty War'. Argentine amnesty laws protect the accused. 1998 - Argentine judges order arrests in connection with the abduction of hundreds of babies from women detained during the 'Dirty War'. 1999 - Fernando de la Rua of the centre-left Alianza opposition coalition wins the presidency, inherits 114 billion-dollar public debt. 2000 - Strikes and fuel tax protests. Beef exports slump after an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. Soya exports suffer from concerns over the use of genetically modified varieties. The IMF grants Argentina an aid package of nearly 40 billion dollars. From 1918, Argentina, when economic problems hit the lower classes, suffered from strikes and the formation of ultra-right paramilitary organisations, leading to political violence and somewhat unstable governments (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p82). Argentina's somewhat difficult experiment with 20th century democracy began to unravel in 1930, when a 'coalition of military officers and civilian aristocrats' set up a provisional regime, with relatively unstable civilian governments being restored from 1932 onwards (Skidmore & Smith 2001, pp82-85). From the 1940s Argentina's political culture began to turn in a particular direction: elements in the military sought to stay out of the World War, and at the same time revamp the political system, including the dissolution of Congress. Workers, in turn, were highly organised and highly literate, but lacked 'effective political representation' (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p85). The stage seemed set for another round of political confrontation. At this stage, Juan Perón, a Colonel who had been part of GOU, (Grupa Obra de Unificación, dissident officers who wanted a stronger political role), entered the political scene from 1943, first as a secretary of labor, from which he began to build political support among industrialised workers (Florine 1998; Skidmore & Smith 2001, p86). He won the 1946 elections with a 54% majority, and thereafter moved to position the government as arbiter of all social disputes, and to set up a state-guided capitalist system. Thus, for example, he would sometimes encourage strikes so that the government could be seen to settle them (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p87). He also moved to buy out foreign interests in the Argentine economy (British in the railways, the U.S.-controlled ITT, and French in the docks), and in July 1947 declared that Argentina had paid of its entire foreign debt (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p87). Moreover, Perón's popularity was greatly aided by his charismatic wife, Evita, who set up social foundations that helped the poor (the descamisados) and women (Walter 2000, p162). She soon had her own following and as viewed almost as a national icon or saint. Her death from cancer would greatly undermine Juan Perón's popularity. Indeed, with the 1951 change of the constitution, and his re-election with 67% of the vote, he went on to create the Peronist party, whose Tribunal of Party Discipline was the beginnings of a much more authoritarian state system (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p87). Peron had based his rule partly on pragmatic economic returns, but also on a notion of corporatist stability that tried to embrace both the unions and the Lecture 7: 19 military. Peron established a comprehensive propaganda campaign that included elements of personality cult, and Argentine nationalism (see Foss 2000; Walter 2000). The Peron regime cast a certain spell over the national aspirations of many Argentines, leading to the later survival of Peronist political parties (Sweeney 2002): The reason that Juan Domingo Perón and his wife Evita came to power . . ., remained there for ten years and have never left the hearts of at least half the Argentinian population is that they offered to make true the Argentine Dream. Vote for us, went their message, and all of you - every single one of you - will win the Lottery. And indeed, for a while, Argentina, brimming with beef and grain, reaped a post-Second World War peace dividend. (Carlin 2002). However, emerging problems in the economy, an increasingly arbitrary rule, and opposition from parts of the military emerged from 1954, with the military finally ousting Peron in September 1955. He went first to Paraguay, then to Spain, where he bided his time, hoping to return. The following governments did not achieve stability. After the elections of 1957 and 1958, President Frondizi attempted a developmentalist model based on boosting agriculture and exports, with extensive state intervention in the economy. In the end, however, Frondizi had to turn to the IMF to help stabilise the economy, as well as being subject to pressure on his policies from the military (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p91). Instability in the economy led to strikes, and increasing support for Peronist parties after 1962. The military intervened in the electoral process in 1962 and 1963, and eventually staged a military coup in 1966, thereby taking direct control of the government and setting up a 'bureaucratic-authoritarian' state (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p93). The military under General Juan Carlos Onganía sought to crush opponents, control and split labour organisations, and mobilised technocrats and foreign investors to improve the economy. But the result was another wave of intensified violence: There was also a shocking rise in political violence, such as clandestine torture and execution by the military government and kidnapping and assassination by the revolutionary left. The Onganía coup began in violence and all normal legal guarantees were suspended. The labour policy soon came to depend on coercion. This had happened before, but now there was a difference. The left decided to reply with its own violence. Splinter revolutionary groups sprang up, kidnapping prominent businessmen and ransoming them for huge sums. (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p95) Later military leaders only partially stabilised this situation, and General Alejandro Lanusse announced that Perón would be allowed to return. Elections were held, with the Peronists first being led by the 'stand-in' figure of Héctor Cámpora, who was elected President in 1973 but soon stood down in favour of Perón. The Peronists moved to try to create a 'grand bargain' between the main elements of Argentine society, called the 'Social Compact', though the government soon turned against the radical left. Whether this social compact could have lasted is not known, since Perón died in 1974. His wife Isabel tried to continue his policies, but she lacked both the intelligence and charisma of Evita. With the economy in shock through the mid1970s, Argentina once again had to turn to help from the IMF. 20 No one was surprised when another military coup occured in 1976. Thereafter General Jorge Rafael Videla led a 'Dirty War' which sought to purge all political opponents and subversives. Perhaps between 10,000 and 20,000 people were killed, with up to 10,000 simply 'disappeared', becoming the desaparecidos (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p97). The military penetrated all levels of society, controlling the media, disbanding the main unions, and controlling the economy. Partly in order to boost the popularity of this repressive government, in 1982 General Leopoldo Galtieri urged a nationalist war to take the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands from the UK. Although the islands were seized for a short time, Britain, surprisingly launched a large military expedition, and bested both the Argentine navy and land forces in a bloody campaign (see Aldea & Darnel 2002). The Argentine air force performed well, but soon found itself short of the missiles it needed to threaten British ships. Likewise, Galtieri may have hoped for the implicit support of the U.S., or at least its tolerance, but in this he was wrong, while most of the Organization of American States voted in opposition to the Argentine attack (discussed further in later lectures). When the Argentine forces had to surrender, this led to the end the military government. Massive patriotic protests turned into anti-military mobilisation. Civilian rule was returned in 1983, but had to face numerous problems including high levels of inflation, the problem of the disappeared, the problem of whether the military could be prosecuted (several generals were convicted but those less than of general rank were not), the long-term security of Argentina, and the issue of huge levels of foreign debt. In 1989, the Peronists party won under the leadership of Carlos Menem, who began an austerity program, restructuring of debt, and privation program that for a time improved the national economy. President Menem also made it clear that he had no wish to tackle the army head on: he issued pardons for minor revolts, and then, amid considerable controversy, decided that 'there would be no continuing sentences or prosecutions for human-rights offences committed in the dirty war' (Skidmore & Smith 2001, p104). The mothers of the disappeared, however, continued protests through the 1990s in which they demanded an explanation of where the 'lost' had gone. Economic growth, IMF structural adjustment, foreign-policy alignment with the U.S. (including a rebuffed effort to join NATO), cooperation with Brazil and Mercosur were key elements of Menem's policies (McSherry 2000; Skidmore & Smith 2001, p106). However, issues of corruption, ongoing joblessness (for mobilisation of the unemployed, see Petras 2002), a growing gap between rich and poor (called 'savage capitalism', see McSherry 2000), fears over the continued security role of the army which had been widened under incremental constitutional reforms (see McSherry 2000), and a downturn in the economy in 1999, showed the limits of both economic and political reform (see Hudson 1999). Thus: In the late 1990s Argentina was engulfed in a social crisis and a crisis of legitimacy of the neoliberal state. Democratic procedures provided an escape valve in 1999 voters were expected to vote out the Peronists and vote in a social-democratic party alliance that called for promoting human rights and 'humanizing" the neoliberal model. But Argentina remained subject to the requirements of international financial organizations and global financial markets. In essence, the type of state demanded by international actors was distinct from the type of state demanded by the Argentine population (McSherry 2000). Lecture 7: 21 This led to the election of Fernando de la Rúa of the centre-left Alianza opposition coalition in 1999. Inheriting high levels of foreign debt, a lack of confidence in the banking system, a public distrust of the political system, Argentina would again be plunged into renewed social crisis with slow stabilisation through 2003-2005 (explored briefly in lecture 2). In part, the problems of Argentina were based on an overly strong currency (tied to the U.S. dollar), the slightly earlier de-linking of the Brazilian currency to the dollar, and to problems in maintaining strong agricultural exports. However, in large measure, the governance of the country (both in terms of national governments and international governance) failed to avert a combined economic and political crisis. Many ordinary Argentines do not trust their governments and leaders, in spite of the return to civilian rule, leading to a lack of confidence in measures taken to stabilise the economy. Corruption has also been a major problem, operating at all levels. Furthermore, for some two decades Argentina had become hooked on the political benefits of international credit: To satisfy various political needs and pressures, the government (at all levels) has a persistent tendency to spend significantly more than can be raised in taxes. When the government can finance its excess spending with borrowing, it borrows domestically or internationally from wherever credit is available. When further borrowing is no longer feasible (either to finance current deficits or roll over of outstanding debts), recourse is found in inflationary money creation and/or explicit defaut and expropriation of creditors. (Mussa 2002, p10). When the crisis deepened it affected the entire banking system, including the wealth and debts of all depositors. The impact soon emerged through February 2002, with depositors losing up to 40% of their savings as the peso devaluation hit: Before devaluation, when the government guaranteed that one peso was worth $1, most Argentine business loans, home mortgages and bank deposits were denominated in dollars. Under the government's "pesofication" program, most businesses and workers who borrowed dollars from banks and whose income is in pesos were getting a break by being allowed to repay their loans in the same amount of pesos as they owed before. The measure helped spare thousands of Argentine debtors, but in return the banks demanded that Argentines with deposits in dollars had to pay a price, too. Depositors were barred from withdrawing their dollars and instead have effectively been forced to convert their dollar savings into devalued pesos at a fixed, belowmarket exchange rate - or risk having them turned into government bonds of even more dubious value that take up to 10 years to mature. (Faiola 2002; the loans involved in the one-to-one ratio were those up to $100,000, see Strategic Comments 2002). Likewise, there may have been some disillusion among ordinary citizens with political processes. These factors have pointed to a deep institutional crisis within Argentina: While elections are generally free and fair and the country has a thriving free press, democracy has yet to be consolidated. The political system has been undermined by corruption and abuses, giving rise to a deep-seated distrust of politicians, courts and institutions. For many, the country's difficulties can be simply explained in terms of the venality of its leaders. The poor example set by the elite is cited as a reason for the high level of tax evasion, itself an important factor in the crisis in the public finances. Disillusionment cuts across parties: at mid-term congressional elections in October 22 2001, one-quarter of the electorate failed to carry out their legal duty to vote, while of those who did, just over one-fifth spoilt their ballots. (Strategic Comments 2002) From January 2003, debt with international institutions was restructured, with the IMF deal giving "Argentina an eight-month 'breathing space': a rollover on US$3.8bn of debt owed before 31 August, plus a new credit line worth US$2.9bn to cover debts owed to the Fund in that period. Most of the rescheduled debts come due in 2004,when Argentina must now pay the Fund close to US$8.9bn." (Newsroom 2003). Furthermore, the financial pressure on government has greatly increased poverty: through late January 2003, the World Bank approved $600 million in loans to support poor and unemployed groups, unemployment has reached 21.5% (BBC 2003), and hundreds of thousands of people have defaulted on bank loans may their homes (for a critical view of the IMF and World Bank approaches, see Palast 2003). We can see, then, the Argentine political system has swung back and forth under different social and economic pressures. Even though 're-democratisation' was successful, it needed a strong economic base (and solid financial management) from which all could benefit. In this context, we need to turn to the broader context of democracy within pattern of regional development and globalisation. Events in Argentina, in particular, showed that political reform was not enough. A lack of sound fiscal management, little real control of debt, pressures from the international financial system, and unwise use of two currencies in credit and banking systems, and some lack of sound IMF advice would compound rather than resolve the crisis. Through 2003-2005 Argentina has re-negotiated interest payments with its international debt with the IMF and other creditors, but has made it clear that it is not willing to put debt payment ahead of the funds needed to assure social stability. However, it has managed to avoid any clear default that might trigger another round of economic crisis, with President Kirchner currently negotiating over what proportion of debt that might be written off, within perhaps up to 66-70% being written off (see Arostegui 2004b; Economist 2005a). At the same, democratic processes are relative entrenched, including effective elections and transfer of governmental leaders and the operations of courts, have been sustained even during the period of economic crisis. None the less, the lesson is clear that accountable governments also need to find economic and developmental formula that meet domestic and international demands. 5. Democracy, Neo-Liberalism and Economic Crisis As we have seen, it is not enough to simply have elections to guarantee a stable democracy. The background conditions, economic and cultural, that sustain democratic processes and ensure that they are respected also need to be in place. Further, even a true democracy, when undergoing conditions of economic turmoil, will find it difficult to meet the needs and interests of the citizens it is supposed to represent and support. Transparent control of resources, wealth, and legal rights and their partial re-distribution also remain a core aspect of government even when providing the framework for a free-market economy. Unless government are perceived to tackle such issues, it will be very hard for even elected governments to retain legitimacy and the strong participation of its population. Under such conditions, variations of popularism, presidentialism, military rule, or corrupted democratic systems can develop. Lecture 7: 23 What this suggests that in the broader context that there needs to be a stronger commitment both to democracy (including real protection of liberty and human rights) as well as to the conditions of broadly-based growth, both in terms of international policies as well as policies within Latin American countries (see Llosa 2001). Without this support, there will be a tendency to trade off support for democracy in terms of a narrow "neo-liberalism" that is more concerned with an economic dogma that supports short term gains for particular groups in the international economic system (Llosa 2001). There are lessons that have been partially learnt in Chile and Argentina. Democratisation remains an ongoing struggle to achieve political fairness and economic stability within a free contest for political power under current global conditions (McSherry 2000). Simple redemocratisation is not enough to build stable communities within the Latin American context. 6. Bibliography and Resources Resources One World Net has a wide range of short articles on Latin America and related areas of global foreign policy, located at http://www.oneworld.net/ Their articles can be viewed by country or theme. NDI (National Democratic Institute for International Affairs) Access Democracy has a useful search engine with documents monitoring elections, democracy and human rights, including pages on Latin America, at http://www.accessdemocracy.org/basic.asp A range of useful information on value systems and political processes will be found in the World Values Surveys, who webpage is found at http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/ SELA, Sistema Económico Latinoamericao, the Latin American Economic System webpage, provides a number of reports on the efforts to coordinate and improve converging economic performance in the Latin American region, with reports in English and Spanish via http://www.sela.org/ A useful specialised news service can be found in the Latin American Newsletters Newsroom, with update coverage from Latin America at http://www.latinnews.com/newsroom.htm Further Reading BARRETT, Patrick S. 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