- Ohio Academic Standards

Lesson Code:
E 0 9
A 0 2
Date: For October 14th, 2003 submission
Lesson Title: From Big Bang to Big Bounce
Author: Brian Wilson
Ohio Standards Connection:
Standard: Earth & Space Sciences-Grade Nine- The Universe
Benchmark A: Explain how evidence from stars and other celestial objects
provide information about the processes that cause changes in the composition
and scale of the physical universe.
Indicator 2 Describe the current scientific evidence that supports the theory of
the explosive expansion of the universe the Big Bang over 10 billion years ago.
Benchmark/Indicator Background.
“Our Universe had its physical origin as a quantum fluctuation of some preexisting
true vacuum, or a state of nothingness” Edward P. Tryon, ‘What Made the World?’ in
New Scientist, March 8, 1984, p.16
“The fairest way to deal with the problem is not to fall back on authority (what
eminent authorities believe or don’t believe) but to examine the evidence for oneself.”
Geoffrey Burbridge, ‘Quasars in the Balance,’ Mercury, Vol.17, No.5 (A publication of
the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, September-October 1988), p.140
“The initial origin of the world can be compared to a display of fireworks that has just
ended: some few red wisps, ashes and smoke. Standing on a cooled cinder, we see the
slow fading of the suns, and we try to recall the vanishing brilliance of the origins of the
worlds.” Georges LeMaitre
Associated Standards: Ideas in this lesson are also related to concepts found in:
Grade 9 Earth & Space, Benchmark A, Indicator 1
Grade 9 Scientific Inquiry, Benchmark A, Indicators 3, 5 & 6
Grade 9 Scientific Ways of Knowing, Benchmark A, Indicator 3, and Benchmark B,
Indicators 7
Lesson Summary:
Most students will likely know some information about the Universe and the Big Bang
theory. In this lesson, students will build on this knowledge as they inquire and research
scientific evidence on the Big Bang theory. Students will investigate further evidence
from stars and other celestial objects that provide information about the processes that
cause changes in the composition and scale of the physical Universe.
The lesson begins with a reading of a general overview of the Big Bang theory, and a
table with questions on popular misconceptions of the Big Bang theory. A teacher led
discussion and answer session of these thought provoking items ensues.
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Using both the observational scientific evidences on the Big Bang theory and also the
development history of the theory that are provided as a starting point, the students will
then create a timeline that links the observational evidence with the development of the
theory. A follow-up gallery walk of the timelines will next occur with the students
writing in their journal key comparisons and contrasts (if any) between the timelines.
Estimated Duration:
3 to 5 classroom periods
Instructions to the Teacher:
To start Part 1A- General Overview of the Big Bang theory, a vocabulary sheet will be handed out
and briefly discussed in class. Fig 1 will then be handed out which the students are requested to
read. The students should be informed that the purpose of the initial reading is to give the student a
quick general overview of the topic and not to dwell on any specific details.
Fig 1
Initial Introductory Reading by the Student
Cosmology is the science that studies the origin, development, structure, and behavior of the
Universe as a whole. As such, it is concerned with the large scale, both with respect to
distance, and with respect to the past and future for the Universe.
Computer simulations play an essential role in comparing the predictions of theories for the
content and early development of the Universe with observation and have become the
primary method for testing such theories against astronomical data.
Remote sensing is a mainstay of observational Astronomy. Spectral measurements across
the electromagnetic spectrum and the construction of spectral band images acquired by
various kinds of telescopes operating in the visible (optical) range and/or with sensors that
are tuned to other wavelengths (e.g., radio telescopes; gamma ray telescopes) are the
principle data sources used to devise the modern cosmological models.
Over the last century, through a combination of speculation, theoretical insights,
experiments and observations, cosmologists have converged on the Standard Consensus
Model of the Universe, a mixture of the Big Bang picture and Inflationary cosmology to
explain observations about the cosmos.
According to this picture, initially the whole Universe must have been contained in an
infinitely curved, infinitely massive singularity (initial state of Universe). From this
singularity, space and time sprung into being 15 billion years ago in a ‘Big Bang’. When
the Universe emerged, it was filled with particles and radiation of nearly infinite
temperature and density. Instants later, the Universe underwent a period of extraordinarily
rapid expansion (‘inflation’) which made the Universe homogeneous (uniform) and flat
(very low geometrical curvature), and which created fluctuations (tiny ripples in space) that
seeded the formation of galaxies and large-scale structure. It appears that billions of years
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after the Big Bang, following the formation of galaxies, the Universe was overtaken by some
form of self repulsive dark energy that is causing the expansion rate to accelerate.
The hot Big Bang has been used to explain the observable properties of our Universe.
However, there are some difficulties associated with the Big Bang theory. These difficulties
are not so much errors as they are assumptions that are necessary but that do not have a
fundamental justification. These problems are: The horizon problem, the flatness problem,
and the magnetic monopole problem.
The Big Bang model, with no amendments, would tend to produce a Universe that is highly
inhomogeneous (non uniform), with a warped and curved space, and no natural mechanism
for making stars, galaxies and larger scale structures in the universe. Cosmologists have
been trying to correct these deficiencies by amending the early history of the universe.
There are strong reasons to believe that the fluctuations which seeded the large scale
structure of the Universe must have been primordial in origin, that is associated with some
of the very earliest times after the Big Bang. At present there are two over-riding and
competing paradigms for origin of large scale structure and fluctuations in the cosmic
microwave background radiation:
1. Inflationary models. A period of extremely rapid expansion in the early Universeknown as Inflation- solves quite a number of cosmic enigmas. During Inflation small
quantum fluctuations get amplified up to enormous cosmological lengthscales. These
fluctuations later grow to form galaxies. Although Inflation has many attractive features, it
is not yet a proven theory because many of the details still do no work out right in realistic
calculations without making assumptions that are poorly justified.
2. Cosmic defect models. Supermassive topological defects (stable configurations of
matter formed at phase transitions in the very early universe), like cosmic strings and
textures, can form a cosmological phase transitions in the early universe. The defects form
the seeds around which galaxies form. The cosmic string scenario predated Inflation as a
realistic structure formation model. Only until recently, significant progress in
understanding cosmic strings as seeds for large scale structure and cosmic microwave
background (CMB) anisotropies (not the same in all directions) have been achieved.
A future goal by Cosmologists is to directly compare the quantitative predictions of these
two competing paradigms to determine which, if either is consistent with the observational
empirical data.
There have been many ideas over the last 20 years. Investigators have injected an
imaginative new speculative research which intimates that physical reality could encompass
far more than just the aftermath of ‘our’ Big Bang. This emphasizes the extent to which we
may need to jettison common sense concepts, and transcend normal ideas of space and time,
in order to make real progress. In the end though nature will be the final arbiter of truth.
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Questions which the Big Bang/Inflationary model does not address: What occurred at the
initial singularity? What is the ultimate fate of the Universe? What is the role of dark energy
and the recently observed cosmic acceleration? Does time, the arrow of time, exist before
the Big Bang? Or after the Big Crunch?
During the reading of Fig 1, students are to list those vocabulary words that pertain to Fig 1. In
addition they are to write any comments they may have that tie into scientific evidences on the Big
Bang theory of the Universe. Afterwards a teacher guided classroom discussion follows pertaining
to the vocabulary and any general (not specific) questions the students may have on the overall
During Part 1B- Conceptions/Misconceptions of the Big Bang Theory, the teacher hands out Table
1 shown below without the italicized [Answers] shown within the brackets at the bottom of the
Table 1
Conceptions/Misconceptions on Standard Big Bang Theory
Conception 1
Conception 2
(Note: Ref: [13]&[32], unless noted)
(Note: Ref: [13]&[32], unless noted)
Expanding balloon analogy
Has boundaries
Has edge and center
Expanding into pre-existing 3-D space
[36], [32]
Explosion into space and time
Galaxies move apart through space
Stretching rubber sheet analogy[56]
No boundaries
No edge and no center
3-D space expands with matter
Red shifts of the galaxies are Doppler
Shifts [37], [35]
Explosion of space and time
More space is being continually
added between galaxies
[14], [17], [13], [32]
Red shifts are an expansion effect.
As space is stretched out, the lengths
of all electromagnetic waves passing
through the space are stretched out
[37], [35]
[ Public Misconception
of the Big Bang ]
[ Experts Correct Conception
of the Big Bang ]
The students are to individually write down at the bottom of the table which column is the correct
conception and which column is the misconception of the Big Bang theory. The teacher collects the
student’s completed Table 1, and then provides the answers. After the class is over, the teacher
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evaluates each student’s answers individually to gauge the student’s prior knowledge of the subject
Fig 2 will then be handed out which the students are requested to read. This additional information
should clarify most if not all of the questions previously covered in Table 1.
Fig 2
After Question Readings by the Student [56]
To the public, the Big Bang model means that the Universe began from a single point,
underwent an explosion, and has been flying apart ever since. The analogy here is the
Universe expands like dots on a balloon as the balloon is blown up. Imagine residing in a
curved flatland on the surface of a balloon. As the balloon is blown up, the distance
between all neighboring points grows: the two-dimensional Universe grows but there is no
preferred center.
However the Big Bang is not an explosion at all. The Big Bang is the expansion or
stretching of space. It is not that things are flying out from a point. Rather, all things are
moving away from each other. It is like having an infinite rubber sheet with people sitting
on it. Stretch the rubber sheet, and all the people move away from one another. Each thinks
they are at the center of an explosion. It is an optical illusion-everbody moves away from
everybody else and there is no center. Run the story going back and time and the sheet was
more and more unstretched and the people were closer together. When everybody is so
close they are on top of one another, this is the beginning of the Big Bang picture- the
cosmic singularity. At that time, the Universe has nearly infinite density and temperature.
The teacher leads a guided classroom discussion to the readings of Fig 2 and any additional
questions that the student may still have regarding the questions in Table 1. Again it should be
noted that the students should be informed that the purpose of the readings and questions are to give
the student a quick general overview of the topic and not to dwell on any specific details.
Scoring Guideline:
This is an informal evaluation of the students understanding and knowledge. Teachers should make
informal notations and record anecdotal comments about the level of understanding of the students.
Instructions to the Teacher:
Transition into Part 2- Scientific Evidence that can support the Big Bang Theory
The teacher is to hand out photocopies of the following two Figures:
Fig 3- Scientific Evidence that can support Big Bang Explosive Expansion Universe Theory
Fig 4- Developments in the Standard Consensus Model of the Universe
Each student is to individually create two parallel timelines that links the information between the
two tables together. One way this can be done is for the students to cut and paste the individual
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paragraphs of information from each table and then arrange them into chronologically order, while
lining up the dates between the two parallel timelines.
The students are to compare the dates between: the observation of the scientific evidence; and the
development of the model. They can then see how the model was modified as a result of the new
observational evidence. They should note if there are any gaps or inconsistencies between the
observational evidence and the development of the model.
A gallery walk will then occur with students writing in their journal notebook key comparisons and
contrasts (if any) between each student’s timeline.
The teacher collects the students two timelines and then after the class is over evaluates each
student based upon the Rubric.
Fig 3
Scientific Evidence that can support Big Bang Explosive Expansion Universe Theory
[34], [20] and [Standard Textbooks such as Ref 47]
Note: The evidence for the Big Bang comes from many pieces of observational data that are
consistent with the Big Bang. None of these prove the Big Bang, since scientific theories are not
proven. Many of these observations are consistent with the Big Bang and some other cosmological
models. The Big Bang model makes scientific testable hypotheses in each of these areas and the
agreement with many of the observational data gives many cosmologists confidence in the model.
The four key observational successes of the standard Hot Big Bang model are the following [55]:
Expansion of the Whole Universe:
1912 Slipher- Dopler redshifts of spiral nebulae
Slipher measured spectra from the nebulae (clouds of gas and dust in space), showing that many
were Doppler-shifted, that is the frequency of light was affected by speed of the source (just as the
frequency of sound alters for a passing train). By 1924, 41 nebulae were measured, and 36 of these
were found to be receding away from us (redshifted).
1923-29 Hubble- proportionality between velocity and distance
Hubble observed that, regardless of in which direction we look, galaxies are moving away from us
at speeds proportional to their distance from us. The Hubble constant H is one of the most
important numbers in cosmology because it may be used to estimate the size and age of the
Universe. It indicates the rate at which the universe is expanding. The Hubble “constant” is not
really constant because it changes with time and therefore should probably more properly be called
the Hubble “parameter”. The Hubble constant is often written with a subscript “0” to denote
explicity that it is the value at the present time
1964 Penzias & Wilson- the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)
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Discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation. The temperature of this blackbody
radiation is today measured to be T=2.73 Kelvin (that is, a rather cold -270 Celcius). Initial high
temperature of the microwave radiation from the Big Bang has constantly been losing energy
because its wavelength is stretched by the expansion of the Universe.
Origin of the cosmic background radiation
1964 Penzias & Wilson - the cosmic microwave background radiation
Working with a horn antenna at Bell Labs, Penzia & Wilson fortuitously discovered an isotropic
(same in all directions) radio background, a relic left over from the primordial fireball. Observers
detecting this radiation today are able to see the Universe at a very early stage on what is known as
the ‘surface of last scattering’. Photons in the cosmic microwave background have been traveling
towards us since the initial Big Bang.
Nucleosynthesis of the light elements
1948 Sir Fred Hoyle - the light elements: Deuterium (D), helium-3, and helium 4
The Big Bang produces mostly the light elements hydrogen and helium. Theoretical calculations
for these nuclear processes predict, for example, that about a quarter of the Universe consists of
helium-4, a result which is in good agreement with current stellar observations. The heavier
elements must be produced later in the interiors of stars and spread widely in supernova explosions.
Thus, the existence of the heavy elements and the biology built on them, depends crucially on
violent process taking place in stars and galaxies.[54]
Formation of galaxies and large scale structure
The standard Hot Big Bang model provides a framework for understanding galaxy formation, but it
does not tell us about the origin of the primordial fluctuations required.
1986 de Lapparent, Geller & Huchra- large scale structure, superclusters and voids
Galaxy surveys of the Universe demonstrated the existence of structure such as huge bubbles,
filaments and sheets that are of large scale size. Radio telescope survey of galaxies and quasars in
the Universe indicate homogeneity (uniformity) is approached on scales nearly a billion light years
in size.
1992 COBE Satellite- discovery of fluctuations in the CMBR.
Discovery of small fluctuations (or ‘ripples of the edge of the universe’) in the very smooth cosmic
microwave background radiation (CMBR) signal. These fluctuations are on the order of one part in
100,000 and are thought to be a snapshot at Cosmological time = 400,000 years of the primordial
fluctuations that led to galaxy formation.
1995-1996 Hubble Space Telescope
Early (Extreme distant/Extreme age) galaxies and quasars have also been observed by the Hubble
Space Telescope raising serious doubts about current structure formation models.
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Fig 4
Developments in the Standard Consensus Model of the Universe
Early 20th Century, Georges LeMaitre, Conceptual Big Bang Hypothesis
Georges LeMaitre, a Belgian astrophysicist, came to be known as the ”Father of the Big Bang”.
LeMaitre proposed, by using the second law of thermal dynamics as a starting point, that the
Universe began as a single primordial atom of energy, (‘primordial egg’) something hot and dense
that exploded, causing space to expand outward.
1948, George Gamow, Modern Big Bang Theory [10]
George Gamow, a Russian-American physicist conceived of the big Bang theory as we know it
today. He and his colleagues proposed that if a Big Bang had occurred, it would have left an
afterglow, traces of background radiation that would still be present.
1984, Alan Guth- Inflation Theory [10]
Inflation Theory modifies Big Bang theory during its initial expansion phase. It solves 3 known
problems of the Big Bang theory. These problems are called: the horizon, flatness, and monopole
problems. Now over 50 variations proposed [42]
1998, Adam Ries- Dark Energy, the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.
Dark Energy component is required to augment the Standard Big Bang theory to account for the
observation that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. Using the Hubell Telescope, Riess
and his colleagues found six supernovae (exploding massive red giant star) at different distances
and thus from different eras in the Universe’s existence. By comparing each supernovae’s relative
brightness or dimness to predicted values, it could be determined whether deceleration was
occurring, and if so, when the changeover to acceleration occurred.
2002, Paul Steinhardt- “The Big Bounce” (Cyclic Models incorporating Big Bang) [56]
The Cyclic Model of the Universe incorporates Big Bang theory without the need for Inflation and
Dark Energy. Additionally it can also incorporate Topological Defect theory (e.g. cosmic strings,
etc.). As it uses Big Bang theory, it successfully predicts the same evidence that Big Bang does.
October 2003 Jeff Weeks et.al., Finite soccer ball shaped closed Universe [57]
NASA’Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrophy Probe’ (WMAP) was launched in 2001 to measure
background radiation presumed to be left over from the Big Bang, and to produce a map of the
temperature fluctuations.
The current leading view is that the universe is geometrically flat, but infinite (open). This infinite
universe would contain wavelengths of all sizes and have an infinite amount of matter.
Mathematician Jeff Weeks, in a October 2003 resport said recent data from the WMAP shows only
short and medium wavelengths, The longest wavelengths are missing and this points to a finite
closed universe which does not have long wavelengths.
The recent WMAP data shows that the geometric shape of this closed space may be based on a
dodecahedron, a solid composed of 12 pentagons, similar to a soccer ball .
It should be noted that the inflationary theory predicts unequivocally that the Universe should
globally be exactly flat, thus this new data of a closed (non flat) Universe causes a discrepancy with
the Inflationary theory.
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Scoring Guideline:
Rubric for Grading of Displays
Depth of
Level 4
Scientific information
and ideas are
accurate, thoughtfully
explained and
accurately linked to
the Theory.
Evidence and
Evidence of
explanations have a
clear and logical
Communication Presentation is
effectively focused
and organized (e.g.,
using tables, models,
texts, figures).
Relevance to
information provides
clear context for
Level 3
information and
ideas are
accurate and
linked to the
Evidence and
have a logical
Presentation is
focused and
Level 2
information has
inaccuracies or
is simplified.
Level 1
has major
or is overly
Evidence and
Evidence and
have an implied have no
Presentation has Presentation
some focus and lacks focus
context for
provides some
context for
context for
Instructional Procedures:
Instructions to the Teacher:
Part 1A General Overview of the Big Bang Theory
1. If the teacher or their students want to do some preliminary research on the topic before the
lesson go to a standard Earth & Space Science textbook [47] and/or the following internet site: [26]
2. A vocabulary sheet will be handed out and briefly discussed in class.
3. Fig 1- Initial Introductory Reading by the Student, will be handed out for the students to read.
The students should be informed that the purpose of the initial reading is to give the student a quick
general overview of the topic and not to dwell on any specific details.
4. During the reading of Fig 1, students are to list those vocabulary words that pertain to Fig.1. In
addition they are to write any comments they may have that tie into the scientific evidences on the
Big Bang theory of the Universe.
5. Afterwards a teacher guided classroom discussion follows pertaining to the vocabulary and any
general (not specific) questions/comments the students may have on the overall reading.
Part 1B Conceptions/Misconceptions of the Big Bang Theory
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6. The teacher hands out a copy of Table 1- Conceptions/Misconceptions on Standard Big Bang
Theory that does not contain the answers that are shown in italics within the brackets at the bottom
of the table.
7. The students are to individually write down at the bottom of the table which column is the correct
conception and which column is the misconception of the Big Bang theory.
8. The teacher collects the student’s completed Table 1, and then provides the answers.
9. After the class is over, the teacher evaluates each student’s answers individually to gauge the
student’s prior knowledge of the subject matter.
10. Fig 2- After Question Readings by the Student will then be handed out which the students are
requested to read. This additional information should clarify most if not all of the questions
previously covered in Table 1.
11. The teacher leads a guided classroom discussion to the readings of Fig 2 and any additional
questions/comments that the student may still have regarding the questions in Table 1. Again it
should be noted that the student should be informed that the purpose of the readings and questions
are to give the student a quick general overview of the topic and not to dwell on any specific details.
Allow a total of up to one class period for Parts 1A,B
Instructions to the Student for Parts 1A,B:
Write down your questions and comments while you read the two handout readings and the one
overhead question.
What would you want to know or hope to learn about the Scientific Evidences on the Big Bang
Be prepared to share your questions and comments with the class.
Instructions to the Teacher
Part 2 Scientific Evidence that can support the Big Bang Theory
12. The teacher is to hand out photocopies of the following two Figures:
Fig 3- Scientific Evidence that can support Big Bang Explosion Expansion Universe Theory
Fig 4- Developments in the Standard Consensus Model of the Universe
13. Each student is to individually create two parallel timelines that links the information between
the two tables together.
14. One way this can be done is for the students to cut and paste the individual paragraphs of
information from each table and then arrange them into chronological order, while lining up the
dates between the two parallel timelines.
15. The students are to compare the dates between: the observation of the scientific evidence; and
the development of the model.
16. They can then see how the model was modified as a result of the new observational evidence.
17. They should note if there are any gaps or inconsistencies between the observational evidence
and the development of the model.
One class period should be allowed for the preparation of the two timelines. It should be
understood that some additional out of classroom time may be needed by some students for them to
finish and complete their timeline.
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18. A gallery walk will then occur with students writing in their journal notebook key comparisons
and contrasts (if any) between each student’s timeline. Allow one half period for gallery walk
19. Up to one half a class period is taken by the class as a whole to answer any questions that the
students may have regarding the timelines.
20. The teacher collects the student’s two timelines and then after the class is over evaluates each
student based upon the Rubric.
Instructions to the Student:
One way the timeline can be done is to cut and paste the individual paragraphs of information from
each table and then arrange them into chronological order, while lining up the dates between the
two parallel timelines.
The student is to compare the dates between: the observation of the scientific evidence; and the
development of the model.
The student should see how the model was modified as a result of the new observational evidence.
The student should note if there are any gaps or inconsistencies between the observational evidence
and the development of the model.
Differentiated Instructional Support: Instruction is differentiated according to learner needs, to
help all learners either meet the intent of the specified indicator(s) or, if the indicator is already met,
to advance beyond the specified indicator(s).
For students who struggle with the material covered in this lesson plan, partner them with others
that possess understanding. Use material from a textbook, internet site, or other lesson plan that
contains similar subject material. Encourage the struggling student to work on the material,
preferable with the helper partner whenever possible, outside of instructional time. This can take
place prior to or after the daily lesson, during shared study hall periods, before or after school, etc..
Possible use of supplemental multi-media software.
Part 3 Extended Learning- Additional scientific evidence on Stars and other Celestial Objects that
provide information about the processes that cause changes in the composition and scale of the
physical universe.
Instructions to the Teacher:
For extended learning, each student has an option of researching and writing a report on one other
additional scientific evidence that was not covered in this lesson cycle. See Attachment 1- General
Student Research and Reporting Guidelines for specifics. The scientific evidence shall be about
Stars and other Celestial Objects that provide information about the processes that cause changes in
the composition and scale of the physical universe. Some possible examples are listed in Table 2.
Note that other scientific evidences may be included or substituted from those shown at the
teacher’s discretion. As an option, the student may also explain whether the scientific evidence can
be interpreted to fit the model or are they an anomaly?
Table 2
Additional Scientific Evidence on Stars and other Celestial Objects
that Provide Information about the Processes that cause Changes
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in the Composition and Scale of the Physical Universe.
Sun’s red shift not
[5], [29]
Nearby stars in Milky
Way, & other
galaxies older than
age of universe
[1], [13],[39]
Quasar discordant
redshift companions
Interstellar Gas:
Interstellar gas
contains variety of
heavier elements
beyond H & He
No population III first
generation stars
containing only H &
Faraway Quasars dated
at 15 BY, since
redshift = 400%
1926 Eddington’s
calculation 3 degree
Kelvin temperature
of space due to
radiation of starlight
[13], [17] , [25]
Quasar e.g. PKS
2000-330 is bright
as 100 trillion suns
and billions of times
more massive if
redshift was due to
great distance.
Earliest Quasars and
galaxies have
substantial metal
(Note: These scientific evidences may be interpreted by some to conflict with the Big Bang
explosive expansion Universe theory [17], [16], [18], [40], [41]. See Ref [9] for rebuttal of errors
on attacks on Big Bang)
Copies of all references used by the student shall be presented along with the written report. After
the reports are turned in the student shall prepare a brief presentation on their findings. The teacher
will then conduct a teacher directed discussion on the additional scientific evidence. Allow 1 week
non classroom time for the students to prepare the report as homework, and minimum 2 minutes,
maximum 3 minutes for each student presentation, with a maximum 2 minute class discussion
immediately following each presentation. Allow 1 class period.
Instructions to the Student:
Your teacher can help guide you on potential reference sources to use or suggest key words/phrases
to try when using internet web search engines.
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Follow Attachment 1 guidelines on researching and reporting.
If you have any questions regarding what format to use in your presentation, ask your teacher to
help you in choosing an acceptable model to follow.
Homework Options and Home Connections:
Part 4 Observational List on Characteristics of the Universe
Instructions to the Teacher:
Research one of the following characteristics of the Universe (Fig 5). Note that other characteristics
may be included or substituted from those shown at the teacher’s discretion. Write a brief one page
paragraph on one or more of the following characteristics as shown in the table below. Assume one
half a class period to discuss any questions relating to the homework.
Fig 5
Observational List on Characteristics of the Universe:
(Note: Source is from Ref [1] unless noted otherwise)
1) The majority of heavenly objects, moving in groups, are separate from each other.
2) Heavenly objects are receding from us. The further away they are from us, the higher the speed
with which they are receding.
3) Objects with red shift coexist with objects with blue shift, although the number between them is
no comparison. In other words, we do find movement of heavenly material collections,
contradicting the movement stated in 2).
4) A large quantity of heavenly objects, such as planets, stars, and collections of such objects, such
as multiple star systems and galaxies, are spinning while also making translational movements.
Furthermore, in relation to any appointed direction in the universe, the axes of these spinning
entities are oriented as randomly as one can imagine.
5) The distribution of mass quantity in space is roughly homogeneous and isotropic. However, the
homogeneous mass distribution is also repetitively interrupted by distribution of layers.
6) There exists an isotropic background noise, which is supposed to be one form of radiating energy
of an electromagnetic nature.
7) The existence of electrons and positrons in intergalactic space is observed from the Compton
Gamma Ray Observatory Satellite [5].
8) Intergalactic space is not a vacuum but is filled with clouds of high velocity gas that contains
molecular hydrogen [5], [25], [29].
Instructions to the Student:
Your teacher can help guide you on potential reference sources to use or suggest key words/phrases
to try when using internet web search engines.
Follow Attachment 1 guidelines on researching and reporting.
Interdisciplinary Connections: Grade 9
Social Studies (Social Studies Skills and Methods- Thinking and Organizing Indicators 1,2,3)
English Language Arts (Reading Applications: Informational, Technical and Persuasive Text
Indicators 2,4; Research Indicators 2,3,4; Communication: Oral and Visual Indicators 8,10)
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Materials and Resources:
Science notebooks, Poster sized paper, Colored pencils or magic markers, Masking tape,
Textbook, Library and internet access by the Teacher and/or Student
Note for classrooms with only one computerAn overhead, LCD or television screen can be used to project images from the computer onto a
classroom screen. The lesson can be bookmarked or previously downloaded onto the computer or
CD. This will facilitate a more organized and predictable large group presentation and minimize
Note for Classrooms that do not have computer accessFor teachers with school library or home computers with internet access selected parts of the lesson
may be printed out on paper or transparencies.
If there are one or more computers located outside the classroom inside at the school or nearby at a
local library, students may experience their research lesson individually or in small groups as a
learning station.
For those students with home computer internet access, their research lesson may be done as
homework or as an extension lesson.
Big Bang theory, red shift, blue shift, isotropic, intergalactic space, Standard Model of Cosmology,
Inflationary theory, Doppler shift, polarization measurements, Cosmic Microwave Background,
Cosmological principle, cosmological constant, omni directional, Hubble’s law, Quasar, Dark
Matter, Dark Energy, Population III stars, homogeneity, discordant.
Technology Connections:
Internet web sites, multi-media computer downloads, analog photo copies or scanned digital images
Research Connections:
Inquiry strategies, theory on multiple intelligence, Marzano cooperative group learning,
Identifying similarities and differences, direct vocabulary instruction, writing answers more
memory retention than oral answers
General Tips:
The evidence for the Big Bang comes from many pieces of observational data that can be consistent
with the Big Bang. None of these prove the Big Bang, since scientific theories are not proven.
Many of these observations are consistent with the Big Bang and in addition also with some other
cosmological models not included in this lesson due to the Indicator specific requirements.
Attachment 1: General Student Research and Reporting Guidelines
The recommended references listed below are the minimum required for the basic core lesson to be
used by all students. Each reference is keyed to one or more appropriate lesson topics by the use of
a bracket containing a bold 2 digit number in italics. For example [15] is Reference 15.
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Lesson #4 GREEN
[13] www.metaresearch.org/cosmology/DidTheUniverseHaveABeginning.asp Did The Universe
Have a Beginning?
[26] www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/cosmolog.htm Ned Wright’s Cosmology Tutorial
[28] www.electric-cosmos.org/arp.htm Halton Arp’s discoveries about redshift
[54] http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/cosmology Univ.Tennessee lecture notes
[55] www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gr/public Cambridge Cosmology
The optional suggested footnotes are listed below. Each footnote is keyed to one or more
appropriate lesson topics by the use of a bracket containing a bold 2 digit number in italics. For
example [15] is Reference 15.
[1] http://members.aol.com/crebigsol2/hubblelaw.html Mathematical Demonstration on Hubble’s
[5] www.angelfire.com/az/BIGBANGisWRONG/index.html Why the Big Bang is Wrong
[9] www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/errors.html Errors in some popular attacks on the Big Bang
[10] www.jupiterscientific.org/sciinfo/newcosmology.html The Understanding of the History of
Our Universe by Cosmologists Evolves
[13] www.metaresearch.org/cosmology/DidTheUniverseHaveABeginning.asp Did The Universe
Have a Beginning?
[14] www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/hanger/4317/redaw.html The Cosmological Red Shift
[16] Links in Ref [5]
[17] http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/V09N02PDF/V09N2tvf.PDF The Top 30 Problems with
the Big Bang, Apeiron, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2002
[18] www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_6_10_14.html Book review of the Cult of the BIG BANG, Was
There a Bang?
[20] www.physics.fsu.edu/users/ProsperH/AST3033/Cosmology.htm Successes of, and Problems
with, Big Bang Cosmology
[25] www.dfi.uem.br/~macedane/history_of_2.7k.html History of 2.7 K Temperature Prior to
Penzias and Wilson
[26] www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/cosmolog.htm Ned Wright’s Cosmology Tutorial
[28] www.electric-cosmos.org/arp.htm Halton Arp’s discoveries about redshift
[29] www.newtonphysics.on.ca/BIGBANG/Bigbang.html Big Bang Cosmology Meets an
Astronomical Death
[32] Edward R. Harrison, Cosmology: The Science of the Universe, Cambridge University Press,
1981, pp.106-107
[34] Science Vol 290, 2000, p.1923
[35] Edward R. Harrison, Cosmology: The Science of the Universe, Cambridge University Press,
1981, pp. 236 & 245-246
[36] T.Ferris , Needed: a better name for the big bang, Sky & Telescope 86:2 (1993) 4-5
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[37] W. Rindler. Essential Relativity, 1977, Revised Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, NewYork
[39] Harwit, Martin, Astrophysical Concepts, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1973, p.459
[40] William R. Corliss, Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos A Catalog of Astronomical Anomalies, The
Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, MD, 1987
[41] Hoyle, Geoffrey Burbidge and Narlikar- A Different approach to Cosmology, 2000 Cambridge
University Press
[42] Brad Lemly, Guth’s Grand Guess, Discover (Vol 23, April 2002), p. 38
[47] Spaulding and Namowitz, Heath Earth Science, McDougal Little Inc, Evanston, Il c 1999
[50] Vera Rubin, Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos: The Past Decade, the Next Decade, in Science, Vol.209,
1980, pp.64-71
[51] Where is Population III?, Sky and Telecscope, 64:19 (1982)
[52] Time-Life, Cosmic Mysteries (1990), pp.68-69.
[54] http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/cosmology Univ.Tennessee lecture notes
[55] www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gr/public Cambridge Cosmology
[56] http://feynman.princeton.edu/~steinh Paul Steinhardt Cyclic Model
[57] www.nature.com/nsu/031006/031006-8.html Nature, 425, 593-595, October 9, 2003
Note: no space between any letters of web page. Underscore ‘_’ exists between letters where there
appears to be a space. The underscore ‘_’ exists but is obscured by the underline for link.
Also some sites use lower case L “l” which looks like the number one “1”
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Attachment 1
General Student Research and Reporting Guidelines:
1. Teacher is to provide topic and question.
2. Suggested reference source(s) and key word(s)/phrase(s) for web search engine will be
provided by teacher.
3. Student is to evaluate the usefulness, and whenever possible the credibility, validity and
possible bias/slant of data, information and sources (primary and secondary). Teacher is to
act in a review capacity during this process.
4. The credentials and past reliability track record of both the author and publisher should be
taken into consideration in evaluating the reference source. One should note though that
some important paradigm shifts in the past were first discovered by investigators working
outside of their specialty field of formal education, e.g. Charles Darwin was a divinity
school graduate. Also, from 1903 until 1908 the two bicycle mechanics Wilbur and Orville
Wright were rejected by Scientific American for their 1903 claim to have successfully built
and flown a heavier than air flying machine.
5. Critical thinking skills should include a check by the student for potential errors in logical
reasoning and/or extrapolation used in the reference source.
6. Where appropriate and available, contrary/anomalous information should also be evaluated
in order to provide an intellectually honest and balanced perspective.
7. An attempt should be made to include some non-American references that provide written
information available in the English language.
8. Student should utilize investigative inquiry methods appropriate to the type of question
being researched.
9. Research should be linked to relevant scientific theory/knowledge, and be germane to the
topic so as to stay on target with the indicator and benchmark.
10. The student should use and describe a logical, coherent and explicit line of reasoning.
11. Information from various resources should be organized, and the sources selected should be
appropriate to support the central ideas, concepts and themes.
12. Students should produce reports that give proper credit for sources.
13. The findings communicated on the substance and processes should include using the proper
modes and media appropriate to the nature and/or type of information.
Modified from Reference: “Scientific Research in Education”, Committee on Scientific Principles
for Education Research, Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne, Editors, National Research Council
ISBN 0-309-08291-9
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