Notes for Classwork Topics Fall 2012 Intermediate English Conversation Topics Fall 2012/09/10, 9/27 (To be updated throughout this semester) Jan. 10, 2013 Jessie Ho Name Lists 各組名單 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Calendar 101 Calendar 101-2 Citation Machine Daily 1 Ca Cb Please look for topics from Ideas and Issues or news. Time magazine. Midterm Ca Cb Mid-term/Final Guided Topics 2012/10, 12 Daily 2 Ca Cb Please look for topics from Ideas & Issues or news. Final Ca FAQ for Intermediate English Conversation Cb Final Guided Topics 12 Ideas and Issues Advanced, Martin Hunt. Chancerel International, 2000. IEC Notes e-learning Spring 2010 How to understand native speakers' questions in English Talk like a native speaker - GONNA, HAVETA, WANNA Mahamrityunjaya Mantra (Hinduism) Mantra singer Hein Braat & Medicine Buddha's Mantra (Buddhism) Om Mani Padme Hum - Original Extended Version.wmv Brain Music - STUDY FOCUS CONCENTRATE - HELP YOU WORK FAST 讓你脫離不幸的方法! 幸福課 7-逆境還是機遇-Positive Psychology-Tal Ben-Shahar Nicholas Tse gives a talk at HKUST (謝霆鋒香港科技大學講座) 發佈日期:2012-05-01,發佈者:case HKUST On 19 April 2012, Nicholas Tse (謝霆鋒) kicked off the Asian Leadership Series at HKUST (香港科技大學) with a talk on his entrepreneurial success. In the format of an interview with HKUST undergraduate students, Mr Tse talked with HKUST students and staff about his experience in developing a creative enterprise called Post Production Office Group, his management philosophy, and his personal development as a young leader. The talk was organized by the Center for Business Case Studies. For more information about the event as well as related teaching materials and other Asian business cases please visit 'Linsanity' hits Taiwan as Jeremy Lin conquers NBA By Cindy Sui BBC News, Taipei Poetry Magazine Prof. Conway from Wayne State University will come to visit us in class. ACTFL American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence - Madison Square Garden, NYC 2009/10/29&30 Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide? How do we create? This is a good site. Novelist Amy Tan digs deep into the creative process, journeying through her childhood and family history and into the worlds of physics and chance, looking for hints of where her own creativity comes from. It's a wild ride with a surprise ending. nature, nurture, and nightmares. Do Schools Destroy Creativity? - Ken Robinson Innovation and Creativity Expert 學校教育扼殺創意嗎?(中文) no subtitle If you are not prepared to be wrong, there won’t be any creativity. 肯.羅賓森爵士(Sir Ken Robinson)以生動活潑的案例來談教育制度。他深切希望教育制度 能培育而非扼殺學生的創意。 A Complaint Free World: How To Stop Complaining And Start Enjoying The Life You Always Wanted by Will Bowen Chinese trans Corporal punishment and bullying on campus 校園體罰與霸凌 Reporting—paraphrase, summary and synthesis See USFAP or see my note. 全國英語大賽亞軍 China English Speaking Contest of national college students--She rocks 10:55 Isn’t this too long? The champion of the 2007 CCTV CUP English Speaking Contest 1 If you were the government of the country, how would you solve the water problem? Are people educated overseas entitled to a higher salary? (She never let the debater lead her away. She stayed focused.) What’s more important in a leader –- specialist knowledge or people management skills? CCTV-9 English Speech Contest Q: Meeting challenges, pleasure and pain 2010 年全國大專院校英語演講比賽 (R.O.C.) 演講題目: (二選一) 1. What actions should society take to address the needs of people with disabilities? 2. How is social media changing the world? 2008 1. Volunteer work - how society can be improved through volunteer work 2. Global warming - its impact and remedy 3. Moral standards - how my moral standards make a difference in my community 張恆睿,「我想要捉住大家對我的注意力,站在舞台上是一種光芒,但是台下像漆黑的宇宙,觀 眾投向我的目光就像一顆顆星辰,讓我更為耀眼。」、「爆發」 「尋求心理醫師的協助是否為懦弱的表現」 教育部全國大專英語演講比賽實況 比賽花絮 95 96 98 Speech Topics Topics 2010 Selected Topics for Speech Practice How to write a study plan How to write a resume Free samples YouTube Practice how to delivery a speech can make you a good speaker. 2011 Providence University Speech Contest 初賽: (1) What it means to be a hero in the Western and Eastern culture? (2) Impact of Internet culture on students’life (3)Are we loosing Taiwan culture? 複賽主題: 與 The Importance of Learning Second Language 相關,採現場抽題,每人有十分鐘準備時間。 評分標準:語言表達能力 50%、內容 40%、儀態 10%。 比賽規則: 初賽: 1. 演講比賽時間限 2 分(以上台發聲起算),演講時間 1 分 45 秒至 2 分 15 秒不扣分,超過 或不足 15 秒扣一分,但超過 2 分 30 秒就必須強制結束比賽。 1. 比賽計時方式:1 分 45 秒響鈴一次、2 分 15 秒響鈴兩次、及 2 分 30 秒響三次長 鈴強制結束比賽。 2. 比賽過程不可看稿。 10/28 2010 Topics for Speech Contest (1) The Meaning of Intellectual Property 智慧財產的意義 (What is XX? What makes intellectual property being taken for illegal use? Why is it important? What are you going to do? Publication of books, CDs, MP3, Designs are copy-righted or patented. They should be respected and not to be assessed without limits. You can study them by obtaining those products, but that doesn’t mean that you are legitimated to reproduce without permission. Learning from good work you should pay the money required. If you are to use it without pay, use the public library for the books and mass media for your convenience. Pay when you can afford to show your support to the producers. ) (2) Energy Conservation is Vital in Order to Prevent the Threat to Our Planet 能源保護的重要避免地球受到溫室效應威脅 (Why and how to do it? We enjoy all the convenience and comfort by the use of energy, but how will we suffer if we come to serious global warming problems? You want to have a beautiful hair-style by the use of spray, but do you have the idea that the ozone layer is broken. The sun that benefits the world can bring harmful radiations to the world. Temperature is on the rise and so as the rise of sea level. We have already suffered from occasional rain-storms in the mountains and Kaohsiung. And we couldn’t but blame it because of global warming. How to prevent the threat to our planet? Energy conservation is vital. First of all, try not to rely on electricity, gas, fire, water, soil too much. …) (3) Ways to Conserve Energy in Taiwan 能源保護之道在台灣 (electricity, gas, fire and water, not wasteful; create more energy from wind and water, etc. plant trees, build up green houses, use lukewarm water instead hot water in bath, bathing with pail rather than shower, car pool or take public transit system like HRS, school bus, or train.) (4) Role of Media in Efficient Energy Use 有效能源應用上媒 體角色 (News, spokesman like Al Gore, teaches people ways to use energy efficiently.) (5) Why is intellectual property important? (6) If you were the head of the energy-efficiency student association here at Providence, what are some of the strategies you would implement in order to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions? 在靜宜減低能源和溫室排氣量的 具體作法 節能減碳保護環境 綠色大學 99 年經濟部優傑出大學 (How much does it cost for the school in electricity bills? Shut down computers, TV. Air conditioners, use recycle water for flush in toilets, plants, use solar energy, etc. Three “R” and three “G” are reduce, reuse, recycle and green building, green transportation, and green energy.) What is Intellectual Property? simple intellectual property crime crime involving counterfeiting and copyright piracy illegal activities involving the manufacture and distribution of counterfeit and copyrighted products Key Concepts The concept of intellectual property (IP) is designed to provide legal protection for creative assets, both of the artistic and commercial variety. Intellectual property law provides legal protection over intangible assets such as musical, literary, and artistic works, ideas, discoveries, and inventions, as well as words, phrases, symbols, and designs Energy conservation News to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions s-emissions-reduction-target-federal-operations Obama spent more than $24.5 billion on electricity and fuel in 2008 alone. “As the largest energy consumer in the United States, we have a responsibility to American citizens to reduce our energy use and become more efficient,” said President Obama. “Our goal is to lower costs, reduce pollution, and shift Federal energy expenses away from oil and towards local, clean energy.” Listen to Me Kirk Cameron on The View - 5/28/08 Siskel & Ebert - Listen to Me (1989) World Expo Watch Video: Fueling Jordan's Economy News@Cisco Enterprise Fueling Opportunity in Jordan Cisco provides converged network Organize your speech UT Toastmasters University of Tennessee Toastmasters speech 2 organize your speech When you speak, does your audience get it? Also organize your speech Scorpion ml Bhutan ***Why do people think Nepal (Tibet) is the happiest country in the world?;photovideo The Swiss The pursuit of happiness Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - lecture Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken" Lecture High school students read this. Kevin Murphy, Professor of English at Ithaca College, examines the discrepancy between Robert Frost's popularity during his lifetime and the darker implications of his poetry, as exemplified by one of his most cherished poems. 2 3 "Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman (poetry reading) James Malinchak’s College Speaking Success New 如何將Word檔轉為 PDF See here pdf If you want to save your word file into a pdf, you have to download two things. CutePDF Writer: Create PDF file free and PDF Converter (PS2PDF Converter 元件). After you complete the installment, you will see two icons Cute Writer and Converter. After you create a file with Word, you then press print by choosing it from the scroll under file. Then in your printers choose Cute PDF Writer and save the file in a new name. It will become a pdf file. The pdf file looks like a document, very formal. For a letter you can use school logo as heading with our address. 台中縣沙鹿鎮 43301 中棲路 200 200 ChungChi Rd., Taichung 43301, Taiwan Louis Vuitton How to pronounce these brand names? Harvard Institute for Public Forum Debate Stefan Bauschard See the Video Hot Property: The Stealing of Ideas in an Age of Globalization featuring Pat Cho What role does the media play in the rush towards globalization? 98 年進來學生畢業學分 132 若畢業門檻英檢沒過 加選以下一門「高階英語」課程 四學 分:高級英語會話 Advanced English Conversation, 大四論文與寫作 Thesis Writing,高 階英語閱讀與寫作 Advanced Reading and Writing, 檢定英文 English for Proficiency Test (2-2), 但不列入畢業總學分. 若學生有必要加選,成績單會有但不加總算入 total credits. 98 年以前進來學生畢業學分 137,沒規定不能算那四學分. 論文寫作指南 (follow the steps to learn how to write a thesis.) MLA Guidelines for writing a literature review APA by Helen Mongan-Rallis. Notes Listen to Me (Abortion) Roe vs. Wade Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), a landmark case decided by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion, is one of the most controversial and politically significant cases in U.S. Supreme Court history. The Court held that a woman may abort her pregnancy for any reason, up until the "point at which the fetus becomes 'viable' at about seven months (28 weeks) but may occur earlier, even at 24 weeks."[ The Court rested these conclusions on a constitutional right to privacy emanating from the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, also known as substantive due process. Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a person according to the law. Roe v. Wade prompted a national debate that continues today, about issues including whether and to what extent abortion should be legal, who should decide the legality of abortion, what methods the Supreme Court should use in constitutional adjudication, and what the role should be of religious and moral views in the political sphere. Roe v. Wade reshaped national politics, dividing much of the nation into pro-Roe (mostly pro-choice) and anti-Roe (mostly pro-life) camps, while activating grassroots movements on both sides. Q&A: Student Fees BBC News One-minute world news Debate: University Tuition Fees (UK) Richard Mott Should students in higher education be charged tuition fees? Mobile phones, use by children Should children be allowed to own and use mobile phones (cellphones)? Week 3 Poetry Recitation Handout from last term, Relating to Robinson Listen Relating to Robinson Reciting from the United States Declaration on Independence Internet Resources from National Taiwan University 外文所博士班歷屆考古題 西洋文學理論與批評 英國文學史 美國文學史 中國文學史 英美文學史 歐洲文學史 Taiwan Snapshot 行政院新聞局外語期刊 Listening practice 中外文學 Chung Wai Literary Quarterly Top Monday Class Daily 1 9/24, 10/01, 10/08 3Ca Ca Daily 1 Week 3 9/24 Arrivals (Unit 1) We introduce some pictures to illustrate what it is like to go through upon arrivals. There are something like going through the passport control, custom duty, luggage reclaim, immigration office, etc and booking for the ticket for practice. It would be better if they can bring us the dialogues on the text and their own creative dialogues about meeting people at the airport. While introducing, remember to say the situation before each dialogue demo. Please check my I E C no t e s (5) English for Traveling Learn English 72 - Travel Learn English 48 - Checking In Learn English 28 - Office Phone*** Telephone English: Transferring a Call*** Effective Telephone Techniques Video 8: Service First Learning English At The Airport Arrivals (Unit 1) First of all, as soon as you leave the plan, follow the signs to PASSPORT CONTROL or immigration. At the Passport Control there are often two routes, one for citizens, the other for non-citizens. In some countries, they will put a stamp on your passport. After you have been through passport control, FOLLOW THE SIGNS to the Baggage Hall. There will usually be a picture of a suitcase on the sign. In the BAGGAGE HALL there may be several carousels. There will be TV monitors which show you the right carousel for your luggage, e.g. AC 862 Toronto -4 Collect your luggage and look for the sign to CUSTOMS. In most countries the signs are red for Goods to Declare and Green for Nothing to Declare. In the European Union there is also a blue sign for travellers from other European Union countries. After Customs look for the EXIT. If someone is meeting you they will be waiting at the Meeting Point. You will see signs for taxis, buses or trains that will take you to your destination. Business trip Traveling English for travel: booking for the ticket, reserve a hotel room Language for Check in and Check out Meeting people at the airport and reception, train station, Customs duty, claim luggage Week 4 10/1 Group 1 Marriage Counseling (Unit 9) 婚姻中的自 我矛盾 This group studies the lesson carefully and comes up with well-organized materials to introduce the topic. When the couple has an argument, it would be better that they cool down and continue the talk sometime later. When you get married, will you be willing to live with spouse’s parents in the same house? What are some major problems between the couple? Money, education, manner and attitude, living style. Do you think children can help the parents who have diverse views and serious problems? How long does true love last? 4 or 5 years perhaps. This group searches for and introduces information about the steps in a marriage counseling session. More materials can be used as to what are common complaints between couples, whether divorce is good or bad, how to communicate with your life partner, etc. Josh did the part in the light way and asked two questions when sending out gifts. Amber wanted me to talk about my marriage and asked if I had argued with my husband. Nothing serious had happened. We had different opinions about how to teach our child when he was a child. We still have to worry for his family now. Perhaps I have to spare sometime for them. One term to describe how tolerate you are is “adversity quotient” 挫折指 數. Sometimes we have to communicate to get to know each other better. Sessions, how to be a counselor, how to solve marriage problems, what are some problems in a marriage; language to persuade, argue If you have marriage problem, where would you turn to for help? Think back to your parents relations and see if they are model couple or if they have any problems. When it comes to the money, well make more money. Then, how? Adding more skills to oneself may promise better jobs. Having children old enough to work part time may reduce the burden of finance within a family. Looking for scholarship will help too, if possible. ***Couple who has serious problem and not knowing how to deal with daily life matters may seek for professional help from marriage counselors. Some may look for advice from friends rather than parents, because friends have the similar age. But don’t you think they tend to yield similar answers to your question which might not be helpful at all. Sometimes, different age group may come out with different opinions which may be more mature. Mike: what makes two persons with different opinions get married? Jessie Ho: Maybe superficial love, fall in love for the first sight, see only the outside beauty, etc. So if you make friends, try to date, and talk to each other for common interests, observe the way he talks with others, the things he does to others, if he can meet your family for your parents to talk to him and see if you two matched to each other. Petsy: the two persons must love each other. Jessie Ho: Yes. But how long does love last? Jessie Ho: 3 to 4 years. In tradition our marriage last long because the couple works on marriage and children after getting married. Yes, love and background for communication are the best qualities for an ideal marriage. Sessions, how to be a counselor, how to solve marriage problems, what are some problems in a marriage; language to persuade, argue If you have marriage problem, where would you turn to for help? Group 2 Sounding Polite (Unit 11) Politeness is an expression of concern for other people's feelings. Being linguistically polite involves a highly complex mix of appropriate words, grammar, intonation and tone of voice. 'Positive politeness' is used to emphasize goodwill and camaraderie and helps preserve the other person's positive face. Paying compliments, saying "Mm..." in all the right places and calling someone by a nickname can all be ways of being positively polite. 'Negative politeness' is non-intrusive, respectful behaviour that helps preserve negative face. Using verbs like 'would' and 'could' to soften requests, apologising profusely and not interrupting can be examples of this. Have you ever felt patronised or humiliated by a compliment? Politeness doesn't just vary between situations, it's also culture-dependent. What sounds polite to you might be embarrassing or upsetting to someone from another background. It's really important for people working in multicultural areas to be aware of how norms of politeness can vary. Intonation in speaking improper intonation being monotone is better than having bad intonation. The worst is when someone goes up and down too much on every word. Another thing you should avoid is to end high at the end of a sentence. to start high and end low. Week 5 10/8 Group 2 Getting a Job (Unit 6) What Gen Y Really Wants (Time digest Aug. 2007) PP. 88~ For baby boomers, it’s the juggling act of work-life balance. For Gen X, it means moving in and out of the workforce to accommodate kids and outside interests. For the Gen Y workers, the line between work and home doesn’t really exist. They just want to spend their time in meaningful and useful ways, no matter where they are. Hire the best young workers, get them in the door. They have high expectations for personal growth, even in entry-level jobs. They move back to live with family after collecting their degrees, and they cushion of support gives them the time to pick the job they really want. Taking time off to travel is a learning experience. And entrepreneurship now functions as a safety net for this generation. They know how to launch a viable online business. Facebook began in a college dorm room. The consulting firm Deloitte high turnover of its young employees. 高流動率 What attracts them to and keeps them at a job? Job hopping 換工作 is not an end in itself but something young workers do when they see no other choice. Helping people figure out their next career move. The best place for a restless young person is simply another spot in Deloitte. This saves the company the $150,000 cost of losing an employee—not to mention the stress for employees of changing jobs. This group demonstrated the bad way and good way of doing the interviews to show contrasts. If there is enough time, more interaction could be performed, such as ideal jobs, qualifications, how to prepare a resume/ your e-portfolio, the cover letter, letter of recommendation, etc. Experiences of a job hunt can be shared. Whether you're looking for your very first job, switching careers, or re-entering the job market after an extended absence, finding a job requires two main tasks: understanding yourself and understanding the job market. Job interview tips - Job interview questions and answers I really need to be in a place I can manage and do well. Interview Tips: Tell me about a weakness, the GOOD answer Dos and Don’ts Preparing for an Interview Cover Letter Where and how to hunt for a job? Interview manners Zemi has good pronunciation and shows her confidence in the arranged interview. Veona counts on her note too much until the last moment. A cover letter is brought up not a resume. A resume contains your address and phone number, thesis statement for the job, your educational background and working experience, your skills, your honors, reference, etc. I once gave up a teaching job in junior high school, but I don’t regret much because I like to teach young adults. Do you have any job experience? How to write a resume Free samples YouTube How to write a cover letter here dress How to Communicate Your Strengths in a Job Interview (confident but not cocky, overconfident); connect your company’s needs to your skills How To Ace a Job Interview 5 Secrets to a Job Interview Classic Job Interview Questions (Your weakness, why should we hire you, why do you want the job? Your goals to the company’s goals, … ) Ideal jobs, how to apply for one, resume, letter of recommendation, interview Advice On Finding A Job In Taiwan Six Months In Taiwan by Daniel Wallace ThingsAsian How to get a job and a life in Taipei Taipei Times and China Times Group 4 Making Complaint (Unit 27) On my IEC notes Top 6 Ways to Get An Angry Customer to Back Down apologize (be carefully worded), kill them softly with diplomacy, go into computer mode, don’t have emotional reaction, don’t take the bait, delay in service, have I done anything personally to upset you? Show empathy, If I were in your shoes, I would feel just the same as you. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback. It’s a shock factor. Stay calm and regain control. How to end a conversation gracefully Have you complained about a new item you bought to the salesclerk? Dealing with complaints Be calm and relaxed when dealing with a complaint. Let the person explain their problem. Let them talk until they’ve released their anger. Don’t interrupt them tuntil they have finished. Speak friendly. Be sympathetic. Use attentive listening techniques. (I understand, I see.) Take notes. Use reflective listening techniques. (You must be very annoyed about this.) Offer to investigate the problem. If your company is wrong, admit it and apologize. Don’t waste time defending your company, or blaming someone else. Never make excuses. (It isn’t my fault. We’re having problems with the computer system. Someone else was responsible for this. ) Stick to the point. Don’t make personal comments. Don’t start an argument. Ask the person what they think the asswer is. Explain what you’re going to do about the problem. Make sure that you do it. Return a purchase like a radio, receipt, ask for solution, writing letter Manners Week 6 10/15 Group 5 Inside Story How to survive kidnapping? In recording you may make the voice sound softer not jerky to harm the ears. When and where and why are kidnapping taking place? Do you know how to protect yourself against kidnappers? Martial arts? Karate? If you show strong manner, or scream loud enough, kidnappers might be frightened. Leave signs for help. Try not to irritate the kidnappers. Remember, you are only of value to them alive, and they want to keep you that way. The common hostage responses of fear, denial, and withdrawal are all experienced in varying degrees. You may be blindfolded, drugged, handled roughly, or even stuffed in the trunk of a car. If drugs are administered, do not resist. Their purpose will be to sedate you and make you more manageable; these same drugs may actually help you to get control of your emotions, which should be your immediate goal. If conscious, follow your captors? instructions. Captivity A hostage-taking situation is at its worst at the onset. The terrorists are nervous and unsure, easily irritated, often irrational. It is a psychologically traumatic moment for the hostage. Violence may be used even if the hostage remains passive, but resistance could result in death. Kidnapping, kidnapped, case, motivation, solution, ransom First-degree kidnapping occurs when a person abducts another person to obtain ransom (N.Y. Penal Code § 135.25 [McKinney 1996]). First-degree kidnapping also occurs when the abduction lasts for more than 12 hours and the abductor intends to injure the victim; to accomplish or advance the commission of a felony; to terrorize the victim or a third person; or to interfere with a governmental or political function. An abduction that results in death is also first-degree kidnapping. A first-degree kidnapping in New York State is a class A-1 felony, which carries a sentence of at least 20 years in prison (§ 70.00). A person who is convicted of a class B felony in New York State can be sentenced to one to eight years in prison (§ 70.00). Two key elements are common to all charges of kidnapping. First, the asportation (unlawful removal of goods from where they are deposited or stored) ordetention must be unlawful. Under various state and federal statutes, not all seizures and asportations constitute kidnapping: Police officers may arrest and jail a person they suspect of a crime, and parents are allowed to reasonably restrict and control the movement of their children. Group 6 Earth Day How to protect water, wild life, insects, fish, get good mileage, avoid pollution Why and how do we protect the environment? Rain forest conservation, wildlife, quality of air, water An Inconvenient Truth: former United States Vice President Al Gore's campaign to educate citizens about global warming Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie: Fact or Hype? But how accurate are some of the scientific claims made in the documentary? Scientists Debate The Accuracy Of Al Gore's Documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' the main message of the film, which explains the theory that increasing carbon dioxide causes a warming tendency in the lower atmosphere. ________________ Group 5 Arrivals (Unit 1) Group 5 They introduce some pictures to illustrate what it is like to go through upon arrivals. There are something like going through the passport control, custom duty, luggage reclaim, immigration office, etc and booking for the ticket for practice. It would be better if they can bring us the dialogues on the text and their own creative dialogues about meeting people at the airport. While introducing, remember to say the situation before each dialogue demo. Please check my I E C no t e s (5) English for Traveling Learn English 72 - Travel Learn English 48 - Checking In Learn English 28 - Office Phone*** Telephone English: Transferring a Call*** Effective Telephone Techniques Video 8: Service First Arrivals (Unit 1) First of all, as soon as you leave the plan, follow the signs to PASSPORT CONTROL or immigration. At the Passport Control there are often two routes, one for citizens, the other for non-citizens. In some countries, they will put a stamp on your passport. After you have been through passport control, FOLLOW THE SIGNS to the Baggage Hall. There will usually be a picture of a suitcase on the sign. In the BAGGAGE HALL there may be several carousels. There will be TV monitors which show you the right carousel for your luggage, e.g. AC 862 Toronto -4 Collect your luggage and look for the sign to CUSTOMS. In most countries the signs are red for Goods to Declare and Green for Nothing to Declare. In the European Union there is also a blue sign for travellers from other European Union countries. After Customs look for the EXIT. If someone is meeting you they will be waiting at the Meeting Point. You will see signs for taxis, buses or trains that will take you to your destination. Business trip Traveling English for travel: booking for the ticket, reserve a hotel room Language for Check in and Check out Meeting people at the airport and reception, train station, Customs duty, claim luggage Week 4 10/4 Group 2 Getting a Job (Unit 6) This group demonstrated the bad way and good way of doing the interviews to show contrasts. If there is enough time, more interaction could be performed, such as ideal jobs, qualifications, how to prepare a resume/ your e-portfolio, the cover letter, letter of recommendation, etc. Experiences of a job hunt can be shared. Whether you're looking for your very first job, switching careers, or re-entering the job market after an extended absence, finding a job requires two main tasks: understanding yourself and understanding the job market. Job interview tips - Job interview questions and answers I really need to be in a place I can manage and do well. Interview Tips: Tell me about a weakness, the GOOD answer Dos and Don’ts Preparing for an Interview Cover Letter Where and how to hunt for a job? Interview manners Zemi has good pronunciation and shows her confidence in the arranged interview. Veona counts on her note too much until the last moment. A cover letter is brought up not a resume. A resume contains your address and phone number, thesis statement for the job, your educational background and working experience, your skills, your honors, reference, etc. I once gave up a teaching job in junior high school, but I don’t regret much because I like to teach young adults. Do you have any job experience? How to write a resume at Free samples YouTube How to write a cover letter here dress How to Communicate Your Strengths in a Job Interview (confident but not cocky, overconfident); connect your company’s needs to your skills How To Ace a Job Interview 5 Secrets to a Job Interview Classic Job Interview Questions (Your weakness, why should we hire you, why do you want the job? Your goals to the company’s goals, … ) Ideal jobs, how to apply for one, resume, letter of recommendation, interview Advice On Finding A Job In Taiwan Six Months In Taiwan by Daniel Wallace ThingsAsian How to get a job and a life in Taipei Taipei Times and China Times Group 4 Marriage Counseling (Unit 9) This group searches for and introduces information about the steps in a marriage counseling session. More materials can be used as to what are common complaints between couples, whether divorce is good or bad, how to communicate with your life partner, etc. Josh did the part in the light way and asked two questions when sending out gifts. Amber wanted me to talk about my marriage and asked if I had argued with my husband. Nothing serious had happened. We had different opinions about how to teach our child when he was a child. We still have to worry for his family now. Perhaps I have to spare sometime for them. One term to describe how tolerate you are is “adversity quotient” 挫折指 數. Sometimes we have to communicate to get to know each other better. Sessions, how to be a counselor, how to solve marriage problems, what are some problems in a marriage; language to persuade, argue If you have marriage problem, where would you turn to for help? Week 5 10/11 Group 3 Sounding Polite (Unit 11) May Wen and May Lo work hard to prepare the listening drills for class and the ppt comes with pictures to focus the attention on them. Sometimes explanation will help the class to understand when to use a falling or rising pitch in intonation. Politeness is an expression of concern for other people's feelings. Being linguistically polite involves a highly complex mix of appropriate words, grammar, intonation and tone of voice. 'Positive politeness' is used to emphasize goodwill and camaraderie and helps preserve the other person's positive face. Paying compliments, saying "Mm..." in all the right places and calling someone by a nickname can all be ways of being positively polite. 'Negative politeness' is non-intrusive, respectful behaviour that helps preserve negative face. Using verbs like 'would' and 'could' to soften requests, apologising profusely and not interrupting can be examples of this. Have you ever felt patronised or humiliated by a compliment? Politeness doesn't just vary between situations, it's also culture-dependent. What sounds polite to you might be embarrassing or upsetting to someone from another background. It's really important for people working in multicultural areas to be aware of how norms of politeness can vary. Intonation in speaking improper intonation being monotone is better than having bad intonation. The worst is when someone goes up and down too much on every word. Another thing you should avoid is to end high at the end of a sentence. to start high and end low.*** statement, wh- questions, Yes/no, a list Group 6 Call-in. You're on the Air (Unit 26) This group introduced famous radio stations in Taiwan. Their call-in show aired their sadness on the passing of Steve Jobs. In general students call in to voice their problems hoping someone could take charge of it and solve the problem for them. In the book, a caller aired to complain the sanitation truck that came in the middle of the night. Another caller complains the road being repaired in construction that never ends. The way Peter talked shows his skills, manner and maturity in presenting. This group broke up into pairs to deal with different call-in issues, noisy fireworks, noisy neighbors, sanitation trucks. Fred and Edward also did a good job in leading us to the main interest. Caroline talked about a neighbor who always plays his musical instrument at midnight. Peter suggested to write a complaint note and slip it through the door seal. Deborah also explained the term “curfew in the dorm” and I learn that it’s 12. Is it too late or too early? Any complaints and look for a change: mid-night garbage truck, repairing the roads, fire station, curfew in the dorm, noisy neighbors Complain about the constructions going on at the alternate routes at the same time. I’m fed up with the sanitation trucks that come in the middle of the night and make all that noise. A nurse feels crazy when the air conditioner is dripping the water from above her window. The radio you bought won’t work. Week 6 10/18 Group 1 Making Complaint (Unit 27) On my IEC notes Top 6 Ways to Get An Angry Customer to Back Down apologize (be carefully worded), kill them softly with diplomacy, go into computer mode, don’t have emotional reaction, don’t take the bait, delay in service, have I done anything personally to upset you? Show empathy, If I were in your shoes, I would feel just the same as you. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback. It’s a shock factor. Stay calm and regain control. How to end a conversation gracefully Have you complained about a new item you bought to the salesclerk? Dealing with complaints Be calm and relaxed when dealing with a complaint. Let the person explain their problem. Let them talk until they’ve released their anger. Don’t interrupt them tuntil they have finished. Speak friendly. Be sympathetic. Use attentive listening techniques. (I understand, I see.) Take notes. Use reflective listening techniques. (You must be very annoyed about this.) Offer to investigate the problem. If your company is wrong, admit it and apologize. Don’t waste time defending your company, or blaming someone else. Never make excuses. (It isn’t my fault. We’re having problems with the computer system. Someone else was responsible for this. ) Stick to the point. Don’t make personal comments. Don’t start an argument. Ask the person what they think the asswer is. Explain what you’re going to do about the problem. Make sure that you do it. Return a purchase like a radio, receipt, ask for solution, writing letter Manners Top Tuesday Class 3~4 3Cb Cb Daily 1 9/25 Group 1 Arrivals (Unit 1) They introduce some pictures to illustrate what it is like to go through upon arrivals. There are something like going through the passport control, custom duty, luggage reclaim, immigration office, etc and booking for the ticket for practice. It would be better if they can bring us the dialogues on the text and their own creative dialogues about meeting people at the airport. While introducing, remember to say the situation before each dialogue demo. Please check my I E C no t e s (5) English for Traveling Learn English 72 - Travel Learn English 48 - Checking In Learn English 28 - Office Phone*** Telephone English: Transferring a Call*** Effective Telephone Techniques Video 8: Service First Learning English At The Airport Arrivals (Unit 1) First of all, as soon as you leave the plan, follow the signs to PASSPORT CONTROL or immigration. At the Passport Control there are often two routes, one for citizens, the other for non-citizens. In some countries, they will put a stamp on your passport. After you have been through passport control, FOLLOW THE SIGNS to the Baggage Hall. There will usually be a picture of a suitcase on the sign. In the BAGGAGE HALL there may be several carousels. There will be TV monitors which show you the right carousel for your luggage, e.g. AC 862 Toronto -4 Collect your luggage and look for the sign to CUSTOMS. In most countries the signs are red for Goods to Declare and Green for Nothing to Declare. In the European Union there is also a blue sign for travellers from other European Union countries. After Customs look for the EXIT. If someone is meeting you they will be waiting at the Meeting Point. You will see signs for taxis, buses or trains that will take you to your destination. Business trip Traveling English for travel: booking for the ticket, reserve a hotel room Language for Check in and Check out Meeting people at the airport and reception, train station, Customs duty, claim luggage 10/2 Group 2 Sounding Polite (Unit 11) Politeness is an expression of concern for other people's feelings. Being linguistically polite involves a highly complex mix of appropriate words, grammar, intonation and tone of voice. 'Positive politeness' is used to emphasize goodwill and camaraderie and helps preserve the other person's positive face. Paying compliments, saying "Mm..." in all the right places and calling someone by a nickname can all be ways of being positively polite. 'Negative politeness' is non-intrusive, respectful behaviour that helps preserve negative face. Using verbs like 'would' and 'could' to soften requests, apologising profusely and not interrupting can be examples of this. Have you ever felt patronised or humiliated by a compliment? Politeness doesn't just vary between situations, it's also culture-dependent. What sounds polite to you might be embarrassing or upsetting to someone from another background. It's really important for people working in multicultural areas to be aware of how norms of politeness can vary. Intonation in speaking improper intonation being monotone is better than having bad intonation. The worst is when someone goes up and down too much on every word. Another thing you should avoid is to end high at the end of a sentence. to start high and end low. Group 3 Inside Story (Unit 16) How to survive kidnapping? In recording you may make the voice sound softer not jerky to harm the ears. When and where and why are kidnapping taking place? Do you know how to protect yourself against kidnappers? Martial arts? Karate? If you show strong manner, or scream loud enough, kidnappers might be frightened. Leave signs for help. Try not to irritate the kidnappers. Remember, you are only of value to them alive, and they want to keep you that way. The common hostage responses of fear, denial, and withdrawal are all experienced in varying degrees. You may be blindfolded, drugged, handled roughly, or even stuffed in the trunk of a car. If drugs are administered, do not resist. Their purpose will be to sedate you and make you more manageable; these same drugs may actually help you to get control of your emotions, which should be your immediate goal. If conscious, follow your captors? instructions. Captivity A hostage-taking situation is at its worst at the onset. The terrorists are nervous and unsure, easily irritated, often irrational. It is a psychologically traumatic moment for the hostage. Violence may be used even if the hostage remains passive, but resistance could result in death. Kidnapping, kidnapped, case, motivation, solution, ransom First-degree kidnapping occurs when a person abducts another person to obtain ransom (N.Y. Penal Code § 135.25 [McKinney 1996]). First-degree kidnapping also occurs when the abduction lasts for more than 12 hours and the abductor intends to injure the victim; to accomplish or advance the commission of a felony; to terrorize the victim or a third person; or to interfere with a governmental or political function. An abduction that results in death is also first-degree kidnapping. A first-degree kidnapping in New York State is a class A-1 felony, which carries a sentence of at least 20 years in prison (§ 70.00). A person who is convicted of a class B felony in New York State can be sentenced to one to eight years in prison (§ 70.00). Two key elements are common to all charges of kidnapping. First, the asportation (unlawful removal of goods from where they are deposited or stored) ordetention must be unlawful. Under various state and federal statutes, not all seizures and asportations constitute kidnapping: Police officers may arrest and jail a person they suspect of a crime, and parents are allowed to reasonably restrict and control the movement of their children. 10/9 Group 4 Marriage Counseling (Unit 9) 婚姻中的自 我矛盾 This group studies the lesson carefully and comes up with well-organized materials to introduce the topic. When the couple has an argument, it would be better that they cool down and continue the talk sometime later. When you get married, will you be willing to live with spouse’s parents in the same house? What are some major problems between the couple? Money, education, manner and attitude, living style. Do you think children can help the parents who have diverse views and serious problems? How long does true love last? 4 or 5 years perhaps. This group searches for and introduces information about the steps in a marriage counseling session. More materials can be used as to what are common complaints between couples, whether divorce is good or bad, how to communicate with your life partner, etc. Josh did the part in the light way and asked two questions when sending out gifts. Amber wanted me to talk about my marriage and asked if I had argued with my husband. Nothing serious had happened. We had different opinions about how to teach our child when he was a child. We still have to worry for his family now. Perhaps I have to spare sometime for them. One term to describe how tolerate you are is “adversity quotient” 挫折指 數. Sometimes we have to communicate to get to know each other better. Sessions, how to be a counselor, how to solve marriage problems, what are some problems in a marriage; language to persuade, argue If you have marriage problem, where would you turn to for help? Marriage Counseling (Unit 9) A Vivid ppt files full of pictures of couples having arguments and problems in English and Chinese. The way they deal with the topic is easy and gentle. If they can invite more questions for discussion, it would be helpful. The class may give examples from their observation or thinking to support. Think back to your parents relations and see if they are model couple or if they have any problems. When it comes to the money, well make more money. Then, how? Adding more skills to oneself may promise better jobs. Having children old enough to work part time may reduce the burden of finance within a family. Looking for scholarship will help too, if possible. ***Couple who has serious problem and not knowing how to deal with daily life matters may seek for professional help from marriage counselors. Some may look for advice from friends rather than parents, because friends have the similar age. But don’t you think they tend to yield similar answers to your question which might not be helpful at all. Sometimes, different age group may come out with different opinions which may be more mature. Mike: what makes two persons with different opinions get married? Jessie Ho: Maybe superficial love, fall in love for the first sight, see only the outside beauty, etc. So if you make friends, try to date, and talk to each other for common interests, observe the way he talks with others, the things he does to others, if he can meet your family for your parents to talk to him and see if you two matched to each other. Petsy: the two persons must love each other. Jessie Ho: Yes. But how long does love last? Jessie Ho: 3 to 4 years. In tradition our marriage last long because the couple works on marriage and children after getting married. Yes, love and background for communication are the best qualities for an ideal marriage. Sessions, how to be a counselor, how to solve marriage problems, what are some problems in a marriage; language to persuade, argue If you have marriage problem, where would you turn to for help? Group 5 Getting a Job (Unit 6) What Gen Y Really Wants (Time digest Aug. 2007) PP. 88~ For baby boomers, it’s the juggling act of work-life balance. For Gen X, it means moving in and out of the workforce to accommodate kids and outside interests. For the Gen Y workers, the line between work and home doesn’t really exist. They just want to spend their time in meaningful and useful ways, no matter where they are. Hire the best young workers, get them in the door. They have high expectations for personal growth, even in entry-level jobs. They move back to live with family after collecting their degrees, and they cushion of support gives them the time to pick the job they really want. Taking time off to travel is a learning experience. And entrepreneurship now functions as a safety net for this generation. They know how to launch a viable online business. Facebook began in a college dorm room. The consulting firm Deloitte high turnover of its young employees. 高流動率 What attracts them to and keeps them at a job? Job hopping 換工作 is not an end in itself but something young workers do when they see no other choice. Helping people figure out their next career move. The best place for a restless young person is simply another spot in Deloitte. This saves the company the $150,000 cost of losing an employee—not to mention the stress for employees of changing jobs. This group demonstrated the bad way and good way of doing the interviews to show contrasts. If there is enough time, more interaction could be performed, such as ideal jobs, qualifications, how to prepare a resume/ your e-portfolio, the cover letter, letter of recommendation, etc. Experiences of a job hunt can be shared. Whether you're looking for your very first job, switching careers, or re-entering the job market after an extended absence, finding a job requires two main tasks: understanding yourself and understanding the job market. Job interview tips - Job interview questions and answers I really need to be in a place I can manage and do well. Interview Tips: Tell me about a weakness, the GOOD answer Dos and Don’ts Preparing for an Interview Cover Letter Where and how to hunt for a job? Interview manners Zemi has good pronunciation and shows her confidence in the arranged interview. Veona counts on her note too much until the last moment. A cover letter is brought up not a resume. A resume contains your address and phone number, thesis statement for the job, your educational background and working experience, your skills, your honors, reference, etc. I once gave up a teaching job in junior high school, but I don’t regret much because I like to teach young adults. Do you have any job experience? How to write a resume at Free samples YouTube How to write a cover letter here dress How to Communicate Your Strengths in a Job Interview (confident but not cocky, overconfident); connect your company’s needs to your skills How To Ace a Job Interview 5 Secrets to a Job Interview Classic Job Interview Questions (Your weakness, why should we hire you, why do you want the job? Your goals to the company’s goals, … ) Ideal jobs, how to apply for one, resume, letter of recommendation, interview Advice On Finding A Job In Taiwan Six Months In Taiwan by Daniel Wallace ThingsAsian How to get a job and a life in Taipei Taipei Times and China Times Week 6 10/16 Group 6 Earth Day (Unit 18) How to protect water, wild life, insects, fish, get good mileage, avoid pollution Why and how do we protect the environment? Rain forest conservation, wildlife, quality of air, water An Inconvenient Truth: former United States Vice President Al Gore's campaign to educate citizens about global warming Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" Movie: Fact or Hype? But how accurate are some of the scientific claims made in the documentary? Scientists Debate The Accuracy Of Al Gore's Documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' the main message of the film, which explains the theory that increasing carbon dioxide causes a warming tendency in the lower atmosphere. Battle of Sheridan Street (Unit 7)-- good Group 5 Petsy also introduced a CNN iReport on 大埔事件, please check out this site to watch the report “When the Excavators came to the rice field”. If you were Mrs. Florence Hamilton, a 83-year-old widow with 20 stray dogs, would you move away without condition? Or on what condition, would you want to move away? The housing authority wants to relocate you to the new apartment in the Hillside. If you were Martinez, in such a difficult situation, how would you convince Mrs. Hamilton to let other dogs to go to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)? I want a house where I can keep my dogs, not an apartment for senior citizens. Civil right vs. public right If we don’t want so many stray dogs in streets, we may sterilize them to reduce the number of stray dogs. If you love dogs, do not abandon them. Top Midterm Guided Topics 2012/10, 12 Time magazine. your group may find the latest topics from Raise questions after each session and put your questions on your blank sheet to turn in when it is all done. Please modify your title before you complete your job. Ideas and Issues 3Cb Tue. 2012 10/23, 30, 11/6 Midterm 10/23 Group 3 The Science of Addiction A—reference? A reflective talk about addiction which includes most of the odd habits people have. A scientific touch on the science of addiction is included. Examples are given by each member. Only there are few feedbacks from the audience. The Science of Addiction: For a species wired for survival, we have an odd habit of getting hooked on things that can kill us. New research is revealing why—and opening the door to the long-dreamed-of cure (Time Digest No. 139 Aug. 2007 PP. 14-27) We have the habit of getting hooked on things that can kill us. Alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine, food, gambling, shopping, sex, internet, etc. Addiction is about disrupting the processing of pleasure; the balance point is shifted so you keep creating more and more urges, and you keep wanting more and more. –Dr. Martin Paulus, Prof. of psychiatry, UCSD. You spend more and more time satisfying your craving. In Life and Art Group 2 Facebook A—The booklet is not ready but the ppt is rich in picture and move on with video and graph streaming in for illustrations. Several functions are mentioned. Advantages and disadvantages are contrasted. References. "You’re Among Friends: College favorite Facebook begins to conquer social networking’s final frontier—grownups (Time Digest No. 138 Aug. 2007 PP. 85-)" in Luking Library B1 P 050.4 2062 Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? here Stephen Marche May 2012 ATLANTIC MAGAZINE By Social media—from Facebook to Twitter—have made us more densely networked than ever. Yet for all this connectivity, new research suggests that we have never been lonelier (or more narcissistic)—and that this loneliness is making us mentally and physically ill. A report on what the epidemic of loneliness is doing to our souls and our society. dex.htm Facebook & your privacy Who sees the data you share on the biggest social network? Consumer Reports magazine: June 2012 Facebook reaches 1 billion users Global Media Journal To what extent have Online Social Networks Changed Business to Consumer Marketing? Online social networks have changed, or evolved the rules of traditional marketing. What has caused this social networking trend and what effect this has on Marketing? What companies have already participated in this trend and how successful they have been, are there any learning‘s from their experiences. Has this phenomenon changed how customers communicate with each other and in turn how business and ultimately marketing communicates with customers? Has the power shifted from the Marketers to Consumers? Do bloggers or those who participate in online social network more power and influence than marketers. Digital Life Today Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Second life, linkedin, YouTube, Orkut, Twitter. 10/30 Group 4 Heroes of the Environment: Leaders and visionaries, moguls and entrepreneurs, activists, scientists and innovators (Time, October 6, 2008 PP. 50-88 ) Why not despair? The basic element that makes modern life livable—energy—is threatening to make our planet unlivable. Because solutions do exist—and there are those who are leading us to them. Activists like Brazil’s Marina Silva, the godmother of the rain forest, Germany’s Joachim Luther, the godfather of solar power. Some are celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the green Governor of California. They cannot solve climate change alone. But by their example, these heroes provide light in the darkness. They are living proof that despair is not the only option, that hope remains a choice. Find out what they do. speakers for the planet, a planet that is hanging, as one of them put it years ago, in the balance. Some are prophets of peril, like Australian scientist and activist Tim Flannery, who has ceaselessly warned of the dangers of climate change. a simple, life-saving way to purify poisoned water Al Gole 1 new thinking on the climate crisis 2 Nobel prize for peace 3 latest climate trend a green lectre Instead of introducing heroes they introduce ways of environmental protection. 4 Group 5 A Dead Cert (Travel): How Copenhagen Does Halloween with Flair (Culture) to be a dead cert : To be certain to achieve something If you were a kindergarten teacher, what would you plan for this activity? Do you think toffee apples can be a business in Taiwan? How do you make a class quiet down? What’s the most meaningful in this celebration of all Saints’ Day? Song Wiki: In Western Christian theology, the day commemorates all those who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. It is a national holiday in many historically Catholic countries. In the Catholic Church and many Anglican churches, the next day specifically commemorates the departed faithful who have not yet been purified and reached heaven. Christians who celebrate All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day do so in the fundamental belief that there is a prayerful spiritual bond between those in purgatory (the 'Church Suffering'), those in heaven (the 'Church triumphant'), and the living (the 'Church militant'). But in recent years, catering to children on a weeklong autumn school break, the arrival of Oct. 31 has been embraced as an excuse for kids to don costumes and stuff themselves with candy twice a year instead of just once. Often ranking at the top of the U.N. global happiness survey, Danes will use any excuse to throw a good party. Going to be in Copenhagen this Halloween? Here’s how to get in on the Danish brand of ghoulish fall fun. Tivoli Gardens is Copenhagen’s Halloween headquarters, reopening off-season to host pumpkin carvings and rides decked out with ghosts and goblins. Tivoli’s festive features include roller-coaster rides after dark, a musical adaptation of Dracula, a zombie parade at twilight and a competition for the largest pumpkin. The celebration is only in its sixth year at the park but has proved so popular that Tivoli will stay open an additional week this year to accommodate thrill-seeking visitors. 2. Nimb Copenhagen’s best seasonal fare. 3. Kronborg Castle, Helsingor 4. Assistens Cemetery 5. Politimuseet museums Here's how to get in on the Danish brand of ghoulish fall fun By Brittany Shoot | October 11, 2012 11/6 Group 1 Cinema: A general comparison between Asian and Western Horror Films with ppt and booklet What do you want to show us with these films? Why do film-makers make horror movies? Why do people want to see love between human and ghost? Are they charmed by the beauty of some fairies? What kind of mood do you prefer to see in movies, love and sadness in passion, sensation about what you see, fear and horror or hatred? Do you believe in reincarnation? Where do you think the spirits go when we passed away? Do you know if actors and actresses would like to play in horror movies? The one who killed himself jumping down from the top of a tall bldg. Chang Kuo Jong The character bears a curse that kills the viewers seven days after watching. What do you think about the dead coming back in dreams for a visit? Do you think the way the ghosts are shown in Taiwanese ghost movies are well- hidden so that they won’t appear so scary? Which way of treatment is better? Central Motion Picture Corp. promote Taiwanese films 1)Akira Kurosawa 2) Wong Kar Wai 3) Ang Lee 4) Mira Nair 5) Zhang Yimou Asian Filmmakers must focus on Local market (Asian) Filmmakers should try and focus more on the Asian market because that is a prospective film market," Sang-Soo told IANS. Asian Film Archive presents filmmakers' perspectives Taiwan cinema 台灣電影網 G I O i n vi t es r e p r es e n t a t i v e s of m a i n l a n d C h i n a' s c i n em a i n d u s t r y h ere t o se e t h e t hr i v i n g s t a t e of T a i w a n' s f i l m i n d us t ry W h a t ' s New2011/11/18 Over a year in the making, the committee invited 122 directors, screenwriters, producers, cinematographers, editors, art designers, music experts, actors, critics and scholars to participate in the voting to select the 100 best Chinese-language films made. The top 20 films were A City of Sadness (1989), A Brighter Summer Day (1991), A Time to Live, A Time to Die (1985), Days of Being Wild (1990), Spring in a Small Town (1948), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), Yi Yi; A One and a Two (2000), Dust in the Wind (1986), Dragon Gate Inn (1967), In the Mood for Love (2000), Butterfly Lovers (1963), The Terrorizers (1986), Love Is Elsewhere (1994), Yellow Earth (1984), Touch of Zen (1971), Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996), A Better Tomorrow (1986), Infernal Affairs (2003), In the Heat of the Sun (1994), and Street Angel (1937). Group 6 Rethinking Organics: The way your fruits and vegetables are grown makes a big difference, right? Don’t be so sure (Time Digest No. 140 Oct. 2007 PP. 54-55) A video talks about what is organic. The presenter is supposed to tell the audience a summary of it. In it conventional vs. organic ways of dealing with grass by sprays or hands, chemical fertilizers vs. man-made fertilizers, insecticides or insect’s natural enemies, burning of natural gas, etc. Why are there GM foods? Tell us how to shop for groceries in the supermarket. Antibiotics, growth hormones are not good to human bodies. Food labeling may not be clear enough. Can we get organic meats in Taiwan? Leezen shop? Can you make natural fertilizers? The Taipei frog introduced as a case study by Ann reinforced the protection of the endangered species and organic lotus leaves. The organic crops come in smaller with flaws in them sometimes. Do you care about growing your own vegetables and fruits? What is the difference between organics and GM foods? Can you show us how to select organic food? Do we throw away leaves with worm bitten defects? Look for certified organic labels. Do you think the earth from which the crops grow is also important? Can we grow pure organic crops? Sometimes the pollens from GM field might be blown over far distance or carried by bugs to the organic field so the organic crops might be contaminated. Top Midterm Guided Topics 2012/10, 12 Time magazine. your group may find the latest topics from Raise questions after each session and put your questions on your blank sheet to turn in when it is all done. Please modify your title before you complete your job. Ideas and Issues 3Ca Monday. 2012 10/ 22, 29, 11/05 10/22 Group 6 Technology: Facebook reaches 1 billion users Show how to hide or set the viewers with facebook. The movie Social Network wins awards. Compare by mentioning other networks such as Twitter, Google+ which people may also use. It is like double-edged sword with favorable and unfavorable consequences. How can you save time? How about setting three time slots in the use in the morning, noontime and evening so you can check back for the responses in time? Global Media Journal *To what extent have Online Social Networks Changed Business to Consumer Marketing? Digital Life Today "You’re Among Friends: College favorite Facebook begins to conquer social networking’s final frontier—grownups (Time Digest No. 138 Aug. 2007 PP. 85-)" in Luking Library B1 P 050.4 2062 Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? here Stephen Marche May 2012 ATLANTIC MAGAZINE By Social media—from Facebook to Twitter—have made us more densely networked than ever. Yet for all this connectivity, new research suggests that we have never been lonelier (or more narcissistic)—and that this loneliness is making us mentally and physically ill. A report on what the epidemic of loneliness is doing to our souls and our society. dex.htm Facebook & your privacy Who sees the data you share on the biggest social network? Consumer Reports magazine: June 2012 Facebook that has favorable and unfavorable consequences can be a double-edged sword. (freedom of expression) Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Second life, linkedin, YouTube, Orkut, Twitter. Group 5 The Help author Kathryn Stockett Youtube The Help (2011) What do you see the author’s novel being rejected 60 times? What would you do if you were her? How do you see the adaptation of the film? What do you see the employee and the employer relationship? What are other movies, speaker, singer or novel which reflect racial issues? Martin Luther King (I Have a Dream), Jr. Michael Jackson (They don’t really care about us), Mark Twain (Huckleberry Finn). 10/29 Group 3 Intouchables wiki If you need a job, would you like to work as a caretaker for old people? How do you feel about watching a movie dubbed in French? When you have a talent, good look, but no wealth, do you think you can accept it? Can one be perfect? Do you believe that one cannot be rich and also beautiful? Because all luck go to that beauty, so you cannot be rich. God envies you. Dillion gave a good feedback about the dignity of the disabled. The main character Philippe changed in the way he dealt with problems from violence to rationality, from being egoistic to sympathic. After he becomes a quadriplegic from a paragliding accident, an aristocrat hires a young man from the projects to be his caretaker. The film relates the development of the unlikely friendship between Philippe, a wealthy quadriplegic, and Driss, a young and poor man from the ghettos, who is hired as his live-in carer. An irreverent, uplifting comedy about friendship, trust and human possibility, The Intouchables has broken box office records in its native France and across Europe. Based on a true story of friendship between a handicap millionaire (Francois Cluzet) and his street smart ex-con caretaker (Omar Sy), The Intouchables depicts an unlikely camaraderie rooted in honesty and humor between two individuals who, on the surface, would seem to have nothing in common. -- (C) Weinstein Group 1 Music: Notre Dame de Paris Victor Hugo Notre Dame de Paris Seine River, Paris Educational and entertaining Thanks to Google and YouTube for the convenience and richness in our search for information and video clips. What makes the presentation difficult? How do you think the intrigue love between a man and two women? How do you think about establishing a company for performance? Audience and supply Why do you think a gypsy girl can add to the beauty of the musical? It’s background 1482, an age of turmoil and conflicts between different races and refugees. The corruption of the church Virtuous and Evil; Fair and Unfair; Justice and Injustice; Hypocritical and Sincere; Reality and Ideal; Glorify the righteousness and beauty and condemn the darkness, brutality Esmeralda symbolizes pureness, kindness, beauty and virtuousness. Social injustice I dram a dream The three bells for babies who died, sailors, and bless the newly-weds. Synopsis The story is set in Paris in the year 1482. a participant but also as a sort of commentator the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda tells Phoebus (and the audience) about herself, her life as a gypsy and her dreams ("Bohémienne"). Instead of arresting her, Phoebus leaves her alone. Clopin warns her to be extremely careful, since not all men are to be trusted. In the next number, the audience is introduced to the nobly-born and beautiful yet childlike Fleur-de-Lys, to whom Phoebus is engaged to be married ("Ces Diamants-La"); her love for him is like that of Juliet for Romeo. a monstrous figure who is dragged out into the light; it is the bell-ringer of Notre Dame, the hunchbacked and facially deformed Quasimodo. By unanimous decision, Quasimodo is chosen and crowned as the King of Fools. Frollo breaks up the festivities and orders Quasimodo to kidnap Esmeralda and bring her to him that night so that she can be imprisoned as a sorceress and a violator of public decency ("La Sorciere"). Quasimodo, who is devoted to Frollo for raising and educating him after he had been abandoned as a baby ("L'Enfant Trouve"), says he will obey. Quasimodo endures his punishment, but cries out for water ("A Boire"), a plea that is ignored by everyone. Suddenly Esmeralda appears and gives him a drink of water from her cup, an act of kindness that deeply touches the poor hunchback…. Left alone, Esmeralda, who has never prayed before, prays to the Virgin Mary ("Ave Maria Païen"). Quasimodo has not rung the bells for three days. Up in the bell tower, Quasimodo recounts how the cathedral bells are his only friends and loves ("Les Cloches"), especially the three "Maries": "Little Marie" which is rung for children’s funerals, "Big Marie" which is rung when ships set sail and "Great Marie" which is rung for weddings. His greatest hope is that they will ring for Esméralda to hear that he loves her. Gringoire sings to the moon ("Lune") in which he describes Quasimodo’s pain and suffering because of his love for Esmér. Quasimodo leaves Esmeralda asleep in a safe place in Notre Dame ("Je Te Laisse Un Sifflet"), but bitterly reflects that while he will love her forever, his ugliness will ensure that she will never love him ("Dieu Que Le Monde Est Injuste"). Alone, Esmeralda hopes that she will survive for the man she loves and sings about how Love has the power to change the world even should she die ("Vivre"). Quasimodo appears and demands that they give him her body. Driving them away, he kneels beside her body and mourns her, promising to stay with her and that even in death they will not be parted ("Danse, Mon Esmeralda"). 最後,由於弗侯洛的因愛生恨love to hatred、菲布斯的負心turn down love 、芙蘿德莉的妒 怒anger and jealousy,艾絲梅拉達被送上了絞刑台,痛不欲生的加西莫多,將如師如父的 弗侯洛自聖母院的高塔推下之後,拖著艾絲梅拉達逐漸冷去的軀體,藏入巴黎公墓的地 窟,隨之共赴黃泉。純愛與慾念的交織,無可抗拒的命運擺佈,死亡,竟是畸零人與流 浪者換取愛情與自由的唯一路徑。 Notre Dame de Paris song 19 Belle 1500 years of holy music at Notre Dame Temps des Cathedrales Lyrics by Bruno Pelletier 10/05 Group 2 Cinema: Hayao Miyazaki’s Animations with Booklet but no reference With your knowledge about Miyazaki’s animations, how are you going to teach a kid about some of his work? Which of the characters is the most fantastic? How does Sophie break up the spell? How does the Prince break up the spell? (Olivia stresses on having confidence in oneself. If she thinks about her beloved, she will turn into a maid. The outbreak of war makes her strong enough to face her love for Howl that leads to her release from the curse. ) How do you see transformation in Spirited Away? I’d like to see his film in English dubbing and English subtitles. Nicole introduced the main theme in each of the animations she mentioned. She also introduced a clip about Miyazaki learning from Europe like techniques, to broaden his space and dimension. When you re-examine films, you see that the making of the film is not easy. You see his arrange of adventure to please his audience to bring them to his fantasy world. It’s so inspiring and building up human relations, homecoming, loyalty, strong characters, etc. The world is changing and we need a new approach in animations. a legendary anime film maker Top 10 Greatest Films of Hayao Miyazaki Howl’s Moving Castle Diana Wynne Jones on November 20, 2004, It went on to gross $231.7 million worldwide, The film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 78th Academy Awards in 2006. combine a plucky young woman and a mother figure into a single character in the heroine, Sophie. She starts out as an 18-year-old hat maker, but then a witch's curse transforms her into a 90-year-old grey-haired woman. Sophie is horrified by the change at first. Nevertheless she learns to embrace it as a liberation from anxiety, fear and self-consciousness. The change might be a blessed chance for adventure. Sophie learns that Howl transforms into a bird-like creature to interfere in the war, but each transformation makes it more difficult for him to return to human form. Scarecrow=the prince Miyazaki's films often contain recurrent themes like humanity's relationship with nature and technology, and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic. The protagonists of his films are often strong, independent girls or young women. While two of his films, The Castle of Cagliostro and Castle in the Sky, involve traditional villains, his other films like Nausicaä and Princess Mononoke present morally ambiguous antagonists with redeeming qualities. He recently co-wrote the film The Secret World of Arrietty, which was released in July 2010 in Japan and February 2012 in the United States. My Neighbor Totoro Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Castle in the Sky Kiki’s Delivery Service Princess Mononoke Spirited Away Hayao Miyazaki in Conversation with Roland Kelts Japanese Studies UC Berkley ***** Group 4 (The Art of) Pixar’s Ratatouille English: /rætəˈtuːiː/ Steve Jobs founder of Pixar. Toy, A Bug’s Life, Up, The Incredible, Ratatouille Why does the rat know how to cook? Why does the owner of the restaurant appear as spirit? Do you see American humour in this film? Do you like to see characters as American’s in 3 D or the Japanese ones in 2 D? What’s your favorite dish from home? How do you see modern parents who would probably like their own children growing up to be chefs? How do you see Remy and what’s your own reflections? Ratatouille ( /ˌrætəˈtuːiː/ rat-ə-TOO-ee; French:[ʁa.ta.tuj]) is a traditional French Provençal stewed vegetable dish, originating in Nice. The full name of the dish is ratatouille niçoise. The secret of a good ratatouille is to cook the vegetables separately so each will taste truly of itself. —Joël Robuchon,The Complete Robuchon Ratatouille is usually served as a side dish, but also may be served as a meal on its own (accompanied by pasta, rice or bread). Tomatoes are a key ingredient, with garlic, onions, courgette (zucchini), aubergine, bell peppers, marjoram and basil, or bay leaf and thyme, or a mix of green herbs like herbes de Provence. Ratatouille Casserole Oven and Stove American humour English Humour vs. American Humor – Is There a Difference? One of the major differences seems to be how often both nations use irony. When Americans use irony they tend to state that they were “only kidding”. They feel the need to make a joke more obvious than Brits do, maybe this stems from a fear of offending people. The American sense of humour is generally more slapstick (is a type of broad, physical comedy involving exaggerated, boisterous actions (e.g. a pie in the face), farce, violence and activities which may exceed the boundaries of common sense) than that in Britain. I think this arises from a cultural difference between the two. Their jokes are more obvious and forward, a bit like Americans themselves. British jokes, on the other hand, tend to be more subtle but with a dark or sarcastic undertone. Trailer Movie Why Pixar Is Better: The studio that invented CGI stays on top with the tasty Ratatouille 美味 的《料理鼠王》(Time Digest No. 139 Aug. 2007 PP. 102) Brad Bird Master chef in the Gusteau Restaurant Color and design Hand-made and computerized concept of art Top ___________________________ 2011.10 10/25 Group 4 Facebook A--~beautiful ppt and booklet, no reference. Seemed well received. Who founded Facebook and why? What interesting things have you found in using Facebook? Are there any benefits? What can be improved? Remove links that are not necessary. It takes a double major to create Facebook, psychology and computer science. How has Mark Zackerberg’s life changed since then? New kind of profile. Students to know each other in college and high school? What makes it possible to allow all users to login to FB? New English classes; used in campaign to promote the candidate’s policies Time control. Abandon Facebook for new network? See friends in person? Group 5 Countries We Have Been To A--~B+ at least two students introduced places they have been to. It’s better if someone introduces the topic and ends with a conclusion to bind your topic together. Nemo: Hong Kong, Tina: Japan, Max: Germany, Angel: Philippines, August: America A good topic for the mid-term. Hope we can see the similarities and differences among these countries. It’s a pity that Nemo switched from English to Chinese often. It’s good to introduce the place from firsthand experience. August did not provide any paper work, but she presented America in a lively way. 11/01 Group 6 Michael Jackson A+ very good booklet and ppt. About the history, his Neverland Valley Ranch, news about the abuse scandals, his surgery, abuse of drugs or painkillers, the reason of his death, his tour concert in England, dance, music concert and choreography, legacy and influence, and conclusion help to complete this introduction. Do you like his music? Do you think it is right for parents to train their own children hard in order to make them idols? A child like Michael Jackson must have had no happy childhood. Do you consider having a happy childhood means more important than making more money for the family? Do you think feeding your child with knowledge more important than food or luxuries? Why are there so much connection between drug abuse and some actors? King of Pop Michael Jackson & Pavarotti - On stage in Italian TV show Michael Jackson's Face changes On stage Michael Jackson looked young. His face changes with time. Michael Jackson Best Ever Moonwalk Group 2 National Stereotypes P. 42 National Stereotypes A--B+ There should be one who can put all the scripts together. The video clips are worthy of showing to class, but owing to time limit, we could only ask for the descriptions of the questions and answers. Would you tell the class how you organized the interviews. The interviewees are from France, Germany, and Korea. Most questions are asked for clarifications. America is a highly developed country. They can accept many different customs and cultures from other nations. They do not exclude different races, such as Asians. America not only enhances and glorifies their property but also absorbs distinct virtue. (Connie Ye) See the examples in this article and think about our own stereotypes in Taiwan. Gerald Scarfe’s work of sculptures The shock of self-recognition British media coach potato too lazy to move depict patriotism in the degraded form of a human crouched on all fours like a British bulldog with a flag instead of a head britain as a land of inequality in which a businessman, dressed in trousers made of 20 pound notes strides unfeelingly over a homeless person in a shelter made of shopping bags from Harrods and Fortnum & Manson. Paparazzi looking like flies on a dung heap, with flashing camera lenses for eyes. 11/08 Group 1 DreamWorksA+~A- The interesting focus on the logo of DreamWork was eye catching. So the computer-generated image or the painted one was chosen? I like the one they use now. They tried to tell stories from the production. Lanfear’s storytelling of the Prince of Egypt was so clear and complete that I can say no one has ever told a story like that in my class. The story has been related in a steady tone which is suitable to aim at young people up to teenagers. Taco chose to begin with the quote from the movie A.I. Intelligence. He is successful in his way. Roy focuses on the history of the founding of this company. From whom do you learn Bible? Good in use of transitional phrases to tell a story smoothly. What do think about mother abandoning child to save him? Spirit is a wonderful animation for little kids. Which one is your favorite, Roy? animation wiki Studios What are some new features in animation? What makes DreamWorks so popular? How do you compare them to cartoon in early time? Group 3 7-11 7-ELEVEn A—A complete format shows a careful design for this presentation. What should one do to open a 7-11 in his neighborhood? Does one have to pay the right for owning one store? How much? How convenient is it? How often do you go to the convenience store a week? Do you worry about food being heated with microwave oven? Or the containers that come with chemicals in them? Have you thought what you should not get from it? What do you think about coupon collecting? Where do icash logo come from? Can you tell us a routine day of a manager in a convenience store? Have you talked with someone who has worked in a 7-11 store? Jill’s father has been a manager in a store for 20 years. What work shift would you like to have if you can work in a store, morning shift or afternoon shift? an international chain of convenience stores, operating under Seven-Eleven Japan Co. Ltd, which in turn is owned by Seven & I Holdings Co. of Japan. a franchise, is the world's largest operator, franchisor and licensor of convenience stores, with more than 39,000 outlets, surpassing the previous record-holder McDonald's Corporation in 2007 by approximately 1,000 retail stores. The US subsidiary of the Japanese firm has its headquarters in the One Arts Plaza building in downtown Dallas, Texas. Its stores are located in 16 countries, with its largest markets being Japan, the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Thailand. Top What is the importance of New York in products of innovation like fashion in the world? How do you see New York, Paris, and Tokyo in the leading role of fashion? Why do Hippie clothing models use peace symbol? What kinds of fashion styles do you like the most? Why don’t you include Taiwan fashion in your talk? Fashion Magazine Fashion TV Fashion Design Jason Wu 吳季 剛 Fashion girls, models, buyers, market, textiles (fabric and cloth), materials Textile refers to any material made of interlacing fibers. Fabric refers to any material made through weaving, knitting, spreading, crocheting (making fabric by looping thread into a pattern of connected stitches, using a hooked needle called a crochet-hook 鈎針編織), or bonding. Cloth refers to a finished piece of fabric that can be used for a purpose such as covering a bed. Tailoring and dressmaking Welcome to Taiwan 行政院青年輔導委員會 National Youth Commission Check your Itinerary 行程規劃 Sabre® Virtually There® * Check the status of any flight including delays, cancellations and gate info * Book ground transportation, travel extras and travel protection to complete your trip * Find out what's happening in the city you're visiting including weather, maps and more with our city guides * View your past and current trips from one page upon completion of a simple profile * Email your itinerary to friends, family and colleagues right from your mobile or PC * Register for flight notifications for any flight in your itinerary to notify you of gate changes, delays and cancellations Your first trip to Taiwan: A suggested itinerary Delve into the island’s culture, history, and natural beauty. Taroko Gorge, see fewer things but spend more time at each sight if you are crunched for time. One week—the capital Taipei, many of the sights are accessible via the MRT system. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial and Sun Yat-sen Memorial , National Theater and National Concert Hall, night market, the National Palace Museum, Yangmingshan National Science Area Two weeks— Three weeks – Alishan, Sun-Moon Lake, Kenting Beach, Fokuangshan Monastery, museums, temples, cultural centers, National scenic areas 11/17 John Keats (read by Michael Stuhlbarg) Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,— While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble plains with rosy hue; Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn Among the river sallows, borne aloft Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies; And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft; And gathering swallows twitter in the skies. Ode to the Grecian Urn by John Keats Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter: therefore, ye soft pipes, play on; Not to the sensual ear, but, more endear'd, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone: ------------------------------------------------------Health Body Shape and Healthy Eating Fitness for women feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible The notion that to be fit and healthy you need to eat good food. Phrase Anthelme Brillat-Savarin: Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are. BBC Nutrition, Irene Part II Overeat, overweight, over drink, fat New food, need good fat, Can we eat to starve cancer? John Cloud Eating Better Than Organic" or "My Search for the Perfect Apple"; NEWSTART Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sun, Temperance, Air, Rest, Trust Top Daily 2 For daily 2, please look for topics from Ideas & Issues or news. FAQ for Intermediate English Conversation The new mayors-elect and the perspectives of Taiwan Gunman and Election in Taiwan: Chen Sui-bian and Sean Lien two case studies North and South Korean War and Its Impact on World Foreign Policy (or Economics in Asia) President Election 2012: The Possible Candidates from KMT and DPP Top 3Cb 11/13, 20, 27, 12/4 (2012) 11/20 Group 1 Nobel Prize Nobel Laureate in Literature Orhan Pamuk a Turkish Writer Listen to the interviews and read the text 諾貝爾獎得獎人專訪 The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012 Mo Yan Nobel Laureates, Group 2 Autopian Vision Autopian Vision 車托邦的願景 India’s Tata Motors wants to build a car so cheap it will put the developing world on four wheels (Nov. 2007 Time Digest, P. 70~) 11/27 Group 3 My Favorite Broadcasts and How I use them BBC World Service World Business News ESL Podcast English as 2nd Language 英語教學網播 Eye on Books Listen to Interviews 訪談 Video News The Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal Online 財經新聞 MIT WORLD Digital Librarian PoetryOutLoud THE 2010 NATIONAL FINALS Amnesty International 國際特赦組織 BBC News Audio Video BBC – BBC Four Interviews Listen to the Writers Live Radio on the Web CNN News stories CNN Student News Group 4 12/4 Group 5 Who Need Marriage Who Needs Marriage? A Changing Institution. By BELINDA LUSCOMBE TIME, Nov. 18, 2010 Group 6 Group 1 Internet Hell My Internet Hell 41/13 This group talks about some tracks young people might fall into and how can one prevent it from happening. RSI Repetitive Strain Injury 電腦手 also known as repetitive stress injury, repetitive motion injuries, repetitive motion disorder (RMD), cumulative trauma disorder (CT), occupational overuse syndrome, overuse syndrome, regional musculoskeletal disorder) is an injury of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression (pressing against hard surfaces), or sustained or awkward positions. Different sections of this article present contrasting perspectives regarding the causes of RSI. …it's not completely related to the article "My Internet hell" in the book Ideas & issues. We may talk about the trap and the bad influence of surfing Internet. Tweens and chat rooms In today's Internet world, there are dangers awaiting children. There are predators that look specifically for tweens in chat rooms. There are so many predators out there just waiting to pounce on children communication is instant a tween is so young, she may not have the intuition to be careful with whom she is talking, and quickly fall into a trap. A predator locates victims by using Internet chat rooms. if the tween he has chosen is having fun or if nobody is talking to her. a predator tries to get the unsuspecting child into a private conversation to lure this tween into meeting with him by pretending that he is a tween as well sex, kidnapped, abused Often times a tween is very vulnerable online, thinking nothing bad can happen Many interactive games make it possible for people to chat, and even though kid-friendly sites are making leaps and bounds with making chat rooms safe, there are loopholes that predators find in order to lure young children. It is the responsibility of parents and custodians to teach a child about the dangers of strangers on the Internet. The web is a huge socializing tool in this modern age of technology, so it is more important than ever to talk about Internet safety. Some topics to discuss with a tween concerning chat rooms include: Avoiding chatting with anyone she doesn't know Setting up private chat rooms where only friends are invited and not outsiders Logging off an account before leaving a website Explain to a tween the need to understand that personal information such as name, address, and phone number should never be given out over the Internet Teach a tween what danger signs to look for while chatting online. These include such danger signs as: Chatting becomes too personal or obscene Something doesn’t feel right The person requests to meet A promise of expensive gifts for favors is made The person bluntly asks for personal information PA (parent alert) WTGP (want to go private) NIFOC (naked in front of computer) There is nothing wrong with a parent checking to see what sites a tween has been on or blocking certain sites from entry Singles dating online and finding love after loss Teenagers walk into the trap of deception Be cautious of the rebound type of relationship effect, many people get caught up in People who have experienced a loss, either from a death, divorce or a partner that has just completely abandoned you, are singles that are left in a devastating situation experiencing feelings of being lonely, grieving and totally disoriented with relationships overall. Many times singles then start searching too quickly for a match in an attempt for a relationship rebound that will help them move forward in life. taking any relationship very slowly and working through your past feelings cautiously Protect your heart and feelings. the person you are dating does not end up having the qualities that you had hoped and expected for. As you move through the dating process, always keep your relationship options open until you are absolutely sure this match is for the long term, making an exclusive commitment too early can lead to a relapse of those same feelings that you are working on moving forward from. Give your confidence and self esteem a boost Group 2 The Brave One The movie clips were shown briefly with perfect timing. Jack asked questions about the turning points in this heroine’s first shot and the last chance when she killed the murder of her husband. It’s worth of thinking more about crime in the city like New York. Hi Jack, Thank you for your prompt response. Attached is the ppt you worked out with only few changes. So you will post some questions for discussion. I found the trailers on YouTube which you may have already seen. They can help somewhat for the discussion. Some questions concern how one can stand for the loss of a dear one, is it legal to kill criminals before they are judged, how you, a viewer, feel when she kills a criminal, isn’t there the judicial system, and so forth. Best, Jessie Ho Group 3 Fashion Statement good ppt Fashion designers in wardrobe and sports shoes to magazines, movies and advertisements are introduced. What do you think about spending a great fortune in pursuit of fashion? Do you see those magazines at Luking Library? Fashion or uniform, which do you prefer. Do you think dress code is important? In these occasions, how would you dress to attend a wedding, to go to office, to go shopping, to meet friends, and at home? Group 4 Beauty 11*/4 Improve a lot, with lots of information about beauty pegeant. If beauty contest is good for the nation and for the contestants, what are the advantages? Why do we seldom see Miss Taiwan in Miss Universe Contest? If you were the contestant, how would you respond to those questions? Do you think there should be beauty pageant in the world? Are you in or against it? How do you see beauty? Group 5 Coffee The following stores sell delicious muffins. Just taste it with a bit, not too much. 1. AGIO Chocolate : 台中市西屯區環河路 37 號 1F 04-22541456 13:00 open 每週一與週二店休 2. Oui, Jennifer : 台中市五權西路一段 221 號 04-23723138 11:00~21:00 週一公休 3. French Kiss : 台中新光三越 B2 (泡芙專賣) 4. Colette : 台中市大業路 398 號 04-22587998 Petsy demonstrated coffee beans, toasted beans, kinds of beans and how to brew the coffee properly so it may taste good. They offered small cups of coffee she made to the class. Petsy has been trained 3 months and she presented her part like professional full of contents. Starbucks 星巴克 Starbucks Coffee Company the United States of America is the largest single market for coffee products, but it may surprise you to know that the second largest is Germany. the nation of Finland consumes the most coffee per head of population in the world today. In areas of the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia, coffee is seen as something more like cigarettes, where you drink it while doing other things, or socializing, rather than as a form of entertainment unto itself. In areas of the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia, coffee is seen as something more like cigarettes, where you drink it while doing other things, or socializing, rather than as a form of entertainment unto itself. Around the world, large coffee buying companies sponsor events in small countries, to determine which growers have the ‘best tasting’ coffee. Competition for the top prize at these events is fierce, because victory can mean not only a regular contract to sell the beans, but also other farmers wanting to purchase that variety of seeds for their own fields. United Kingdom Coffee Culture – In the United Kingdom, where tea has traditionally been the drink of choice, coffee has overtaken the distinctly British beverage as the favorite hot drink of the population. Tea remains the drink of choice, however, in India, which was formerly colonized by Britain. Group 6 Coffee Cultures Mike emphasized the advantages and functions of a coffee shop like Starbuck, 85° C and compared them to Starbuck. Do you prefer coffee to tea? Jack and others drink coffee, but two ladies suffer stomach ache when drinking coffee. Where do you feel like to go with your clients or friends to chat? Do you like to interview people in a coffee shop? Like to interview a homeless interviewee? Would you choose to go to a coffee shop or a private place? Coffee Culture Around The World – Coffee Ceremonies | Coffee Coffee Culture In Asia In Asia, the coffee of choice is a lighter sweeter coffee. The favorite coffee in Hong Kong, for example is cappuccino, preferred by about thirty percent of those who purchase ready to drink coffee outside the home. In second place is mocha, also a sweeter coffee preferred by one quarter of the coffee drinkers at coffee shops. Regular coffee comes in at 17 percent for the third place finish. Traditionally, the people in Asia prefer tea, but the presence of chains like Starbucks have created a large and growing coffee culture in Asia. Over half of Asian coffee drinkers surveyed in Hong Kong felt that the flavor of the large international chains products was better than that of the independent small businesses. In other countries surveyed there was tension between the global company’s product and the local business. In the United States, for example, only 14 percent of those surveyed picked the global company’s products over local businesses. In Hong Kong a full sixty percent of the survey respondents said that the best coffee around was from Starbucks. A growing coffee culture in Asia has been fueled in part by young urban professionals who may have studied in Europe or the United States. They have returned to such cities as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and are continuing the habit of a cup of coffee and a light breakfast at the international chains such as Starbucks that they are familiar with from the time overseas. The coffee drinking habit is seen as sophisticated and more Westernized than the more traditional tea. Coffee is imported to China from about 50 different coffee producing countries. There are companies as large as Arabica and companies small enough to carry beans into the country by hand. China itself has a small but growing coffee producing area. Starbucks and Nestle are two of the major U.S. companies with a presence in Asia. Several European coffee companies compete for the Chinese market, including Illy, Lavazza and Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee which is also very popular in Japan. …the large brewing equipment Most of the fresh coffee is consumed by the older generation who has grown up using the product and enjoys the taste. The younger generation typically uses instant coffee for its benefits in helping one stay alert. …coffee has made its way into the coffee culture in Asia by adding ginseng or more recently ginger to the regular coffee to attract the older generation. The seniors will drink the beverage for its health benefits even though the taste is less desirable. At Coffee Culture we select only the finest Arabica beans and roast them to perfection every morning to bring you the highest quality espresso coffee. Our mission is to create luxurious, welcoming stores that provide a haven from the cut and thrust of everyday life. Group 7 Barbie Doll Do you collect dolls? Toys? Coins? Women? Barbie collector Why do people collect dolls? baseball cards or art the most common reason people collect dolls appears to be nostalgia. fashions of a particular era Some people collect infant and newborn dolls because of their resemblance to real babies. People of all ages collect dolls, smart, busy career women. teenagers. grandmas and aunts, but they are the type with a passion, and they often travel far and wide and have many interesting and far-flung interests. It’s true that many women don’t discover doll collecting until their 30s, which is a very common decade to discover collectibles based, at least partially, on playthings of youth. men are starting to let their interest in dolls show—as antiques, as objects of history, as beautiful sculpture and as representations of the costuming arts. Myth: Antique and Vintage doll collecting is just for the rich. Myth: All collectible dolls increase in value. buy what you love, and buy to enjoy your dolls. Perhaps your dolls will increase in value over time, but perhaps they won't. Babydoll short, sometimes sleeveless, loose fitting nightgown or negligee intended as nightwear for women. The making of a doll a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy-company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration. Barbie has become a cultural icon and has been given honors that are rare in the toy world. In 1974 a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed Barbie Boulevard for a week. In 1985 the artist Andy Warhol created a painting of Barbie. In 2009, Barbie celebrated her 50th birthday. The celebrations included a runway show in New York for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. The event showcased fashions contributed by fifty well-known haute couturiers including Diane von Fürstenberg, Vera Wang, Calvin Klein, Bob Mackie, and Christian Louboutin. She has an on-off romantic relationship with her boyfriend Ken (Ken Carson), who first appeared in 1961. she promotes an unrealistic idea of body image for a young woman, leading to a risk that girls who attempt to emulate her will become anorexic. _____________________________________________________________ For the last day Dec. 29, I introduced Prof. Liu Ying’s lecture about motivation of learning in higher education. Prof. Liu Yin’s ppt in the Internet: Click here. Mind Map Rubric: Click here. Excellent by Teaching see here. How to Improve Student’s Motivation in Learning in Higher Education See Notes with links and key points made by Mu-Lien Ho P21_Framwork How to Learn Idioms and Speak like a Native Read Articles in Business and Management Journals 2009 Group 3 Test-tube Babies In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside the womb, in vitro. IVF is a major treatment in infertility when other methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed. The process involves hormonally controlling the ovulatory process, removing ova (eggs) from the woman's ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a fluid medium. The fertilised egg (zygote) is then transferred to the patient's uterus with the intent to establish a successful pregnancy. Artificial Insemination is a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside the womb. How many test-tube babies are there in our society? Who is the oldest? If you are to choose a gender/ sex, are you going to have a boy or girl? How are test-tube babies grown up into manhood and womanhood? Louise Brown. NPR listen to July 24, 2003 age 25, she is 32. We do not know very well those who in our society are born test-tube babies. How are you going to tell your girl friend or boy friend that you are one? If you happened to date someone a test-tube grown-up, what would you do? If you do not have the child you want, would you want to ask the doc to make you one? Top For daily 2, please look for topics from Ideas & Issues or news. FAQ for Intermediate English Conversation The new mayors-elect and the perspectives of Taiwan Gunman and Election in Taiwan: Chen Sui-bian and Sean Lien two case studies North and South Korean War and Its Impact on World Foreign Policy (or Economics in Asia) President Election 2012: The Possible Candidates from KMT and DPP 3Ca 11/12, 19, 26, 12/3, 10 (2012) 11/19 Group 1 Mo Yan -- Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012 2012 Mo Yan Nobel Laureates, Video Lectures Group 2 11/26 Group 3 Group 4 12/3 Group 5 Group 6 12/10 Group 1 Single Parents 51 16 Glass Menagerie (Tennessee Williams) A Curtain Up Berkshire Review Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network/ National Sexual Assault Hotline 2 3 This group did three performances to pose three situations and thoughts about first, the problems negligence between daughter and father, second, early pregnancy, and thirdly, financial problems for single parents. It’s difficult for a father to take care of his own daughter alone; therefore, he can ask some relatives to help. He should also spend more time with his own daughter. But the daughter has to talk to her own father about her loneliness. Precaution is important for unprepared pregnancy. Contraception and knowing about one’s period can help. About children’s desire for gifts, just do arrange some other activities, instead of going shopping. Hard for single parent, isn’t it? They often become parents young and breed their own children like them. Do you think the government should take care of single parents more? How? Group 2 Making Money 33* Career Consultant Dr. Yeung Ka-ching; NCDA National Career Development Association Words to share: from Dr. Yeung You can't let the failure outside you get inside you. You certainly can't control the length of your life - but you can control its width and depth. You can't control the contour of your face - but you can control its expression. You can't control the weather - but you can control the atmosphere of your mind. One who graduated yesterday and stop learning today is uneducated by tomorrow. Do you grudge when people make a lot of money? Do you trust money to the government? How do you want to do to make money? Why? Fred said maybe to work in the army is a good choice. What do you see these kinds of job? It is safe with steady income. It could be hard in time of natural disasters or war. Peter and Edward said that interview is important to find a better job. Do you value salary more important or esteem? How do you prepare for, show up, go through and aftermath in an interview? What quality or requirement should you have to meet certain career opportunity such as a teacher or a management? Do you consider a license, certificate, training important to be a competitive candidate in the future? Do you think higher education is good for personal image or better job? Group 3 Conflicts parents-child relationships Listen to child is what the parents should learn to give respect and teach children to respect others. It can help build up mutual trust and win confidence. distinction between puberty and adolescence rebellious, different opinion, individual, controlling parents, Educate Yourself Talk to Your Child Early Enough answer their questions Are you noticing any changes in your body? Are you having any strange feelings? Are you sad sometimes and don't know why? Share memories of your own adolescence Put Yourself in Your Child's Place Preventing Kids From Picking Up the Habit of smoking The impact of disagreement and conflicts on children Children not only learn from what they do, but they also learn from what they see their parents doing. Children who are fortunate enough to have two parents will need and love both parents. The emotional bonds formed between parents and children cause children to notice and adopt the values, attitudes and behavior of their parents. Children trust, imitate and try to pay attention to the people they bond with. Younger children are more likely than older children to "take in" the perspectives of both parents. When parents express their conflicts, the psychological impact on children can produce uncertainty, emotional instability, erratic thinking and hyperactivity. How do children cope with conflicted parental views of what is right or wrong? The answer is, "They don’t do it very well." Uncertainty and emotionality is the result and that leads to erratic (unreliable) and volatile (fickle) behavior. …children will begin to ignore their parents’ wishes, values and attitudes when their parents argue and express their conflicts in their presence. Children tend to think, "If my parents can disagree, then I guess I’m free to believe and do what ever I want." Both parents lose credibility when they argue in front of children. Disagreements and conflicts can lead to even more problems. For instance, if one parent ends up losing the argument, then a child may end up taking sides with one parent over the other. Children can develop problems when they end up valuing the parent who simply gives them what they want. The notion of right and wrong can disappear when children focus on getting what you want and not what they need. Even though it might feel good to be the favorite parent when you give your child what they want, it doesn’t help your child in the long run. Well-researched areas in health care describe the impact of angry, aggressive and violent behavior on the human body. The resulting stress creates high levels of agitation and ultimately it can compromise a child’s health. Long or frequent exposures to arguments and conflict can "program" or "condition" children with perpetual anxiety, depressive response tendencies and a poor tolerance of frustration. The personality of some these children will become "cranky", easily frustrated and irritable. they tend to engage in competitive escalation. They try to out do their parents. In this way, children learn to express themselves with a similar tone, volume, pitch and rate. This explains why so many children end up acting like the very parent they have conflicts with. alcohol. the failure of parents to discuss their approach to parenting before the need arises The third trigger involves past experiences in which parents react to each other and to their children based on what happened in their respective pasts rather than what "is" happening in the moment. Painful memories and fears can drive parents to over react and under react. Young children have a hard time understanding reality when a parent lives in the past. A parents behavior and values should fit reality. Decide what you expect from your children before they raise issues that would result in a parental disagreement or conflict. The frequency of conflict appears to be linked with child development. For example, the highest number of conflicts—mother-child interactions—occurred with two-year-olds versus children who were eighteen months or three years old (Dunn and Munn 1987). Among adolescents, conflict interactions tend to increase until about the age of fifteen, and then subside in later adolescence. children do not pick their parents. Like marriage partners, parents and their offspring develop considerable intimacy. More so than spouses, however, parents and their children are "bound" in a family relationship, which can serve to intensify serious conflicts between them, and family disputes often represent underlying relational struggles regarding power or intimacy (Emery 1992). childhood conflict interactions can contribute positively to personal and social development two basic skills for conflict management: flexibility versus rigidity and the ability to manage conflict without escalating the severity of the problem. Group 4 Helpful tips in life They recommended the use of soda as detergent to get rid of bad smell in sneakers, easy way to get rid of egg shells and fold up clothes to tidy up your room. The topic of lecture can be found in the content of the speech. 7 Helpful Tips To Immediately Increase Your Confidence 1.) Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Too often, we place excess importance on potential problems. We all have a certain amount of energy so let’s apply it to creating extraordinary relationships, advancing our careers and meeting our goals INSTEAD of wasting that energy worrying. Take action on what you have control over and minimize risks for what you don’t. Then invest your energy wisely. In doing something for the first time, imagine that you have already done it in the past. 2.) Find someone who is already confident in that area and copy them. 3.) Use the “as-if” frame. I literally love this frame of mind. If you were confident, how would you be acting? How would you be moving? How would you be speaking? What would you be thinking? What would you tell yourself inside? By asking yourself these questions, you are literally forced to answer them by going into a confident state. 4.) Go into the future and ask if what you’re faced with is such a big deal. Imagine yourself on your deathbed looking back over your life. You are surrounded by your friends and family 5.) Remember that you lose out on 100% of the opportunities that you never go for. 6.) Disarm the nagging, negative internal voice. housing Group 5 Homeboys P. 28 Homeboy discusses the psychology of the young to find out their yearning for freedom by moving out. However, we found that some still want to move back when parents get old. Josh said that man and woman should be growing up as Virginia Woolf’s view on beauty—man womanly and woman manly. To mingle the quality of gentleness and strength of ability is the trend of modern young man and young woman. 1. Do you like to be homeboy and homegirl? Do you know that in America young people are moving back home to live with parents to save money? They are called Boomerang kids. What are NEETS? In Japan, they call young people who has no education, no employment, no training as NEETS. 尼特族 The number of 16 to 18-year-olds who are not in education, employment or training - or Neets - has fallen, official figures show. The figures, published by the Department for Education (DfE), also show a rise in the number of teenagers choosing to stay on in education. In total, nearly seven in 10 (68%) of 16 to 18-year- olds stayed in full-time education in 2009, compared with 64.7% the year before. The total number of 16 to 18-year-olds in education or training last year rose by 39,000 to 1.65m. From September 2013, all 17-year-olds in England must stay in education, training or an apprenticeship scheme. And from September 2015, this becomes compulsory for all 18-year-olds. "This government is committed to narrowing the gap between the richest and poorest and we are working to give all young people, regardless of their background, the best opportunities to progress their careers.” Boomerang kids refill the nest 2. What could you do if you live with your parents in their old age? How do you take care of your parents? Probably they need home care. 3. What could you do if they are healthy? What could you do if they are not so healthy? 4. Would you like to leave home after marriage? 5. How could you keep a close relationship with your parents? 6. What responsibility would you take upon as sweet burden?,266315/yid,5333 2211/userId,7B0CAC40-4383-42D9-B95611DB3F8FB60F/ Absent Fathers, Lost Sons by Guy Corneau a Jungian analyst 欠缺父愛男生對性有不安 全感 Description An experience of the fragility of conventional images of masculinity is something many modern men share. Psychoanalyst Guy Corneau traces this experience to an even deeper feeling men have of their father’s silence of absence - sometimes literal, but especially emotional and spiritual. Why is this feeling so profound in the lives of men of the postwar "baby boom" generation - men who are now approaching middle age? Because, he says, this generation marks a critical phase in the loss of the masculine initiation rituals that in the past ensured a boy’s passage into manhood. In his engaging examination of the many different ways this missing link manifests in men’s lives, Corneau shows that, for men today, regaining the essential "second birth" into manhood lies in gaining the ability to be a father to themselves - not only as a means of healing psychological pain, but as a necessary step in the process of becoming whole. Customer reviews Corneau argues that all men live in a kind of hereditary silence and that we fear that any man who speaks out about pain is a threat to male solidarity. The result of not speaking out is that men suffer alone and in silence,… Corneau argues that for a man "to not have a father is to not have a backbone," and that the resulting lack of structure often results in anti-social behavior; men with absent fathers (emotionally absent will suffice) often turn to what Corneau terms the "dark father complex," the clinging to extreme… Corneau argues that men who have not felt close enough to their fathers, will often be insecure in their sexuality [I]insecurity they feel [is] from never having been "confirmed" by their fathers, i.e., never having felt that their fathers accepted them as men. 不安全感來自沒受父親確認 接受他們是男人 The author discusses the various roles men find themselves in: the Hero, the Good Boy, the Eternal Adolescent, the Male Feminist, the Seducer, and the Homosexual. Corneau argues that homosexual men are often obeying the unspoken command that they should never belong to any woman but their mother. 男同性戀服從於不能說的要求 就是他們 不屬於母親以外任何女人 Many men suffer from the pain of not having felt close enough to their fathers. 很多男人因不能 跟父親接近感到痛苦 Review "This is a clear and thought-provoking book, a synthesis of much recent literature on masculine identity that should appeal to a broad readership—women as well as men."—Jim Boothroyd, The Montreal Gazette ***Our mission is to assist men in finding male positive resources, information, and support. We seek to empower men to lead healthy, productive and fulfilling lives. This will ultimately be beneficial to all men, women and children. The Male Affirmative Resource Network Journal of Men’s Studies The Men’s Center Do you feel that feminism is outworn? Masculinity is important for you as you are growing up young man. Group 6 An Exotic Restaurant 香草 藍舍 Going to Vanilla Blue House was a great joy to Class C girls for the Christmas party. They exchanged gifts and chose proper delicious food for themselves. Where did you spend your Christmas Eve? _____________________________________________________________ For the last day Dec. 29, I introduced Prof. Liu Ying’s lecture about motivation of learning in higher education. Prof. Liu Yin’s ppt in the Internet: Click here. Mind Map Rubric: Click here. Excellent by Teaching see here. How to Improve Student’s Motivation in Learning in Higher Education See Notes with links and key points made by Mu-Lien Ho P21_Framwork How to Learn Idioms and Speak like a Native Read Articles in Business and Management Journals Top Final Guided Topics 2012 12 3Ca Monday 12/17, 24, 1/7 Final 12/17 Group 1 Group 4 Final 12/24 Group 6 Group 5 Final 1/7 Group 3 Group 2 Jesse Hirsh on CBC News Today discussing the facebook phenomenon with host Nancy Wilson. Facebook places the surveillance society in the hands of the average user. Well, sort of... ;) The Year of Facebook Elections Peer pressure to get online The Appeal and Implications of the Facebook Phenomenon social pressure Technology panel I've been doing a number of panels, seminars, and appearances discussing facebook. Here in Toronto and generally in Canada, facebook use has exploded, so much so that the municipal and provincial governments have banned employees of the civil service from using it while at work. In this panel, host Andrew Nichols interviews Nora Young and me (Jesse Hirsh) regarding the appeal and general implications of the facebook phenomena. Safer Social Networking What's So Great About Online Social Networking? (panel discussion) Baby clothes in Twitter What Your Facebook Profile Says About You - Sam Gosling Prof. Psychology Idiotic, no, psychological meaning to be met. Complete video: (a good one) ***Sam Gosling - Snoop: The Secret Language of Stuff Photo is important. Group 4 Taipei Flora Expo A 91~85 Do you like to take a “working” or a relaxing holiday? The idea of a working holiday is that you can offset some of your travel costs by picking up a job while abroad. For students this sounds like an excellent way to see the world and learn about local culture and customs. After all, travel can be expensive and students usually don’t have any leftover cash after their school year. I like the female student’s plan of taking this type of holiday. The only negative about this type of holiday is she will not have as much time to travel around and see the country, as she will be working during the week and only has her weekends free to sightsee. However, it still makes sense to me. She can still see a lot and if she’s smart she will return from her vacation with some savings for next term. (Longman iBT TOEFL Speaking 2006, p. 339) Do you mean that these kinds of traveling are suitable for young people? What can people learn from traveling? How about patience? What seems to be the fun way in getting around the island? By bike, motorcycle, car, or by train? It’s a good idea to get online to your blog, space, or yahoo and gmail to leave messages when you are abroad. Have you been to any places you mentioned in your speech? What do you think about google map? What language and words or phrases are often used in regards to traveling? Money, safety, work for food and lodging, equipments like camera, ipad or ipod to post your messages and articles like Bradley Winterton, traveling log, etc. What do you hope to learn from this topic? Learn How to Travel the World Do you read magazine or e-Zine to learn about traveling? How do you choose a right place to go? How much money do you think will be enough for backpacking in America, Australia, Canada, or India? Budget Where are the cheaper places to stay? Hostels? Some ole hotels? What do you think about homestay accommodation in Taiwan? Some topics: TIME Travel Watch has some good topics for traveling logs Learn to write a good title like the following: What’s so great—and cheap—about Tokyo Memories and More in Magical Kyoto Mongolian Marvels: Of Cents and Sensibility Finding Peace in a Himalayan Hideaway Crossing Sands and ‘Stands on the Silk Road Seeking Out Kunming’s Hidden Charms Bear Necessities in Ancient, Spicy Chengdu A beginner’s guide to cruising and carousing in Kuala Lumpur Killing Time: a guide to Asia’s Airports Hong Kong’s Palate Pleasure Take a hike in Hong Kong Making tracks in China is the best way to go Do-it-yourself luxury on Thailand’s Railways New Depth: Taking the Plunge in Asia NASA Kid’s Club Uh-Huh! - Just for Fun! SUPER-FAST Uh-Huh! Days of the Week - Sing It! Days of the Week Let’s Count Counting Numbers 1 – 10 ABC Song Group 3 Taichung National Museum of Natural Science A—90, 89~83 Work experience (for school students aged 15-18) in natural science Work placements (for college students) 3Ca Top Top Final Guided Topics 2012/ 12 3Cb Monday 12/11, 18, 1/08 Final 12/11 Group 4 What Makes a Good Speaker? What Makes A Good Speaker? 這裡有下面與演說 口才 領袖特質 相關連結 The Dale Carnegie Page introduces the books good for speaking skills. Dale Carnegie Training 卡耐基口才訓練 Public Speakers and Their Delivery Success Speaking Style How to Write an Effective Speech Mastery of Speaking as a Leader Terry Pearce (3. From Stanford Executive Briefings) Lucas The Art of Public Speaking Student Resources; "How to Give Your First Speech" by Carl R. Burgchardt; The Art of Using Humour in Public Speaking 幽默 Group 3 Final 11/18 Group 2 BMW Drives Germany BMW Drives Germany : Its flexible manufacturing system reveals a country that’s less rigid and more competitive (Nov. 2007 Time Digest, P. 74~) Group 6 Final 1/8 Group 5 25 Most Powerful Women of the 20th Century 25 Most Powerful Women of the 20th Century Time 2010 Group 1 Veterinarian is a doctor who treats non-human animals. Have you read Edgar Allen Poe’s short story, The (e-text) Black Cat? If you can connect the story of horror to cats, you touch on the issue of this genre, stories of horror. Group 5 Our Favorite Speaker89~81 The speaker Russell Peters and characteristics of a great speaker are explored. Russell Peters - Beating Your Kids 請打你的小孩 (中文字幕) Russell Peters - How to become a Canadian Citizen russell peters: be a man Chinese can not give you a bargan Great speeches Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Ronald Regan, Oprah Winsley great women speakers Barbara Sher: How to Be a GREAT Speaker 4.html the 10 greatest speakers of 2006 What characteristic traits do talented speakers posses that set them apart? brave men and women, who are not afraid of telling the truth or of being rejected for their opinions. They are fearless; they are not trying to survive they just tell the truth as it is. They use humour wisely and their speeches are strong yet not forceful. Gifted speakers resonate with audiences and are downright professional. "Great orators have an ability to captivate, teach and entertain their audience at the same time." - Unknown YOU CAN GET YOUR PANIC ATTACKS UNDER CONTROL AND BECOME A GOOD SPEAKER TOO GIFTED SPEAKERS KNOW HOW TO ASSERT THEMSELVES WITHOUT AGGRESSION MOST EXCELLENT SPEAKERS HAVE UNDERGONE SOME SELF-ANALYSIS A good memory is essential in public speaking Great speakers realise the gift of having a unique voice To be a great orator/speaker, you need to have a good self-esteem STUTTERERS CAN BE GOOD SPEAKERS TOO Top 7 Characteristics of Great Speakers Paul Evans is the creator of Instant Speaking Success and the Speaking Success Zone. He helps over 20,000 speakers each month through his free newsletter. 1. Solid Content. Even a person lacking charismatic gifts can develop solid content. Always share something the audience finds valuable to their lives. 2. Humorous. It's hard to hate someone you laugh with. The best speakers find a way to get people smiling early in the program. It opens hearts and makes the group receptive. You don't have to be hilarious, just humorous. 3. Organized. There's no excuse for rambling through a presentation. Have your notes structured in way that keeps you on pace and on target. Listeners should feel they received a message that made sense and was easy to remember. 4. Approachable. Some speakers try to get in and get out as fast as possible, but the audience likes to know the speaker is available an approachable. One of the best ways to make a good impression is to get to the event early and meet people as they come in. 5. Authentic. It's said that honest arrogance is preferred over false humility. We all want to know people are being honest with us and that what we see is what we get. Be true to yourself and others by being the same around everyone. That way you don't feel like one person in front of an audience and another person at other times. 6. Natural. Last night I actually watched BookSpan (on CSPAN) for the first time. I've flipped by before and mostly viewed it as a cure for insomnia. However, Walter Isaacson author of Benjamin Franklin An American Life was speaking. Having read the book I wanted to see how well he presented the material. He did a great job. I got the impression that he would be the same off the podium as he was in front of the microphone. A great example of natural expression. 7. Passionate. Speaking transfers energy with words. The more passion passes through the message the greater the chance of it being remembered and applied. No one has ever said, "I sure hope the speaker is boring." Instead they like to say things like, "Wow! She sure was excited about her message." 6/12 Group 7 Top 10 Richest Person in the World A—87~83 Forbes list of billionaires Carlos Slim Helú (Mexico) Telecom, Recently received regulatory approval to merge his fixed-line assets into American Movil, Latin America’s biggest mobile phone company. Bill Gates (United States) Net worth still up $13 billion in a year as Microsoft shares rose 50% in 12 months, value of investment vehicle Cascade swelled. More than 60% of fortune held outside Microsoft; investments include Four Seasons hotels, Televisa, Auto Nation. Stepped down from day-to-day duties at Microsoft in 2008 to focus on philanthropy Group 2 Farting Culture A—91~85 Group 6 Convenience Stores B 80; 89~83 6/19 Group 3 My favorite painter A--89~84 What writer used to write novels reflecting painting skills from Matisse? To the Light House, and The Waves by Virginia Woolf Group 4 The Lord of the Rings A—92, 89~84