HARBOUR LIGHTS NURSING HOME TOWNASLIGO, BRUCKLESS, CO. DONEGAL. Tel: 074 – 9732020/32250 Fax: 074 – 9731770 International Code +353-74-9732020/9732250 Reg: 8274924F Information Booklet & Resident Guide. Registration Number: 8274924F Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Welcome Welcome to Harbour Lights Nursing Home, this booklet was designed to provide you with the necessary information required to make an informed choice on your care provider. Harbour Lights Nursing Home was opened in 1994. At that time, we accommodated 39 residents. Over the years we have extended the building to enable us to accommodate for more residents. In 2003 there was a huge demand for Residential Care in Co. Donegal, therefore we extended to provide accommodation for 56 residents. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, is owned by Jack O’Neill, and managed by both Jack and the Nursing Staff within the Nursing Home. At Harbour Lights Nursing Home we provide comfortable, well furnished, and affordable accommodation for older adults. We are positioned overlooking the bay of Killybegs, enabling our residents to have peaceful, calming, and spectacular views across the hills and the bay. Harbour Lights is committed to providing high quality nursing care to our residents, we will endeavor to ensure that every resident is treated with dignity respect and at all times afforded the opportunity to make decisions. Harbour Lights will ensure that all its care staff are trained, guard vetted and knowledgeable, we will ensure that their practice reflects, empathy, compassion, and that confidentiality is adhered to at all times. Harbour Lights provides a safe, secure home environment for older adults, caring for adults with special needs, mental health illness and physical disability. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Membership of Nursing Homes Ireland As a member of Nursing Homes Ireland we are committed to their shared vision and goals. Nursing Homes Ireland is the single representative body for the private and voluntary nursing homes sector in Ireland and is therefore a key part in the Irish health service. Their vision is to ensure that all residents of nursing homes, will receive high quality care. As a single representative body Nursing Homes Ireland alongside the Government and other key stakeholders, can influence important health decisions and policies which affect residential care services. The mission statement of NHI state that members who are com mitted to provision of high standards of care, support and respect for older people who are resident in nursing homes. Members are committed to:1. Maintaining and enhancing the quality of life of residents. 2. Preserving the autonomy of residents, guaranteeing free expression of opinion and freedom of choice. 3. Maintaining a safe physical and emotional environment. 4. Ensuring that the privacy and dignity of residents is respected. 5. Being and employer of choice and providing continuous professional development and training. Each resident has a right to:1. Receive a contract outlining the rights and obligations of both the nursing home and the resident. 2. Quality of care which is appropriate to his or her needs. 3. Participate in the formulation of his or her care plan and to be informed of all services that may be relevant to their needs regardless of their immediate availability. 4. Full information about his or her own state of health and about available treatments. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 5. Maintain control over and continue to make decisions about his or her living arrangements in the home. 6. Exercise all of their civil and natural rights and to have access to services and activities which are generally available in the community. 7. Personal privacy. 8. Live without being obliged to feel grateful to those providing his or her care and accommodation. 9. Live in a safe secure and homelike environment, and to move feely both within and outside the nursing home without undue restrictions. 10. Maintain his or her personal independence which includes a recognition of personal responsibility for his or her own actions, choices including those within which there is a degree of personal risk. 11.Take responsibility for their own personal affairs, and to undertake daily living tasks of which they are capable. 12.Be treated with dignity and respect. 13.Be accepted as an individual and have his or her preferences taken into account. 14.Be addressed in a form he or she is happy with. 15.Select and maintain family, social and personal relationships with any other person, both within and outside the nursing home. 16.Freedom of speech. 17.Protection from harm and exploitation. Each resident has a responsibility to:1. Respect the rights and needs of other people in the nursing home, and to respect the needs of the nursing home community as a whole. 2. Respect the rights of staff and the proprietor to work in an environment which is free from harassment. 3. Care for his or her own health and well being so far as he or she is capable. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 4. Inform his or her General Practitioner, as far as he or she is able, about his or her medical history and his or her current state of health. Management The management and governance of Harbour Lights Nursing Home, is directed by a team of dedicated and committed members of staff who continually strive to raise standards of care. Your management team contacts are:Jack O’neill – Proprietor & Registered Provider. Dymphna Lonergan – Director Of Nursing Leema Joseph – Senior Nurse Staffing Harbour Lights Nursing Home employs, 45 members of staff. All of whom strive to provide the best practice care for all individuals living here at Harbour Lights. Management: Jack O’Neill, 16yrs experience in nursing home management D.O.N: Dymphna Lonergan, R.G.N, 12yrs Experience in Care of the Elderly Nursing 6 Nurses Care Assistants 26 Care Assistants Domestic/Laundry 2 laundry workers, 2 domestic, 4 kitchen staff Administration 2 admin workers Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Proprietor / Register Provider Management / HR & Admin Director Of Nursing Nursing Staff Care Assistants Ancillary Staff Environment Harbour Lights Nursing Home is purpose built accommodation, for older adults seeking residential care in Co. Donegal. We have the following accommodation:3 Single Rooms with Ensuite 12 Double Rooms with Ensuite 6 Quad Rooms with Ensuite 1 Five Bed Room with Ensuite All room sizes are compliant with HSE regulations Occupancy Harbour Lights Nursing Home can accommodate up to 56 residents at any one time. We are registered to provide accommodation for up to 56 residents. We accommodate both male and female residents. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 At Harbour Lights Nursing Home care provide care for Low dependency residents, medium dependency residents, high dependency resident and maximum dependency residents. Low dependency – refers to people who need some support in the community and the more independent residents in residential accommodation who require little nursing care. Usually independently mobile, may use a walking stick, but have difficulty managing stairs. Medium dependency – refers to people who are impaired to the extent that the appropriate care needed cannot be provided living in the community. Mobility impaired to the extent that the person needs supervision when mobilizing. High dependency - refers to people who require residential care, but are not bed bound. Person may have combination of physical and mental disabilities, may be confused and incontinent and may require a walking aid, and physical assistance to mobilize. Max dependency – refers to people who require full nursing care. Admissions Admissions to Harbour Lights Nursing home are arranged by appointment following a pre admissions assessment of your needs. This is to ensure that we have all the necessary equipment knowledge and competency to meet your needs. We understand that in exceptional cases, where there is no alternative available, emergency admissions are necessary to promote the safety of the resident Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Visiting Arrangements. We understand that the decision to move into long term residential care can be stressful. At Harbour Lights Nursing Home, we want to make your transition as smooth as possible. Our Director Of Nursing will be happy to meet with you and your family, to give you a tour of the building and discuss any personal needs you may have. In order to ensure you receive our uninterrupted attention we would ask that you kindly schedule an appointment in the first instance. We operate an open visiting policy, with specific visiting hours, within Harbour Lights Nursing Home. However, to protect our residents we ask that all visitors sign in and out, on entering and leaving. We ask that you wait in the hall, for a member of staff to enable you access, through our secure door entry system, and partake in any infection control measures. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, reserves the right to impose restrictions on visiting arrangements where the visit is deemed to pose risk or where the resident requests restriction. Visiting Times – 11 am- 12 noon, 2-4 pm, & 6-8 pm Care Plan. Your care plan will be developed within 48 hours of admission. This will be individualized to set out your personal care needs and will provide direction to staff members caring for you. A review of your care plan will be prompted following your feedback, any changes in your personal needs / circumstance will be updated no less than three monthly. To ensure we have your full participation in this process we will formally communicate to you when a review is required and will then set a mutually convenient time to complete the review process. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Contract of Care If you decide to take up residency within Harbour Lights Nursing Home, a contract of care will be signed which ensures that you have a legally binding assurance of high quality care standards, and that we have the knowledge of your commitment to our terms and conditions which are as follows: You agree to pay the required fee each week. You agree to pay for your own toiletries, and replacement clothing. You agree to adhere to our policies and procedures, You agree to communicate with the care staff, to enable us to meet your needs appropriately. You agree to use the facilities appropriately, and without prejudice. Services and Facilities In order to enhance the care provided and enable you to fulfill your personal, social and psychological needs the following services and activities are available within Harbour Lights Nursing Home. Hairdresser Every Monday Nail Technician Appointment only. Mass 1st Tuesday Each Month. Visiting Ministers of all denomination Chiropody Every 8 weeks Reflexology By Appointment only. Charge for this service. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Physiotherapy for this service. Daily Activities BY Appointment only. Charge see the attached activity plan. Services to others. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, is an active participating member of the local community, and therefore provides services to others who may be in need of our care. We provide a home care service for care in the community. This can be arranged through the proprietor, at an extra cost. Harbour Lights Nursing Home is situated in the thriving community of Killybegs, therefore the Nursing Home is served by nearby restaurants, public houses, libraries and community halls. Although at times there are organized day trips, for residents, Harbour Lights Nursing home will assist you to use the local facilities, should you wish to do so. There is an extra cost for this service, however, it can be easily arranged with the Director Of Nursing, or the Proprietor. Clients who do so wish can attend the local day care centre one day per week, should there be availability at the day care centre. Your privacy and dignity will not be compromised by attending the day care group. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Safety Your safety is of Paramount importance to us. If you need assistance you need to ask a member of staff, or use your bell to seek assistance. Fire. We operate a test fire alarm every week. This will last approximately 3 minutes, and will be intermittent sound. If you hear a continuous alarm at any time of the day or night this is not a test. Please proceed to the nearest fire exit and assemble in the designated safety area. Staff will be on hand to assist you. You will be fully informed of all fire procedures, at the time of entering Harbour Lights Nursing Home, to reside permanently. Other emergencies. If you discover any other scenario which pose risk to yourself, staff or other residents, please inform your nearest staff member. Privacy and Dignity. We would like you to think of Harbour Lights Nursing home as your home from now on. Our staff will do their utmost to protect your privacy and dignity by: knocking before entering your room asking your permission prior to any personal / nursing interventions asking your permission for staff undergoing training and development, members of the opposite sex or others to involved with your care. Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Enable you to make decisions about your personal care, social and religious needs. Afford you the opportunity to take part in all activities. Ensure that your personal possessions are well cared for and remain safe and secure. If you feel that your privacy and dignity is being compromised them please inform a member of staff that you feel comfortable with. Policies that inform our practice As a provider of high quality care we welcome the “National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland” These Standards will help to consolidate existing good practice whilst also identifying areas for development. A copy of the standards can be obtained either online:www.hiqa.ie/media/pdfs/HIQA_Residential_Care_Standards _2008.pdf or in writing to: HEALTH INFORMATION & QUALITY AUTHORITY Social Services Inspectorate, 1301 City Gate, Mahon, Co. Cork. Other key policies include:‘Health Act 2000/2007’ Infection Control Guidelines ‘Responding to Allegations of Elder Abuse’ Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 and all other policies which can be viewed in our Operations Policy Manual. Comments/ Complaints:We are interested in your feedback to ensure that our service is continually improving and reviewed with your best interests being paramount. There are a number of ways you can share your views. Through our residents committee. By verbal communication with staff, nurses and the proprietor. Through written gesture. By using our complaints policy, see copy at the back of booklet. Or by nominating a family member or friend to act as advocate on your behalf. We take all your comments seriously, and will aim to respond to them as soon as possible. If you have serious complaints to submit, please contact the following.: Director of Nursing The proprietor Mr. Jack O’Neill The Ombudsman HSE – for residents in contract beds Nursing Home Inspections Harbour Lights Nursing Home will be registered with the Health Information and Quality Authority and be inspected Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 regularly to ensure that standards of care are being maintained. Inspections may be announced or unannounced and may occur during the day, in the evening or at night. Registration will be renewed every three years. The registration and inspection process is independent and reports will be published after each inspection. A copy of each report can be obtained online:www.hiqa.ie/functions_ssi_inspect_rep.asp In conclusion, we are delighted that you have chosen Harbour Lights Nursing Home as your preferred place of care and we trust that you will have a happy and fulfilling stay with us. We acknowledge that moving into 24 hour residential care may be traumatic and daunting, and therefore we wish to assist you in your transition. Our staff are both friendly, and approachable, and are always willing to listen to you and answer any questions or concerns you may have. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us:HARBOUR LIGHTS NURSING HOME TOWNASLIGO, BRUCKLESS, CO. DONEGAL. Tel: 074 – 9732020/32250 Fax: 074 – 9731770 International Code +353-74-9732020/9732250 Reg: 8274924F Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020 Harbour Lights Nursing Home, Bruckless Co.Donegal 00353 74 9732020