How Geography essays are marked

Use this table & the teachers comment to improve the next time (KS3)
Td : I can name geographical features and accurately DESCRIBE them.
Bringing together facts/ figures/ dates/ place names to describe a pattern
Use terms like: Twice as much A third of the area to compare and show the difference between two
or more places or events
Use geography terms or numbers to describe a feature/process.
Use place names to identify where something is found.
Use extremes like cold or hot to describe.
Tx: I can EXPLAIN how certain processes can create/change a geographical feature.
You can easily and without help see that natural and human features can affect each other to
produce a certain landscape /environment. You can identify on your own that a series of events can
cause change(s) in our world locally and globally. You can say how these events were started.
You can identify that physical or human features can be seen to be arranged in a pattern and can
be connected.
With help you can identify that a chain of events can cause change. But some errors in how the
events happen
You can identify natural patterns and or human patterns but not how they are connected.
You know that events in the world happen but not why they do?
Struggles to pick out a pattern in any source.
You can name events eg flooding but cannot say how they happen
Tk: Skills in communicating Geographical knowledge & key terms
Always use key terms and words in any written work.
You can communicate how other groups of people would feel about the issue being looked at
You use only the knowledge from the topic studied.
Clear use of key terms / words with a few errors in understanding.
Main ideas understood but limited use of geographical knowledge from the topic studied.
Some key terms used but mostly common terms.
One example of knowledge used from the topic studied. No real understanding why you used it.
Repeating of errors, common terms mostly used
Te: Skills in Enquiring about a topic E.g. collecting & presenting evidence
You select by yourself and use accurately a wide range of facts /figures /dates /place names, etc.
You can ask good geographical questions about a topic
Selects some facts/ figures / dates/ place names, etc but not all relate to the task.
You can ask questions about an issue but not always Geographical
Selects and uses 2-3 facts/ figures /dates/ place names, etc only a few relate to task
One piece of information used-limited research by you
Tm: Skill in presenting work: Maps; Graphs & Diagrams
You have selected the map/graph yourself. Perfectly plotted. Use of appropriate colour/ labels /select
axes. Well drawn/ annotated/ labels /appropriate use of colour.
Clear to the reader and very neatly presented. You have identified some limits/problems to your
With assistance you have selected the map/ graph. Accurately plotted/ correctly labelled/ few errors.
Well drawn/labels present/ coloured. Well set out / shows thought but a few errors.
Plotted/ axes labelled but no units and some errors. Reasonably well drawn/ some labels missing/
some errors. Reasonably clear but numerous careless errors
Plotted with numerous errors/ axes wrong/ no labels/ title. Rushed/ poorly drawn/ few labels/
inaccurate/ unfinished. Little effort shown/ limited use of equipment, pencils/ rulers
What to do if you find something
How will your work be marked?
1. Don’t worry or panic !
2. Finding something DIFFICULT just
means you are LEARNING something
3. Read/study it again, think it through.
4. Ask a friend; see how they have got
on so far!
5. Use classroom resources; PC’s;
glossary; text book, etc.
6. Ask an adult
S = part of your work that was successful
Acknowledgment marking –
checking that the work has
been completed.
Knowledge exercises/past
papers – Wrong or right.
Quality teacher marking –
identifies Strengths (S);
Target (T); Next step (N).
Quality marking by other
students in the class or as a
Sp = spelling mistake, use the glossary or
dictionary to correct
T = part of your work that was not
= area to improve
successful (Target for improvement)
= Go over with your teacher in lesson
N = what you need to do to improve (Next
step in learning)
“We are successful because we practise what we are not good at!”
(New Zealand ‘All Blacks’ Rugby team captain.)
We Are Learning To:
(W.A.L.T.) Learning
What will you need to do
to achieve this?
Success Criteria
Map reading
Decision making
Learning Skills
Success @ Key
Stage 3 Geography