media and society

Request for Designation as a Community Interest (CI) Course in Explorations
Name Natalie Davis
Course number and title PS 300/MFS 300 Media and Society
Departmental endorsement___yes (political Science)______________________________
Has this course been submitted for any other Explorations designation? no
If so, which one? ______________
Please list which of your course assignments or activities addresses each of the guidelines, state
briefly how this is accomplished, and attach a syllabus or a preliminary redesign plan for the
The criterion for a global perspectives CI course is a primary focus on interests in competing
ethical, moral, or community interests.
MEDIA and SOCIETY (PS/MFS 300) explores the topic of political and social discourse. Its major
emphasis is the impact that media have on all of us—what we think, what we like, what we
dislike, and how we view our role(s) in society. That’s the micro part of the course. The macro
party moves in the direction of aggregation: How do media affect the political system and
society? There are a number of goals for this course, but two are particularly relevant to the CI
designation: (1) students should exit the course thinking differently about the media. The
typical “knee-jerk” reactions, such as, “It’s all because the media are biased,” should merit
some qualification; (2) students should be able to understand and articulate an argument about
the impact of media on the quality of community. Media have a great deal to do with the
quality of discourse. Walter Lippmann would have sneered at social media and citizen
journalism. He wanted the media to be controlled by elites—those in the “know”—who bring
to bear their influence. We are a long way from that.
Most of our class discussions in one way or another center on CI issues. If candidates with
more money can buy more TV time, what ethical considerations are at work here? We may be
an information rich society, but is that a good thing, when cable television allows us to pick and
choose news sources—we can’t have civil discourse if we don’t agree on the facts. A case in
point: A 2005 national poll found that 7 percent of those who regularly watch PBS, 16 percent
of ABC viewers, 18 percent of NBC viewers, and 42 percent of FOXNEWS viewers still believed
there were WMD in Iraq. How do the media bring us together, and do media separate us?
There are two essay assignments: The first addresses broadcasting vs narrowcasting. Given our
ability to segment ourselves by how we consume media, how do our own individual media
choices affect what we think? The second essay directly asks students to make some judgment
about the ability/inability of the media to enhance democracy. (see syllabus for these
assignments.) The major research paper/project offers students the opportunity to conduct
original research resulting in a video or set of campaign commercials or a traditional paper
which addresses national or community interests and how the media can assist or retard efforts
to respond to those interests.
Return this form as one electronic file with a syllabus appended to by 30 May 2011.
PS/MFS 300—FALL 2011
Natalie Davis (Harbert 307; 226-4837; email:
This course explores the relationship between media and society. We will examine relevant literature
(of which there is an impressive amount) and focus primarily on the impact of television, print
journalism, political advertising, internet, and social media and how these affect the norms and values
which undergird our society in general and tthe American political system in particular.
NOTE: The course is a social science course, required for the MFS major. Because it is being taught by a
political scientist, the course content reflects the expertise of the professor. A sociologist or
psychologist might have a different substantive focus, but the course description serves us all well:
MFS 300 Media and Society (1)
An exploration of the interactive relationship between media and society from political,
psychological, economic, and sociological perspectives. This course will focus on how
media sources such as television, film, and the Internet, influence society at group and
individual levels and how society, in turn, influences the creation and production of
media. (Cross-listed as PS 300, PY 300, SO 300 or UES 300; may only be taken once.)
The course relies heavily on collaborative learning, in that it is expected that students will work together
on at least one major project, bring examples of media impact to class, and engage the material
aggressively. Issues of leadership, civic and moral responsibility, and democratic values are weaved into
virtually all of our discussions. These should make for lively discussion.
There will be two essays, a mid-term exam, and a final exam. In addition, there is a team project.
Essay #1 (on media bias) .. . . . . . .
25 points
Coverage Paper (media impact). . ..
35 points
Mid-term Exam
50 points
Final Exam
30 points
Class Participation
25 points
Team Project
50 points
Essay #1 Due (3-4 pgs) Tuesday, February 22
Coverage Paper (7-9 pgs)
Tuesday, March 17
Mid-term Exam
Tuesday, April 7
Project Presentations
Wednesday, April 28
Monday, April 30
W. Lance Bennett, NEWS; THE POLITICS OF ILLUSION, 8th ed.
Thomas A. Hollihan UNCIVIL WARS, 2nd ed.
Before writing this essay, keep a log or journal of three consecutive days detailing your
contact with media. Remember media “are” plural. They can include TV, internet, newspapers, music,
social media, film, etc. So not include time talking or texting on your cell phone. Can you draw a mostly
straight line between what you watch, read, or listen and your political and social attitudes. Write and
essay where you focus on the socialization process and its impact on how you are affected by media. In
what way(s) would someone else’s media choices affect how you interact with that person. How do
media bring us together, and how do media make community more difficult to achieve? [HINT: Recall
our conversation about the difference between broadcasting and narrow-casting.] Your essay should be
between 1250 and 2000 words. Please double space and proof every word. Attach your log/journal.
When we speak of “media-based” politics, we posit that our politics are driven by the
effort of political actors and others to control a message in such a way that those who hear it will be
persuaded by whatever they have to say. This means that virtually all of politics is “controlled” by those
who know how to use media best. First, do you agree with this line of reasoning, and if you do, how
does this enhance/not enhance the democratic process? If you don’t agree, what thesis would you
substitute? [In preparing this essay, go back to Iygenar and McGrady to be sure you understand the
concept of “media-based” politics.] Your essay should be between 1250 and 2000 words. Please double
space and proof every word. Attach your log/journal.
I’ll be giving you more detailed instructions on the project. For now, think of it as an original effort
which can be done in groups. Though you may choose to write a traditional paper, most groups want to
put together a video or produce some commercials. It’s very open-ended and is not intended to be a
major thesis. Its purpose is to have you come away from the course having investigated some aspect indepth of the impact of media on democracy—you can’t do it all. [15 – 20 pages, for a traditional paper.]
Part I: The Nexus Between Media and Political Culture
Introduction to the Course
Political Culture and Democratic Values:
Bennett, Chapter 1
The Concept of Bias
Bennett, Chapter 2
Political Socialization
Hollihan, Chapter 3
Truth, Spin and Political Learning
Bennett, Chapters 3, 6
Discussion of Socialization Essays
Editorial Board Meetings
Part II: Media and the Politics of Persuasion
“Playing on Emotions”
Drew Westen, “Rational Minds, Irrational Campaigns” [MOODLE]
Bennett, Chapter 4
How Journalists Report
Bennett, Chapter 5
Ringel, #4,5,7,8
Agenda Setting and Media Ethics
Hollihan, Chapter 5
Ringel, # 29,30,31
Covering War
Hollihan, Chapter 1,2
Ringel, # 12,13,14,16,18,19
[NOTE: Each student will be responsible for discussing 2 of the Ringel cases.]
The Corporate Side of Media
Bennett, Chapter 7
Ringel, #26,28
Discussion of Media Impact Essays
Part III: Campaigns and Elections: TV, Advertising, and Public Opinion
Candidate Image
Hollihan, Chapter 4
3/24 – 3/26:
3/31: ADS, ADS, and More ADS
Hollihan, Chapter 6
The Role of Polling
Hollihan, Chapter 7
Ted Brader, “Hearts and Minds: Rethinking the Place of Emotion in
Political Life” [MOODLE]
Part IV: Key Issues for Politics and Media
New Media I: Late Night and other Entertainment
Bennett, Chapter 8
Ringel, #21-22
New Media II: The Bogged Up Cyberspace
Hollihan, Chapter 9
Ringel, #23,24,25
Blogger Panel
Talk, Talk, and More Talk
Talk Panel
Press Freedom: Limits on the The First Amendment?
Doria Graber, “Terrorism, Censorship, and the First Amendment
Ringel, #1,7,32,33,34,38,39,40
[NOTE: Each student will be responsible for discussing 2 of the Ringel cases.]
Project Presentations
Project Presentations
Part IV: The Big Finish
Prospects for Democracy I
Michael Schudson, “Why Democracies Need an Unlovable Press” [MOODLE]
Walter Lippmann, “Newspapers” [MOODLE]
Thomas Patterson, “The Miscast Institution” [MOODLE]
Prospects for Democracy II
Bennett, Chapter 8
Hollihan, Chapter 12
Honor Code:
The BSC Honor Code is key to creating a fair, ethical, and honest academic community. Students are
responsible for knowing and strictly abiding by the Honor Code. When in doubt, consult the Student
Handbook about specific issues. Because political science courses rely heavily on written essays,
research papers, and other writing assignments, plagiarism is taken very seriously. Be aware of the
rules concerning giving proper credit from sources you quote directly or paraphrase.
I invite students to use their laptops or IPADS to take notes or to do class work. However, I consider
use of electronic equipment in class for other purposes (texting, FACEBOOK, etc.) a violation of the
Attendance, Make-up Exams, and other Stuff:
There really is no reason to be absent from class, except in the case of illness or some other emergency.
While we may not "count" class attendance, we will "take" class attendance. If, because of an
emergency, you have to be absent from an exam, be aware that all make-up exams are given the last
week of classes in the term (not a reading day).
The faculty is increasingly concerned about students arriving late to class. Please avoid this, and please
do not leave the room in the middle of class, except in the case of an emergency. It goes without saying
that cell phones should be turned "off."
What is Class Participation?
First, class participation is not the same thing as class attendance. Simply coming to class and not
participating verbally means you have not contributed anything. For some, this is difficult, but "practice
does make perfect." It is not the number of times you say something that counts, but the contribution
you make. What you have to say has value, and your not contributing means that other students will not
have the benefit of hearing your point of view--they will be diminished for it.
The Writing Thing
There are writing assignments in this course. Please be sure to proof your work. You should be aware
that “spell check” is not a good substitute for proofing (there / they’re / their may all seem correct to
“spell check).” Moreover, it is hard to give you a fair read when distracted by a large number of spelling,
grammatical, composition, and usage errors. This is why editing is so important. If your work has more
than 3 “unforced” errors, it will be returned to you for a re-write.