Safe use of Internet Policy

Safe Use of the Internet and E-Safety Policy
This document is a statement of the school’s commitment to ensuring safe use of the
internet at Stimpson Avenue Academy.
At Stimpson Avenue Academy, we understand the responsibility to educate our pupils on
e-safety issues; teaching them the appropriate behaviours and critical thinking skills to
enable them to remain both safe and legal when using the internet and related
technologies, in and beyond the context of the classroom.
Our aims in writing a policy for Safe Access to the Internet are to ensure that: All members of the school community – children, teachers, parents and governors –
are aware of the need for safe and responsible internet use.
 The issues surrounding internet safety are discussed.
 Internet use supports our schools’ educational aims.
Implementation of the Policy
What is the need for Internet Access at our school?
 School internet use is now an important part of teaching, learning, administration and
 It makes possible a wider range of information, the scope and nature of which may or
may not be appropriate.
 Used responsibly it can raise educational standards, support the professional work of
staff and enhance the school’s management information and business administration
 It is a beneficial learning tool when children have been taught to understand its value
and limitations.
How can the internet be used as a teaching and learning tool?
Our teachers, parents and children should be able to develop good practice in using the
Internet as a tool for learning and teaching. We believe that: Internet access will enrich and extend learning activities.
 On-line activities should support the learning outcomes planned for the children’s age
and maturity.
 Children should be confident using the Internet for research, including the skills of
knowledge location, retrieval and evaluation of material found.
What are the benefits of using the internet?
Benefits of internet access at primary level include:
Access to world-wide educational resources including museums and art galleries.
Educational and cultural exchanges between children world wide.
Cultural, vocational, social and leisure use in libraries, clubs and at home.
Access to experts in many fields for our children and staff.
Staff professional development through access to national developments.
Educational materials and good curriculum practice.
Communication with support services, professional associations and colleagues.
Improved access to technical support.
Exchange of curriculum and administration data with the LA and DfE.
How will our pupils be taught to access content responsibly?
 Our pupils will be taught ways to validate information before accepting that it is
necessarily accurate.
 Our pupils will be taught to acknowledge the source of information, when using
Internet material for their own use.
 Our pupils will be made aware that the writer of an email or the author of a web page
might not be the person claimed.
 Our pupils will be encouraged to inform a teacher immediately if they encounter any
material that makes them feel uncomfortable.
How will Internet access be authorised?
 At Key Stage 1, the majority of the access to the Internet will be by teacher or adult
demonstration. However, there will be situations when children have supervised
access to specific approved on-line materials.
 At Key Stage 2, internet access will be granted to a whole class as part of the scheme
of work, after a suitable input in responsible internet use.
 Parents will be informed that children will be provided with supervised Internet
 Parents and pupils are asked to sign and return a Safe Internet Use Agreement on
admission to school (see appendix)
How will the risks be assessed?
It is difficult to remove completely the risk that children may access unsuitable materials via
the school system whatever safeguards are put in place.
 Due to the international scale and linked nature of information available via the
Internet, it is not possible to guarantee that unsuitable material will never appear on
a terminal but we do everything possible to avoid this.
 Methods to identify, assess and minimise risks will be reviewed at the same time as
the policy is reviewed.
 Staff, parents, governors and advisers will work to establish agreement that every
reasonable measure is being taken.
 The Curriculum Leader for ICT and the Head Teacher will ensure that the policy is
implemented effectively.
How will the school ensure Internet access is safe?
 The system in use in our school is a filtering system operated by Exa Education.
 Children will be informed that internet use will be supervised and monitored.
 The school will work in partnership with parents; the LA, DfE and the Internet Service
Provider to ensure systems to protect children are reviewed and improved.
 Teachers will ensure that occasional checks are made to ensure that the filtering
methods selected are effective in practice.
 Staff will preview any recommended sites before they are used by children.
 In the unlikely event that staff or children discover unsuitable sites, the URL (address)
and content will be reported to the Curriculum Leader for ICT and blocked through
the schools computer filters.
How will email be managed?
The use of email is an essential means of communication for both staff and pupils. Children
need to use email in Key Stage One and Two as part of the National Curriculum.
The school gives all staff their own email accounts to use for all school business. It is the
responsibility of each account holder to keep the password secure.
Children in Key Stage Two are also given their own email account. The system used ensures
that children are only able to send and receive email to and from other users within the
school. In Key Stage One children use a group/class email address.
The following rules for email use will be as followed: Email must only be used in school for educational purposes.
 Children will not be allowed to access their personal email (if applicable) from school.
 When using their school email address, children will only be able to receive email
from other pupils within the school.
 Messages sent by staff using the school domain name will be regarded in the same
way as messages written on school headed paper.
 Communication with other schools/organisations via e-mail may take place. This will
be carried out with adult permission and supervision.
How will publishing on the Web be managed?
Many schools have created Web sites that inspire children to publish work for a very wide
audience, to a high standard. A Web site can celebrate children’s work, promote the school
and publish resources for projects or homework. Ground rules are important to ensure that
the Web site reflects the school’s ethos and that information is accurate and well presented.
As Stimpson Avenue Academy’s web site can be accessed by anyone on the Internet, the
security of staff and children is paramount. The publishing of children’s names or
photographs that identify individuals will not occur unless parental permission is sought.
Editorial responsibility will lie with the Head Teacher and the Curriculum Leader for ICT. This
is in order to ensure that content is accurate and quality of presentation is monitored. Our
Governing Body will also be consulted.
Staff and children will be made aware that the quality of their work published on the web
needs to reflect the standard of work expected at Stimpson Avenue Academy.
 All material must be the author’s own work (or where permission to reproduce has
been obtained) clearly marked with the copyright owner’s name
 The point of contact on the web site should be the school address and telephone
number. Home information or individual email identities will not be published.
 Photographs must not identify individual children. Group shots or pictures taken over
the shoulder will be used in preference to individual “passport” style images.
 Full names will not be used anywhere on the Web site, particularly alongside
 Written permission from parents will be sought to give permission for the school to
use any identifying photographs of their children on the website.
How will the security of our school ICT systems be maintained?
 The security of the whole system will be reviewed with regard to threats to security
from Internet access.
 Personal data sent over the internet will be encrypted or otherwise secured.
 Virus protection will be installed and updated regularly.
How will personal mobile devices (including phones) be managed?
 The school allows staff to bring in personal mobile phones and devices for their own
use. Under no circumstances does the school allow a member of staff to contact a
pupil or their parent/carer using their personal device.
 Pupils in Year 1-5 are not allowed to bring personal mobile devices/phones to school.
 Pupils in Year Six are permitted to bring mobile phones to school. These are to be
kept by the school office and collected at the end of the day.
 Pupils in Year Six are informed about the importance of securing their devices while
travelling to and from school.
 The school is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of any personal mobile
How will the safe use of images be ensured?
 With the written consent of parents (on behalf of pupils) and staff, the school permits
the appropriate taking of images by staff and pupils with school equipment. Memory
cards from cameras are wiped regularly.
 Staff and pupils are not permitted to use personal digital equipment, such as mobile
phones and cameras, to record images of pupils.
 Images/films of children will be stored on the school’s network in secured areas.
 Pupils and staff are not permitted to use personal portable media for storage of
images (e.g. USB sticks) without the permission of the Head Teacher.
How will staff and children be consulted?
 Rules for safe use of internet access will be discussed with children throughout Key
Stage One and Key Stage Two.
 Staff receive regular information and training on e-safety issues in the form of full
staff meetings and relevant memos.
 All staff including teachers, supply staff, classroom assistants and support staff and
parents will be made aware of these rules, and their importance explained.
 New staff will receive information on the school’s acceptable use policy as part of
their induction.
 All staff have been made aware of individual responsibilities relating to the
safeguarding of children within the context of e-safety and know what to do in the
event of misuse of technology by any member of the school community.
 Parents’ attention will be drawn to the need to be familiar with the policy and it will
be published on the school web site.
How will parents be involved?
The school believes that it is essential for parents/carers to be fully involved with promoting
e-safety both in and outside of the school and as such:-
 A careful balance between informing and alarming parents will be maintained.
 Joint home/school guidelines on issues such as safe Internet use will be established.
 Parents are required to make a decision as to whether they consent to images of their
child being taken (See form in appendix)
 Parents will be advised that the use of social networking sites is inappropriate for
primary aged pupils(e.g. newsletter regarding use of Facebook for under 13 years old)
 Parents will be expected to reinforce the guidance from school when using
technologies at home.
Social Networking sites
 The minimum age for the use of Facebook is thirteen; however the Local Authority
has set this at sixteen. Our children are told that no child in our school phase should
be using Facebook.
 There will be no communication between teachers and pupils (past or present)
through Facebook or any other social networking sites.
Data Security
The accessing and appropriate use of school data is something that our school takes very
seriously. Staff are aware of their responsibility when accessing school data. Level of access
is determined by the Head Teacher. Data can only be accessed and used on school
computers or laptops. Staff are aware they must not use their personal devices for accessing
any school/pupil data.
Equal Opportunities
Our school endeavours to create a consistent message with parents for all pupils and this in
turn should aid establishment and future development of the school’ e-safety rules.
However, staff are aware that some pupils may require additional teaching including
reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their existing knowledge and
understanding of e-safety issues. Where a pupil has poor social understanding, careful
consideration will be given to individual explanation when raising awareness of e-safety.
Internet activities are planned and well managed for our children.
How will complaints regarding Internet use be handled?
 Prompt action will be required if a complaint is made. The facts of the case will need
to be established as quickly as possible.
 Complaints relating to e-safety should be made to the ICT curriculum leader, Head
Teacher or Deputy Head.
 All incidents will be logged and followed up.
 Sanctions available may include interview/counselling by the Head teacher and
informing parents or carers, if appropriate.
 A pupil may have email, Internet or computer access denied for a period of time
depending on the nature of the incident.
 Complaints of a child protection nature must be dealt with in accordance with school
child protection procedures and must be reported to the Designated School Person,
the Principal, Mr Darren Smith. In the Principal’s absence all such issues will be dealt
with by the Assistant Principal, Miss Mia Lewis or the Pastoral Leader, Miss Berlingeri.
Cyber Bullying/E-bullying
 Cyber bullying involves the repeated use of the internet or other related technologies
to intimidate, offend, threaten, exclude or deride another person.
 We expect all children to communicate with others with courtesy and respect. Cyber
Bullying will not be tolerated at our school and will be dealt with using the procedures
outlined in the school behaviour policy. (See behaviour policy for more information)
Physical Safety
 All electrical equipment in the school is tested annually to ensure that it is safe to use.
Our pupils are taught about electrical dangers as part of their Science and PSHE
curriculum. We expect our pupils to behave appropriately around electrical sockets
and equipment.
 The interactive projectors at our school have maximum light levels below the
government’s health and safety guidance of 1,500 ANSI lumens. Our pupils are taught
that they should not look directly at any light sources.
 The computer workstations are cleaned and sanitised regularly. Our pupils are taught
not to take food or liquid anywhere near the computers or laptops.
 It is not healthy to sit at a computer for too long without breaks. Our pupils are taught
the correct posture for sitting at a computer and that sitting for too long at a
computer can be unhealthy.
 Computers and other ICT equipment can be easily damaged. Pupils are taught the
correct way to use ICT equipment. It is expected that pupils will respect the
equipment and take care when using it.
Any questions or concerns regarding this policy should be made on a one-to-one basis or in
writing to the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher or the ICT curriculum leader.
School Rules for Safe Internet Use
These rules help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe.
I will ask permission before using the Internet.
I will use only my own network login and password.
I will only look at or delete my own files.
I understand that I must not bring software or disks/USB pens into school without
 I will only email children who attend Stimpson Avenue Academy, unless otherwise
approved by my class teacher.
 The messages I send will be polite and sensible.
 I understand that I must never give my home address or phone number, or arrange to
meet someone.
 I will ask for permission before opening an email attachment.
 I will not use Internet chat at school.
 If I see anything I am unhappy with, or I receive messages I do not like, I will tell a
teacher immediately.
 I understand that the school may check my computer files and the internet sites I visit
at any time.
 I understand that if I deliberately break the rules, I may not be allowed to use the
internet or computers without direct 1:1 supervision. However, I also understand that
I will not be in trouble if I access the wrong website by mistake.
 I understand that technology is a tool not to be misused.
The school may exercise its right to monitor the use of the school’s computer systems. This
includes access to web-sites, the interception of email and the deletion of inappropriate
materials where it is believed unauthorised use of the school’s computer system is or may
be taking place or if the system is or may be used for criminal purposes or for storing
unauthorised or unlawful text, imagery or sound.
Internet Permission Form
As part of the school’s ICT (Information and Communication Technology) programme to raise standards, and to
meet National Curriculum 2000 requirements, Stimpson Avenue Academy is providing supervised access to the
Internet including the sending/receiving of email (from Year 1 to Year 6).
We believe at Stimpson Avenue Academy that the benefits to pupils from Internet access, in the form of
information sources and opportunities for collaboration and communication, exceed any disadvantages.
In order to help protect your children from access to undesirable content, our school Internet Service Provider
operates a filtering system, in line with LA requirements. This filtering system restricts access to inappropriate
materials. Your child will be supervised at all times when they are using the Internet, and every reasonable
precaution will be taken to protect your child from accessing undesirable material.
Before being allowed to use the Internet, the school will obtain parent’s permission. Pupils in Years 3,4,5 and 6
must sign the form below to show their acceptance of the school policy on this matter. If you do not provide the
necessary approval, your child will have to be provided with limited access to ensure they can meet the National
Curriculum requirements.
A copy of the ‘School Rules for Safe Internet Use’ is available from the school office. Please contact the school
for further information or to discuss any areas of concern.
Yours sincerely
Darren Smith
Stimpson Avenue Academy
Internet Permission Form
Child Agreement
I understand the rules for using the internet, E-mail and other on-line tools, safely and responsibly. I know that
the adults working with me at school will explain the rules to me, help me to stay safe and check that I am using
the computers/laptops to help me with my work.
Child Signature:
Parent/Carer Agreement
I have read and discussed the rules with my child and confirm that he/she has understood what the rules mean.
I understand that the school will use appropriate filtering and ensure appropriate supervision when using the
internet, E-mail and on-line tools. I understand that occasionally, inappropriate materials may be accessed and
accept that the school will endeavour to deal with any incident that may arise, according to policy. I understand
that whilst my child is using the internet and other online tools outside of school, that it is my responsibility to
ensure safe and responsible use with the support of the school.
Parent/Carer Signature:
 We learn how to use the internet.
 We use the internet safely to help us
 We can send and open e-mail messages
with an adult.
 We can write polite and friendly e-mails
to other children in our school.
 We learn to use our own login and
 We know who we should ask for help.
 If we see something we do not like or are
not happy with, we know to tell an adult.
 We know that it is important to follow
the rules.
 We will ask permission before using the Internet.
 We use the internet to help us learn and we will learn
how to use the internet safely and responsibly.
 We will use only our own network login and password.
 We send e-mails and messages that are polite and
 We will only email children who attend Stimpson Avenue
Academy , unless otherwise approved by our class
 We never give out passwords or personal information
(like our surname, address or phone number).
 We never post photographs or video clips online without
permission and never include names.
 If we see anything on the internet or in an e-mail that
makes us uncomfortable, we tell an adult.
 We understand that we must not bring software or
disks/USB pens into school without permission from our
 We understand that technology is a tool not to be