Curriculum Development Curriculum Development can be defined as the systematic planning of what is taught and learned in schools as reflected in courses of study and school programs. These curricula are embodied in official documents (typically curriculum "guides" for teachers) and made mandatory by provincial and territorial departments of education. The primary focus of a curriculum is on what is to be taught and when, leaving to the teaching profession decisions as to how this should be done. In practice, however, there is no clear distinction between curriculum content and methodology - how a topic is taught often determines what is taught. For this reason, and for others, there is need to distinguish the official or planned curriculum - the formally approved program of study - from the de facto or lived (sometimes called hidden) curriculum - the "lessons" that are actually learned. Many attempts to change education by revising the authorized curriculum have not been successful - mandated innovations are not always implemented extensively or effectively in classrooms. In fact, because of widespread reliance on textbooks as a basic teaching resource, textbooks often constitute the de facto content of the curriculum, thus giving publishers a powerful role in curriculum development. Most educators frequently revise and update their course or experiment with new approaches to make the teaching and learning process more effective and enjoyable. However, systematic curriculum review of a program falls outside the expertise of nearly all university faculty. The CTL can help you with the process: As you structure your curriculum development proposal As you implement the curricular change As you monitor/assess the impact of the change Curriculum Planning 1. Developing a curriculum proposal: o What is the current situation? o What are you doing right, what could be improved in terms of cohesiveness of program? recruitment and retention of students? efficiency of teaching / learning process? communication, collaboration among course instructors? student learning outcomes? the learning environment? assessment procedures? responding to diversity among students? use of resources? etc...... Look at data, collect some data. Reflect on experiences What are the alternatives? Open yourself to new ideas, explore possibilities for innovations self-directed learning cooperative learning / teamwork problem-based learning education for critical thinking resource-based learning interdisciplinary study outcomes-based education experiential learning Attend workshops, read widely, talk to others doing different things (why?) Might choose to have departmental workshop on a topic that seems particularly relevant to departmental concerns -- how do people respond? o What is meant by a systematic approach to curriculum development? Become familiar with key steps in instructional design/planning. borrow a book, attend a workshop, read flyer GOAL: To identify a clear rationale for change, some notion of what you want to change to, an idea of the procedure you will use to implement the change, and achieve some "buy-in" in the department. Keep it focused, purposeful. Any educational change will automatically affect many other aspects of the educational system. Small is manageable, more likely to lead to real, sustained change, change that can be built upon. Later, you can start the process over again: what are we doing well, what can we do better...etc. 2. Implementing a curricular change Must go through the curriculum development and implementation process a. Systematically (instructional design) b. Specifically (teaching methods and materials, assessment procedures) c. Collectively (communication among all parties as you go) CTL can help by facilitating this process. o o o Can keep you on track (devise simple, straightforward exercises to go through to ensure that you address all the key things), as outside person not in the middle of departmental politics. Can provide details about specific teaching methods (eg. how to teach diverse student body). Can share case studies (in library, or put you in touch with persons) of others who have done similar things: help you avoid or prepare for likely obstacles. CTL Role: to get you through it step-by-step (keeping track of design procedures), and get you the information you need when you ask for it, if possible. You make all the decisions, of course. 3. Monitoring the change/assessing the impact o Assess ripple effect of change: is re-training of faculty or TAs necessary? must other parts of curriculum be changed? o Assess student response to change o Assess faculty and TA response to change o (Write it up so others can learn from your experience??) CTL can help devise assessment procedures for evaluating the impact of the change, and can do some of the assessment ourselves e.g. speak with students, faculty (Example: attending departmental TA orientations), and can help plan training sessions for instructors. Curriculum Development Curriculum Review: Guidelines for Professors 1. Philosophy Write down your beliefs, assumptions, and values related to your program and your teaching. Consider your philosophy within the context of this university: e.g. o students should learn to be critical thinkers o the program is essentially one of training students for a profession o faculty have a responsibility to encourage independent student learning o there is a set of information which is the core of the You might begin this process by examining your mission statement, by 'brainstorming' as a group, by considering professional program accreditation requirements, or by asking individual faculty to respond. However, you should come to a consensus, as a department, on your philosophy. 2. Students Review the characteristics of the students you typically see at this university and more specifically those of the students you have in your program. List common characteristics, as well as those that are instrumental in determining the nature of your courses: e.g. o students are highly motivated and determined to get good grades o students speak English as a second language o there are many 'mature' students in the program o many students only seem to be present to 'get credit' 3. Goals and Objectives List the goals and objectives of your program (goals are more general; objectives are more specific). This list should include the knowledge, skills, and attitudes or values that you expect students to have when they leave the program and the university: e.g. o students will be able to critically review research articles in the discipline o students will be able to develop and implement computer simulations o students will be able to analyze and compare psychoanalytic theories o students will be able to create a modern dance routine 4. Structure and Sequencing Review each individual course in the program to determine its contribution to the goals and objectives. Also consider which course leads into other courses - the sequence in which students take the courses and/or are required to take the courses. Try to develop a 'flow chart' or a hierarchical diagram which illustrates the interrelationships among courses in the program and how they lead to program goals. This analysis might reveal gaps, redundancies, or illogical sequences in the program (for example, program goals that are not addressed through specific courses; unnecessary prerequisites, etc.). If so, changes in course syllabi should be discussed at this point. 5. Instructional Strategies Each faculty member should list the instructional strategies (methods and materials) they use: e.g. o lecture and questioning o group work o computer simulations o library readings o textbook and assigned readings These strategies should be analyzed as to the degree to which they: o the needs of the described student population; o and match the nature of the university and program goals and objectives. The primary consideration here is whether or not the methods and materials are in alignment with the learning expectations -- if students are expected to learn to do something, the strategies must provide the opportunity for 'doing'; if students are expected to integrate ideas or become critical thinkers, the strategies must provide the opportunity for students to integrate and be critical. (For additional advice concerning instructional strategies, please contact the Instructional Development Centre.) 6. Evaluation of Learning Each faculty member should list the techniques by which they evaluate student learning e.g. o essays o multiple choice tests o performance in the library o independent projects As with strategies, these techniques should be analyzed as to the degree to which they: o Meet the needs of the described student population; o Match the instructional methods and materials used; o and Match the program goals and objectives, as well as the goals of the university. A general rule is that one must 'test what is taught'. Evaluations should not only reflect the content of the course and program, but also the nature and type of expected learning. One cannot measure proficiency at tennis with a multiple-choice test. Similarly, one cannot measure critical thought with short answer tests. 7. Evaluation of Instruction How is the effectiveness of instruction in the courses and program evaluated? This is as much a part of the curriculum as evaluation of learning. These techniques should be listed: e.g. o student ratings of instruction o review of student work o anecdotal comments, letters, and records o peer review of course outlines The department should ensure that all aspects of the program are regularly and systematically reviewed for the purpose of making changes and improvements in the program. Re-Thinking the Curriculum: References on Curriculum Review An evolving, eclectic list of interesting references, available in the CTL. Andresen, L.W. (1994). Lecturing to Large Groups: A Guide to Doing it Less...But Better. Birmingham, Australia: Staff and Educational Development Association. This publication consists of brief accounts of strategies lecturers have found successful when teaching large student groups. Items have been included because they illustrate some of the major departures from conventional lecturing approaches, and should appeal to lecturers discontented with what they are presently doing. They are grouped in sections which are graded in order of their significance as departures from conventional lecturing, so that Section 1 looks at ways to promote student activity during lectures and Section 4 looks at alternatives to lecturing in groups. Angelo, T. (1993). A teacher's dozen: fourteen general, research-based principles for improving higher learning in our classrooms. AAHE Bulletin 45 (8), 3-7. This article is based on 3 assumptions: 1) to effectively and efficiently promote learning, faculty need to know something about how students learn; 2) there really are some general, researchbased principles that faculty can apply to improve teaching and learning in their classrooms; 3) teaching is so complex and varied that faculty members themselves must figure out whether and how these general principles apply to their particular disciplines, courses , and students. Each description of a principle is followed by a discussion of implications/applications. Barnett, R. (ed.). (1992). Learning to Effect. Buckingham, Great Britain: Open University Press. This book examines contemporary issues of curriculum change and student learning in higher education at four levels: institutional, professional, course, and national. The central issue is how, at the different levels of the system, might learning be made more effective through curriculum revision. Chapter 10 by Graham Gibbs, Improving the Quality of Student Learning through Course Design, points to course design strategies which hold the most promise of retaining quality in learning when resources decline. Chapter 11 by Gaie Davidson, Credit Accumulation and Transfer and the Student Experience, describes a modularized system intended to provide a more flexible provision of learning for students, and to shift the focus of learning away from the instructor and onto the learner. Gaff, J.G., & Ratcliff, J.L. (1997). Handbook of the undergraduate curriculum: A comprehensive guide to purposes, structures, practices, and change. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. This book offers a compendium of the best ideas, analyses, and practices relating to the undergraduate curriculum as described by leading figures in the field. It contains both conceptual and practical information on effective practices, research, management, and assessment. In thirtyfour original chapters, top practitioners and scholars detail a range of philosophies, frameworks, program designs, instructional strategies, and assessment methods being used to strengthen and transform the curriculum. They examine both the current state of knowledge and teaching in the disciplines and the forces that will reshape the curriculum in the coming years. Gibbs, G. (1992). Teaching More Students: Problems and Course Design Strategies. Oxford: Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council. Presents differences between two sets of course design strategies for dealing with the difficulties of large student numbers: one being to control the situation, and the other being to foster students' freedom and independence. Also includes demonstration of costing of courses in terms of staff hours, and how course can be re-designed with lower costs. Gibbs, G. (1992). Control and independence. In Teaching Large Classes in Higher Education: How to Maintain Quality with Reduced Resources. London: Kogan Page. This chapter examines two broad strategic options for replacing the conventional patterns of teaching and learning in higher education. It contrasts "control" and "independence" options, gives examples of the teaching, learning, and assessment strategies associated with each of these options, and discusses the ways in which these approaches can be mixed. Case studies in the remainder of the book describe how these options work in real teaching/learning situations. Extremely useful for helping instructors take a second look at the assumptions underlying their choice of teaching and learning strategies. Elbow, P. (1986). Trying to teach while thinking about the end. In Embracing Contraries: Explorations in Learning and Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press. This essay explores the effects on teaching that flow from using a competence-based approach to education (the distinguishing mark of competence-based education is that "ends" or "outcomes" are always specified). The author writes about his resistance to the idea that outcomes should be spelled it; it violated his own intuitive habits of learning and teaching, and seemed to work against the non-instrumental tradition in higher education--the idea that learning is best for its own sake rather than for goals or ends. His reflections lead him to consider the nature of learning and the role of the teacher and the teaching process in helping to bring about learning. Jaques, D. (1989). Course Design. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff Development. This module introduces the principal elements of the course design process and suggests ways in which it can be achieved more effectively. The user is invited to complete a series of 6 tasks, based on the information provided, which will lead to better decisions about course design. Johnstone, D. B. (1993). Enhancing the productivity of learning. AAHE Bulletin 46 (4), 3-8. As the costs of higher education rise, and funding decreases, the pressure mounts for significant gains in higher education's productivity. Increasingly, these gains will come not in more productive teaching, but in more productive learning. The concept of enhancing the productivity of learning is driven by 10 assumptions or propositions, which Johnstone (SUNY chancellor) describes in this article. He also suggests 8 steps that universities can take to enhance learning productivity. The article is followed by the reactions of 6 persons playing key roles in American higher education. The article is followed up by Benchmarks for Efficiency in Learning by Morris Keeton and Barbara Mayo-Wells in AAHE Bulletin 46 (8), 9-13. This recommends strategies that a) eliminate activities that do not contribute to learning, or even delay or interfere with it; and b) substitute for current practices others that save time while enhancing learning. Knight, P. T., (2001) Complexity and curriculum: A process approach to curriculummaking. Teaching in Higher Education, 6(3), 369-381. The author argues that the complex learning with which higher education institutions are concerned is best promoted by coherent curricula. However, curriculum coherence is not widespread. Outcomes-led rational curriculum planning offers one way of creating coherent curricula, but it is argues that, despite its appeal, it is a poor approach to adopt. An alternative, process model of curriculum creation is described and claims are made about the advantages it can have as an approach to planning coherent learning programmes. Lattuca, L. L., & Stark, J. S. (1994). Will disciplinary perspectives impede curricular reform? Journal of Higher Education 65 (4), 401-426. Content analysis was used to examine the responses of ten national disciplinary task forces to a challenge issued by the Association of American Colleges to improve the major. Consistent with previous research on academic planning, results showed that the disciplines respond to curricular reform proposals in different but characteristic ways. Examining differences across disciplines as they attempt to redesign the major may help faculty members and other educational leaders understand that disciplines express themselves differently about their subjects and about how they are taught. This understanding is essential to curriculum leaders who hope to build integrated educational programs fully supported by faculty. The authors suggest that curriculum reform advocates focus on how each discipline can help students develop those attributes it most readily fosters. Laurillard, D. (1993). Rethinking University Teaching: A Framework for the Effective Use of Educational Technology. London: Routledge. An excellent resource for guiding instructors toward the integration of appropriate technology into their course design, to help them meet valued teaching goals. There is a growing recognition that technological media have the potential to improve student learning, or at least teaching efficiency, and university teachers are looking for ways of increasing their understanding of what can be done with the new media, and how to do it. This book informs them about what has been done and what is already known, helps them to think constructively and critically about the drawbacks and benefits of different forms of technology, and provides a practical methodology for the design, development and implementation of educational technology. Lunde, J.P., Baker, M., Buelow, F.H., & Hayes, L.S. (1995). Reshaping curricula: Revitalization programs at three land grant universities. Boston, MA: Anker Publishing. The authors describe a comprehensive revamping of programs at three universities: Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. Funded by a W.K. Kellogg Foundation grant, the universities set out to reshape their curricula in agricultural sciences and natural resources. In 25 contributed essays by faculty from the three institutions, the authors describe the reform projects, their outcomes, and the resultant learning. While the projects were set in agricultural sciences, their focus is on creating student-centered, interdisciplinary, integrated programs of study -- the goals of educational reform in all disciplines and institutions. The practical strategies and information in this book can be applied in any college or university that faces the need for change. Marchese, T., & Pollack, B. (eds.). (1993). Deep learning, surface learning. AAHE Bulletin 45 (8), 10-13. This article presents excerpts from a leaflet distributed throughout Britain. It serves as a brief introduction to ways of moving students away from a superficial, reproducing "surface" approach to studying, and toward a deep approach involving a search for understanding, through the introduction of new teaching, learning, and assessment strategies. The "deep/surface" concept and the idea that it is features of course design that influence whether students take a deep or surface approach have provided the dominant framework for improving teaching in the UK. McKernan, J. (1996). Curriculum action research: A handbook of methods and resources for the reflective practitioner. London: Kogan Page. The book addresses issues such as: the evolution and status of curriculum action research; datacollection strategies; obtrusive and unobstrusive research methods; modes of organizing and analysing data; presenting and disseminating results; the ethics of action researchers; and teaching action research. McKernan outlines 47 curriculum research techniques and resources. Some are traditional, but many are new -- for example problem surveys, discourse evaluation, episode analysis, quadrangulation and critical trialling. Teaching action research is also discussed, with case studies on new and international initiatives. The Oxford Centre for Staff Development. (1994). Course Design for Resource Based Learning. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University. The rapid expansion of higher education in the UK and the continued decline in funding have placed enormous pressure on conventional teaching and learning methods. One alternative is resource based learning (RBL). This booklet is concerned with the ways in which courses can be redesigned to exploit learning resources and to support student learning more effectively. It is not about how to design learning resources but how to use them. Course design for resource based learning involves different uses of students' time, different learning activities, different assessment, different uses of class contact, and new independent learning skills. RBL is the use of mainly printed materials--written, collated, or signposted by instructors--as a substitute for some aspects of teaching and library use. The booklets describe RBL and present case studies of RBL in a variety of disciplines. Pregent, R. (1994). Charting Your Course: How to Prepare to Teach More Effectively. Madison, WI: Magna Publications. This work presents a systematic and thorough approach to course design, and is addressed to professors who are preparing a new course. The author has tested his method over 10 years at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, principally in engineering, but his classic model applies to all disciplines and course formats. The book presents concrete and flexible recommendations, methods, and instruments, simple scenarios, and practical suggestions, along with examples of work produced with the help of these instruments. Toohey, S. (1999). Designing courses for higher education. Buckingham, England: SRHE Open University Press. This book focuses not on teaching techniques but on the strategic decisions which must be made before a course begins. Toohey begins with realistic advice for university and college teachers on how to design more effective courses without underestimating the complexity of the task facing course developers. In particular, examines fully the challenges involved in leading course design teams, getting agreement among teaching staff and managing organizational politics. Also explores the key role played by academics' own values and beliefs (often unexamined) in shaping course design and student experience. In so doing, offers course designers both an understanding and a framework within which to clarify their own teaching purposes. Developing a Course Syllabus BASIC BACKGROUND INFORMATION title, number, year, semester name, location, office address, office hours (appointment or drop in?) contact numbers: phone, fax, email names and numbers of any teaching assistants PREREQUISITES knowledge , skills, experience AIM (Purpose or Rationale) introduction to subject matter and how course fits with college or departmental curriculum why course is important to students LEARNING GOAL(S) what a student will gain as a result of taking the course HOW THE COURSE IS ORGANIZED explain why topics are organized in a certain way PROVIDE A COURSE CALENDAR OR SCHEDULE LIST FORMAT OR ACTIVITIES required versus recommended estimate of student workload STATE HOW STUDENTS WILL BE EVALUATED list assignments, term papers and exams nature (expected length), deadline dates describe grading procedure SPECIFY RESOURCES TO BE USED one text versus a series of readings other resources DISCUSS COURSE POLICIES attendance/ makeup exams/ late work Setting Goals OUTCOME QUESTION ANSWERED FUNCTION EXAMPLE Aim Why is the course being taught Gives shape and To provide students direction for the with an introduction course to the Canadian Health Care System Goal What will the student be able to do as a result of taking the course Provides scope for the course At the end of the course will be able to critically assess the contribution of various elements of the health care system to the health of a population Objective What will the student be able to do as a result of the particular lesson or experience Provides direction for specific teaching and learning activities At the end of the course will be able to differentiate between a "sick care" versus a "health care" orientation. Suggestions for thinking about goals statements should be short and begin with a verb in general two or three goals are enough to express the intentions of the course goals are typically referred to as knowledge, skill or attitude TYPE DEFINITION Knowledge Refers to intellectual EXAMPLE At the end of this course students should be able to... List, classify, apply, (cognitive) development Refers to development of Skills (psychomotor) physical skills Refers to the development of Attitude emotions, attitudes and (affective) values analyze, construct, argue... Perform, grasp, handle, operate... Appreciate, accept, challenge, share, support... Suggestions for matching teaching and learning strategies to goals Knowledge goals (based on Bloom's Taxonomy) Levels Definition Goals KNOWLEDGE The ability to remember and recall information and facts without error or alteration List Memorize Order Duplicate Lecture Readings The ability to understand what is being communicated and to make use COMPREHENSION of the material without necessarily relating it to other material Teaching Strategy Lecture Readings Classify Describe Discuss Explain Lecture Summarizing question and answer laboratory work group discussion APPLICATION The ability to abstract, relate or apply general ideas to explain specific situations Apply Choose Employ Interpret discussion role play examples case studies group/individual projects ANALYSIS The ability to break down information into its constituent parts such that each part is understood Analyze Compare Contrast Calculate questions (compare, contrast, what if, why) group discussion critiques and/or relationships are explicit SYNTHESIS The ability to put together past so as to form a whole. Working with pieces and parts so as to create new patterns or structures. Construct Create Develop Formulate essay writing presentations group discussion EVALUATION The ability to make judgments about the value of information and the degree to which information satisfies certain criteria Argue Assess Judge Defend written/oral critiques position papers debates evaluation SKILLS (relates to physical skill development) The ability to exhibit actions which demonstrate fine motor skills such as the use of precision instruments or gross motor skills such as the use of body in dance or athletic performance Perform Grasp handle operate laboratory work work in the gym work in the studio appreciate accept challenge share support team projects group discussions position papers The ability to exhibit behaviours indicating ATTITUDES (relates attitudes of to emotions, attitudes awareness, and values) interest, attention, concern, and responsibility, ability to listen and respond in interactions with others Curriculum is: That which is taught in schools A set of subjects. Content A program of studies. A set of materials A sequence of courses. A set of performance objectives A course of study Is everything that goes on within the school, including extra-class activities, guidance, and interpersonal relationships. Everything that is planned by school personnel. A series of experiences undergone by learners in a school. That which an individual learner experiences as a result of schooling. p 4 What kinds of curriculum are there? The answer to this question is subject to interpretation. Since curriculum reflects the models of instructional delivery chosen and used, some might indicate that curriculum could be categorized according to the common psychological classifications of the four families of learning theories � Social, Information Processing, Personalist, and Behavioral. Longstreet and Shane have dubbed divisions in curricular orientations as: child-centered, society-centered, knowledgecentered, or eclectic. Common philosophical orientations of curriculum parallel those beliefs espoused by different philosophical orientations � Idealism, Realism, Perennialism, Essentialism, Experimentalism, Existentialism, Constructivism, Reconstructivism and the like. Whatever classification one gravitates to, the fact remains that curricula in the United States has at some level been impacted at one time or the other by all of the above. In essence, American curriculum is hard to pin down because it is layered and highly eclectic. (Wilson, 1990) curriculum is: Anything and everything that teaches a lesson, planned or otherwise. Humans are born learning, thus the learned curriculum actually encompasses a combination of all of the below -- the hidden, null, written, political and societal etc.. Since students learn all the time through exposure and modeled behaviors, this means that they learn important social and emotional lessons from everyone who inhabits a school -- from the janitorial staff, the secretary, the cafeteria workers, their peers, as well as from the deportment, conduct and attitudes expressed and modeled by their teachers. Many educators are unaware of the strong lessons imparted to youth by these everyday contacts. The following represent the many different types of curricula used in schools today Types 1. Overt, explicit, or written curriculum Definitions Is simply that which is written as part of formal instruction of schooling experiences. It may refer to a curriculum document, texts, films, and supportive teaching materials that are overtly chosen to support the intentional instructional agenda of a school. Thus, the overt curriculum is usually confined to those written understandings and directions formally designated and reviewed by administrators, curriculum directors and teachers, often collectively. 2. Societal curriculum As defined by Cortes (1981). Cortes defines this curriculum as: ...[the] massive, ongoing, informal curriculum of family, peer groups, neighborhoods, churches organizations, occupations, mass, media and other socializing forces that "educate" all of us throughout our lives. 24 That which is implied by the very structure and nature of schools, much of what revolves around daily or established routines. Longstreet and Shane (1993) offer a commonly accepted definition for this term. . . . the "hidden curriculum," which refers to the kinds of learnings children derive from the very nature and organizational design of the 3. The hidden or covert curriculum 4. The null curriculum public school, as well as from the behaviors and attitudes of teachers and administrators.... " 46 Examples of the hidden curriculum might include the messages and lessons derived from the mere organization of schools -- the emphasis on: sequential room arrangements; the cellular, timed segments of formal instruction; an annual schedule that is still arranged to accommodate an agrarian age; disciplined messages where concentration equates to student behaviors were they are sitting up straight and are continually quiet; students getting in and standing in line silently; students quietly raising their hands to be called on; the endless competition for grades, and so on. The hidden curriculum may include both positive or negative messages, depending on the models provided and the perspectives of the learner or the observer. In what I term floating quotes, popularized quotes that have no direct, cited sources, David P. Gardner is reported to have said: We learn simply by the exposure of living. Much that passes for education is not education at all but ritual. The fact is that we are being educated when we know it least. That which we do not teach, thus giving students the message that these elements are not important in their educational experiences or in our society. Eisner offers some major points as he concludes his discussion of the null curriculum. The major point I have been trying to make thus far is that schools have consequences not only by virtue of what they do not teach, but also by virtue of what they neglect to teach. What students cannot consider, what they don't processes they are unable to use, have consequences for the kinds of lives they lead. 103 Eisner (1985, 1994) first described and defined aspects of this curriculum. He states: There is something of a paradox involved in writing about a curriculum that does not exist. Yet, if we are concerned with the consequences of school programs and the role of curriculum in shaping those consequences, then it seems to me that we are well advised to consider not only the explicit and implicit curricula of schools but also what schools do not teach. It is my thesis that what schools do not teach may be as important as what they do teach. I argue this position because ignorance is not simply a neutral void; it has important effects on the kinds of options one is able to consider, the alternatives that one can examine, and the perspectives from which one can view a situation or problems. ...97 From Eisner's perspective the null curriculum is simply that which is not taught in schools. Somehow, somewhere, some people are empowered to make conscious decisions as to what is to be included and what is to be excluded from the overt (written) curriculum. Since it is physically impossible to teach everything in schools, many topics and subject areas must be intentionally excluded from the written 5. Phantom curriculum 6. Concomitant curriculum 7. Rhetorical curriculum 8. Curriculumin-use 9. Received curriculum 10. The internal curriculum 11. The electronic curriculum curriculum. But Eisner's position on the "null curriculum" is that when certain subjects or topics are left out of the overt curriculum, school personnel are sending messages to students that certain content and processes are not important enough to study. Unfortunately, without some level of awareness that there is also a well-defined implicit agenda in schools, school personnel send this same type of message via the hidden curriculum. The messages prevalent in and through exposure to any type of media. These components and messages play a major part in the enculturation of students into the predominant meta-culture, or in acculturating students into narrower or generational subcultures. What is taught, or emphasized at home, or those experiences that are part of a family's experiences, or related experiences sanctioned by the family. (This type of curriculum may be received at church, in the context of religious expression, lessons on values, ethics or morals, molded behaviors, or social experiences based on the family's preferences.) Elements from the rhetorical curriculum are comprised from ideas offered by policymakers, school officials, administrators, or politicians. This curriculum may also come from those professionals involved in concept formation and content changes; or from those educational initiatives resulting from decisions based on national and state reports, public speeches, or from texts critiquing outdated educational practices. The rhetorical curriculum may also come from the publicized works offering updates in pedagogical knowledge. The formal curriculum (written or overt) comprises those things in textbooks, and content and concepts in the district curriculum guides. However, those "formal" elements are frequently not taught. The curriculum-in-use is the actual curriculum that is delivered and presented by each teacher. Those things that students actually take out of classroom; those concepts and content that are truly learned and remembered. Processes, content, knowledge combined with the experiences and realities of the learner to create new knowledge. While educators should be aware of this curriculum, they have little control over the internal curriculum since it is unique to each student. Those lessons learned through searching the Internet for information, or through using e-forms of communication. (Wilson, 2004) This type of curriculum may be either formal or informal, and inherent lessons may be overt or covert, good or bad, correct or incorrect depending on ones' views. Students who use the Internet on a regular basis, both for recreational purposes (as in blogs, chatrooms, listserves, through instant messenger on-line conversations, or through personal e-mails) and for research and information, are bombarded with all types of media and messages. Much of this information may be factually correct, informative, or even entertaining or inspirational, but other information may be very incorrect, dated, pass�, biased, perverse, or even manipulative. The implications for educational practices are that part of the overt curriculum needs to include lessons on how to be wise consumers of information, how to critically appraise the accuracy and correctness of e-information, as well as the reliability of electronic sources. Also, students need to learn how to be artfully discerning about the usefulness and appropriateness of certain types of information. And, like other forms of social interaction, students need to know that there are inherent lessons to be learned about appropriate and acceptable "netiquette" and online behavior, to include the differences between "fair usage" and plagiarism. Key questions about the written (overt) curriculum: The following questions represent common concerns or queries revolving around the development, evolution, dissemination and assessment of the overt or written curriculum. These questions are meant to stimulate discussions about varied aspects of curriculum development and content, concept, knowledge, or process selections. Curriculum Content: What defines, or should be considered, knowledge? Are there differences between education and schooling? Is there certain knowledge that should be considered common (required by most), essential, worthy, or mandatory? What specific or general content or processes should be included as basic or essential knowledge? What persons, or designated groups of people, should be empowered to make selection decisions about what to include in the common curriculum (that body of knowledge required by most)? Why these people? What qualifications should they have? What social, cultural, or political forces influence curriculum selection, formation, and distribution? Curriculum creation and formation, organization, and dissemination: Who should be responsible for the creating the philosophy or tone of a curriculum, or for selecting the specific learning theories that drive the curriculum? Who should be involved in ensuring that a curriculum has a sense of unity, relevance, pertinence, and purpose? What minimal components are considered necessary, or bare essentials, for the practical implementation of curriculum? And, how is usable curricula best organized? Should there be different forms of curricula (hard bound, electronic, media)? Who is responsible for making formatting, organizational, and distribution decisions? What forces or people play a part in deciding to create new, or revise older curriculum? What social, generational, political, or professional influences generally serve as catalysts in changing the curriculum? Curriculum Assessment: What types of evidence or data indicate that the curriculum is effective? What types of measures can be used in assessment? How can educators best assess whether the goals and objectives of the delivered curricula have been obtained? Who should be in charge of assessing if and how learning has taken place? Who should be responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of curricula and for collecting and documenting assessment data? How should assessment and evaluation data be used to improve future curricula? Planning Like general problem solving models, curriculum and instructional planning is a complex process which uses both divergent and convergent thinking as initial ideas are first generated, broadened and then refined into set instructional patterns. The following suggestions may help. Questions for instructional development The late Ralph Tyler (1949) offered some initial suggestions for developing curriculum and instruction that may help you get started. I have taken Tyler's four classic tenets of curriculum planning and offered additional directions. Tyler's Four Questions of Instructional Development 1. What are the purposes of the school? (Think about, justify, and delineate what you are you going to teach and how this material is relevant to the common, current purposes of schooling?) 2. What educational experiences are related to those purposes? (What content, processes and methods are you going to use to deliver instruction and information?) 3. What are the organizational methods which will be used in relation to those purposes? (In the contexts of your educational purposes, how can you effectively organize your information and presentations so that they are effective?) 4. How will those purposes be evaluated? (How do you know you taught the content or process successfully?) (Tyler, R. W. (1949) Basic principles of curriculum and instruction. Chicago: University of Chicago.1) If you have ever created a unit plan, or a series of complex, related lesson plans, you have probably already asked yourselves these or similar questions as a form of internal dialogue, or as an automatic, subliminal process, as you first elaborated and then refined your educational intentions and related educational directions. While Tyler's questions are certainly a good place to start developing curriculum, in light of what we now know about the complex journey of learning and how the human brain processes and retains information, there are additional questions that may help you create effective instructional plans and curriculum. Hopefully, these questions, in addition to Tyler's, will aid you in creating material that is both relevant and useful. Here are my added suggestions: Wilson's Additions to Tyler's Principles 1. In the context of students' future needs, be able to justify why you are teaching particular content or processes. (Be able to provide a rationale for what you are teaching and for how you are using students' time.) 2. Be able to make the content or processes more holistic. (Teach the whole child through instructional techniques and processes which actively engage multiple modalities and children's minds, bodies, psyches, and social conscious nesses. Good instruction needs to be multi-modal and holistic in order to be remembered. This approach creates multiple neural pathways and has a better chance of being remembered and of meeting different types of learning styles.) 3. Be able to make instruction relevant to students' experiences -- past, present, and future lives? (Tie instructional strategies and content into students' experiences -- make it real, make it applicable to their past experiences, their present needs and their immediate futures.) 4. Be able to create more authentic types of assessment. (Give students connections through meaningful assignments that have direct applicability and carry-over into the real world.) In order to create effective curriculum and instructional designs, use Tyler's questions as a place to get started, and then use my questions as a way to monitor instructional relevancy and applicability. Examples of Recent Thinking in Higher Education An article by Knight (2001) provides a convincing argument for the superiority of a process approach to curriculum development in higher education by outlining the problems with an “outcomes-led rational approach” to curriculum planning. Knight’s major point, however, is not to advocate one approach over another, but to stress the necessity of coherence in a curriculum. He returns to Jerome Bruner’s concept of the spiral curriculum, saying “Bruner depicted good curriculum as a spiral of repeated engagements to improve and deepen skills, concepts, attitudes and values, and extend their reach. The spiral curriculum has coherence, progression and, I claim, value” (p. 371). Contending that it is possible to provide coherence and progression in a process curriculum as well as in a product curriculum, he writes, “a good curriculum would plan for learning to take place through communities of practice in which group work and peer evaluation are normal, interpersonal contact is common and networks of engagement are extensive” (p. 377). Other curriculum writers, particularly those from the UK, have gone beyond thinking of curriculum as product or process or the more recent extensions of those theories. Barnett, Parry, and Coate (2001) propose a model of curriculum that involves three domains: knowledge, action, and self. The knowledge component is comprised of discipline-specific subject matter; the action component includes the necessary skills of the discipline; and the self component includes identifying oneself with the competencies of the discipline. The authors give an example of a history major. For him or her, the knowledge domain would be the history specialty area, the action domain would include skills such as critical writing; the self domain would include a view of self as critical evaluator. They contend that the way the three domains are weighted and integrated differs depending on the subject matter and that curriculum development should take those different integration patterns into account. Jan Parker (2003) argues for a “transformational curriculum.” Suggesting that the Barnett, et al. model be expanded and concentrate on the interaction of the three domains, Parker says that students should design their own interacting aspects of knowledge, action, and self. Such a curriculum “would engage the student’s love of knowledge, and use that to re-inspire the teacher’s, would develop a mature critical self, which was nevertheless sophisticatedly appreciative, would incorporate the Barnett value of dealing with supercomplex paradigms and value systems while understanding how and why to invest oneself” (p. 542). This approach to curriculum centers on metacognition and self-direction, and as the author says, transformation. 4 “Curriculum Development” by Judith Howard Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning Elon University From the Theoretical to the Practical The curriculum approaches outlined above are theoretical and give us food for thought – and perhaps bases for research. What we need, in addition, are practical, simple approaches to curriculum development. For that, we turn to curriculum, instruction, and assessment specialists such as Dee Fink, Grant Wiggins, and Jay McTighe. Fink (2007) writes about designing significant learning experiences in college courses using a process called integrated course design (ICD). His model includes the familiar triad of learning goals, teaching and learning activities and feedback/assessment. Learning goals identify what we want students to learn, learning activities identify how students will learn what it is we want them to learn, and the feedback/assessment identifies how we will know students have achieved the intended goals. Fink emphasizes, however, that these components are all influenced by “situational factors,” such as course context, professional expectations, and the nature of the subject, the students, and the teacher. He presents a taxonomy of significant learning that outlines six kinds of learning to consider when designing a course. The taxonomy, unlike Blooms’s wellknown cognitive taxonomy, is interactive rather than hierarchical. The identified kinds of learning include foundational knowledge, application, integration, human dimension, caring, and learning how to learn. Fink’s book (2003) explores each aspect of the taxonomy and includes feedback from professors who have used this approach to curriculum design and have found it helpful. Currently, one of the most influential books on curriculum development is Wiggins and Mc Tighe’s (1998, 2005) Understanding by Design. The authors call their approach “backward design” and, sure enough, they cite Ralph Tyler’s (1949) model as providing the logic behind their “new” idea. However, the backwards design model avoids the mechanistic predisposition of behaviorism and offers a major advantage by featuring the latest thinking in assessment. Though it draws most of its examples from K-12 education settings, the principles put forth by the authors are relevant to curricula at any level. Wiggins and McTighe say their design is backward because it starts with the end, the desired results, first and then works backward to a curriculum based on acceptable evidence of learning. The stages in the backward design process are 1- Identify desired results 2- Determine acceptable evidence 3- Plan learning experiences and instruction In stage 1, consideration is given to what students should know, understand, and be able to do, and here is where it becomes clear that the orientation to curriculum design is more constructivist than behaviorist. The authors suggest a framework for establishing curriculum content by considering three levels of knowledge: that which is worth being familiar with, that which is important to know and do, and that which represents an “enduring” understanding. Third level knowledge, enduring understandings, refers to essential principles of disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary thought. Here, as you might expect, they reference Bruner (1960), reiterating his idea that these essential concepts and principles are what should anchor the curriculum, whether it be a unit of study, a course, or a major field comprised of a number of courses. The authors offer four criteria for determining essential understandings: 1- To what extent does the idea, topic, or process represent a “big idea” having enduring value beyond the classroom? 2- To what extent does the idea, topic, or process reside at the heart of the discipline? 3- To what extent does the idea, topic, or process require uncoverage? 4- To what extent does the idea, topic, or process offer potential for engaging students? Stage 2 asks how we will know if students have achieved the desired understandings and skills. At this point, thought is given to what assessment evidence will document that the desired learning has taken place. The authors advocate considering a wide range of evidence and assessment methods ranging from informal checks for understanding to complex performance tasks and projects. It is this stage that is probably the most “backward” for instructors. There is a strong tendency not to think about assessment until toward the end of a topic or unit or course. Considering assessment as evidence of learning, and considering it before teaching, puts assessment not only in a new place, but in a new light. It is not until stage 3 that the learning experiences (instructional strategies) are planned. Since acceptable evidence has already been considered, the learning experiences are designed to enable students to produce the desired results. Teaching is viewed as a means to an end, not an end in itself. Wiggins and McTighe suggest asking the following questions during this stage: What enabling knowledge and skills will students need to perform effectively and achieve desired results? What activities will equip students with the needed knowledge and skills? What will need to be taught and coached, and how should it best be taught, in light of performance goals? What materials and resources are best suited to accomplish these goals? Is the overall design and effective? (Wiggins & McTighe, 1998, 13) 6 “Curriculum Development” by Judith Howard Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning Elon University Curriculum Coherence Regardless of theoretical orientation or practical perspective, curriculum writers emphasize the importance of curricular coherence. The concept is simple, hearkening back to Bruner and others before him,1 who called for revisiting important ideas again and again in order to deepen understanding and encourage transfer. At the university level, where we have major fields of study that encompass a collection of courses, we have the opportunity to design a coherent curriculum. Such a curriculum need not be sequential in the traditional sense. It might be problem-based or issues-based, with students making ever-deepening inquiries into central concepts and principles. We are in a position to craft a series of courses, in whatever form, that are carefully orchestrated to advance the essential knowledge and skills of our fields of study and allow students to broaden and deepen their understanding as they progress through them. The idea is simple, but the work is hard. There is a technique called curriculum mapping (Jacobs, 1997) that might be helpful in such an endeavor. It has been used successfully in the development of curricular scope-and-sequences in K-12 settings, but again it is a concept that has relevance for higher education. The technique is relatively straightforward, first involving the identification of the content and skills taught in each course at each level. A calendar-based chart, or “map,” is created for each course so that it is easy to see not only what is taught in a course, but when it is taught. Examination of these maps can reveal both gaps in what is taught and repetition among courses, but its value lies in identifying areas for integration and concepts for spiraling. What are students taking at the same time in different courses? Are there ways to integrate the content to enlarge understanding? What do students take at one level that is repeated at the next? Are there ways to spiral conceptual understanding and skill development? For the past year, the Education Department has been working on increasing the coherency of its curriculum, and using a process similar to curriculum mapping to do so. We have engaged in departmental “conversations” on the first Friday of each month to discuss course goals, content, and assignments. It has been an eyeopening exercise and, yes, hard work, as we have tried to articulate the essential knowledge and skills of teacher education and our own assumptions and values that frame them. We have examined our course content, our required assignments, and our class activities to consider the alignment of courses typically taken during the same semester (horizontal alignment) and those taken in sequence (vertical alignment). We have drawn diagrams and made charts; we have listed and sorted; we have agreed and disagreed. Progress clearly has been made in reducing redundancy and discarding topics that do not contribute to what we have determined to be our essential knowledge and skills, but after a year, we are still not finished. We look forward to the university-wide discussion of academic challenge as a way of extending and informing our continued conversations. 1 In 1929, Alfred North Whitehead wrote, “Let the main ideas which are introduced into a child’s education be few and important, and let them be thrown into every combination possible. The child should make them his own, and should understand their application here and now.” (p. 2). 1. INTRODUCTION In the preface of his famous book "The Process of Education" (1960), the psychologist Bruner wrote about "a conviction that we were at the beginning of a period of new progress in, and concern for creating curricula and ways of teaching science" . He argued that a general appraisal of this progress and concern was in order, so as to better guide developments in the future. At the time, this same optimism spread to other countries, leading to the well known curriculum wave of the sixties and seventies which flooded the world of science education. Now, 35 years later, it may be appropriate to look back for a while and ask ourselves what progress this curriculum development and related research has brought us. To guide this reflection, it may be instructive to look somewhat further into what were considered to be the main problems and perspectives in 1960. Let me therefore briefly summarize some of Bruner's main conclusions. Regarding 'the importance of structure' the following was said: ".. the curriculum of a subject should be determined by the most fundamental understanding that can be achieved of the underlying principles that give structure to that subject. Teaching specific topics or skills without making clear their context in the broader fundamental structure of a field of knowledge is uneconomical in several deep senses. In the first place, such teaching makes it exceedingly difficult for the student to generalize from what he has learned to what he will encounter later. In the second place, learning that has fallen short of a grasp of general principles has little reward in terms of intellectual excitement. (...) Third, knowledge one has acquired without sufficient structure to tie it together is knowledge that is likely to be forgotten." As far as content choices are concerned, this idea of emphasizing the 'structure-of-the-discipline' seems to fit rather well with what academic physicists usually think to be of importance in teaching about their subject. Bruner, however, added a psychological rationale to this emphasis. Regarding a second theme, 'readiness for learning', Bruner advanced his famous and much debated hypothesis that any subject can be taught effectively in some intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development. This hypothesis was said to imply three aspects: the process of intellectual development in children, the act of learning (in particular the act of 'discovery') and the notion of a 'spiral curriculum'. Since then, these aspects have received considerable attention in curriculum development, as we shall see below. A third theme of Bruner's relates to the fact that "the emphasis in much of school learning and student examining is upon explicit formulations, upon the ability of the student to reproduce verbal or numerical formulae. It is not clear, in the absence of research, whether this emphasis is inimical to the later development of good intuitive understanding indeed, it is even unclear what constitutes intuitive understanding". "Usually", it is said, "intuitive thinking rests on familiarity with the domain of knowledge involved and with its structure". However, "the complementary nature of intuitive and analytic thinking should be recognized", particularly, as "the formalism of school learning has somehow devalued intuiton". So, what to do about this? "Will the teaching of certain heuristic procedures facilitate intuitive thinking? For example, should students be taught explicitly that : "When you cannot see how to proceed with the problem, try to think of a simpler problem that is similar to it; then use the method for solving the simpler problem as a plan for solving the more complicated problem?"" In these statements, we see a foreshadowing of the cognitive swing which psychology has undergone since the sixties, a swing which has had much influence on research in physics education. "In assessing what might be done to improve the state of the curricular art, we are inevitably drawn into discussion of the nature of motives for learning and the objectives one might expect to attain in educating youth", is said to introduce the fourth theme. This discussion is relevant to all levels involved, from the individual teacher and student in the physics classroom to the role of physics education in a society at large. Thus this theme will always demand serious attention. Finally, regarding 'aids for teaching', it is concluded that "the teacher's task as communicator, model and identification figure can be supported by a wide use of a variety of devices that expand experience, clarify it, and give it personal significance". When we compare the personal computer with the 'teaching machines' of the sixties, we can see how this theme has acquired completely new significance in physics teaching since Bruner first wrote these words. It is striking to realize how much of the above still applies today. In physics curriculum development and in research on physics teaching we are still struggling with the same problems. Nevertheless, in the past 35 years, a lot of work has been done. Much of the progress that has been made, if it may properly be called so, should be apparent from this volume. In this chapter, I will restrict myself to the main experiences in physics curriculum development (as I see them). Many questions may be raised. For example, are we now (or still?) teaching the structure of the discipline, as Bruner advocated? Do we have physics curricula that are adapted to the intellectual development of children, and if so in what way? Is discovery learning still on the list of usual teaching strategies in physics? What different goals and objectives do we aim at now, and how do we deal now with motivation to learn ? In dealing with some of these questions, I will structure my description along three main lines: aims and content, teaching and learning, and ways of curriculum development and implementation. As we all know, physics education is not a constant but a variable. It changes in direct relation to the developments in the society of which it is a part, to the developments in that society's view on education and science and to developments in physics and technology themselves (Lijnse, 1983). Next to traditional schoolbook writing, professional curriculum development has come into existence as a means to adapt education to these continuing changes. And although in itself it is not usually considered to be part of proper research, it has stimulated the development of many research studies (Fensham, 1994).. 2. AIMS AND CONTENT 2.1. 'The structure-of-the-discipline' The first major project, the PSSC physics course, primarily meant for "the academically superior collegebound students" (French, 1986), was very influential internationally (PSSC, 1960). As Matthews (1994) describes: "Its intention was to focus upon the conceptual structure of physics, and teach the subject as a discipline: applied material was almost totally absent from the text. Air pressure for instance is not mentioned in the index, it is discussed in the chapter on "The Nature of Gases", and the chapter proceeds entirely without mention of barometers or steam engines, the former making its first appearance in the notes to the chapter". The PSSC way of teaching included lots of experiments, reflecting an aim that the pupil should be 'a scientist for the day'. This latter characteristic seemed to apply even more to the equally influential English NuffieldPhysics projects (O-level, 11-16; A-level, 16-18). These projects all focused largely on teaching the basic disciplinary structure, although in a somewhat different way (Ogborn, 1978). As Rogers (1966), the man behind Nuffield O-level Physics, put it: "And for the things we do teach we should choose topics that have many uses. I do not mean practical applications, but rather linkages with other parts of physics. Science should appear to our pupils as a growing fabric of knowledge in which one piece that they learn reacts with other pieces to build fuller knowledge". The O-level project aimed to 'teach for understanding' and at 'physics for all'( "a course suitable for the general educated man and woman" ). Later, however, it was realised that these curricula were not really geared to 'physics for all', but were best suited for the more able scientifically oriented pupils. Therefore, to indicate their rationale, such curricula were better described by one of Roger's own titles 'Physics for the Inquiring Mind'. One particular aspect of these particular curricula is that they also played an exemplary role in tackling the problem of updating physics teaching from a disciplinary point of view, particularly in relation to the problem of teaching 'modern physics'. French described some of PSSC's main choices as follows: "The most basic and universal features of the physicist's description of nature such matters as orders of magnitude and the effects of changes of scale would be stressed. There would be a unifying theme the atomic, particulate picture of the universe in the presentation and discussion of the subject matter. Also, in the interests of achieving depth of treatment, substantial areas of traditional material (such as sound) would be omitted". And, as the developers of Nuffield A-level said: "One of our basic decisions has been to sacrifice a wide acquaintance with many ideas for a deeper understanding of fewer". In fact, following this principle, they developed really innovative introductions to topics like quantum physics, statistical mechanics and electronics (at an 'advanced' level). In spite of the immense international influence of these projects, and although similar innovations have been tried in many countries (GIREP, 1973; Aubrecht, 1987; Fischler, 1993), one cannot yet conclude, I think, that, at the secondary school level, the didactical problems of the why, the what, and the how of including basic modern physics have been solved satisfactorily. The more so as, due to the rapid development of physics, we do not only have to deal with basic ideas of quantum physics and relativity. Further new topics are already knocking at the door of the curriculum, like chaos, condensed matter physics, computational physics, high energy physics and cosmology (GIREP,1995, 1993, 1991, etc.). In fact, this rapid development causes the physics curriculum to be under a continuous top down pressure, with the serious danger of becoming ever more overloaded. In this respect, the structure of physics can, because of its largely hierarchical nature, not only be regarded as a curriculum guide, but to a certain extent also as a hindrance, as it is often much clearer what has to be included than what can be left out. So far, no consensus seems to exist about how to deal with this pressure on the curriculum. In view of the time needed to reach understanding, Arons (1990), for example, still chooses to accept something like the Bohr atom as a useful endpoint for an introductory physics course. "What seems to me to be feasible and highly desirable in an introductory course is to get to the insights gained in early twentieth century physics: electrons, photons, nuclei, atomic structure and (perhaps) the first qualitative aspects of relativity". And even for that, hard choices have to be made: "To achieve this, it is impossible to include all the conventional topics of introductory physics. One must leave gaps, however painful this may seem. How does one decide what to be left out? One powerful way, in my experience, is to define what I call a 'story line'. If one wishes, say to get to the Bohr-atom, one should identify the fundamental concepts and subject matter from mechanics, electricity, and magnetism that will make understandable the experiments and reasoning that defined the electron, the atomic nucleus, and the proton. The selected story line would develop the necessary underpinnings and would leave out those topics not essential to understanding the climax. For students continuing in physics, the gaps would have to be recognized, accepted, kept in mind by the faculty, and closed in subsequent courses". To my opinion, the problem of how the physics curriculum as a whole can be constructed as a set of usefully intertwined gradually developing 'story lines', now needs renewed attention (Ogborn, 1978). Or, in other words, we have to ask once again how can the structure of physics (in a broad sense) be turned into a better teachable curriculum structure (De Vos et al., 1994))? 2.2. Process and Processes In the projects mentioned above, much attention was also given to the 'process of physics' and to letting pupils experience the 'process of discovery (or inquiry)'. In the PSSC-texbook "physics is presented not as a mere body of facts but basically as a continuing process by which men seek to understand the nature of the physical world". But pupils should not only learn about a process that others, in particular 'great' physicists, have gone through, they also should experience this process themselves. To quote Rogers (1966) again: "Practical work is essential not just for learning material content, but for pupils to make their own personal contact with scientific work, with its delight and sorrows. They need to meet their own difficulties like any professional scientist and enjoy their own successes, so that the relation of scientific knowledge to experiment is something they understand". So, one could say that this emphasis on process was in the first place justified by internal reasons. It is part of understanding physics to know about how knowledge of physics is generated and how it develops. And as physics is an empirical science, it is considered an inherent part of physics to learn about nature by finding out, hypothesizing, testing and experimenting for yourself, i.e. students should be learning physics by doing physics. Since then, the use of "practical work" in physics education has increased enormously as it has become an integral part of many curricula and textbooks. This trend has developed to such an extent that the learning of experimental skills sometimes seems to have become an aim in itself, almost unrelated to the purpose of experimenting, i.e. developing new knowledge (Woolnough and Allsop, 1985; Woolnough, 1989; Wellington, 1989; Hegarty-Hazel, 1990; Hodson, 1993). It also has become clear, from research on physics learning, that the original idea of discovery learning may have been somewhat too naive (Driver, 1983). On the other hand, learning physics by doing has nowadays almost acquired an extra dimension because of the possibility of modelling 'artificial worlds' that has come into reach by means of the microcomputer (Mellar et al., 1994). Returning to history, in Harvard Project Physics (1970), another American project that earned much international applause, the attention to the internal process of physics was placed within a much broader intellectual perspective, in that external influences were also considered. In the famous words of Rabi: "I propose science be taught at whatever level from the lowest to the highest, in the humanistic way. It should be taught with a certain historical understanding, with a social understanding and a human understanding in the sense of the biography, the nature of the people who made this construction, the triumphs, the trials, the tribulations". Because of this particular emphasis, it was expected to attract a broader group of pupils (particularly girls). From a physicist's point of view, again, this project developed marvelous curriculum materials. Nevertheless, it not only did not really succeed in attracting significantly more students (French, 1986): for a long time its historical and philosophical approach seems to have been adopted by only a few teachers. Only recently this curriculum focus on history and philosophy, whilst always somewhere in the background, has acquired new impetus (Matthews, 1994). Attention to the 'nature of physics', to its historical, epistemological and methodological aspects, is now becoming a regular part of physics curricula (Aikenhead, 1991; Solomon, 1991). In England, it has even been included in the prescribed National Curriculum, while, e.g., in The Netherlands a new curriculum for "general science" is being developed in which this perspective is given much attention. Historically, this broader perspective meant that the emphasis was (partly) shifted from teaching as inquiry to teaching about inquiry. An even more drastic shift, I think, was implied by what Shulman and Tamir (1973) called teaching of inquiry. This step was taken to its extreme in a third influential approach, developed by the U.S. project SAPA, which stands for Science A Process Approach. In the words of the psychologist Gagné, this project "rejects the 'content approach' idea of learning highly specific facts or principles of any particular science or set of sciences. It substitutes the notion of having children learn generalisable process skills which are behaviorally specific, but which carry the promise of broad transferability across many subject matters". Scientific behavior was analysed in terms of its simpler constituent 'scientific process skills', such as: observing, classifying, measuring, communicating, and making inferences, that were thought to be learnable and teachable as such. Since then, the debate about whether one should emphasize scientific knowledge and/or scientific processes has been ongoing (Millar and Driver, 1987). Nowadays, it is even more topical than ever as many cognitive psychologists advocate the learning of even broader 'general skills' (thus not only scientific see below), not only as an aim in itself but also, as already proposed by Gagné, as the appropriate way to deal with the mentioned threat of 'elephantiasis' of the curriculum. 2.3. Broadening of aims As already indicated above, the curricula that focused on physics-as-a-discipline appeared, both in its rationale and in its cognitive demands (see below), to be more geared to the gifted science interested pupils than to 'physics for all', thereby leaving a curriculum gap for the less able, less scientifically interested pupils. For them, (more) integrated science as well as technology projects were developed (see, e.g., Brown, 1977). These may be interpreted, in line with the spirit of that time, as a shift from discipline centred to more pupil-centred education. A main rationale behind integrated science was that a division in seperate disciplines does not coincide with the way in which pupils experience their world (however, as Black (1985) argued, pupils do not experience their world in an integrated-science way either). As a consequence, integrated science has been implemented in many countries, although some seem to have returned to coordinated science. Other countries, have resisted this trend and have not gone for integration at all. Early technology projects were mainly developed as add-on activities to the physics curriculum, which reflects an application-of-physics view of technology (e.g. Schools Council, 1975). At present, this view of technology is no longer regarded as adequate, resulting in a gradual emancipation of technology to become a separate school subject (Layton, 1993). In the seventies, another emphasis gradually developed towards what is now called STS (see, e.g, Solomon and Aikenhead, 1994), although that acronym still stands for a number of considerably different approaches. One of them deals with explicit reflection on the relation of science, technology and society (e.g. the English Science in Society project (SiS)), thus emphasizing social implications and issues. Another approach places more emphasis on relevancy of content for pupils, by teaching science in daily life and issue-related contexts (e.g., the Dutch PLON project for physics; Satis, 1992). Roughly, both approaches have also become known as 'science for the citizen' and 'science for action', or as contextualized science (or physics). The SiS-project is an example of a project in which the social dimension is treated as an add-on to the regular curriculum. In the PLON project, however, attention for social scientific issues, 'consumer physics' and other 'pupil-relevant' contexts are integrated in the physics curriculum itself. If, however, the boundaries set on the curriculum are such that the physics curriculum should keep its identity as 'proper' physics, such a contextualized approach may result in considerable tension between the knowledge that seems to be relevant for the contexts chosen, and that which demands inclusion from the perspective of physics. Or, in other words, one has to try to find a balance between the 'structure-of-physics' and the structure-of-the-contexts (Lijnse, et al., 1990). Both approaches, however, imply a broadening of traditional aims (Fensham, 1988), related again to the idea of 'science for all' alhough, in this context, this phrase is now to be interpreted differently from above. In connection to this broadening, in the eighties, new topics, such as environmental education and information technology had to find a curriculum place as well. A matter of discussion was and is whether these should be part of regular physics education, or are should be taught as seperate subjects. New problems have also arisen from a societal point of view, for example the adaptation of physics education to the needs of girls (Bentley and Watts, 1986) and to the needs of a multicultural society (Reiss, 1993). In fact, how broad can we make our aims and still remain within the borders of physics education? Or even might it be better to remove physics from the school time table? All this also relates to another trend that is now attracting considerable attention, the new emphasis on scientific and technological literacy for all, including out-of-school ways of educating the general public. However, next to this broadening tendency (the spirit of the late seventies and early eighties), we see another tendency showing up that focuses less on physics for 'citizenship', and more on the value of physics in the education of a highly qualified workforce (the spirit of the late eighties and nineties). Vocational qualifications are formulated and physics teaching is required to contribute to their attainment. Consequently, we note again a change in curriculum discussions, characterisable as a shift from pupil and relevance centred to 'client' and achievement centred, even with special attention for the gifted child. This trend can lead to pressure to restrict the content of physics curricula to its 'hard core' (preferably described in attainment targets, that can be regularly tested). However, the content of this 'hard core' is now not so much to be decided by 'pure' academic physicists or physics educators (as was done in the past), but by those who form the 'market' for which we educate our pupils (such as employers and institutes for higher education). This is a very brief and very subjective overview of about forty years of curriculum discussions about aims and content. What may we conclude from this description? Apparently, physics education has had, and still faces now, a continuous stream of 'top-down' innovations. A first obvious conclusion, however, could be that, as far as aims and content is concerned, the same themes seem to show up regularly in a kind of wave motion, driven by changing views on education in changing societies. May we, nevertheless, conclude that physics education is spiralling upwards in some sense that may be called progress (as Bruner expected)? Or should we conclude that physics education is walking around in circles, almost like a snake regularly biting its own tail? Or does this question for progress only represent a 'category mistake', as the late Dutch mathematics educator Freudenthal (1991) argued: "Once, asked by an interviewer whether I thought that attempts at innovating have improved education, I hesitated for a short while, only to eventually stamp it as a wrong question. Pictures of education, taken at different moments in history are incomparable. Each society at a given period got the education it wanted, it needed, it could afford, it deserved and it was able to provide. Innovation cannot effect any more than adapting education to a changing society, or at the best can try to anticipate on the change. This alone is difficult enough". Before going somewhat further into this question, let us first have a closer look at curriculum considerations that have resulted from research on (physics) teaching and learning. 3. TEACHING AND LEARNING 3.1. Behaviorism and 'Piagetianism' In the above, I have not focused on ways of teaching and learning and on the influence of research on this aspect of curriculum development. Let us therefore paint another broad picture. In the fifties and sixties, the dominant psychological viewpoint in education was that of behaviourism. It focused on the formulation of educational objectives and aims, distinguishing between knowledge and skills, and organised in learning hierarchies and taxonomies (Bloom, 1956). In fact, Gagné's approach, mentioned above, is an example of this view (SAPA, 1968). Programmed instruction and teaching machines developed into individually paced study systems and mastery learning (Bloom, 1971; White, 1979). Despite research reports about successful implementations, these approaches have largely faded away, although, in some sense, they showed up again more recently in much computer assisted teaching. According to this position the teaching process should best be split up into smaller and smaller steps, leaving the sequencing of content, however, to continue to follow the 'logical' disciplinary structure. In that sense, in behaviourism, curriculum content is not a variable and it therefore had only a weak link to development of the 'didactics of physics'. Its lasting contribution to physics education has not been spectacular. Another psychological position which has had much greater influence on physics education is 'Piagetianism'. Thus, Bruner's recommendation, quoted above, has been taken seriously. Piaget's description of concrete and formal operational thinking has been and still is a useful global guide in designing teaching. Apart from having influenced many curriculum projects, (some of which adopted explicitly a Piagetian perspective, such as ASEP, 1974) the Piagetian stage theory has, particularly in the U.S.A., given rise to a wealth of quantitative studies relating pupils' cognitive growth to many other quantitative variables. In the end, this type of research seems to have had little practical influence. More useful was the U.K.-based use of stages as a tool to identify the excessively high demands set by many (newly developed) curricula, as well as a means to match them to assumed age-dependent capabilities of pupils (Shayer and Adey, 1980; Adey and Shayer, 1994). At first, this research played an important role in making 'tangible' the extent to which, and the ways in which, the 'physicist-for-the-day' type of curricula mentioned above were inclined to overestimate the capabilities of 'all' pupils. Thus, 'Piagetian-ism' made the important shift from taking only the curriculum-to-be-taught as the sole starting point for curriculum development, to including also the cognitive development of pupils. That means that from the Piagetian point of view, curriculum content is seen as a 'structural' variable, to be sequenced according to 'developmental logic'. Later, based on Piagetian reasoning patterns, curriculum materials have been developed, to be implemented as intervention lessons within the science curriculum, that aim not so much at the improvement of science learning in a narrow sense, but much more at the advancement of children's cognitive development itself (Adey, Shayer and Yates, 1989). Nevertheless, the real significance and potential of the Piagetian stage theory is still a matter of debate (Carey, 1985). This is much less the case for another aspect of 'Piagetianism', i.e., its 'constructivist' foundation (Bliss, 1995; Adey and Shayer, 1994): the idea that a learner essentially constructs his own knowledge by acting on his environment. When first formulated, this gave a kind of psychological foundation to the attractiveness of 'discovery learning' for science education, as worked out in several modes of 'learning cycles': exploration (messing around), invention, discovery (application). Alhough, as argued above, discovery learning in its naive sense has disappeared again, constructivism is still around. It is difficult to say in what way Piagetianism has made a lasting contribution to science education. It is striking that the stage theory is hardly mentioned in current literature. Alhough much literature of the seventies was very optimistic about its value, I think that we may conclude that nowadays most research is only globally influenced by Piagetian stage theory. Or maybe we should say, nowadays research in physics education does not try any more to develop its potential (see, however Lawson ,1994, for a new interpretation). 3.2. Constructivism This change must be linked with the spectacular rise, since the late seventies, of what I like to call 'didactical constructivism'. Using this term, I'm referring to what started as the 'alternative framework' movement, as it is sometimes loosely called. This movement may be regarded as also having its roots in the (early) work of Piaget. In fact, it did build on the way in which Piaget investigated the content of children's ideas about specific phenomena, but not on his analysis in terms of hypothetical underlying logico-mathematical structures that led to the stage theory mentioned above. At first, this focus on children's content specific reasoning led to numerous diagnostic and descriptive research reports about all kinds of pupils' concepts and ideas about situations (Driver, Guesne and Tiberghien, 1985). This has since been extended to pupils' ideas about experiments (Carey, et al. 1991), about learning and teaching, and about their epistemologies (Butler Songer and Linn, 1991). Subsequently, the same has been done done for teachers' ideas and opinions (Tobin et al., 1990). Also developments in time of pupils' and teachers' conceptions have been studied, be it during a number of lessons, or over many years (Driver et al, 1994). Apart from the usual 'implications for teaching' that seem to be an almost obligatory endpoint of too many research studies, experimental classroom studies have been and are done to find concrete ways to improve the teaching of certain topics, or to find more general and better teaching strategies (CLIS, 1990). Such studies make clear that this research field has important implications for curriculum development, that are still to be developed to their full potential. It even implies a certain change of view on how we think about a curriculum. As Driver (1989) writes: "Curriculum is not that which is to be learned, but a programme of learning tasks, materials and resources which enable students to reconstruct their models of the world to be closer to those of school science". An important consequence of this view is that "the curriculum is not something that can be planned in an a priori way but is necessarily the subject of empirical enquiry". Theoretically, the dominant position in this "paradigm" is that of 'constructivism and conceptual change'. Much research is aimed at explaining processes of conceptual change in terms of individual or social processes, and at finding general strategies to let such change take place. Part of these strategies is their emphasis on "higher order thinking skills" and metacognition (Baird and Mitchell, 1986). This reflects a strong link with present-day cognitive psychology. Many meta-level discussions are taking place examining different opinions about constructivism and related ideas about knowledge and epistemology (Matthews, 1995). In itself this may be very interesting, but it does not (yet?) lead, I think, to much progression in the practice of physics education . In my opinion, the main importance of this paradigm lies in the fact that now learning of physics content itself has become a major variable in much physics education research. Research results are no longer, in the first place, only to be interpreted within a far-away psychological perspective that is often seen by many practitioners as something that, whilst not irrelevant, is mostly unusable. In my experience, these content-specific research outcomes seem to have a much more direct appeal to teachers, didacticians and curriculum developers, as they question precisely their level of intuitive practice-built expertise. This is again a very rough description of research on teaching and learning. Did this research influence practice so far, and if so, in what way ? The main theories have certainly influenced the above described development of curricula. Writing about the period up to the early eighties White and Tisher (1986) nevertheless concluded as follows: "The great amount of energy that went into research did not spill over into seeing the results affected practice." Is the situation for the period since then different, or is it too early to judge? As said, the misconceptions-wave got much attention from a wide audience of didacticians. It has also had some impact on the formulation of curriculum attainment targets, in the sense that concepts have to be developed now more gradually in steps. It is my impression that much effort has also been expended in trying to get the messages across to teachers (e.g., CLIS, 1990). However, what was the message? So far, teachers often get the impression that they are not doing well enough, that they do not succeed in making pupils understand sufficiently what they teach and that they should take more account of pupils' misconceptions. At first sight, that seems to be a rather negative message, which makes it understandable that many teachers are not very eager to listen. So, how could we do better? General strategies for conceptual change do not really function for physics teachers as long as they cannot be translated into concrete practice.Furthermore, researchers do not yet have much to offer at that level (e.g, Tobin et al., 1994), a failing of which they seem to become increasingly aware (Fensham, Gunstone and White, 1994). Fortunately, I would say, because otherwise, in my opinion, research in didactics of physics would, after an encouraging period, be in danger of stagnation again. 4. WAYS OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 4.1. University based approaches In the part two above, I described some main trends in physics curriculum development as far as content and aims are concerned. In part three, I did the same for research on teaching and learning physics that has had more or less strong implications for curriculum development. In doing so, implicitly I have also touched upon some major developments in ways of curriculum development, related to problems of curriculum implementation and of use of research results in practice. In this part, I will elaborate this theme more explicitly, as it is my conviction that Bruner's expected progress has very much to do with the way in which we will be able to solve these problems in the future. A first thing to note, however, is the difference in time scales between large scale curriculum development and "fundamental" research on teaching and learning. Curriculum projects often have to produce, within a limited time, teaching materials that can and will be used in schools. By contrast, research on teaching and learning often aims at longer term development of understanding, to be framed in applicable theory. A second remark concerns the fact that curriculum implementation is, in the first place, also very much a matter of educational politics. If, for instance, the political situation in a country is such that the government decides to implement a new curriculum for all schools from a certain set date, quantitatively the implementation will be necessarily "successful", even although in terms of quality the situation may be quite different. The other extreme of the spectrum is when the political situation is such that schools, or even individual teachers, are very much free to choose whether or not they will adopt a new curriculum. Then, as past experience has shown, curriculum implementation is quite another matter. Most of the first curricula were developed in project teams, in which university physicists, educational specialists and physics teachers cooperated (e.g., French, 1986; Raizen, 1991). This meant a fundamental change from the usual method of textbook writing by one or two authors, not usually practising physicists themselves but experienced teachers. At least in the US, a "fundamental axiom of the program was that the improvement of curricula needed to enlist outstanding research scientists" (Raizen, 1991). Or, as Matthews (1994) writes, in the first wave, the scientists were put "firmly in the saddle of curriculum reform, teachers were at best stablehands, and education faculty rarely got as far as the stable door. The PSSC project epitomized "top-down" curriculum development : its maxim was: "Make physics teacher-proof." This description makes clear that in general most emphasis was laid on the up-dating of scientific content, that the translation of general theories of teaching and learning into curriculum materials and classroom practice mostly resulted in considerable 'slippage' (as Fensham describes it), and that the role of teachers was restricted to"trying out" and not so much to "participating in" As Welch (1979) wrote: "Scientists were usually hesitant to accept the criticism of their "science" from school teachers unless very convincing substantiating data were provided." Nevertheless, such top down projects developed in general beautiful and very original and innovative curriculum materials, both for students and teachers, that have had a broad and considerable influence. For example, French (1986) describes the PSSC course as being characterized "by originality and freshness of approach", and the same characteristic applies to many other curricula developed in that period. Another main characteristic of the first wave was that it was characterised by a mainly universitybased development. Central project teams of specialists developed marvellous materials, to be tried out in a limited number of schools, to be implemented top-down and on a large scale afterwards. However, probably precisely because of their innovative character and high standards, this implementation appeared not to take place as expected. Quite often adoption of curricula did not necessarily mean adoption of their spirit, or of their recommended teaching methods. Indeed , the problem appeared to be one of dealing with curriculum-proof teachers, rather than of implementing teacher-proof curricula. Fensham notes that in the 1970s "evidence accumulated that many or most of the hopes and good intentions of the reformers were not being achieved in schools" And, according to Matthews: "Now, in the 1990s, when school science reform is once more on the agenda, it is timely to know how much of this failure and confusion was due to the curriculum materials, how much to teacher inadequacies, how much to implementation and logistic failures, how much to general antiintellectual or anti-scientific cultural factors and how much to a residue factor of faulty learning theory and inadequate views of the scientific method that the schemes incorporated." This is not the place to discuss all these factors extensively. The important thing that I want to stress here, is that it now seems that a centralized-expert-project-team format of curriculum development, although seeming very reasonable at the time, is bound to very much underestimate the intricacies of curriculum implementation, and in particular of the teacher's role in it. As French (1986) noted: "the crucial ingredient for the success of any educational innovation is the classroom teacher." 4.2. School-based approaches It is therefore understandable that a quite different school-based approach to curriculum development emerged. It seems probable that this arose in part as a reaction to the problems described above, and in part because, in tune with the spirit of the seventies and eighties, teachers became much more emancipated in general and more concerned about physics, about education and about physics education. As Eggleston (1980) writes in the preface of a book about the situation in Britain: "School-based curriculum development has, in the early 1980s, become the dominant form of the curriculum development movement. After a decade in which the main effort has been focused on the national project, we have come to realise that if change in the schools is the objective, then the initiative must also come from the schools. The result has been a gradual resurgence of curriculum development that arises directly from the needs and enthusiasms of the schools, of their pupils and of their teachers". This "bottom-up" kind of curriculum development generally results in rather different types of materials, with different aims and pretensions. These emphasise use of teaching methods that are manageable by teachers, give less emphasis to the scientific content of physics and more to its possible relevance for students, are less glossy and more down to earth, and in some sense are less innovative and original but more usable and locally adaptable. In terms of research, this change in the model of curriculum development more or less coincided with an advocated change in educational research attitude, away from academic research focusing on the development and subsequent application of general educational theories, and towards action research that was meant in the first place to support and help teachers in the direct achievement of their goals, thus leading to exemplary practices to be taken over by others. Both of the "idealized" models of curriculum development described above have complementary roles to play. University-based projects, be it with scientists or teachers, may develop very innovative curricula that may not be directly implementable on a large scale. Nevertheless, their influence in the long run may be considerable and indispensable. In school-based, teacher-centred ways of curriculum development, attention is often given to more direct concerns of teachers, so that the development becomes an important mechanism for getting teachers involved in the direct improvement of their own teaching situation, leading to the availability of flexible and in principle rather easily implementable curriculum materials and experiences. It has often turned out that part of this improvement lies in a locally manageble adaptation of the products of large scale more innovative projects, which means that this knife may cut both ways. 4.3. Developmental Research In my opinion, however, another third model also needs consideration, not to replace the two models described so far, but to fulfil another essential role, for which the first two models do not provide. The need for this model has to do, in my view, with the explicit linking of research on teaching and learning to curriculum development, and in that sense with bridging the gap between educational theory and curriculum practice. In the main projects of the past, as already described, general educational theory often only had its influence somewhere in the background, or in the curriculum rhetoric. In fact, in my opinion, that is not an unlucky coincidence, but has to do with the very nature of such theory. In reality, the actual development of such curricula was much more based on the intuitive content-specific didactical knowledge, views and experiences of the developers. The same applies, in fact, to school-based curriculum development. In fact, action research often results much more in action, than in development of empirically supported didactical theory. So, both models have, in my opinion, resulted in many important differences in and improvements of educational practice, but not in a systematic research-based way of making curricular progress. At the same time, however, the described growth of research on the learning and teaching of physics seems to promise that such progress is within reach, provided that we succeed in making research on learning and curriculum development shake hands in a joint long term approach. This can best be done, I think, in a rather pragmatic empirical process of closely inter-connected small scale research and development, that I like to call 'developmental research' (Lijnse, 1995), in which researchers (physicists, didacticians of physics) and physics teachers closely cooperate on a basis of equality. I envisage a cyclical process of theoretical reflection, conceptual analysis, small scale curriculum development (including teacher training and test development), and classroom research into the interaction of teaching-learning processes. The final, empirically based, description and justification of these interrelated processes and activities constitutes what we may call "possible 'didactical structures' " for a particular topic under consideration. A detailed description and justification of such structures may be given in terms of learning tasks, of their interrelations, and of the actions that students and teachers are supposed and expected to perform. In fact, such descriptions can be considered as empirically tested domain specific didactical theories (Klaassen, 1995), that are based on an explicit view of physics and of physics teaching. Reflection on such theories for various topics may lead to 'higher level' didactical theories. In the long run, as the disciplinary structure of physics is not the most suitable starting point for instructional design, developmental research should also lead to empirically supported didactical structures for teaching the whole of physics. As Freudenthal (1991) argues, the term 'implementation of results' may not be an adequate description in the case of developmental research. It asks much more for a gradual and continuous process of dissemination, use, reflection and further development of ideas, in order to establish change at all levels. This third, additional model of developmental research is not a theoretical fata morgana, but a way of both pragmatic and reflective working that, in various ways, already takes place at quite a lot of places. In fact, it means that curriculum development and didactical research are merged. The CLISP-approach (Driver and Oldham, 1987) is a well known example that comes close to what I have described. The PEEL project in Melbourne has taken a similar route, though not focusing on the teaching of particular subject matter, but on the development of metacognition. In recent European summerschools for PhD's in science education, it turned out that many activities were dealing with the teaching of X, where X stands for a particular topic (Lijnse, 1994, 1996; see also Psillos and Meheut, this volume). In the US, some physics educators (e.g. McDermott and Shaffer, 1993 ) seem to be working along similar lines. At the same time, however, this list reveals a particular weakness of the advocated approach, i.e. the absence of models and/or examples of ways of cooperating and building on one another's concrete experiences. This requires that detailed descriptions of research and curriculum materials be made available, descriptions which will have to be much more detailed than is common in the usual research literature. Could modern facilities, like the Internet, take that role in the future? ` 5. CONCLUSION Let me finish by briefly summarizing the above in terms of what I think to be the main conclusion. Starting from Bruner's description dating from the late fifties, regarding the expected progress in curriculum development, I have tried to describe the main trends in physics curriculum development. Much work has been done in trying to keep our physics curricula both conceptually and educationally up to date a task that will never be finished. At the same time, and largely resulting from the first main curriculum effort, research on physics teaching and learning has shown that the difficulty of designing understandable curricula and teaching has been strongly under-estimated in the past. This points to a second long-term task that also needs unending attention in the future. 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