Jennifer A. Jones P.O. Box 1460 Germantown, Maryland 20875 Cell: 301-233-1100 Alt. Cell: 334-750-9359 EDUCATION Dec. 2011 Ph.D. Auburn University May 1999 May 1992 M.S. Johns Hopkins University B.A. Skidmore College Degree: Public Administration & Public Policy Minor: Economic Development Degree: School Counseling & Guidance Double Major: Elementary Education & Psychology CERTIFICATIONS Advanced Professional, Maryland State Department of Education areas: Pupil Personnel Worker Supervisor of Guidance Guidance Counselor: Grades K-12 Administrator I Teacher Elem. Education 1-6 & Middle School EXPERIENCE July 2013 – present School Counselor, Lake Seneca Elementary School Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland Teri Johnson, Principal 301-353-0929 Designed and implemented mentoring program for 3 third grade students with 3 Seneca Valley High School football players, who are also enrolled in Child Development, to support student confidence, success, and with peers as they develop self-esteem and problem solving skills. Developed and coordinated events as Chair of the PTA Community Outreach Committee to engage school families (providing free dinner, babysitting, and interpreters) to share resources and information with parents/guardians to support student success and by gathering feedback about how to break barriers to community engagement as well as ideas to help with homework. Coordinated KIND Club food program by assisting with delivery, storage, and distribution of food bags to 80 students weekly, recruiting and working with high school volunteers from Seneca Valley to fill bags with food every 6 weeks. Implemented Montgomery County Public Schools Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program curriculum for students at all grade levels in individual, group, and classroom guidance settings, including special needs students at all grade levels. Planned and conducted counseling groups, individual counseling, crisis intervention, observations and development of student behavior management systems as well as arranged, prepared, and participated in parent conferences with teachers, students, and staff. Team-taught classroom guidance units with homeroom teachers based on identified needs. Collaborated with staff and parent representatives as Team Leader of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Committee to implement PBIS, including designing and implementing school-wide initiatives to support student success with social skill development, training school staff in the Stop and Think social skills curriculum, refining the office referral process, and analyzing discipline data resulting in pursuit of the Silver PBIS Recognition Award. Worked with PBIS Committee to identify social skill of the month to be used for school-wide implementation and coordinated monthly Town Hall school-wide assemblies to recognize students and grade levels for their efforts to demonstrate school expectations and behavior themes for being safe, ready, and respectful. Created and managed 504 Plans for students identified as needing formal accommodations as part of the Educational Management Team and developed Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) as well as Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) as a member of the EMT. July 2009 – June 2013 School Counselor, Highland View Elementary School Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland Anne Dardarian, Principal 301-650-6426 Served as Team Leader for Student Services Team which included School Nurse, ESOL Counselor, ESOL Parent Outreach Coordinator, Pupil Personnel Worker, School Psychologist, and Amoja Counselor who provided weekly therapy for identified students in the building. Identified and included students and families to participate in Holiday Baskets county program, Smart Sacks food program, new shoes donated by New Balance in collaboration with Nordstrom’s department store, and other services implemented for families receiving Free and Reduced Meals. Assisted Assistant Principal in training para-educators in Stop and Think social skills language to apply to lunch and recess processes to target and eliminate inappropriate student behaviors. Attended grade level team meetings to discuss and assist teachers with completing the Documentation of Intervention form to document identified student needs met and monitored through academic and behavioral interventions as part of the Collaborative Problem Solving process. Presented PBIS implementation of programs, including bullying prevention, at PTA meetings for parent information. Chaired Elementary School Counselor Leadership Team which involved planning professional development and training opportunities for elementary school counselors, gathered input from 131 elementary counselors and their 14 county cluster representatives to help address issues and needs, and worked with other Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs to inform elementary counselors of updated policies and procedures and curriculum changes as well as provide support and communication from Central Office Counselor Specialists. Served as Cluster Representative for Elementary Counselor Leadership Team, Elementary Counselor Representative for MCEA/MCPS Council for Teaching and Learning, Member of MCPS Reduced Allocation Work Group, MCEA building representative, and member of MCEA Budget Task Force. Designed, coordinated, and taught Family Life unit with Grade 5 Team. Implemented Montgomery County Public Schools Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program curriculum for students at all grade levels in individual, group, and classroom guidance settings, including special needs students at all grade levels. Planned and conducted counseling groups, individual counseling, crisis intervention, observations and development of student behavior management systems as well as arranged, prepared, and participated in parent conferences with teachers, students, and staff. Team-taught classroom guidance units with homeroom teachers based on identified needs. Collaborated with staff and parent representatives as Chair of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Committee to fully implement all aspects of PBIS, including designing and implementing school-wide initiatives to support student success with social skill development, training school staff in the Stop and Think social skills curriculum, assisting in improving the consequence system, refining the office referral process, creating and implementing bully prevention supports including annual student surveys, and analyzing discipline data resulting in Bronze, Silver, and Gold PBIS Recognition Awards. Worked with PBIS Committee to identify social skill of the month to be used for school-wide implementation and included in quarterly recognition awards for students. Created and managed 504 Plans for students identified as needing formal accommodations as part of the Educational Management Team and developed Functional Behavior Assessments as a member of the IEP team. Jan. 2008 – May 2009 College Instructor, Political Science Department Auburn University Dr. Gerry Gryski, Department Chair 334-844-9644 Designed, developed, created, and taught Organization Theory, American Government, and Introduction to Public Administration course curricula to upper level undergraduate students with the primary goal of the courses to prepare students to be more successful and effective managers in public and nonprofit organizations. Assisted and facilitated student development of the skills and knowledge needed to understand and begin to apply public administration organization theories through discussion, literature, case studies, written projects, and critical thinking skills. Provided necessary learning and behavioral supports according to unique learning styles and needs, especially for students with 504 Plans and other special formal and informal accommodations as well as advised undergraduate students on academic and career goals. Aug. 2008 – May 2009 Moderator, Community Forums, College of Liberal Arts Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for Arts and Humanities Auburn University Dr. Mark Wilson, Assistant Director 334-844-4948 Moderated community forums around the state of Alabama as part of a project in partnership with the David Mathews Center for Civic Life which is affiliated with the Kettering Foundation. Coordinated with more than five communities and their conveners and local leaders to hold multiple community forums on the topic of education, including workforce development, goals of 21st century schools, and the role of K-12 and higher education institutions including community colleges, career technical degrees and programs, and four year colleges and universities. Moderated forums viewed as problem solving tools for community members to gather and openly deliberate issues impacting their citizens, including schools, businesses, non-profits, government agencies, and other stakeholders. May 2007 – May 2008 Research Assistant, Economic and Community Development Institute Auburn University Dr. Joe Sumners, Director 334-844-4704 Assisted in researching and writing Alabama Economic Development Resource Directory for organizations and agencies to use to locate various community resources needed to support strategic planning goals, such as downtown revitalization, community development, housing, utilities, leadership development, health care, education and workforce development, technical assistance providers, recreation, and small business development. Conducted data collection of presentation and training program evaluations. May 2006 – Dec. 2007 Graduate Assistant, Blue Ridge Conference on Leadership College of Business, Auburn University Hope Stockton, Executive Director 334-844-2870 Assisted Executive Director with planning, coordinating, and overseeing logistics of annual conference. Assisted presenters, board members, and participants with presentation sessions and related activities. Supported Leadership Certificate administration, presentations, monitoring, and completion for graduate students. Assisted with locating funding sources and writing grant proposals to federal funding agencies such as the federal government’s Compassion Capital Fund to secure support for community and faith-based non-profit organizations for capacity building and leadership certificate programs, especially in the area of at-risk programs and services for the Black Belt Region of Alabama. Assisted with contacting business sponsors and promoting registration attendance for conferences. Created marketing brochure used to inform prospective participants of conference benefits, program structure, mission, and goals as well as presentation topics and other activities. Oct. 2006 – May 2007 Project Manager, Alabama Marriage and Family Project Department of Human Development and Family Studies Auburn University Dr. Francesca Adler-Baeder, Project Director 334-844-3234 Coordinated a federal Compassion Capital Fund capacity-building $950,000 grant and provided support for 21 community and faith based non-profit organizations throughout Alabama, developing services in the area of family and marriage stability. Coordinated workshops and presentations on strategic planning, organizational needs assessment, community asset mapping, fundraising, and grant writing. Provided organizational technical assistance in strategic planning, allocation of staff roles, staff development, involvement of board members, and programming. Assisted facilitation of strategic planning session involving 18 community and faith-based nonprofit agencies in Lowndes County, Alabama during which team building and coalition building information was distributed. Consulted during discussion of effective collaboration vision and mission statement techniques supporting development of organizational goals and regional coordination of program and service planning efforts. July 2004 – June 2005 School Counselor, Mill Creek Towne Elementary School Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland Kenneth Marcus, Principal 301-840-7149 Collaborated with School Counselor Supervisor and cluster representative team to design school counselor trainings, workshops, meetings, and activities. Conducted and led cluster counselor meetings and staff development opportunities. Served as team leader for numerous school teams, including Guidance Advisory Committee, CAP Coach and Facilitator, School Leadership Team, IEP and 504 Committees, Stop and Think social skills curriculum implementation, Crisis Response Team, and Parent Outreach workshops for both English and Spanish speaking families. Implemented Montgomery County Public Schools Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program curriculum for students in Head Start to Grade 5 in individual, group, and classroom guidance settings, including special needs students at all grade levels including pre-school. Team-taught classroom guidance units with homeroom teachers based on identified needs. Planned and conducted counseling groups, individual counseling, crisis intervention, observations and development of student behavior management systems as well as arranged, prepared, and participated in parent conferences with teachers. Created and chaired Guidance Advisory Committee responsible for school-wide implementation of Character Counts and Stop and Think social skills. Organized, taught, and implemented DeBug conflict resolution strategies. Planned, developed, and implemented student prevention and intervention strategies for targeted academic and behavior needs through CAP problem solving, as well as planned and supported IEP and 504 Plan student goals. Assessed and referred students and families for services with community agencies. Partnered with community agencies and leaders to provide information to parents and staff regarding student needs and issues. Designed, facilitated and coordinated workshops in English and Spanish in the areas of ADHD, School Success, Academic Support and “Helping Your Student Succeed with Homework”. Co-presenter for PTA meeting on Collaborative Action Process (CAP): Presented purpose of CAP as a problem solving process for school staff and parents to collaboratively meet the academic and behavioral needs of students. July 2001 – June2004 School Counselor on Special Assignment, Collaborative Action Process Department of Student Services, MCPS, Maryland Matt Kamins, Supervisor of Psychological Services 301-279- 3805 Piloted, developed, planned, coordinated, facilitated, implemented, and presented CAP in 10 public schools; conducted staff asset mapping and school-wide needs assessments. Supervised and delivered staff development presentations, technical support, coaching, and training to specialists and entire school staff teams. CAP is a collaborative and comprehensive problem solving process used among teachers, staff, specialists, and parents to address student academic and behavioral concerns at an individual and school level through strategic prevention and intervention strategies. Key CAP components include strategic planning and analysis, needs assessment, problem identification, problem analysis, intervention implementation, evaluation, and monitoring as well as social skills integration. July 1999 – June 2001 School Counselor, Judith Resnik Elementary School Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland Dr. Roy Settles, Principal 301-670-8200 Performed the same regular school counselor duties at Mill Creek Towne Elementary School. (See above.) Coordinated and implemented Project ACHIEVE and B.E.S.T. character education program. Planned, coordinated, and conducted Career Day involving 700 students and 55 community volunteers who presented 30-minute sessions to students with information about their specific career. Volunteers invited included firemen, nurses, managers, salesmen, real estate agent, construction contractor, electrician, ambulance service manager, military officer, veterinarian, and those with other community jobs. Conducted individual, group, and classroom guidance units including 25 orthopedically handicapped students mainstreamed throughout the school. Organized, coordinated, and conducted many parenting workshops including 6-week parenting skills series for both Spanish and English speaking parents. July 1995 – June 1999 Third and Fifth Grade Teacher, Meadow Hall Elementary School Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland Dr. Vera Torrence, Principal (retired) Dr. Frank Sweeney, Principal (retired) Designed, created, developed, and taught lessons and units to implement the MCPS grade level curriculum to students including those with special needs, especially ESOL students and those with IEPs and 504 Plans. Engaged in parent conferences and EMT/IEP meetings as well as team meetings and other studentbased meetings with specialists and community service agencies advocating for students with special needs including learning, speech, and behavior difficulties on a regular basis to ensure the needs of student were met academically, behaviorally, and emotionally. Served as team leader responsible for organizing special activities such as field trips and other curriculum and student based program planning such as student plays and guest speakers. Served on a variety of school committees, including Pupil Services Committee and Guidance Committees. Implemented classroom management strategies and positive behavior systems. August 1994 – June 1995 Second Grade Teacher, East Silver Spring Elementary School Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland Bob Hatchel, Principal (retired) (See description above for Meadow Hall Elementary School.) May 1992 – June 1994 Substitute Teacher Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 6 with long term substitute positions at: Waters Landing Elementary School for a special needs self-contained class Burnt Mills Elementary School for a third grade class combined with students identified as PADI James Daly Elementary School for a first grade class. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (partial list): Section 504 Training – MCPS, March 2013 Nonviolent Crisis Intervention & Physical Restraint training – MCPS, Fall 2011 & Fall 2012 Mentoring for All: Strategies, Activities, and Assessment – MCPS, Fall 2011 Administrative Intern for Asst. Principal Certification - Eastern Middle School, MCPS, Spring 2011 Community & Civic Engagement Symposium Presenter – Auburn University, February 2009 Energy Forum Moderator – Southern Growth Policy Board, Alabama State Council on the Arts, February 2009 Alabama Political Science Association Presenter – University of South Alabama, March 2008 Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM), Member, Spring 2007 to present Strengths Quest – Training of Trainers for Educators, Auburn University, August 2007 Alabama Public Affairs Forum – Auburn University at Montgomery, April 2007 Alabama Political Science Association Conference – Auburn University at Montgomery, March 2007 Leadership Challenge, Certified Trainer - Auburn University, August 2006 Economic and Community Development Institute Intensive Course, Auburn University, Summer 2007 Stop and Think Social Skills, Training of Trainers – Montgomery County, MD – 2002 Special Education Disproportionate Overrepresentation of Minorities Conference, Maryland State Department of Education, March 2002 ADD/HD – Brad Erford, Loyola College, Fall 2001 Rational Emotive Therapy, Dr. Albert Ellis – Loyola College, Fall 2001 Student Services Conference, Maryland State Department of Education – October 2001 Problem Solving/ Social Skills, Project ACHIEVE Trainings – 2000-2001 Functional Behavioral Assessment – Psychological Services MCPS, Spring 2001 Project RIDE – Supervisor of Psychological Services MCPS, Spring 2001 Safe and Drug Free Schools, MCPS Class Meetings Workshop-, June 2000 Lion and Lamb Project Anti-Violence Program - MCPS, June 2000 Character Education Training, MD State Department of Education - November 1999 HIV/AIDS Training - MCPS, February 1999 Family Life Unit Training - MCPS, Fall 1998 Educational Management Team Process Training - MCPS, Fall 1998 ADHD- Staff Development Training, Meadow Hall School, Fall 1998 ADHD, Ritalin, & the Relationship to ATOD Use - MCPS, June 1998 Character Education - MCPS Safe and Drug Free Schools, June 1998 and 2000 Tobacco Prevention Curriculum - MCPS, June 1998 Comprehensive Behavior Management Interventions - Physical Restraint Training, Meadow Hall Elementary School, Spring 1998 Conflict Resolution / Peer Mediation Workshop - MCPS, November 1994 Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Training - MCPS Procedures - Spring 1994 Drug Education Workshop - Skidmore College, Spring 1992 REFERENCES Mike Durso Member, Board of Education Montgomery County Public Schools Carver Educational Services Center 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 123 Rockville, Maryland 20850 301-279-3617 Bill Gregory Principal Sherwood High School Montgomery County Public Schools 300 Olney-Sandy Spring Road Sandy Spring, MD20860 301-924-3200 Teri Johnson Principal Lake Seneca Elementary School Montgomery County Public Schools 13600 Wanegarden Drive Germantown, Maryland 20874 301-353-0929 Dr. James Distler K-12 Counselor Specialist Department of Student Services Montgomery County Public Schools 850 Hungerford Drive, Room 167 301-279-3593 Dr. Nancy Carlson K-12 Counselor Specialist, Retired Department of Student Services Montgomery County Public Schools 301-593-7471 (home) Dr. Judy Madden Supervisor of Guidance, Retired Department of Student Services Montgomery County Public Schools 1611 Magruder Lane (residence) Rockville, Maryland 20852 301-984-9752 (home) Dr. Vera Torrence Principal, Retired Meadow Hall Elementary School Montgomery County Public Schools 1606 Turks Cap Lily Lane Annapolis, Maryland 21401 (home) 301-503-5524 (cell) Dr. Stan Truman Pupil Personnel Worker Montgomery County Public Schools 301-728-4850 Susan Bogart Pupil Personnel Worker, Retired Montgomery County Public Schools 301-523-8039 Dr. Francesca Adler-Baeder Program Director Alabama Marriage and Family Project Associate Professor, Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies Auburn University 286 Spidle Hall Auburn, Alabama 36849 334-844-3234 Dr. Gerry Gryski Chair, Political Science Department Auburn University 7080 Haley Center Auburn, Alabama 36849 334-844-9644