INVITATION FOR THE RURALIA XI CONFERENCE “Religious places, cults and rituals in medieval rural environment” Clervaux (G-D of Luxembourg) September 7th-13th 2015 RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life. It provides a European-wide platform for the scientific exchange on current problems in rural archeology in order to strengthen comparative and interdisciplinary studies. The conference covers the time from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern Period, so roughly the centuries from 5001700 AD. The conference languages are English, French and German. RURALIA XI will take place at Clervaux, a small town in the very North of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The theme will be: “Religious places, cults and rituals in medieval rural environment”. The focus will not be set on the Christianisation of rural society but rather on the relationship between the people and the religious sites where they practiced their beliefs (Christian, pagan, Jewish…). This also includes phenomena, traditions and practices which characterize the popular beliefs and burial rituals. In addition to the papers given from Monday to Friday, two half-day excursions and an optional twoday study trip will be offered. The conference is jointly organized by the Centre National de Recherche Archéologique (CNRA) and the University of Luxembourg (Uni.Lu), with the support of the Ministries of Culture and Tourism, the Fonds National de Recherche (FNR), Site et Monument Nationaux (SSMN), Fonds culturel, the city of Clervaux and the Pirmesfrënn of Kaundorf. Christiane Bis-Worch (CNRA), Andrea Binsfeld (Uni.Lu) Short schedule of the conference: Monday, 7th September - 6 papers + RURALIA committee/visit 1 of Clervaux-castle Tuesday, 8th September - 13 papers + visit 2 of Clervaux-castle. Wednesday, 9th September - 7 papers + half-day excursion 1 Thursday, 10th September - 7 papers + half-day excursion 2 Friday, 11th September - 11 papers Saturday, 12th September - Sunday, 13th September - optional excursion 3 (Registration for hotel closed, if interested please contact directly Ch. Bis-Worch) Program of the conference: see annex Conference fee: Conference + hotel + meals + 2 half-day excursions = 500 € Accompanying person: accommodation in double room (hotel + meals + 2 half-day excursions) = 380 € Optional Saturday and Sunday- excursion = 160 € Please send the conference fee indicating “RURALIA 2015” and your name until the 30th of June 2015 to the following address: Treasurer: Jan van Doesburg, Adress: Hobbemastr. 61, 3817 PR Amersfoort, The Netherlands Bank: Rabo Bank Adress: Computerweg 12L, 3821 AB Amersfoort, The Netherlands account: IBAN NL97RABO0141806877; BIC [Swift] RABONL2U Registration number at the Kamer van Koophandel, The Netherlands: KvK nr. 59125101 Please notice that only paid conference fees can be considered as reservation for the congress! Please notice, that the number of hotel-rooms available is restricted and will be reserved in the order of income. Travel-information: There are very easy connections to Luxembourg and Clervaux: A) Luxembourg Findel-airport with frequently bus-connections to Luxembourg main station. See details on : B) Trains are leaving every half hour (-h18 and -h45) from Luxembourg main station to Clervaux (for 2,5€ only) C) Bus shuttle from Clervaux-station to Clervaux Castle/Hotel Koener organized by RURALIA on demand. REGISTRATION FORM “RURALIA XI CONFERENCE” “Religious places, cults and rituals in medieval rural environment” Clervaux (G-D of Luxembourg) (Registration for hotel closed, if interested please contact directly Ch. Bis-Worch) September 7th-13th 2015 Please send your application until 30.06.2015 to: Ch. Bis-Worch Centre National de Recherche Archéologique 241, rue de Luxembourg L-8077 Bertrange Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Tel.: 621146868 I hereby would like to register for the above event: Surname and firstname : ……………………………………………………..…………... Address :….………………………………….…………………………………….….……. Tel. : ….………………………………….…….…… E-mail : ……………………………….…….………. Conference + hotel + meals + 2 half-day excursions 500 € Accompanying person: accommodation in double room (hotel + meals + 2 half-day excursions) 380 € Optional Saturday and Sunday- excursion 160 € Optionally payment to enable RURALIA to invite young researchers …….. € Bank details: KvK nr. 59125101. Rabo Bank account: IBAN NL97RABO0141806877; BIC [Swift] RABONL2U. I have transferred the conference fee (…………..€) at the Please quote RURALIA 2015 and YOUR NAME/NAMES on all transactions Date/Signature: RURALIA XI CONFERENCE Practical Information Form Arrival Date of arrival: Monday 7th Sept. 2015 Tuesday 8th Sept. 2015 2015. (Registration for hotel closed, if interested please contact directly Ch. Bis-Worch) Other: ................................................ Bus-shuttle from Clervaux-station to Hotel Koener/Clervaux-castle needed at ………… Departure Date of departure: Friday 11th Sept. 2015 Other: ................................... Bus-shuttle from Hotel Koener/Clervaux-castle to Clervaux-station needed at ………… Your stay I will attend the following meals: Dinner Monday sept 7th Lunch Tuesday sept 8th Dinner Tuesday sept 8th Lunch Wednesday sept 9th Dinner Wednesday sept 9th Lunch Thursday sept 10th Dinner Thursday sept 10th Lunch Friday sept 11th Vegetarian Allergic to : Others : I will present …....poster(s). Size: ………. cm by ………… cm (horizontal by vertical). I need space on the book desk to present / to sell publications.