Magic, Witchcraft, & Anc. Myst. Cult FINAL EXAM Study Guide Dr. Judy Turner S’09, CLT 3930, sec.0007 Exam total = 200 pts. T.A.s: L.Bunge; H.Smith FINAL EXAM is TUESDAY, 4/28, 3-5 P.M. ***Exam will be based upon class studies, assignments. DO NOT research answers for this Study Guide & Final Exam test items on the Internet. Use only our studies. *** Part I: Transliterate into ancient Greek: (10 pts.=10 words @ 1 pt. ea.) ( To Do on Exam sheet) Study/review Greek alphabet & Transliteration rules. Know all letters of Greek alphabet (upper & lower cases). Know rules for smooth, rough breathing marks. Know long, short vowels (i.e., eta,epsilon; omega, omicron.) Study compound Greek letters, such as chi, theta, phi, psi. ***Parts II (Short Essays) & III (Main Essay) should be written in separate Blue books.*** BRING 2 BLUEBOOKS. Do not tear out pages or write in bluebooks before exam begins. Part II: Short Essays (90 pts.= 2 @ 45 pts. ea.) from lecs., Readings, & videos. *Actual Exam Groups A & B will be shorter versions (probably 3 options in each Group) of Groups below: Discuss main significance & important details of ONE item from each Group below. Cite specifics. Group A Group B 1. Exorcism (& varieties-from class video) 1. ancient Alchemy 2. hist. of Vampires (class video) 2 . Relig./spiritual sig. in Apuleius, Golden Ass 3. ancient Visits to Underworld 3. Dionysos relig./mystery cult, & Euripides’ “Bacchae” 4. ancient Astrology 4. Voodoo-.main beliefs & practices (class video) 5. healing & ritual in Asklepios cults 5. Orphism & Pythagoreanism Part III: MAIN ESSAY (100 pts.) Write an essay answering ONE of 2 choices on exam. Sample questions appear below. Actual exam questions will be very similar. Hints: 1. Read question carefully and make sure essay answers question as posed on the exam sheet. 2. Write a brief outline of 3-4 points which you think would comprise a good answer to the question. 3. When writing essay answer, be sure to have specific examples to illustrate/prove your general points. 4. Budget exam time. You should have ample time (2 hours). Sample Main Essay Questions: #1. Based upon studies in this course, discuss main ancient views about: a) concepts of a deceased person’s soul/psychÄ“ (Homer’s view vs. Mystery religions’ views) ; AND b) some main presumed powers of the dead—include specific examples of magic use of the deceased in necromancy & examples of why haunting occurs. Conclude with brief comments on whether some of these beliefs persist today. *** #2. From our studies this term, especially since the Midterm, compare & contrast the underlying PREMISE for & USE of: ‘altered states,’ ‘trance/possession’, or ‘transformation’, as applicable in THREE (3) separate, major examples (such as: Shamanism (ancient/modern); Dionysos mysteries (& maenads); Voodoo; spiritual Alchemy; Isis mysteries). Good Luck & have a great summer !!!