Research Paper Rubric

Rubric for Evaluating Research Papers last updated: August 12, 2008
The paper meets a clearly defined
purpose that is compelling for the
readers because it goes beyond simply
completing the assignment.
The paper meets a clearly defined
purpose but is less compelling because
it seems geared primarily toward
completing the assignment.
The paper has a vaguely defined and
uncompelling purpose, or it may
switch purposes unexpectedly at one
The paper has no clearly defined
purpose, or it may switch purposes
unexpectedly at several points.
The paper clearly and consistently
invokes an appropriate kind of reader,
and maintains a consistent
relationship to that reader.
The paper invokes a clearly defined
and appropriate kind of reader and
relationship. In one or two places, the
paper seems to invoke a different kind
of reader or relationship.
Mostly, the paper invokes a clearly
defined reader and relationship. In
three or four places, the paper seems
to invoke a different kind of reader or
The paper does not invoke a reader or
relationship consistently. Multiple
shifts in kind of reader or relationship
are evident.
The paper is strengthened by a
judicious selection of details
appropriate to purpose and readers.
For the most part, the paper is
strengthened by appropriate details.
But an important detail is missing, or
an inappropriate detail is included.
Although the paper includes many
appropriate details, it also lacks a few
important details or includes a few
inappropriate ones.
The paper generally lacks details
appropriate to purpose and readers.
Or the paper contains too many
inappropriate details.
The writer seamlessly integrates
outside sources to support the stated
purpose. Appropriate sources are
documented correctly.
The writer uses sources, but their
integration is sometimes problematic.
A couple citation errors are apparent.
The paper is sometimes not supported
by appropriate sources. More than a
couple citation errors are apparent.
The paper is not supported by
appropriate sources, or it is comprised
only of cut-and-pasted material. The
paper is not documented at all.
The paper is organized in a manner
appropriate to purpose, readers &
content. The prose effectively raises
and fulfills a reader’s expectations.
The paper is organized appropriately,
but one or two things seem out of
place. The prose usually raises and
fulfills a reader’s expectations.
Although the paper is usually
organized appropriately, three or four
things seem out of place. The prose
raises, but doesn’t always fulfill, a
reader’s expectations.
The paper is organized in a manner
generally inappropriate to purpose,
readers & content. The prose fails to
raise initial expectations, and/or it
fails to fulfill them.
The prose is engaging and clear.
Paragraphs are cohesive. Sentences
generally flow from one to another,
and word choice is felicitous.
The prose is clear and cohesive but not
as engaging as a 4 paper. Word choice
is generally felicitous, but a couple
problems (poor word choice, choppy
sentences, lack of sentence variety)
weaken the prose.
The prose is generally clear and
usually cohesive. Several significant
problems weaken the prose.
The prose is unclear in more than a
few places. Problems with word
choice, choppy sentences, and lack of
sentence variety occur often.
The prose is free of major, distracting
errors in grammar, mechanics, and
Although the prose is free of major
(sentence-level) errors, it may contain
a couple obvious mechanical or
spelling errors.
The prose contains a couple major,
sentence-level errors and more than a
couple obvious mechanical or spelling
The prose contains more than a couple
major grammar errors. It may also
contain more than several obvious
mechanical or spelling errors.