Name____________________ EDWARD ALBEE'S THE SANDBOX 1. PLOT: EXPOSITION: What characters are introduced in the Exposition? __________________________ __________________________________ _________________________ 2. What is the SETTING? The setting consists of a large sandbox with a toy _____ and shovel; there are also some chairs, one of which has a ________ stand before it. This setting is meant to represent a ___________. The play begins during the lighted part of the day. 3. What is the INCITING MOMENT? The Inciting Moment occurs when Mommy and Daddy bring ______________ onto the stage and dump her in the _______________. At this point we ask, "Why have they brought her to the beach? Why are they depositing her in the ___________?" 4. RISING ACTION: In the Rising Action, complications develop, involving conflicts between the protagonist and the antagonists. Concerning the Antagonists (Mommy and Daddy), cite three instances which show that Mommy dominates Daddy. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 5. Concerning the conflict between the Protagonist (Grandma) and the Antagonists, what is the attitude of Mommy and Daddy toward Grandma? They treat her, an 86-year-old woman, without respect or dignity. They seem uncaring toward Grandma, who is so upset by their treatment she protests that all she wants is for them to __________ her alone. At one point to show her irritation, Grandma throws ________ at Mommy. Mommy does not care where they bury her mother; she just wants to get ______ of her. Both treat Grandma as a child or an animal. Grandma says they took her off her farm and put her in their townhouse. There, they put her under the __________, gave her an army ___________, and her own dish; in essence, they treated her like a pet Name____________________ _________. Although Mommy and Daddy treat Grandma as a child, they themselves act childish. Also while being called Mommy and Daddy, they appear to be childless. 6. CLIMAX: The Climax section of the play begins when the lights begin to dim. Copy the speech that reveals why Mommy and Daddy have brought Grandma to the beach. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 7. As they watch Grandma "dying," whom do Mommy and Daddy ironically think about? They principally think about __________________ and their suffering at watching Grandma die. They complement themselves on how __________ they have been during the dying process. They are relieved that the ordeal is over, and they immediately turn their attention to this world, believing Grandma is no longer a part of it. Their callousness is seen when Mommy tells the _______________ he can leave or swim. 8. At the point of Climax, what "trick" does Grandma play on Mommy and Daddy? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 9. FALLING ACTION: What RECOGNITION and REVERSAL occur? Grandma recognizes that she is stuck in the _________ and cannot get up; she knows she is going to _______. The REVERSAL is that Grandma had played ________ to trick Mommy and Daddy, but the trick is on her, since she is going to _________. 10. How does Grandma react to this unforeseen development? At first she is shocked: "I can't ________ . . . I can't _________”. However, finally she becomes resigned to her fate and accepts death. She becomes peaceful. In complimenting the ___________ Man, she shows that she will die thinking of someone else, that is, not being selfish as Mommy and ___________ were. She makes no objection when the young Man kisses her (literally, “the kiss of _________"). 10. RESOLUTION/DENOUEMENT: Who becomes the Antagonist here, and what is the CATASTROPHE? Name____________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 11. Why is Grandma the PROTAGONIST? What admirable qualities does she have? What disagreeable qualities? Grandma is the protagonist because like all old people she wants to be treated with respect and dignity, little of which she gets from her _______________ and _________________. Her admirable qualities: A sense of ___________, strong-willed endurance, an active __________ (shown in her ability to _________ Mommy and Daddy), an intolerance of hypocrisy, bravery in the face of ___________. Her disagreeable qualities: Her mistreatment by her daughter has made her cranky and difficult, sarcastic and stubborn. 12. Why is the Musician present? Most ______________ have some music. 13. How is the Young Man an unusual Angel of Death? The Young Man is young and muscular and associated with light, while Death is usually portrayed as __________, skeletal, and covered in a __________ robe. 14. DIALOGUE: To whom can Grandma speak honestly and openly? To whom can she utter only animalistic sounds? Grandma speaks honestly and openly to the audience and to the __________ Man. To the audience she gives an account of her past life. She shows kindness and helps the Young Man when he ______________ giving his only line. Grandma utters only animalistic sounds of groans and moans to ______________ and Daddy: "Graaaaa!" and "Ah-haaaaa! Graaa!" This language indicates the young and the old cannot communicate, and suggests that part of the breakdown of the ___________ structure is that the old and the young cannot communicate. 15. SYMBOLISM: How may the sandbox itself be seen as a symbol? (1) A beach; (2) Grandma’s second ______________________ (she plays with a toy ___________ and ______________, which also may represent the gravedigger’s spade; and (4) the barrenness of the modern American family. 16. What is the THEME of the play? The major theme of the play is that the Modern American family has becomes a hypocritical institution, no longer bound by love, trust, compassion, and Name____________________ communication, all of the qualities which make a family "a family." According to Albee's play, the _____________ are not treated with respect. They have little freedom of __________ and must be dependent on the younger members of the family. The elderly must endure much hypocrisy, such as Mommy's phony __________ as she thinks Grandma is dying. When Grandma is "dead," Mommy and Daddy felt as if a _______________ had been lifted. Although Mommy goes through the motions of grieving, she is inwardly happy to be rid of her mother, whom she has distanced from herself by calling her not "Mother," but "Grandma." The old are treated as children or as pets. The play may be suggesting that certain modern American children often abandon their old _____________ by "dumping" them in a _____________ home. 17. DARK COMEDY OR THEATER OF THE ABSURD is a term applied to plays whose humor depends on ridiculous situations which suggest the futility of life. What ABSURDIST elements are used in the play? (1) There is no attempt at realistic characters, settings, or actions since the Absurdist dramatist believes the real world is phony and sterile. (2) The play treats serious situations _____________ because life is so meaningless all one can do is laugh at it. (3) The play uses repetitive and cliché-ridden _____________ to illustrate the essential emptiness of the lives of the characters. (4) The characters are viewed as types, not as individuals; the characters are not given ____________, but titles.