Helayne M. Holland Page 1 of 10 Frank Lloyd Wright, ‘The Professional Architect’ Introduction: I incorporated the study of Frank Lloyd Wright’s architecture with the geometry unit of the Standards of Learning, -Patterns, Functions and Relationships: 4.20, 4.21 and 4.22 since Wright’s architecture identified and reflected geometric shapes, it seemed logical to tie these two units together. I proceeded to redesign the geometry unit by beginning with the concrete, then moving to the abstract. I introduced my students to geometry through hands-on activities, using pattern blocks, geoboards, pentominoes and solid geometric shapes. The first few weeks of school consisted of activity-based math lessons. As the students “played” with the pattern blocks, they began to compare and contrast, observe and discover. These discovery concepts were jotted on the chalkboard, butcher paper and in students’ learning logs. These math learning logs provided a special place for the students to record their findings, take notes and write impressions or feelings. The appropriate math book pages were interspersed throughout the activities. Students worked on these together in cooperative groups of four, sharing their findings and results in whole-group sessions. The students were especially involved in the curriculum integration and extension activities. Helayne M. Holland Page 2 of 10 ART SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES LANGUAGE ARTS MUSIC PHYSICAL ED Making design patterns, geometric robots, tessellations, congruent artwork, geometric mosaics Predicting, observing, recording and graphing geometry in nature Wright’s architecture, making a timeline, designing a 3-D shape and sketching the façade of a house Journal-writing, poetry, reading about Frank Lloyd Wright and note-taking Listening to patterns of music, drawing to music Playing games, working with puzzles, observing geometric patterns in games GOAL: To understand the profession of architecture and its greatest American contributor, Frank Lloyd Wright. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: The students will: 1.know different styles, aspects, forms, and media of architecture 2.understand aspects of Frank Lloyd Wright’s life, that he is considered to be America’s greatest architect and become familiar with his contributions Helayne M. Holland Page 3 of 10 Frank Lloyd Wright http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/flw/images/dflw.jpg http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/flw/images/dfarm1.jpg Helayne M. Holland Page 4 of 10 WIDE ANGLE VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST OF HOUSE AS SEEN FROM CREST OF LOWER FALLS (THE CLASSIC VIEW OF FALLINGWATER) http://memory.loc.gov/cgibin/displayPhoto.pl?path=/pnp/habshaer/pa/pa1600/pa1690/color&topIm ages=570317cr.jpg&topLinks=570317cv.jpg,570317cu.tif&title=87.%20%20 WIDE%20ANGLE%20VIEW%20FROM%20SOUTHWEST%20OF%20HOUSE%20 AS%20SEEN%20FROM%20CREST%20OF%20LOWER%20FALLS%20(THE%20C LASSIC%20VIEW%20OF%20FALLINGWATER)%20%3cbr%3eHABS,%20PA,26OHPY.V,1-87&displayProfile=0 Helayne M. Holland Page 5 of 10 Frederick C. Robie House, 5757 Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, Cook County http://memory.loc.gov/cgibin/displayPhoto.pl?path=/pnp/habshaer/il/il0000/il0039/photos&topIma ges=061029pr.jpg&topLinks=061029pv.jpg,061029pu.tif&title=3.%20%20H istoric%20American%20Buildings%20Survey%20Cervin%20Robinson,%20P hotographer,%2018%20August%201963%20EXTERIOR%20FROM%20SOUTH WEST%3cbr%3eHABS,%20ILL,16-CHIG,33-3&displayProfile=0 Helayne M. Holland Page 6 of 10 Pope-Leighey House, 9000 Richmond Highway (moved from Falls Church, VA, Mount Vernon vicinit, Fairfax County http://memory.loc.gov/cgibin/displayPhoto.pl?path=/pnp/habshaer/va/va0400/va0437/photos&top Images=161400pr.jpg&topLinks=161400pv.jpg,161400pu.tif&title=HABS,% 20VA,30-FALCH,2-4&displayProfile=0 Helayne M. Holland Page 7 of 10 Frank Lloyd Wright spent many of his influential childhood years in Wisconsin where he was born in 1867. Lake Geneva Hotel was the first built hotel by the prominent architect in his home state. There were earlier hotel projects but this was the first designed and built in Wisconsin. The Lake Geneva Inn as it was known was completed in 1912. Wright would go on to design and produce more than fifty structures in Wisconsin including Taliesin, his own home. Wright's famous landmark hotel, the Imperial Hotel, would be completed ten years later in Tokyo, Japan. http://memory.loc.gov/service/pnp/cph/3g00000/3g08000/3g08100/3g08 164r.jpg Helayne M. Holland Page 8 of 10 INTRODUCTION: Today, we will learn about architecture. We are also going to learn about a man who is considered to be America’s greatest architect. His name is Frank Lloyd Wright. TASK: Students will explore the visual art of architecture and the creative thinking between nature and the architectural work of Frank Lloyd Wright. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: 1. lead a discussion on architecture 2. supervise students in a computer activity 3. guide students during a presentation of their findings on the computer. PROCESS: 1. 2. 3. 4. students will divide into groups students will look at the websites on the computer students will complete the handout students will present answers from activity to the class and a copy to the teacher RESOURCES: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/flw/ http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/flw/flw08.html http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/list/103_flw.html http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/tri004.html http://www.cmgww.com/historic/flw/bio.html http://www.cmgww.com/historic/flw/photo.html Helayne M. Holland Page 9 of 10 Student Worksheet Scavenger hunt Where was Frank Lloyd Wright born? http://www.cmgww.com/historic/flw/bio.html Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the most important and imaginative architects of the 20th century. How long did his architectural career last? http://www.cmgww.com/historic/flw/bio.html Name five buildings that Frank Lloyd Wright designed. http://www.cmgww.com/historic/flw/photo.html The construction of the Robie House had gone very quickly. How many months did it take Wright to have the house built? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robie_House What was Frank Lloyd Wright’s theory for architecture? http://www.cmgww.com/historic/flw/quotes.html Helayne M. Holland Page 10 of 10 EVALUATION: Teacher will supervise for proper use of computer and software. Teacher will assist each group to use their resources and teamwork to link the websites for their answers. Teacher will evaluate with the students answer sheets and responses during discussion presentation. CONCLUSION: Questions to be considered: How do you feel about architecture? What were some of Mr. Wright’s contributions to this profession? Do you feel like he is worthy of the title America’s greatest architect? Did you enjoy learning about this profession? What skills and knowledge do you need to become an architect? How was Frank Lloyd Wright both an artist and a leader? EXTENSIONS: The students will design their own Wright-style buildings. In depth thematic study which takes the idea of the Prairie from ecosystem to architecture. The students will develop original haiku pieces reflective of an understanding of the inter-relationships of man, nature and architecture in the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Students “brainstorm” words or details that come into their minds as they view specific images of Wrights’s buildings, and his concept of beauty and relationships to nature.