Global Company

Group of Companies
Walt Knitting
Main Products: Sports Socks, Dress Socks, Children Tights, Diabetics, Compression
USA, Canada, Europe
Yearly Production: 60,000,000 pairs
Hope Knitting
Main Products: Double Cylinder Dress Socks, Infants, Trouser Socks, Tights, Covered Spandex,
Core Spandex, Cotton Dye
USA, Canada, Europe, South America
Yearly Production: 24,000,000 pairs, 500 tons Spandex Covering, 3000 tons Yarn Dye
Grace Knitting
Main Products: Computerized Knitting Machines, Distribution Center, Warehousing
China, Hong Kong, Central, South America
Yearly Production: 600 sets Fully Computerized Machine
Joy Knitting
Main Products: Single Cylinder Dress Socks, Infants, Children’s Tights, Bike, Uniform
China, Central, South America
Yearly Production: 5,000,000 pairs
Main Production: World Class Sport Socks, High Quality Dress Socks, Infant Socks
China, USA, Canada, Europe
Yearly Production:
60,000,000 pairs(Start 2010 )
Glory Knitting (Taiwan)
Main Products: Medical Socks (Diabetic, Compression, Arthritis, Skin Disorder, Dry Skin,
Cuts, Beauty Care), Fashion Trousers, Seamless Underwear
China, USA, Canada, Europe
Yearly Production:
12,000,000 pairs
Company Structure
Mainland China Market:
Sales & Marketing
Product Development Design
Zhejiang Haining
Sales & Distribution & Manufacturing & Product Development Design
Zhejiang Hangzhou
Sales & Distribution & Product Development Design
Jiangsu JiangYan
Hong Kong Market:
Hong Kong
Sales & Distribution
Taiwan Market:
USA Market:
Logan, Utah
Sales & Marketing & Distribution
Europe Market:
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
Worldwide Brands
Company Characteristics
Company Specialty, One of the few sock company in the world that develops a complete range of
socks. (Products include medical knit products, infants, professional sports socks, fashion ladies
underwear and trouser socks, military socks etc.)
Company is a complete setup from manufacture of machines, yarn spinning, yarn dye, knitting,
finishing, warehousing, own brand sales, and retail store.
Due to fact that we manufacture machines, the company has the expertise and knowledge of the
machines’ capability, experienced and skilled personnel enable us to be creative in developing new
concepts for socks resulting with high end products.
We spin and dye our own yarns which make us flexible and control our costs. It helps us with our
sampling speed on new product development.
We have state of the art distribution center for our chain store clients. Turn key operation from
manufacture to shipment, in house customs inspection and delivery to port.
We have workforces from around the world, China, United States, France, Spain, Chile, Mexico,
Honduras, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Pakistan, Cambodia etc that provides communication in
different languages.
With different languages available, we set up a sales network with sales offices in different parts
around the world.
Promote Community Responsibility
1) Walt corporation is committed to full social, Legal, environmental, health, safety and ethical
2) Formal Factory Compliance Program
* Qualified, Highly experienced Director of Compliance
* Pre-Audit of all resources
* Continuous re-audit and formal grading of each facility
* Continuous monitoring of customer requirements to insure compliance with their requirement
* Coordination and follow –up on all CAP plans
3) In-country legal counsel and independent financial audit in each country where operation are
Fulfill Environmental Compliance
It is the intent of Walt Corporation to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and in
full compliance with the laws of a country, state or locality at all of it fully owned locations. The
company ‘s objective is to establish a procedure that will ensure managed consumption,
reduction of waste, proper wastage disposal and create awareness among its employees as to
the proper methods of consumption and disposal.
Quality Assurance
Sophisticated, statistically based Quality Assurance Program
Full implementation in all Walt facilities including full documentation.
Although includes statistical in-process and finished audit, purpose is prevention
Quality Assurance staff travels and instructs in methodology worldwide
Understand each customer’ requirements.
Fulfill Customer Service
Because shopper’s needs and wants change constantly, Walt monitors market trends, recommends
and updates product line and support program.
Our goal is to provide each retail customer with the optimal product mix, promotional and
merchandising plan to max sales in their shoppers.
Joy Knitting