Hazelnut mystery activity

Lauren’s Smelly
Most mammals have a very good sense
of smell. They use it for:
 Hunting,
 Identifying themselves and other
 Attracting another mammal of the
opposite sex,
 Marking their territory and
warding off unwanted visitors.
See if you can work out what the
fragrant items hidden in Lauren’s
Smelly Socks are, but no peeking!!
Lauren’s TouchMe, Feel-Me socks
Many mammals use whiskers for
feeling as they move around.
Mammals can use their whiskers to
determine the size, shape,
orientation and texture of objects
without touching them!
Although humans are mammals, we
don’t have whiskers and have to use
our eyes and sense of touch to work
out what things are. See if you can
work out what the items hidden in
Lauren’s Touch-Me, Feel-Me Socks
are, but no peeking!
Tips for Teacher!
Stuff old socks with natural items that either smell
or have a distinctive shape. Tie a piece of string
between two pieces of furniture and use clothes
pegs to attach your sock!
Items you could stuff smelly socks with:
 sprigs of rosemary, thyme, sage, mint
 pineapple weed
 orange peel
 lavender
Items you could stuff touch-me, feel-me socks
 pine cone
 alder cone
 beech nut case
 acorn (or acorn cup)
 feather
 stick
 conker
 teasel head