MAY 20, 2014
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM. Present were Selectwoman
Bik; Selectmen Catalano, Chamberland, Dubois and Wells; and Town
Administrator Keyes.
The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ms. Bik made a motion to accept the minutes of the meetings of April 30, 2014
and May 6, 2014, seconded by Mr. Chamberland. Vote unanimous.
Good & Welfare – Public
Jason Delannoy - 58 Federal Street – He has lived at this address for 5-6 years.
He put in a sub driveway and gravel goes down to the backyard because of
rainwater. He was wondering if anything could be done.
Mr. Dubois said Mr. Sullivan – DPW Superintendent was here and maybe he
could look at it and address it. Mr. Sullivan said he would look at it; there used to
be a berm there.
Mr. Delannoy said when DPW workers installed a new meter they hit a wall on
his property. He talked to a DPW worker and was told it would be addressed and
someone from the DPW would be there on Tuesday at 11:00 AM to fix the
damage to the wall but no one ever showed up. Mr. Sullivan was not aware of
this. Chairman Wells wants Mr. Delannoy and Mr. Sullivan to schedule a
New Business
Presentation – POW Missing Soldiers Chair – Representative Kuros was here to
make a presentation to the Town of Blackstone. Mr. Greenhalgh – Veteran’s
Agent and Mr. Sawyer – veteran were here to accept the chair on behalf of the
veterans. He said the unoccupied seat is in memory to those still listed as
prisoners of war and missing in action.
Representative Kuros said this Sunday 500,000 bikers from Rolling Thunder will
descend on Washington DC to bring attention to POW’s/MIA’s. He said it is their
27th consecutive year to make that ride because they want to make sure POW’s
and veterans are not forgotten. The Chairman of Rolling Thunder wants a chair
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to be placed at Town Halls for POW’s/veterans. He said there are 91,719
service men that have not come home since World War I.
Mr. Greenhalgh read what was written on the chair. Chairman Wells said they
need to find a proper place for the chair. Mr. Sawyer wants it displayed 24/7.
Mr. Dubois wants to acknowledge Nancy DelGizzi’s resignation from the Council
on Aging.
Mr. Dubois said they received a letter from Debra Ristaino – Library Board of
Trustees inviting the Board to their 10 year anniversary on June 10, 2014.
Mr. Dubois said Steven Salois – Finance Committee and Carolyn Powers –
Historical Commission also resigned. Chairman Wells wants Mr. Keyes to have
the Town Clerk prepare a list of available positions and have them ready for the
Annual Town Meeting.
Mr. Dubois said they received a letter from the Council on Aging and wants to put
it on the June 10, 2014 agenda per Robert’s Rules of Order. He said Mr.
Chamberland also requested this to be an agenda item. Ms. Bik made a motion
to place the Council on Aging letter on the June 10, 2014 agenda, seconded by
Mr. Chamberland. Vote unanimous.
Ms. Bik said she received a card from Maryann Dobeck expressing interest to be
a member of the Cultural Council and requested that this be put on the agenda
for June 10, 2014. Mr. Chamberland so moved, seconded by Mr. Dubois. Vote
Old Business
Review Special and Annual Town Meeting Warrants – Mr. Keyes said the
recommendations from the Finance Committee are online and are from the
minutes of their May 13, 2014 meeting.
Mr. Keyes said the only two items that changed in the general budget were: the
Finance Committee reduced their budget to $9,300 and they reduced
construction and maintenance improvement to streets to $252,500.
Mr. Dubois said if Blackstone approves the additional $400,000 contribution for
the schools it goes back to Millville for another vote. He said if it does not pass at
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that meeting, it will go to a Super Town Meeting. Chairman Wells said that
number may change.
Discussion – Reverse 911 – Chairman Wells said he wants to use Reverse 911
to remind residents to attend the Annual Town Meeting. He spoke to Mr. Keyes,
the Fire Chief and the Police Chief. He said they agreed they would make the
phone call on Thursday, May 22, 2014. There was discussion about using
Reverse 911 for this reason. Mr. Keyes said there is time left for it and the Fire
Chief who is also the Emergency Management Director approved this.
Hearings & Meetings
Public Hearing – 8:00 PM – In Accordance With MGL, Chapter 82, Section 2024, a Public Hearing Will be Held on a Petition to Accept the Layout of Rolling
Brook Lane – Chairman Wells reading the Notice for the Public Hearing on the
layout of Rolling Brook Lane (Exhibit A). Ms. Bik made a motion to open the
public hearing, seconded by Mr. Catalano. Vote unanimous.
Attorney Ryan is the attorney for the Rolling Brook subdivision. He said this is off
Elm Street and is a cul de sac. He said the Board of Selectmen’s approval is the
first step to accept the layout and then the layout plan is sent to the Planning
Board. He said the Planning Board has 45 days to make sure everything is okay,
a Public Hearing will be scheduled and then the Board of Selectmen puts it on a
warrant article. He said the As Built Plans are recorded at the Registry of Deeds
and the only thing left is for the street to be accepted.
Chairman Wells said he met with Mr. Keyes and Mr. Marvelle – Chairman of the
Planning Board. He said they are not accepting the street but they are looking to
approve the layout and then forward it to the Planning Board for their review. He
said this is part of the law, Chapter 41.
Attorney Ryan said there are no changes to the layout but it still has to go to the
Planning Board and they can add any conditions needed. Mr. Chamberland said
as a point of information this will take a year to go to the Annual Town Meeting.
Attorney Ryan said it could go on the next Annual Town Meeting or a Special
Town Meeting if there is one in the fall.
Mr. Dubois made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Ms. Bik.
Vote unanimous. Mr. Dubois made a motion to accept the layout as requested
by Attorney Ryan, seconded by Ms. Bik. Vote unanimous. Chairman Wells said
the layout would be forwarded to the Planning Board.
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Appointment of Theresa Marchand, 21 Main Street, From an Alternate to
Permanent Position on the Historical Commission, Effective 05/31/14, Unexpired
3-Year Term to Expire 06/30/15 – Ms. Bik made a motion to appoint Theresa
Marchand from an alternate to permanent position on the Historical Commission,
seconded by Mr. Chamberland (Exhibit B). Vote was 4 ayes; Mr. Catalano left
the room.
Appointment of Marc Greenwald, 154 Mendon Street to the Board of Registrars,
Unexpired 3-Year Term to Expire March 31, 2017 – Mr. Dubois made a motion to
appoint Mr. Greenwald to the Board of Registrars, seconded by Ms. Bik (Exhibit
C). Vote was 3 ayes; Mr. Chamberland abstained and Mr. Catalano left the
Approval of Payroll Warrants #13EWA23 and #13PW23 – Mr. Catalano
reentered. Ms. Bik made a motion to approve the payroll warrants, seconded by
Mr. Dubois. Vote four ayes with one abstention by Mr. Chamberland.
Approval of Vendor Warrant #13EW23 – Ms. Bik made a motion to approve the
vendor warrant, seconded by Mr. Dubois. Vote four ayes with one abstention by
Mr. Chamberland.
Good & Welfare – Selectmen
Ms. Bik – She reiterated what Mr. Dubois said about the library celebrating their
10 year anniversary on June 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM. She said the library is holding
a Writer’s Workshop on June 5 and 19, 2014 at 6:30 PM and residents need to
register. She thanked the Library for doing a great job on Downtown Abbey Tea.
She attended the Civil War Monument dedication and it was a great thing. She
said Justine Brewer stood in the same spot her mother did 100 years ago when
she was 10 years old and it meant a lot to her. She thanked Mr. Sawyer, Mr.
Greenhalgh and others.
She said there are a lot of things going on in the Senior Center.
Mr. Dubois – He said the Memorial Day Parade is this Sunday; it steps off at 1:00
PM at the High Rocks and there are activities in the back of Town Hall. He said
Tony Catalano is in charge; the weather should be nice and remember the
He said he attended a forum at the VFW in Uxbridge with Mr. Keyes. He said the
Senate is trying to get transportation to regional schools. He said Senator Brewer
was there.
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He said the Town of Templeton is part of a regional school district. He said they
did not want to approve the extra contribution to their budget, had a Super Town
Meeting and it was approved. He said Templeton had to find the money and
they had to have a town meeting for an override. He said people voted it down
and now they are in the process of depleting the Fire/Police Departments and
hopes it does not happen here.
He read an article about the Town of Oxford. He said in 2004 they approved the
purchase of a water company and now that company has to pay stockholders
and will only satisfy 42% of the town.
Mr. Catalano – He concurred with Ms. Bik about the Civil War dedication; it was a
beautiful day, lots attended and then they went to the Historical Museum.
He said the poetry contest is held at the library and should be judged shortly.
He said the Memorial Day Parade is Sunday at 1:00 PM and a half hour before
that the road will be closed.
He said Monday is his 30th anniversary and thanked his wife for putting up with
him; they are a good team.
Mr. Chamberland – He wished everyone a Happy Memorial Day and looks
forward to seeing everyone at the parade.
He said the bridge on Route 122 is under construction; traffic lights are up and
running. He thanked Ms. DelGizzi, Ms. Powers and Mr. Salois for their service to
the Town and respects all three.
Chairman Wells – He referred to the Public Hearing of the Finance Committee on
May 12, 2014. He said Mr. Keyes stated that Mr. Chamberland violated certain
requirements of the open meeting law as Chairman of the Ad Hoc Economic
Development Committee. He said as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, he
was not made aware that such allegations would be made of a Selectman at a
public hearing and on cable access. He said he was shocked and disappointed
that these charges, regardless as to their validity, were made without the Town
Administrator informing Mr. Chamberland or the Board of his intentions that night.
He said he considers Mr. Keyes’ actions at the meeting to be completely
unprofessional and subject to further review by this Board. He said he intends to
place an item on the agenda at an upcoming Selectmen’s meeting to determine
what, if any, action should be taken with respect to Mr. Keye’s actions on May
12th. He said he would schedule this matter for discussion by the Board after the
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Annual Town Meeting so as not to divert the Board’s and the public’s attention
from the important business of the Annual Town Meeting.
He said he would not entertain any additional comments on this matter until they
confirm their meeting format.
He thanked Steve Salois; he said he also came from the Finance Committee and
wished him the best of luck.
He said the Civil War Ceremony was a great event and a great learning
experience. He said they had refreshments at the Historical Museum and
thanked Mr. Sawyer for putting the event together.
He wished everyone a great Memorial Day weekend and said he cannot attend
the festivities. He said Mr. Dubois is the Master of Ceremonies and the Vice
Chairman will be there as well.
He wants the POW chair displayed.
Mr. Catalano made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 PM, seconded by Mr.
Chamberland. Vote unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Kim Milliken