Year 9- group 1, Monday 14th of September

Year 9- group 1, Monday 14th of September
Leader: Tid
Assistant: Jesse
Attendance: 24
Birthdays: Its (a)s birthday they sit in the middle of the circle and everyone wishes them
happy birthday and gives them a present (the best present possible) (a) then decides witch
one present they would like to keep and the person who gave it to them replaces them in
the middle of the circle and it is there birthday. Skills developed: Imagination,
improvisation, concentration and memory.
Killer Tick. This is a young company classic.
Just like any normal game of Tig or Tag but with a way of defending yourself!
One person (A) is ‘on it’ and they go to tag someone else (B). Person (B) can either run
away or shout someone elses’ name. That person is then ‘on it’. If person (B) fails to say
someone else’s name quickly enough, is unclear, or shouts the name of someone already
dead, they must die. Everyone else must hum and freeze, whilst the person dying makes
an open ‘Ah’ sound that fills the room and drops to the floor. The game continues with
the same person on it. If, whilst someone else is dying you move, you must also die.
This is a game of honesty, and quick reactions. Honing skills in spatial awareness,
memory, concentration and energy.
Yo: In pairs. There are three ways to point up, right or left. If you bothe point in the
same direction at the same time you have to point at each other and say “yo”. This game
is brilliant as a concentration and awareness exercise
What you doing: In a circle (a) is in the middle doing an action (b) comes into the circle
and says “what you doing” (a) then says something completely different to the action
they are doing. (b) does the action (a) has just said and (a) leaves the circle. This
continues with more people coming into the circle saying “what are you doing” and the
process repeating.
This game must be played with pace, if you repeat something that has been said or
hesitate you are out. Our target was to get 20 different people to enter the space before a
mistake was made but we only got to 9 people. This game is about improvisation,
memory, pace and thinking on your feet
Gifts: In a circle. Someone (a) walks across the circle with a gift for (b), when (b)
receives the gift they turn it into something else and cross the circle to give there new gift
to someone else.
Extension: Add in a line when giving the gift, not a line that tells us what the gift is but
one that suggests what it might be e.g. “I already took a bite of it”. the person receiving
the gift should then have a response that adds to the scene/sentence rather than kill it.
Skills developed, improvisation, quick thinking and anticipation.
Exercise. In groups of five discuss a concept or story you would like to improvise around,
e.g. Good night mister Tom or the concept of Ghosts. As a group decide which characters
you need and who will play them this can include an ensemble. Then as a group
improvise around your story or concept continually for ten minutes using the characters
decided upon, trying not to slip out of the improvisation and limiting the amount of umms
and ahhhs. (Remember improvisation is not as easy as it looks, say away from talking
and planning what you are going to impro and just get on with it.)
Once the ten minutes is up take five minuets to discuss what you did and didn’t like, as a
group, from your improvisation. Then make a piece inspired from the improvisation to
show to everyone that is no longer than one minuet.
Summery: some really nice work made this week. Along with lots of skills developed, as
the session went on you could see most people becoming more fluent and thoughtful in
there improvisations, next week come with ideas for the new show.