Melodrama Project Muppets: Due Dates: Research- Wednesday, Jan 9 Rough Draft of Script- Monday, January 11 Poster- Friday, January 14 Performances/Script Due- Thursday and Friday, January 17 and 18 Rough Draft of Essay- Tuesday, January 22 Final Draft- Friday, January 25 Part 1: Research Essay - Provide at least three sources in Works Cited format. Write a five-paragraph MEL-Con essay that a) defines Melodrama, b) explains the popularity of Melodrama through its changes from the 18th-20th century, AND c) suggests possible reasons for Melodrama’s decline in the later 20th century. ___Step 1: Research the topic Research Due Weds., Jan 9 - Bring in the title, author’s name, publication date, publisher or website address for at least three sources. ___Step 2: Create a thesis - What do you intend to prove? ___Step 3: Use ACTS format to write an introduction ___Step 4: Write three MEL-Con paragraphs that support your thesis. Be sure to include at least one AWE for each supporting paragraph. Sample citation from page 9 of Frances E. Dolan’s article, “Listening to Silence”: “The 1929 film directed by Sam Taylor, starring real-life wife and husband Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, lifts these lines from Garrick,” (Dolan 9). ___Step 5: Write a conclusion using STAC format. ___Step 6: Edit your draft. Check for the following: ___ Thesis clearly explains what you intend to prove ___ All supporting paragraphs are clearly linked to the thesis ___ Five paragraphs ___ Transitions connect each paragraph ___ All sentences have a subject and an active verb ___ Sentences are concise ___ All citations AND WORKS CITED match MLA format The Purdue Online Writing Lab is an excellent resource for proper MLA citations: ___Step 7: Proofread your draft for typos and simple mistakes ___ Step 8: Print your final copy on clean paper with a Heading that includes: Your Name, Date, Period, Title of the essay ______________________________________________________________________ Sample Works Cited: Works Cited "Blueprint Lays Out Clear Path for Climate Action." Environmental Defense Fund. Environmental Defense Fund, 8 May 2007. Web. 24 May 2009. Clinton, Bill. Interview by Andrew C. Revkin. “Clinton on Climate Change.” New York Times. New York Times, May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009. Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." New York Times. New York Times, 22 May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009. Ebert, Roger. "An Inconvenient Truth." Rev. of An Inconvenient Truth, dir. Davis Guggenheim. Sun-Times News Group, 2 June 2006. Web. 24 May 2009. ______________________________________________________________________ Part 2: Group scene - In a group of 3-5 students you will create your own melodrama. Your scene should meet the following requirements: • 5 minutes • All members of the group participate in the performance • Script should be typed and indicate who will play each role • Include stock characters: Hero, Heroine, Villain, (optional: Aged Parent, Sidekick, Servant) • Sensational plot Part 3: Poster - Create a movie poster that advertises your scene. Be sure to include the following: • Title • Advertising slogan • Names of the actors involved • An image of the climax of the scene Poster Rubric Criteria 5 4 3 2 Required Elements The poster includes all required elements as well as additional information. All required elements are included on the poster. All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster. Attractiveness The poster is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. The poster is The poster is acceptably distractingly attractive though messy or very it may be a bit poorly designed. messy. It is not attractive. The poster shows extreme damage, or lacks visible planning. Graphics Relevance. All graphics are All graphics are related to the related to the topic and make it topic and most easier to make it easier to understand. All understand. borrowed Some borrowed graphics have a graphics have a source citation source citation. All graphics relate to the topic. One or two borrowed graphics have a source citation. Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation. Mechanicals There are no There are 1-2 grammar/spellin grammar/spellin g errors on the g errors poster There are more There are more Numerous than 2 errors in than 2 errors in grammar or grammar or grammar or spelling errors spelling, but spelling, some of prevent an they do not which affect an understanding of affect understanding of the meaning understanding of the meaning the meaning Total___________________/20 Essay Rubric The poster is missing some elements, or elements are unclear 1 Some graphics do not relate to the topic. Several borrowed graphics have incomplete citations. Several required elements are missing or unclear. 10 8 6 4 2 Command of Essay addresses Topic the assignment, demonstrating both familiarity with pertinent critical issues and independent thought. Essay addresses the assignment, both topic and strategies. Subject is Subject is Essay is not in clear—although generally clear keeping with essay misses but not in assigned topic some element of keeping with and/or assigned topic assigned topic strategies. and/or strategies. and/or strategies. Argumentative Essay shows Development especially careful development of related ideas in coherent, sequential paragraphs. Essay shows careful development of related ideas in coherent, sequential paragraphs. Sequence of Essay relies on ideas is unrelated traceable— generalizations, although vague argument, paragraphing and uncertain structure are information. faulty. Essay is not coherent, showing little development of or relationship among ideas. Organization Student has edited While the student Incomplete Faulty editing the essay, has edited the editing is evident shows in flawed ensuring that essay, some in excess sequence of sentences are tangential ideas, (summary, ideas. forceful and clear unassimilated unassimilated and logical. quotations, ideas and needless accessory summary, and information) and organizational absence (support, flaws remain. transitions, flow). Student has neglected to edit the paper for content or paragraph construction. Research Student has provided at least two sources with correct citations throughout the essay and a Works Cited list at the end Total ______________/40 While the student Significant errors Student has cited Sources are has provided two in citations and less than two unclear or not sources, there are Works Cited sources. credited. some errors in the citations or Works Cited Performance Rubric CRITERIA Required Elements Memorization 10 8 The scene All required includes all elements are required elements included. as well as additional information. All lines are All but a few correct, fluid and lines are correct display a and the command of the monologue is monologue. fluid. 6 4 2 All but 1 of the required elements are included. The scene is missing some elements, or elements are unclear Several required elements are missing or unclear. Some choppiness and some lack of fluidity, needs more rehearsal. Monologue is Monologue is not choppy, many memorized. line errors, needs much more rehearsal. Characterization Strong choices Good choices are Character is not Limited Character is not are made to made to create constant and/or characterization present. create character character. choices were not - breaking of fully. strong. character during the monologue. Diction, Monologue is Most of the Most of the Trouble hearing Monologue Projection and easy to monologue is monologue is and cannot be heard Vocal Variety understand and easy to hear and easy to understanding or understood hear. All words understand but understand but the monologue and is monotone. are clear and loud needs work on needs more from anywhere enough to hear one of the work on two or beyond the with good vocal following (vocal more of the front of the variety. variety, following (vocal theatre and/or projection or variety, monologue diction). projection or lacks any vocal diction). variety. Total ________________/40 Project Total ___________________/100