Social 10 – Terrorism – Unit Resources

Terrorism – Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Social 10
Social 10 – Terrorism – Unit Resources
 Reading Resources Package – sequence, reading#, title
Assignment Page
The Issue in Perspective
#1-Organizations Associated with Terrorist Acts 1970’s - 1980’s
#6-The Victim as Means to an End
#7-The line Between Terrorist & Freedom Fighter
#8-Defining Terrorism
#10-The Objectives of Terrorism
#27-Islamic Fundamentalism – War Against the West (1)
#28-Islamic Fundamentalism – War Against the West (2)
10. #30-Islamic Fundamentalism – The New Terrorists
11. #31-Present & Future Scenarios – A New Kind of Warfare?
12. #32-In Canada: Anti-Terrorist Unit
13. #34-Case Study: Canada & the FLQ
14. #40-U.N. Resolutions Against Terrorism
 Video Resources
 Sword of Islam
 CBC – 1994 News in Review with Nolton Nash
 Canadian History 60’s - 70’s – The October Crisis
 Internet Resources
 & click on Herron’s Links
- click bookmarked titles such as Global Terrorism etc.
Herron, ACS
Social 10
Terrorism – Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Reading Package & Focus Questions
**Groups are expected to provide BRIEF responses to each reading**
The Issue in Perspective
Create a brief description of the 1980’s terrorist from this overview.
Create a list of questions created by terrorism – can you add more?
List some nation states which ‘systematically terrorize their own citizens.
‘Terrorism a new form of warfare’ – agree/disagree with reasons.
The Victim as Means to an End
What is the key definition of ‘terrorist’?
Are all terrorists murderers? Are all murderers terrorists?
Why is the strategy of terrorism unique?
The Line Between Terrorist & Freedom Fighter
What is this writer’s argument for the distinction between the fight for a ‘just cause’
& a terrorist?
Do you agree with Shmit’s justification, or what should his first duty have been?
Defining Terrorism
Why is terrorism difficult to define? Why is it important to do so?
How would you recognize & define terrorism?
The Objectives of Terrorism
Compare & contrast tactical objectives & strategic objectives?
Summarize the SIX objectives of terrorism. (find examples of each)
Islamic Fundamentalism – War Against the West (1) & (2)
What is the ‘new strain’ of terrorism (1)
Sum up what is meant by ‘militant Islam’. Why is it difficult to define?
Why is the U.S.A. the ‘villain’ (2)
Herron, ACS
Social 10
Terrorism – Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Islamic Fundamentalism – The New Terrorists
What is new and different about terrorism by the fundamentalists?
What aspects of western life might Islamic fundamentalists find decadent and
Is Muhammad Ali Hassan a terrorist or a martyr? Explain.
What is a ‘conventional’ war? Is terror a ‘poor man’s conventional global war?
What is ‘ominous’ about the new wave of terror?
Present & Future Scenarios – A New Kind of Warfare?
Why has conventional war become increasingly impractical?
Explain how terrorism is the ‘great equalizer’ among nations.
List some examples of the way governments fight & exploit terrorism.
How do you respond to ‘terrorism is becoming the normal political practice’?
List the disadvantages governments have in fighting terrorism.
Summarize the scenarios listed – agree or disagree? Why? What policies might
international authorities put in place to combat each?
In Canada: Anti-Terrorist Unit
Do you agree that the army rather that police should be the ‘anti-terrorist’ unit?
Case Study: Canada & the FLQ
What did Trudeau mean by ‘the emerging of a parallel power’? Do you agree with
his assessment about law & order? Explain
U.N. Resolutions Against Terrorism
Briefly summarize the main points
What does the General Assembly suggest the ‘underlying causes’ of international
terrorism to be (see #2&11)
Herron, ACS
Social 10
Terrorism – Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
 Keep in mind that whereas we want to better understand the tragic events of Sept.11th &
terrorism today, and determine future anti-terrorist strategies, it is equally important to
understand the events of the past that got us to where we/terrorism is at today.
 Also, in covering the Seminar Topics below, you are expected to offer informed opinions
in response to the questions posed AND those opinions MUST be supported with
evidence, examples etc. from your research.
 Lastly, consider what other topics may be relevant that are not included below….
Initiative is rewarded -- Regurgitation is not
Your Seminar Is To Cover The Following Topics:
1. What type of people might become terrorists?
2. Why would people willingly (or be forced to) become terrorists?
3. How has your life as a Canadian been affected by the terrorist activities of the past,
present, future?
4. What are the different methods used by terrorists to achieve their goals? Are some
methods more effective than others?
5. What are the main methods used by countries to prevent terrorism in the world today &
in the future? How effective have they been? Why/not?
6. Does violence of/or against terrorism simply breed more violence?
7. What has international terrorism to do with our Global Village today? Is it bringing us
closer to WWIII?
8. Throughout this unit, follow the media and include an ‘up to the minute’ briefing about
the aftermath & consequences of Sept 11th , including the actions taken by the ‘terrorists’
as well as the anti-terrorist forces.
Suggestions for Seminar Products:
1. Debate: Terrorism can never be justified in today’s world.
2. Set up a mini-trial; present arguments for both sides in a terrorist case. Assign roles as
prosecutor, defender, judge & jury. Use actual terrorist groups/activities.
3. Use a world map to identify & locate countries of terrorist groups, activities & attacks,
dates etc.
4. Provide an analysis of ‘media coverage’ of terrorism. Evaluate the media role and impact
of the coverage – is it ‘free’ publicity? Should terrorist activities be ‘censored’ – if so,
how much? Should it be banned? Would this lead to fewer terrorist groups/activities? Is
the media ‘hooked’ on terrorism? What kinds of pictures/video media is using? How do
cartoonists portray terrorism?
5. Create a web page to satisfy the assignment requirements.
6. Create a web quest to satisfy the assignment requirements.
7. Perform a musical or dramatic performance to satisfy the assignment requirements.
8. Produce a ‘news documentary’ to satisfy the assignment requirements.
Herron, ACS
Terrorism – Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Social 10
9. Teach a ‘mini-lesson’ complete with overheads and handouts, what about a mini-quiz?
10. You are chairperson of the United Nations taskforce who is seeking proposals from
member nations to outline in detail the steps, which can be taken to combat terrorism
nationally and internationally. You have been given the task of preparing a report for the
U.N. it should outline the stops, which you would recommend. Consider the following
a. Airport, Railway & passenger Vessel
Security Measures
b. Embassy Security Measures
c. Nuclear facilities Security Measures
d. Extradition Laws for Captured Terrorists
e. Security measures for major Sporting or
Tourist Events
f. Security measures for visiting Heads of
State and Dignitaries
g. The Formation of Commando Antiterrorist Forces
h. Technological Research on AntiTerrorism Devices
i. Identify possible future targets of terrorist
11. ????? Your choice, your product, make a plan and convince me ………..
You are expected to identify your work partners, seminar product(s) & a planning sheet which
outlines WHO is doing WHAT. Use the format of the sample planning sheet below, create your
own & submit your final outline by Thursday, January 9th, 2003.
Group Members:
Assigned Tasks – includes reading package and Seminar Products
Seminar Products:
Audio/visual Needs – ie overhead, zeroxing, TV/VCR etc.
Reminder – a complete and proper BIBLIOGRAPHY
including FOOTNOTES where appropriate IS A REQUIREMENT
– so take note of sources as you use them!!
Herron, ACS