The Art of War / Normandy Invasion American Studies 50 Shared Points Due: _____________ Over the past few days we have been looking at the Allied invasion of the European continent at Normandy, France. We have been comparing that battle and the combatants’ successes and failures to what Sun Tzu predicted in his masterpiece The Art of War. Even though Tzu did not predict the advent of airplanes and did not foresee the 3,000 ship armada that the Allies brought down upon Europe, he did foretell that if certain pieces of advice were followed, then success in battle would follow. Were his predictions correct for this battle, a pivotal battle in world history? If the combatant that held the majority of the advantages won, why? If the combatant that was facing greater odds won, why? That question is yours to answer. ASSIGNMENT 1) Revisit ALL of your notes and texts on the Normandy Invasion, also called D-Day, also called Operation Overlord. 2) Create a chart of the Germans’ advantages and their page numbers, as stated by The Art of War. 3) Create a chart of the Allies’ advantages and their page numbers, as stated by The Art of War. 4) The charts may be “combined” into one like we did for Pearl Harbor. 5) Remember who actually won this battle. 6) Weigh the evidence from the texts and from The Art of War. 7) Determine which factors help the winner win. Which factors, according to The Art of War, were the MOST instrumental in helping the winners win. 8) Create a SOAP thesis that offers 3 (three) advantages that the winners had that allowed them to win the battle. Remember that this could be things the winners actually did or things the losers did or didn’t do but still contributed to the other side wining! 9) Write a well-crafted essay (including a conclusion) wherein you defend your thesis statement and prove that it is a VALID statement (not necessarily a TRUE statement, remember, but one that is a reasonable argument.) ESSAY PROMPT What, according to The Art of War, controlled the battle’s outcome? THESIS CREATION HELP In looking at the advantages that the winner had, the following three were the MOST impactful in helping them to win: 1) _____________________ 2) _____________________ 3) _____________________ NOW…..DEFEND THAT THESIS (ONE BODY PARAGRAPH OR SET OF BODY PARAGRAPHS PER PRONG!) TEXTS AT YOUR DISPOSAL 1) 2) 3) 4) Ambrose – Prologue and Chapter 1 Ike’s letters to the troops Statistic sheet Your textbook 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Film – Ike Film – The Longest Day Film – Band of Brothers Film – Saving Private Ryan In-class lecture notes *** All texts used, must be cited both in the body of your essay and in a properly formatted works cited page. *** You must use at least 5 direct quotes from The Art of War. *** You must use at least 8 direct quotes / paraphrases from at least 4 other texts FINAL REQUIREMENTS Write a complete essay (Intro, body, conclusion!) Write in 3rd person. Write in the past tense. Cite everything! Remember that writing IS thinking. You MUST pull all this information together, then think, and THEN write about your thesis Works Cited Page RUBRIC The American Studies / Freshman Year rubric will be utilized with this essay. Please see attached This is to be submitted to Bibliographic Information for texts 5 – 8 Text 5 – Ike Title: Ike: Countdown to D-Day Director’s Name: Robert Harmon Performers’ Names: Tom Selleck Media Format: DVD Distributor: Sony Year Issued: 2004 Text 6 – The Longest Day Title: The Longest Day Director’s Name: Andrew Marton Performers’ Names: John Wayne Media Format: DVD Distributor: 20th Century Fox Year Issued: 1998 Text 7 – Band of Brothers Title: Band of Brothers Director’s Name: Tom Hanks Performers’ Names: Damien Lewis, Ron Livingston Media Format: DVD Distributor: HBO Home Video Year Issued: 2002 Text 8 – Saving Private Ryan Title: Saving Private Ryan Director’s Name: Steven Spielberg Performers’ Names: Tom Hanks Media Format: DVD Distributor: Deamworks Year Issued: 1998 Text 9 – In Class Lecture Given by: Randall Peterson and Chris Warner Location: Legacy High School Title: The Normandy Invasion