Report template - University of Limerick

Report on the Semester Abroad – UL Students
UL students are required to submit this report upon return from their semester abroad. Below
you find instructions on the academic requirements of this report, the learning objectives of
completing this report, as well as guidelines about submission.
Main aims of the report
- Reflect on the experience of studying abroad, by reporting on the learning outcomes
from the Semester abroad (what did you learn, and how was your learning experience)
- Comment on and discuss the various aspects of the experience of living and studying
abroad: the student experience, the institutional practices at the host university, and
the cultural differences between Ireland and the country of destination.
- Raise awareness on these experiences for the future cohort of students going to study
to the same host university
Learning outcomes
During the semester abroad, students are exposed to opportunities and challenges in expanding
their cultural horizon, studying in a different institutional setting, and also having to integrate in
the student life at the host university and in a foreign country. By completing this report, upon
their return from the semester abroad, students learn to articulate and reflect on the range of
these experiences.
You are required to take advantage of this opportunity and use this report as a project in
which you record your experience so that you have an explicit account of the challenges and
wisdom you have developed during your time abroad, and in order to actively support the next
generation of students that can benefit from your experience at the specific host institution, in
the respective country. Please complete this report in an essay format, following the structure
and format guidelines presented at the end of this document.
University of Limerick graduate attributes (Grading Criteria)
While completing this report / project work, you are expected to exercise specific UL graduate
attributes: knowledgeable, proactive, responsible, articulate, creative.
You should report on how your knowledge in the specific field of study, or indeed, outside your
discipline, benefited from the semester abroad. Please demonstrate how knowledgeable you
have become about the cultural differences between Ireland and your destination country.
When you report on your experiences you are expected to act proactively and responsibly
because this will demonstrate an engagement with the consolidation of International Exchanges
and the facilitation of better and more prepared experiences for the future cohorts of UL
students going on a similar exchange.
In reporting on your past experiences, you will learn to articulate how many aspects of one’s life
are challenged once the living circumstances are changed (e.g. different country, different
university, different social setting, etc.). In case you had to study in a different language, or
followed language courses, you should articulate your attitude on the value of communicating in
more than one language. International exchanges are periods of new possibilities and
opportunities opening up channels of creativity that students may not have been aware of
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before travelling. Please report on such situations that created an opportunity for you to think
outside the box and transform a difficult situation in a learning opportunity. You are expected to
reflect on the innovative ways of adapting and functioning in the new environment, as well as
on the difficulties you may have encountered. Especially if the demands of the new situations
could not be met by your personal or institutional resources, it is important to reflect on this,
and try to explain and understand the situation with the benefit of hindsight.
Grading and Submission Guidelines
The Report/Project Work is worth 6 ECTS credits. It should have a minimum length of 1,500
words and maximum of 2,500 words. It is graded on a Pass-Fail basis by the academic
coordinators of international exchange. It should be submitted within a month after returning to
Ireland and to the University of Limerick. The report has to be emailed to the International
Education Division of the University of Limerick, to Herveline Roche (
Outline of the Report/Project Work
Your report should be structured in the following 4 sections. It should be written in the form of
an essay (or small essays within each section), rather than a list of bullet point answers to the
questions mentioned below. The descriptions and questions mentioned for each section are
intended to give you ideas about what you could include and what to think about when
completing this assignment. This is not an exhaustive list, and you should not restrict your report
to answering those questions. Remember the word limit, and try to reflect and describe your
own experience: what was most relevant for your own learning and living challenges and
opportunities during your semester abroad.
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Student experience
In this section, please address your experience as a student at the host university. How were you integrated
in the new institution? Was there an orientation session? Was it easy to mix with local students? Do you
have suggestions as to how to establish social contact with them? Whom do you suggest students should go
to if they have problems? Comment on the language spoken. Did you take a language course? Was this of
assistance when getting to know local people? Did you participate in student Clubs & Societies? Have you
any recommendations to make?
Institutional practices, support
In this section, you are expected to address your perceptions of how the host institution supported you
during your semester abroad. For example, in terms of the original orientation: where do you go on arrival?
How did you travel? Was there an orientation programme? How is the layout of the university campus in
relation to the city and transportation options available. About the accommodation: how was your
experience? Was accommodation pre-arranged for you? If not, have you any tips? Please describe the type
of accommodation you had, referring to quality, facilities, convenience, shopping, furnishings, cost? The area
was it near or far away from the college/city, was it safe, where should you avoid when going out in town?
Could you register as a student easily? Where, how and when? What do you need? Should you register
separately for exams? If yes, how? And about the selection of courses: Could you do all the subjects you had
planned to do? What information is available to help you choose: prospectus, guidance from lecturers?
What is the procedure for obtaining a transcript of results? During the semester, did you experience any
differences from UL thinking of: Class size, approachability of staff, exams, self-study contact hours. Any
tips on the Library?
Cultural differences
Lastly, please reflect on the language differences (or similarities). Did you have problems with the
language? Could you follow the lectures? Did you take language classes? Also, did you have any problems as
an Irish citizen to access the local or national authorities about local registration? Did you have to get an
identity card-where and when? What do you need (birth cert in English or in Local tongue? Passport
photographs, how many)? In the city, what were the transport options? What was the quickest way of
getting around? Are there any things to see and do in the city or the region? Could you reflect on the cost of
living at this destination? Were there any special foods that you would recommend or avoid?
Hints & Tips
As a conclusion to your report, could you highlight 2-3 hints and tips that could make a future student’s
experience worthwhile? Places or events that should not be missed? Sports gear to bring? Or indeed any
other personal “take-home-message” you have that summarizes your experience abroad?
Please use the template below as a coversheet when you submit your report:
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Student’s Name:
UL Course:
Academic Year: 20____ / 20____
Semester: Autumn
Full Year
Host University:
Host University Code:
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