
PBL Project Ideas
Affecting Change - Me
PSA – Affecting Change – persuasive writing, global and local community issues,
communicating ideas with supporting information, CDVs
6 – H1.4.3 Use historical perspective to analyze global issues faced by humans long ago and today.
6 – G6.1.1 Contemporary Investigations – Conduct research on contemporary global topics and
issues, compose persuasive essays, and develop a plan for action. (H1.4.3, G1.2.6, See P3 and P4)
write a personal, persuasive,
or comparative essay that
includes organizational
patterns supporting key ideas.
plan a focused and coherent
informational presentation
using an informational
organizational pattern (e.g.,
problem/solution, sequence);
select a focus question to
address and organize the
message to ensure that it
matches the intent and the
audience to which it will be
Trailer Teasers in Literature
Book Trailers – creating trailers – movie trailers for books to entice students to read
them. Reading appreciation, understanding story elements, persuasive writing
plan a focused and coherent
informational presentation
using an informational
organizational pattern (e.g.,
problem/solution, sequence);
select a focus question to
address and organize the
message to ensure that it
matches the intent and the
audience to which it will be
identify persuasive and
propaganda techniques used in
television, and identify false and
misleading information.
be enthusiastic about reading
and do substantial reading
writing on their own.
retell through concise
summarization grade-level
narrative and informational
Masters of Disasters
Natural Disasters
Create a historical perspective as well as info on how to keep safe. Either through radio
show, brochure, commercial, etc.
6 – G6.1.1 Contemporary Investigations – Conduct research on
contemporary global topics and issues, compose persuasive essays,
and develop a plan for action. (H1.4.3, G1.2.6, See P3 and
P4)Natural Disasters – Investigate the significance of natural
disasters and describe the effects on human and physical systems,
and the economy, and the responsibilities of government.
6– G5.2.1 Describe the effects that a change in the physical
environment could have on human activities and the choices people
would have to make in adjusting to the change (e.g., drought in
northern Mexico, disappearance of forest vegetation in the
Amazon, natural hazards and disasters from volcanic eruptions in
Central America and the Caribbean and earthquakes in Mexico City
and Colombia).
S.DS.06.04 plan a focused and coherent informational presentation
using an informational
organizational pattern (e.g., problem/solution, sequence); select
a focus question to address
and organize the message to ensure that it matches the intent and
the audience to which it
will be delivered.
W.PS.06.01 exhibit personal style and voice to enhance the
written message in both
narrative (e.g., personi•cation, humor, element of surprise) and
informational writing
(e.g., emotional appeal, strong opinion, credible support).
W.PR.06.02 apply a variety of pre-writing strategies for both
narrative (e.g., graphic
organizers designed to develop a plot that includes major and
minor characters, builds
climax, and uses dialogue to enhance a theme) and informational
writing (e.g., problem/
solution or sequence).
R.CM.06.02 retell through concise summarization grade-level
narrative and informational text.
R.CM.06.03 analyze global themes, universal truths and principles
within and across
texts to create a deeper understanding by drawing conclusions,
making inferences, and
R.CM.06.04 apply signi•cant knowledge from grade-level science,
social studies, and
mathematics texts.
EPals or Skype with a person from that region to discuss that disaster.
Email: Andy Henry (henrya@resa.net)
Where – us and W Hemisphere
Environmental Impact
Human Impact
Action Plan/emergency preparedness plan/ adjusting to change.
Driving Questions:
How can we protect ourselves and others from natural disasters?
great lesson with resources
Includes tornado, hurricane, volcano, wildfire, earthquake
Web Resources on multiple disasters
slideshow with disaster photos
Factual TV.com – great site for video clips
See the following websites:
FEMA for Kids Disasters Area
5th-8th Grade
Hurricane Weather Adventure
Thunderstorm Weather Adventure
Lightning Weather Adventure
FEMA for Kids: Natural Disaster Photos
6th-9th Grade
Blizzards and Winter Weather
7th-12th Grade
National Geographic on Natural Disasters
Volcano World
Weather Disaster Links
EM-DAT: Emergency Events Database
Children in Disasters Network
International Natural Disaster Situation Reports
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
Disasters (Click here for links to resource sites with
information on disasters and catastrophes)
Disasters A 4th or 5th-grade unit.
Hurricane! A lesson plan for grades 6-8 from
DiscoverySchool.com See also Understanding Hurricanes and
Hurricanes Theme Page.
Surfing for Earthquakes and Volcanoes A brief unit for
grades 6-8.
Landslides A lesson plan for grades 6-8.
Avalanche! A
lesson plan for grade 6-8.
The Impact of Natural Disasters Around the World A
Internet-based middle-grade lesson plan. See also Natural
Disasters Theme Page.
A Study of Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics An Internetbased junior high school lesson plan. For other lesson plans,
see Earthquakes: Learn from the Past, Prepare for the Future
and The Three Little Pigs in Earthquake Land.
A Model of
Three Faults An activity from the USGS.
causes and effects A 6th-grade lesson plan from Learn NC.
Disasters that Changed American History A high school level
lesson plan.
Red River of the North Flooding 1997 A lesson plan for
grades 7-12 on rivers and flooding.
Natural Catastrophic Phenomena A teacher's guide.