Cabrini Ministry Training presents a special learning opportunity: THE LISTENING HEARTThe Listening Heart is a seven class session for active ministers who desire to expand their knowledge and competence in the pastoral art of active listening. Cabrini Ministry Training has a 20 class program and The Listening Heart allows a limited number of students to take the first 7 classes which focus on pastoral listening skills. The Listening Heart program is offered at: St. James Cathedral Place 803 Terry Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 April 23- May 28, 2013 6 Tuesdays from 6:30-9pm & 1 Saturday (May 11) from 9-3 This program is beneficial for: Those in ministry (or want to begin a new ministry) who would like to deepen their listening skills in a dynamic, faith-filled learning community Those who wish to be renewed in their pastoral ministry and nourished by others who also feel a profound call to serve others Those who would like to do the entire Cabrini Ministry Training but are unable, for whatever reason, to commit to the full 20 class program Total cost for the 7 weeks (21 hours) of training is $400.00 and includes the training manual and supply fee. Class information is listed on the other side. Free parking is available. What students say about their experience with The Listening Heart: I really learned a great deal from the step-by-step listening skills and practice. I have become much more aware of myself and how I listen to others. K. S. With the “head-knowledge” to listen for meaning from feelings and content, to be aware of the power of non-verbal communication and to understand how the cycle of change influences a care-receiver’s feelings- I am better able to stand with another person in the mystery of God’s healing power. E. R. For more information or to obtain an application, please contact your ministry coordinator or Lisa Dennison, Training Coordinator of Cabrini Ministry Training at 206-760-0583 ext 1 or email at Please visit our website at The Listening Heart program is endorsed by the Church Council of Greater Seattle. THE LISTENING HEARTa program of CABRINI MINISTRY TRAINING 2013 CALENDAR Seattle – Cathedral Place, (rm 411) 803 Terry Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 Classes are on Tuesdays from 6:30-9:00pm April 23 April 30 May 7 May 11 May 14 May 21 May 28 Class 1: Introduction to Communication Skills Class 2: Basic Listening Skills Class 3: Feelings Class 4: Taking Care of Emotional Needs Within Relationships *Saturday* 9:00am. – 3:00pm Class 5: Listening for Meaning Class 6: Supporting Change and Growth Class 7: Listening for the Pastoral Issues Class Summaries Class 1: Introduction to Listening Heart and Introduction to Communication Skills The class begins with an overview of The Listening Heart program and development of classroom guidelines. From there the class will explore and practice the skills needed to be an effective communicator. Class objectives include exercises to help students identify and understand their own biases as they relate to communication, discussion of non-verbal communication and skill practice, and giving an overview of pastoral helping skills. Class 2: Basic Listening Skills The class objectives include identifying and practicing communication skills that encourage others to talk and to provide tools and practice to increase effectiveness as a good listener. Class 3: Feelings This class covers the origin and importance of feelings and how awareness of feelings is important in ministry situations. This session includes exercises that help trainees identify both positive and negative feelings and to see how response to feelings impacts relationships. Students learn that accepting their feelings is an important step towards building healthy pastoral care relationships. Class 4: Taking Care of Emotional Needs Within Relationships This six hour session covers the critical topic of how people relate to others and how needs are met or not met in personal relationships. Starting with the issue of personal influence, the class then identifies the three universal interpersonal desires and how they affect significant relationships. Participating in a number of class exercises, trainees learn about ineffective coping responses in interpersonal relationships, and practice more effective choices. Class 5: Listening for Meaning Through this class trainees learn to become more aware of their own feelings when listening to others and what is an appropriate response. Additionally they receive skills to respond to the feelings, content and meaning of what another person is saying, and through classroom listening exercises builds their competence as an effective pastoral care minister. Class 6: Supporting Change and Growth The class goal is to address the role of change as it relates to the care-giving relationship. Trainees learn about the change cycle (disintegration, disorientation, re-orientation, integration) and practice skills to learn how to appropriately support others experiencing a life-changing situation. Class 7: Listening for the Pastoral Issues This session clarifies the distinct role of a pastoral care minister and solidifies the communication skills covered in the first six sessions. In addition, the role and appropriate use of scripture in the pastoral care visit is discussed. A brief ritual closure of the training class will conclude the session. APPLICATION FORM FOR The Listening Heart a program of Cabrini Ministry Training― 2013 c/o Saint James Cathedral • 804 - 9th Avenue • Seattle • WA 98104-1296 • Telephone: 206-760-0583 ▪ Please type or print carefully 2013 Name ________________________________________________________________ Age______ Gender: Street Address _________________________________________________________________ Male. Female. Apt # _____________________ City____________________ Zip__________ - ________ Parish________________________ & its city____________________ Home Phone #______-______-_________ Work Phone #______-______-_________ E mail _______________________________ Other Telephone, etc. (e.g. cell) ________________________________Parish/ Faith community ____________________________ Languages spoken________________________________________ Ethnic background________________________________ For statistical purposes only Highest Level of Education Completed-CHECK ONLY 1 BOX , please: Grammar school. High school diploma or G.E.D. Some college but no degree. Jr. college, associate or tech school degree. College undergraduate degree. Masters degree. Doctorate. ▪ Please print carefully your name as you would like it to be shown on your name tag. _______________________________________________________________________ How did you learn about Listening Heart? Parish staff. A Cabrini Minister. Church Bulletin. Cabrini Information session. Other-Explain_____________________________________ PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING 1. What is your previous volunteer/ministry experience in parish community or institution (ie, jail, hospital, nursing home) and the number of years of your involvement? 2. What do you hope or expect to gain from this 7 class session on listening? 3. What do you see as your greatest gifts and strengths? 4. What do you see as the most significant areas of growth that you would like to address in The Listening Heart program? (Optional) In 1 page, preferably typed: Please write a short essay about what you find most life-giving about your ministry and what are the challenges of your ministry. How do you feel called to do the ministry that you do and how is your faith a part of sustaining you in your ministry? Please Note: This essay is kept in the strictest confidence. It may be read by your parish leader and the Cabrini core staff only. Any further sharing of it would take place only at your instigation or by your express permission. The Listening Heart pilot program encompasses the first 7 classes of the 20 class program of Cabrini Ministry Training for a total of 21 hours. The cost is $400 and includes the manual with the handouts for the 7 classes. Please read and sign: 1. I understand that application to and participation in the Cabrini Ministry The Listening Heart Program may involve my Parish Pastoral Care Coordinator and/or Pastor and/or Ministry Supervisor along with the Cabrini Ministry Team. Relevant information with regard to my appropriateness for attending the training and my participation in that training will be communicated in a confidential manner to my parish contact person by the Cabrini Ministry Training staff and vice versa. As this link is vital to my success in the Cabrini Ministry Training, I agree to the exchange of relevant information between Cabrini Ministry Training and my parish contact person for up to 10 weeks following the end of the 6 weeks of The Listening Heart Program. 2. I make the commitment to the best of my ability to attend all 7 Cabrini classes on listening and I agree to give feedback about my experience in the class to Cabrini Ministry staff and my ministry supervisor. 3. I agree to allow Cabrini to take photographs at Cabrini classes and events and to use such photos for publicity purposes. Signed________________________________________________________ Date______________________ After completing this application form, please return it, along with your (optional) 1 page essay to: Cabrini Ministry Training c/o St. James Cathedral 804 9th Ave Seattle WA 98104 Once your materials are in, you will be telephoned for a brief follow-up interview before the training. If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Dennison, Training Coordinator, Cabrini Ministry Training at 206-234-3614 or email at