Essay.doc - Junior20

Sherman Osborne
Period 2
October 6, 2009
In the play there were many strong alliances between
Brutus and Cassius, and Caesar and Brutus. Caesar friend
Brutus was always there to help Caesar out, until one day
Brutus felt that if Caesar got too much power he would make
Rome into a one person ruler. Cassius was an honorable man
and respectful to Caesar but he felt that something had to
be done about Caesar and his obsession of becoming the
king. Cassius said that something had to be done about
Caesar; as his friends he needed to convince Caesar to come
to the senate meeting ,so that they could murder him
respect fully and honorable. Anthony was Caesar, God son.
Also he was the right hand man to whatever Caesar wanted to
know. When they killed Caesar, Anthony was very upset an
wondered why such honorable men would go through so much
too kill such a man. Anthony felt that Caesar didn’t
deserve to be killed. He felt that Caesar didn’t bother
anyone. What he didn’t realize was that Caesar ambition
would have killed him anyway; Caesar was an honorable man
but wanted power for the wrong reasons.
Caesar’s wife warned him that somebody was going to
try an kill him, she tried to tell him not to go to the
Sherman Osborne
Period 2
October 6, 2009
She tried to convince him to stay, because she
felt that if he stayed she could keep him safe and nothing
would happen to him. She could sense Caesars fear by his
expression, and could tell that there was something he knew
or was hiding that he couldn’t bear to tell in fear of what
she would do or say. Furthermore Brutus’s wife was worried
about Brutus she felt that he was keeping important
information from her. Brutus wasn’t eating or sleeping, so
she was worried that something happened, because she was
his wife she couldn’t be told things that women weren’t
supposed to know. So she told Brutus because she was his
wife he could tell her anything good or bad.
The wives are more profound they are not supposed to
know things that happen or go on between the men. The men
were superior and the women had to do what they said and
not ask questions. If the women asked questions or
anything, it is not disrespectful and degrading. Women in
Rome had to honor there husbands and respect anything or
everything they had to say. They serve their characters
right they are respect and honor by their husband’s choices
they never back talked their husbands. The women in the
Sherman Osborne
Period 2
October 6, 2009
play are so profound to helping their men and caring for
their husbands that they are not worried about anything
else. Like when Caesars wife was worried about him not
dieing so she could still care for him and not have to hear
about him being killed; but she tried to worn her husband
but it didn’t work he decided that he was going to not be
known as a coward and if he were to die he would died as
Honorable man instead of a coward. Brutus’s wife only had
to worry about him doing something that he will regret;
Brutus was an honorable man, but he knew what he was doing
was for his country.
Me being opinionated I think that between the many
companions that told Caesar that they befriended him they
only wanted to kill him so they wouldn’t have to worry bout
him taken over. The men only wanted to do the right thing
that they thought would be best for Rome and the people.
Antony never wanted Caesar to be king; Antony was a
slippery snake who just followed the great Caesar. Then the
People of Rome would follow him and be on his side to order
Brutus’s men dead. Antony might have loved Caesar but when
it came to power they all wanted it, and they would do
Sherman Osborne
Period 2
October 6, 2009
anything to have it. Caesar worried that they were to smart
and feared that if they were to smart they would try to
take his power and change Rome to an republican country.
Caesar feared smart people he thought if they were too
smart they would have too many ideas. They would find a way
to get Caesar out of the way .Once they took over and got
Caesar out of the way all they had to worry about is
getting rid of the rest of Caesars posse. Brutus and
Cassius saw a whole new plan for Rome a plan other then the
plan Caesar had in mind. In Caesars mind he saw Rome as a
one man republic and to him he was that one man. Caesar
thought hey maybe he can trick the people in to thinking
that he didn’t want to be king then they would stop rooting
for him and cheering. Anthony told Caesar not to worry
about that when the time was right he would make the right
choice and choose to be king and all of Rome
would bow
down to him and scream his name in unison. Caesar he had a
whole new idea for Rome and he wanted everyone to know who
he was and scream his name and believe in what he believed
in and if they didn’t then they would be executed or dealt
with. He knew that there were people in Rome that would.