Geology Name ______________________________
Pick a spot in the rock cycle (for example, igneous rock or sedimentary rock or magma) and describe how a rock or a mineral could be transformed and move through each part of the rock cycle.
Explain what processes would need to occur at each step.
Give an example name of a rock or type of rock at each stage of the cycle.
Demonstrate your understanding of the entire rock cycle, including the processes between rock types, and example rocks in each part.
Use your imagination – make a story out of it if you can. You could narrate the story as if you are some type of mineral or rock going through the changes.
You could tell about how weird or strange it is to go through the changes and become a completely different type of rock. Think about which part of the rock cycle is the “best”, or which transformations (melting, heat&pressure, compaction, etc.) are the “toughest” or “most painful”.
Write neatly and use complete sentences. You will get it back for rewriting if I can’t read it or if your writing is very poor. Use the back of this page, or a separate sheet of paper. Your essay should have at least 150-200 words. Use your own words! I will look at rough drafts of this essay and offer suggestions for rewording if you would like.