Paul Revere - Lincoln Park

Paul Revere
 Tradesman
 Fine silversmith
 Rider who carried messages
 Ride April 18th…he warned that the
British wanted to siege cannons and
other supplies stored in Concord
 Rode from Boston to NY &
Philadelphia. And back
What makes someone heroic?
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
 1807-1882
 Fireside poet
 Themes- Am. History
 Used old style ballads
 15 yrs old went to Bowdoin College
 Studied in Europe
 Wrote novels and essays
“Paul Revere’s Ride”
 1775
 Spring night
 Alerted citizens that the British were
Revolutionary Societies
 Sons of Liberty…Paul Revere a
member…they protested British
 DAR women set up