EDUCATION & CHILDREN’S SERVICES IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2015 - 2016 FOR Old Rayne School Aberdeenshire Council Education & Children’s Services “Our vision is for an Aberdeenshire in which everyone is able to develop the skills and confidence needed for learning, life and work.” Old Rayne School Our school aims and values inform our overall vision: “Working Together to Believe, Strive & Achieve” In Old Rayne School our vision is the driving force behind all our improvement activity. Education & Children’s Service’s Quality Improvement Framework, is the overarching strategic management tool which directs and supports school improvement in establishments across Aberdeenshire. At the heart of the framework is the belief that self evaluation in each school drives improvement and all improvement is aimed at delivering positive outcomes for children and young people. “Self evaluation is a reflective, professional process through which schools get to know themselves well…Improvement Planning builds on that self knowledge by involving us in understanding and valuing the best of that which already exists, deciding how good we can really be, and identifying the best way forward. The Journey to Excellence Part 4: Planning for Excellence, HMIe, 2007 Self-evaluation is an on-going process and involves all stakeholders, including our pupils. It is reported annually to parents/carers in our Standards and Quality Report. Education & Children’s Service Improvement Cycle Self evaluation to find out where you have to go Review/ Re-affirm vision Identify priorities and specify outcomes Self evaluation to ensure stakeholders commitment Self evaluation to determine impact Check to ensure impact Take action Self evaluation to monitor and determine progress The priorities for improvement contained in the Improvement Plan for 2015 – 16 reflect this process and the priorities identified locally and nationally. Page 2 of 6 Improvement Plan Improvement Priority No. 1 Achieving, Motivated and Involved Learners Intended Outcome (s) / Impact Actions / Lead member of staff Timescales Learners’ progress and achievements are regularly tracked and informed from a regular cycle of assessments. To agree when and how learners’ progress & achievement in reading, writing & numeracy are assessed at regular points throughout the school year. Agree Timetable of assessment Term 1. Implement session 15/16 Learners can engage confidently in dialogue about their learning. Learners can identify their own strengths and next steps. Learners can evidence the progress they have made. Further develop children’s ability to discuss their own learning and identify their strengths and next steps through regular timetabled dialogue between learner & teacher once per term. Implementation by Term 2. Impact formally reviewed termly. Improve the use of Learning Journeys to promote the discussion of learning at home by developing a sentence starters/question prompts. Staff have shared expectations of progress and achievement developed through dialogue with colleagues. Staff have regular opportunities to meet with colleagues in neighbouring schools. Using the principles of profiling, a profiling system will be developed to encourage children to take greater ownership of their own learning & development by setting realistic targets. Collegiate Sessions To formalise moderation meetings, within the Quality Assurance cycle, with other small cluster schools to allow staff to discuss regularly assessment information. Collegiate Sessions x4 How will you measure success? HT to monitor progress by engaging all staff and stakeholders in the Improvement Planning Process. Focused classroom observations/visits by HT and Class Teachers. Sampling pupils work and scrutiny of planning documentation. Collegiate and professional dialogue with a focus on improving learning & teaching. Stakeholder questionnaires and ongoing self-evaluation. Staff, pupils and parent focus groups discussions. Tracking and monitoring of attainment & assessment evidence. Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps Date: Date Page 3 of 6 Improvement Plan Improvement Priority No. 2 Learners’ Progression within the Curriculum & at Points of Transition. Intended Outcome Actions Timescales A progressive curriculum allows our learners to achieve significant aspects of learning. Embed progression pathways in the core areas of Literacy, Numeracy & Health & Wellbeing to ensure Significant Aspects of Learning are planned for and are progressive. Session 2015/2016 Review coverage and pace of learning at regular intervals (termly) as part of quality assurance activities. Termly as part of QA activities Learners experience a broad curriculum and have the opportunity to achieve in all curricular areas. Through ‘bundling’ experiences and outcomes, we will map coverage of experiences and outcomes. Identify gaps within our curriculum and address how they can be met by devising and reviewing programmes of study. Collegiate sessions. School Based In Service Days. Session 2015/2016 and beyond. Learners’ have continuity of experience at points of transition. In partnership with Old Rayne Playgroup, develop a transition partnership which will support learners in their transition to Primary 1. Seek opportunities for closer working relationship by identifying and planning for joined events. Ongoing throughout session 2015/2016. How will you measure success? HT to monitor progress by engaging all staff and stakeholders in the Improvement Planning Process. Focused classroom observations/visits by HT and Class Teachers. Sampling pupils work and scrutiny of planning documentation. Collegiate and professional dialogue with a focus on improving learning & teaching. Staff, pupils and parent focus groups discussions. Tracking and monitoring of attainment & assessment evidence. Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps Date: Date Page 4 of 6 Improvement Plan Improvement Priority No. 3 Self-Evaluation, Continuous Improvement and Ensuring Impact on Learning Intended Outcome Actions Timescales Capacity will be increased by providing opportunities for staff to lead improvements projects within the school. To build capacity by providing greater opportunities for staff to lead improvement priorities linked to the school improvement plan. Session 2014 -2015 Staff to develop and lead initiatives in line with Education & Children’s Service Improvement Cycle. Share opportunities at first Collegiate Meeting. Staff to lead a “health check” on improvement priorities to ensure its maintenance and measure impact on learning. Termly as part of QA activities. Staff will have regular opportunities to share good practice across the school, with particular focus on improving learning & teaching which will lead to the identification of future improvement priorities. Termly as part of QA activities. Good practice is shared by allowing time for staff to engage in dialogue concerning learning and teaching. Provide the opportunity for professional dialogue after peer sessions to ensure good practice can be transferrable and impact of learning can be measured. How will you measure success? HT to monitor progress by engaging all staff and stakeholders in the Improvement Planning Process. Collegiate and professional dialogue with a focus on improving learning & teaching. Staff, pupils and parent focus groups discussions. Minutes of collegiate meetings. Minutes of meetings with stakeholders, questionnaires, surveys Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps Date: Date Page 5 of 6 Improvement Plan Improvement Priority No. Intended Outcome 3 Actions Timescales How will you measure success? Progress Check / Comments / Next Steps Date: Date Page 6 of 6