Young People’s Postcard Analysis The Government’s consultation for developing a National Strategy for all children and young people was supported by a postcard campaign that invited you to comment on what you would change if you were Prime Minister for the day. This part of the report shows the findings of your postcards responses. Over 750 of you (aged between 13 and 19) provided responses to the postcard campaign. Your responses have been categorised into the following topics: Health and Well being This category includes information about improving your mental and physical health; nutrition; dental health; sexual health; personal health (injuries/accidents) and behaviour (e.g. smoking, alcohol, substance abuse) Achievement and Enjoyment This category includes information about improving your educational attainment; first employment and employability; engagement in the arts music, sport and wider leisure activities; access to popular play and leisure facilities and engagement in community and voluntary activities Participation and Citizenship This category includes information about improving your involvement in the local community, helping you understand your role and importance in society and your engagement in the local and national democratic process. Protection This category includes information about being brought up in a safe environment where you are free from violence, abuse and harassment at home, at school and in the community. Responsibility This category includes information about growing up as responsible citizens. This means that the services you may use also have a responsibility for ensuring that the service you receive is supportive and takes into account individual circumstances. Inclusion This category includes information about discrimination that you experience (e.g. according to your background - gender, race/ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, special educational needs size/age - or by circumstance - for those in public care, or in poverty) The table below shows the number of completed postcards that fell into one of the six categories above Categories of postcards number of postcards 600 500 400 300 Achievement & Enjoyment Health & Well-being Protection Participation & Citizenship Inclusion 200 100 0 Responsibility Unreadable/blank Overall, the category that you thought was the most important was ‘Achievement & Enjoyment’. Over 500 of you sent in completed postcards with suggestions that came into this category. The charts below show what kind of different issues you all brought up under each of the categories. We’ve also included some of the things that you had to say about these issues. Achievement and Enjoyment: 502 of you completed postcards with suggestions that came under this category. Because you all had so many suggestions around ‘Achievement & Enjoyment’ we have broken this category down into two separate sections – achievement (education) and enjoyment (leisure) The first chart below outlines your thoughts and comments on ‘Achievement’. Achievement School facilities School hours/weeks 4% 3% 16% 3% Curriculum 4% Homework Uniform 16% Further Education / Higher Education School dinners Teachers Types of schools 24% 7% 5% 18% School discipline And here’s what some of you said about ‘Achievement’: “I would want there to be more school time e.g. 1/2 hours after normal school time. It would be a great help to people who need education. Not many people would agree with me but I'm serious, it would be absolutely brilliant” (13 year old) “Get the schools to spend more money on better resources for students so we could learn more!” (15 year old) “Reinstate student grants. This essential degree of financial assistance, ensures my credit and future existence” (15 year old) “I think that children should be able to chose what lessons they want to be taught because kids are naughty for teacher is lessons they don’t like” (13 year old) The chart below outlines your thoughts and comments on ‘Enjoyment’. Skate parks Enjoyment Parks/Green spaces 8% Youth clubs 28% 13% Sport centres 3% Summer holiday activities 11% 37% Entertainment Facilities (cinemas, bowling alleys, etc.) And here’s what some of you said about ‘Enjoyment’: “Young people need places to go in the evenings, at weekends and in the school holidays”. (13 year old) “I reckon they should make cleaner parks and clubs for kids and better leisure centres and nurseries”. (15 year old) “More skate parks that are safe as we skate boarders have no where to go” (15 year old) “Arrange more sports activities so young people would be more active instead of committing crime.” (14 year old) “I would get the prime minister to have more schemes for the six weeks holidays” (13 year old) Health & Well-being: 82 of you completed postcards with suggestions that came under this category. The chart below outlines your thoughts and comments on ‘Health & Well-being’. Health & Well-Being 10% 2% 2% 29% Smoking/Drugs/Alcohol Support/advice centres Environment 15% Hospitals Disabilities Improved public toilets Sex Education / attitudes Nutrition 9% 17% 16% And here’s what some of you said about ‘Health & Well-being’: “More protection against drugs so that more children can grow up in a better world” (13 year old) “I would get the government to wire a set of specialized counsellors who you can really talk 2 anytime even if you get upset in a lesson and swear at a teacher you can just go and talk, or u r being bullied”. (15 year old) “The priority now is save the planet. The government must install efficient recycling centres to save our planet for our children.” (14 year old) Protection: 81 of you completed postcards with suggestions that came under this category. The chart below outlines your thoughts and comments on ‘Protection’. Protection 12% Bullying Road Safety Child Abuse Homelessness Community Safety 39% 19% 16% 14% And here’s what some of you have said on ‘Protection’: “Crack down on bullying! I've seen what it can do to people. to my friends” (13 year old) “I think you should give teachers courses on how to handle bullies and people being bullied” (13 year old) “Stop bullying in schools so then pupils can get on with school work” (15 year old) “I would get the prime minister to put the dangerous paedophiles back in prison because they could do it again” (13 year old) “I would like to stop cruelty to children because it is not fair on the child who is getting hurt” (15 year old) “More security so that people don't get raped, murdered or hurt!” (14 year old) Participation & Citizenship: 60 of you completed postcards with suggestions that came under this category. The chart below outlines your thoughts and comments on ‘Participation & Citizenship’. Participation & Citizenship Voting Rights / Age 7% War / foreign aid 41% 35% 17% Children's representatives in Govt Fox hunting` And here’s what some of you said on ‘Participation & Citizenship’: “Introduce votes at 16 so young people will be more interested in politics”. (16 year old) “I'd want our opinions to be heard because we know more about us than adults” (14 year old) “Government should increase young peoples awareness and give reasons to decision. Encourage an active role in our world today”. (16 year old) “To make world wide peace so the world can be a better place for everyone” (17 year old) Inclusion: 33 of you completed postcards with suggestions that came under this category. The chart below outlines your thoughts and comments on ‘Inclusion’. Inclusion 36% Money/benefits Racism 64% And here’s what some of you have said about ‘Inclusion’: “To means test family allowances and increase the allowances of those how really need it” (18 year old) “Help to reduce racism, so that everyone can live in peace and freedom” (14 year old) “Tackle age discrimination because it can be demoralising to young people and children” (13 year old) Responsibility: 30 of you completed postcards with suggestions that came under this category. The chart below outlines your thoughts and comments on ‘Responsibility’. Responsibility 33% Vandalism/crime Independent living 67% And here’s what some of you said about ‘Responsibility’: “Help for young people trying to start their own lives, moving on, getting a flat” (16 year old) “Job opportunities for under 16s because we want to earn money as well as adults” (15 year old) “More changes to get work experience and job opportunities to boost CVs and job prospects” (16 year old)