Questionnaire on Foreign Language Learning ‘Thinking about learning how you learn a language’ The aim of this survey is to look at cultural and social differences which may influence the way you learn a language. Personal details Gender Age Nationality Number of Years learning English Language qualifications Educational Qualifications Reasons for Learning English What were the best methods and activities to learn English you have had? What were the worst methods and activities to learn English you have had? 1 How would you describe language teaching in your country? What are the characteristics of the education or the people of your country which influence how you learn a language? Describe how you think being male or female may influence your attitude to learning a language? Most English course books describe life and situations from an English western point of view. Describe how you think this may affect learners from different countries? Look at the following list of language learning items and write down how you think you learn them best Vocabulary Grammar Listening Reading Writing 2 Speaking What kind of activities do you enjoy most in the classroom and why? What kind of activities do you enjoy least in the classroom and why? What kind of activities to do with the language do you do outside the classroom? ‘A self-access language centre is a centre where you are able to access language material on your own or with a partner. In a good self-access centre there are all kinds of material such as books, magazines, films and audio material with assignments at different levels. There is also access to the Internet which you can use when studying. Most of the exercises have answer sheets and you are usually asked to assess your own progress. There is usually a language teacher available to help you. As a learner you are able to choose your own way of learning and set out your own ‘learning path’. Referring to the things you have already written down describe why you think you would or would not enjoy this kind of learning. 3 At present there are number of ‘distance learning’ courses on the Internet being developed to learn languages. Do you think it’s possible to learn a language by using the Internet? Give your reasons. Would you enjoy doing a course at a distance? What are the advantages or disadvantages? Referring back to the title and aim of this survey, are there any other points which you would like to add which have not been included Thank you very much for doing this survey. Please e-mail it to: and 4 5