PCP Planning Co-ordination Group

PCP Planning Co-ordination Group
1st Dec 2006 10.30-12.30
Rainham Healthy Living Centre
Maria Hinds
Pauline O’Loughnane
Sally Pratley
Stephen Winter
Kim Scott-Telford
Emma Scott-Telford
Beth Peal (Chair)
Diane Grieve
Joe McDaniel
Andrea Leveitt
Sophia Chung
Steve Pereira (Minutes)
Doson Ltd
Medway Council Contract Officer
Bridge Reach
Bridge Reach
Medway Council PCP Co-ordinator
MCCH Society Ltd
SC Support & Care Services Ltd
Medway Council AwLD Management Secretary
Elaine Runeckles - Mortimer Society
Bridget Bygrave-Relf – Joint Service Standards Manager
1. Welcomes and introductions
Beth welcomed everyone. People introduced themselves and explained what they
2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
2a. Minutes accepted.
2b. Feedback from the Valuing Medway People Partnership Board Person
Centred Planning Training the Trainers course.
Beth asked for feedback from people who had attended Valuing Medway People
Partnership Board Training the Trainers PCP course.
Maria and Sally gave positive feedback about the course – so far they had only
completed 2 days of the 5 day course but both felt the course was very useful.
2c. Update from Forum for Adults with a Learning Disability
Sally, from ASK, gave feedback from the Forum for Adults with a Learning
Disability. Sally said that the Forum has a sporadic attendance, though usually 50
people attend. At the last Forum for Adults with a Learning Disability, in November
2006, 60 people attended with quite a few different providers than usual turning up.
The Forum for Adults with a Learning Disability has representatives on the Valuing
Medway People Partnership Board.
Sally said that the Forum for Adults with Learning Disabilities notes are displayed
at Greatfield Lodge and on the Valuing Medway People website:
Sally said that elections for the Partnership Board representatives are being held in
March/April. There will be new invitations and voting information sent out. The
procedure is being updated with Bridget.
The next meeting of the Forum for Adults with a Learning Disability is on December
15th at the Sunlight Centre. If people want more information on this they need to
contact Nikki Jagger (Partnership Board secretary) for more information.
2d. Beth to continue preparing PATH.
Beth suggested that we could link in the PCP Co-ordination Group PATH
with the PCP PATH that is being done on the PCP Champions (Training the
Trainer) course that is underway at present – everyone agreed.
2e. Medway College of Social Care
Beth distributed information on the College of Social Care and asked people to
feedback to the college which courses they want because the training is low cost.
Example course: “General Awareness of Benefits”. “Graphic Facilitation”.
Beth urged those present to distribute the college details – if people don’t request a
training need then the College would not be able to provide it!
Action: Anyone wanting further information regarding the Medway College of
Social Care to contact Roger Harrup - Medway Council Workforce Development
2g. Person Centred Approaches For People with High Support and Complex
Needs Workshop – January 2007
Beth distributed a flyer for the PC Approaches Workshop – flyer attached to
2h. Medway PCP Sharing Information Day – Celebrating PCPs 5th April
2007 (venue tba)
Beth informed people that one of the 2006/7 PCP Partnership Board targets was to
have a learning and sharing day on Person Centred Planning in Medway. In order
to let local people know what is available and happening locally. It would also be a
celebration of PCP successes in Medway. Beth invited CSCI to the April event.
2i. Person Centred Planning Co-ordination Group Membership – Terms Of
Everyone agreed that the PCP Co-ordination Group meetings were useful and a
good opportunity to share good person centred planning practices in Medway.
All agreed Membership to be extended to families and people with Learning
Everyone was keen that a community venue be used for these meetings.
Meetings of the PCP Co-ordination Group to be held 4 times a year with provider
organisations sending a nominated PCP representative.
1. Nikki Jagger to check dates of Forum for Adults with Learning
Difficulties dates on Valuing Medway People website to check most current
list on website.
2. Nikki Jagger to check posters and email info for PB to Beth who
will send out this to the PCP Co-ordination Group.
3. Andrea Leveitt, CSCI Inspector. Presentation about people with High
Support Needs and Person Centred Plan
Andrea Leveitt (CSCI Inspector) led a discussion about person centred planning in
Medway and people with high support needs.
Andrea explained the legal aspects and interpretations of regulations of Care
Standards. Andrea pointed out that the standards are based on feedback from
people with a learning disability, so are person centred. Andrea acknowledged that
resources and procedures could constrain the Person Centred Approach.
Andrea said that person centred planning challenges perceptions that people with
a learning disability can’t fully articulate their needs and wishes. Through person
centred planning based on observing behaviour there can be rich evidence of
needs and wishes, especially when supported by records from a variety of groups.
Andrea felt that it was very useful to get other witnesses to validate evidence when
undertaking person centred planning and plans.
We discussed who should be regarded as knowing a person’s view ‘best’. This was
an interesting debate and Andrea advised that it shouldn’t necessarily be those
who shout loudest, but those who provide evidence validated by other witnesses.
Andrea recommended that policy and guidelines are useful to ensure evidence is
valid rather than ‘simply loud’.
Andrea said that she thought funding is a major constraint on person centred
planning - though sometimes it is looking at how already allocated money can be
redirected to what the person really wants.
Andrea said in her experience there existed differences of perception in residential
homes about Person Centred Planning; and some residential homes confuse
Person Centred Planning with old style assessment.
We debated person centred assessment and Care Plan/Person Centred Plan.
Andrea felt that a good assessment and a good care plan is a good basis for a
PCP, and a cross over of the two is a good starting point. Andrea felt that essential
aspects of Care Plans should be Person Centred Planning e.g. getting the
agreement of clients for their Care Plan.
We spoke about how Person Centred Planning was developing in Medway –
Andrea said that most Medway PCPs appear to be in the early development stage
and that it will be a couple of years before we see the real ‘change’ that PCPs will
bring to Medway. It was felt generally by the PCP Co-ordination Group that
Medway might be a little behind, but there is currently a lot of energy and
Beth spoke about the Valuing Medway People Partnership Board’s Person Centred
Planning targets 2006/7 e.g. collecting information on person centred planning,
producing publicity. The Partnership Board view the PCP Co-ordination Group
meetings as a key role to monitoring how person centred planning is going and
sharing and collecting information on person centred plans.
There was general feeling from providers at the meeting that Care Managers don’t
fully understand Person Centred Planning. Beth informed everyone that the
Integrated Team for adults with learning disabilities had made a firm commitment to
developing person centred planning as they had committed 1 care manager, 1 care
manager’s assistant and a community nurse to the 5 day PCP Training the
Trainers course – so things are moving in the right direction here. Beth also said
that in February the PCP representatives in the Integrated Team were reporting
back to the PCP working Group (of the Partnership Board) with how PCP is
developing in the Integrated Team. Notes from the PCP working Group are
available on the Valuing Medway People Partnership Board website.
We had a general discussion about how to monitor Medway PCPs - MCCH. 7
Person Centred Plans ongoing, ASK contracted to do PCP – but no specific
4. Inspection for Better Lives – Experts by Experience
Andrea informed everyone that CSCI is piloting Inspection for Better Lives around
the country – though nothing yet in Medway. The idea is to have lay people
involved in inspection. The lay people are “experts by experience” – that is they
have received service at some point in their life.
This scheme was contracted out to MIND and MENCAP.
1. Beth Peal to contact Mark Grainger at Mencap to see if he will come to the
next PCP Co-ordination Group meeting to update people on the Experts by
Experience scheme.
5. Next PCP Co-ordination Group meeting
Person Centred Budgets to be placed on the agenda.
Beth thanked everyone for coming.
Dates of future PCP Co-ordination Group meetings:
15th March 2007 10.30-1pm at Rainham Healthy Living Centre – Meeting
rooms 2 and 3