The Valuing People Support Team The White Paper In April 2000, the Government published Valuing People - a White Paper setting out its vision and strategy for the lives of people with learning disabilities. Its focus is on promoting the rights and social inclusion of people with learning disabilities and represents a radical development of Government policy. As such it is a cross Government White Paper which located lead responsibility for its delivery within the Department of Health. It covers both children and adults with learning disabilities, though the children's aspects will be further developed by the forthcoming children's NSF. The White Paper was been widely welcomed by all stakeholders - in particular self-advocate and family organisations. Valuing People is at least as much about changing the attitude and culture of public services towards people with learning disabilities as it is about specific service change - though the latter will undoubtedly follow the former. The White Paper set down a number of specific objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ensuring that disabled children gain maximum life chances Ensuring that the transition from childhood to adulthood is a positive experience and opens up new opportunities to employment and education Increasing choice and control, through promoting rights, strengthened advocacy, increased use of direct payments and a moving towards person centred services Increasing help and support to family carers, including specific targets around older family carers and those from minority communities Improved personal health, through enabling people to access high quality mainstream health services and re-focusing specialist services Enabling people to have greater choice and control; over where and how they live by increasing the range of housing options available - part of which involves closing the remaining long stay hospitals Enabling people to live more fulfilled lives through modernising day services, and increasing access to education, transport and leisure opportunities. Enabling more people to obtain employment, in particular paid employment. Ensuring all agencies commission and provide high quality, evidence based, continually improving services, including a particular focus on people from minority communities and those at risk of abuse. Ensuring the workforce are properly trained and skilled, in part through the introduction of a new nation training framework, and including a focus on awareness amongst the wider public workforce Promoting effective partnership working at strategic and practitioner levels, including through the use of the Health Act Flexibilities. Responsibility for delivering on the adult dimensions of this challenging agenda rests with newly creating Learning Disability Partnership Boards. Based on local authority boundaries, these multi-stakeholder bodies are to link into Local Strategic Partnerships. Children's delivery rests with the Quality Protects programme. The Valuing People Support Team Nature and Purpose of the Team's Work To provide national leadership and development support to Partnership Boards, the White Paper created a National Director of Valuing People and the Valuing People Support Team. Whilst the National Director retains an overview of children's issues, the Support Team is only concerned with the adult dimensions (including transition). Neither are responsible for policy (which rests with Disability Policy Branch) nor for performance monitoring (which rests with CSCI, the Healthcare Commission, SHAs, OfSTED etc). The National Director reports directly to Stephen Ladyman (Government Minister Responsible for this area) and he and the Team are currently located within the Modernisation Agency. Essentially, he has three component parts to his role: Leading and managing the Valuing People Support Team (see below) Informing and influencing policy development and delivery across Government in order to ensure the inclusion of the needs of people with learning disabilities Maintaining the profile and public understanding of the Valuing People agenda The Valuing People Support Team consists of a number of Regional Advisors and a Business Manager. The Regional Advisor role is essentially to: Provide advice and development support to Partnership Boards Work alongside regional and cross authority bodies such as SHAs, Connexions, WDCs, to help facilitate local initiatives Maintaining the profile and public understanding of the Valuing People agenda. In addition, each Regional Advisor takes a lead interest in a number of specific topics in order to promote internal Team expertise. The achievement of the Valuing People objectives is heavily dependent upon ensuring that people with learning disabilities are included in the delivery of all mainstream, policy initiatives. This, and recognising that learning disabilities is not currently a high level DH priority, means an emphasis of the work is on developing the learning disability dimension to whatever mainstream policy is focusing on; e.g. in NHS terms the PPF, NSF's. A central part of the Team's work is thus networking with other agencies, both within government and beyond. Whilst the work of the Team is necessarily diverse, the main focus for the first twelve months (2002/2003) was on: Partnership Board development Person centred planning Advocacy development and support Housing strategies Employment strategies In 2003/2004, whilst this work continued, there were further programmes of work on: Leadership and change management Mainstream health Direct payments Day service modernisation Family carers Transition Ethnicity In 2004/5, the priorities agreed with the Minister are: Helping more people get jobs Helping more people have choice in housing Increasing the number of people with direct payments Making families as a central part of what everyone does Putting rights and 'citizenship' at the core of local work. Team Membership The Team consists of the following people, based in locations as indicated and full time unless stated. All Regional Advisors are secondees from senior positions across the learning disability field. The Team started work in February 2001 and has a life until March 2006. National Director: Rob Greig (0.8 wte). Dominions House, Bristol. Business Manager: Zoe Porter. DHSC offices, Bristol. Director's PA: Pauline White Regional Advisors: London: Linda Jordan, Niki Gitsham (0.5 wte). Eileen House (ex London SSI office) Admin Assistant: Margaret Royle South East: Sue Carmichael. Eileen House (ex SE SSI office) Admin Assistant: Charmaine Amaral South West: Steve Strong (0.8 wte), Dominions House, Bristol. Admin Assistant: Pilar Munoz (0.5wte) Eastern: Simon Whitehead (0.7 wte). Advocacy Offices, Stowmarket. Admin Assistant: Vacant East Midlands: Ken Holland. CSCI offices, Nottingham. Admin Assistant: Grace Nembhard West Midlands: Martin Cattermole (0.5wte). Alison Giraud Saunders (0.4wte) CSCI offices, Birmingham Admin Assistant: Jacki8e Robinson (0.5 wte) Yorkshire and Humber: Debra Moore, Quarry House, Leeds. Admin Assistant: Karen Roberts (0.5wte) North East: Tricia Nicoll, Quarry House, Leeds Admin Assistant: vacant (0.5 wte) North West: Martin Routledge: NWTDT offices, Manchester. Admin Assistant: Sheila Stirling (0.6 wte) Famlies and Citizenship Lead: Cally Ward (0.5 wte) There are also currently a number of part-time, fixed term 'Expert Advisor' roles: Ethnicity - Robina Shah Housing - Mark McGoogan Self-directed services - Simon Duffy Families - Linda Cooper Health - Rick Robson and Ricky Owens Workforce - vacant Transport - Martin Cattermole The budget for the Team is £2.09m. This covers staffing and organisational costs as well as all the programmes of work delivered both regionally and nationally. Rob Greig National Director Valuing People