3460:316 Data Structures and Algorithms II

Course Number:
Course Name:
Course Credits:
Senior Seminar in Computer Science
Syllabus Date:
Prepared By:
March 27 2004
Tim O’Neil
Completion of at least 30 hours of computer science courses.
See “References”.
Bulletin Description:
Professional software development, surviving "mission impossible" projects, computer
ethics, intellectual property rights (patents and copyrights) and other current topics.
Detailed Description:
The broad formal description leaves much room for the instructor to tailor the class to
his/her own interests. Typically, this course studies the social impact, implications and
effects of computers on society, and the responsibilities of computer professionals in
directing the emerging technology. Includes examinations of reliable, risk-free
technologies, systems which provide user friendly processes. Specific topics may include
an overview of the history of computing, computer applications and their impact, the
computing profession, and the legal and ethical responsibilities of professionals.
Course Goals:
Having successfully completed this course, students will be able to :
1. review and analyze the effects of the insertion of computer technology
into society, and to anticipate the impact of that technology on people,
companies and the community;
2. select from the many algorithms for the implementation of computer
applications those that will not only satisfy the needs of economy but also
those that will have higher factors of safety, greater sensitivity to user
needs, and increased reliability;
3. use the underlying concepts of both technology and ethical behavior to
realize their own potential impact on the community that they serve, and
to make rational decisions regarding their responsibilities to the
Possible Topics:
1. Computer ethics
2. Intellectual property rights
3. Professional software development
Surviving “mission impossible” projects
Computer history
Computing applications and their impact on society
The computing profession
Computer Usage:
This course is "different" from most other computer science courses in that it deals with
the non-technical aspects of the profession. It tends to emphasize oral and written
communications. Thus computer usage is minimal if at all, although this depends on the
individual instructor.
Depends heavily on the interests of the instructor. Possible topics and appropriate texts
1. Computer ethics
a. Bowyer, Ethics and Computing: Living Responsibly in a Computerized
World, 2nd Edition, IEEE Press, 2001.
b. Forrester and Morrison, Computer Ethics: Cautionary Tales and Ethical
Dilemas in Computing, 2nd Edition, MIT Press, 1999.
c. Spinello, Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace, 2nd Edition, Jones
& Bartlett, 2003.
d. Spinello and Tavani (Eds.), Readings in Cyberethics, 2nd Edition, Jones &
Bartlett, 2004.
2. Professional software development
a. Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, AddisonWesley, 2000.
b. Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering,
Addison-Wesley, 1995.
c. Tsui, Managing Software Projects, Jones & Bartlett, 2004.
d. Whittaker, How to Break Software: A Practical Guide to Testing,
Addison-Wesley, 2003.
3. Surviving “mission impossible” projects
a. Yourdon, Death March: The Complete Software Developer’s Guide to
Surviving “Mission Impossible” Projects, Prentice Hall, 1997.