
Assignment #1
For this assessment, you will research a contemporary court case, within the past 50 years,
involving either libel or slander. After completing your research, create a detailed summary
of what the case was about, who was involved, and the case’s outcome. At the end of your
summary, include a minimum of one paragraph explaining whether or not you agree with
the verdict. Include properly documented support for your position using theMLA format.
You may wish to use an online resource such as Oyez to search for a court case.
Your summary and opinion piece should include the following:
A minimum of three paragraphs (two as a summary of the case and verdict and one
of your opinion of the verdict with explanation)
Proper use of grammar, syntax, and other language conventions
Properly documented support using the MLA format
Assignment #2
For this assessment you will be identifying examples of poetic devices as they are used in
contemporary poetry. In order to complete this assessment, choose a modern poem and
complete the following three steps:
1. Choose a poem to analyze that is at least 10 lines long. The poem should have been
written within the last 30 years. Your poem should show the use of at least three
different poetic devices.
2. Choose a different color to label each of the three poetic devices in the poem you
have chosen. Use the following list of poetic devices to choose from:
Visual: Can you “see” it?
Auditory: Can you “hear” it?
Olfactory: Can you “smell” it?
Gustatory: Can you “taste” it?
Tactile: Can you “feel” its texture?
o Hyperbole
o Repetition
o Onomatopoeia
o Rhyme Scheme
3. Once you have labeled your poem, please respond to the following two questions at
the bottom of your paper. Please be sure to respond to each question with at least
two complete sentences.
A. Why did you choose the poem?
B. What do you feel is the most important device used in the poem and why?
Assignment #3
For this assessment you will write a poem. Be sure to include the following:
The poem should be a love poem written in either free verse or sonnet format.
The poem should be a minimum of 10 lines if it is free verse.
The poem should be written in either the traditional Italian or Elizabethan format if it
is a sonnet.
The rhyme scheme of the poem should be labeled if it is a sonnet.
The poem should be your own original work.
Use at least three poetic devices. Label these devices using the following key:
Purple = personification
Red = allusion
Green = simile
Blue = metaphor
Yellow = imagery
Assignment #4
For this assessment, you will create a multi-genre comparison piece. Compare one of the
common themes below that can be traced throughThe Odyssey and one other work read in
this path: “To His Coy Mistress” or Much Ado About Nothing. If you would like to include all
three works in your comparison, you may do so. Be sure that your response includes the
a minimum of five paragraphs
a direct comparison between the two works
at least two quotes from the pieces as support using correct MLA format. You need
at least one quote from each piece you discuss.
proper use of grammar, syntax, and other language conventions
You need to use correct MLA format when using quotes from outside sources. Refer to the
following presentation for information about MLA: MLA Presentation
Themes to consider:
women are powerful
deception is sometimes warranted
intelligence can be a weapon
love is an illusion
another theme of your choice that has been approved by your instructor
Assignment #5
For this assessment you will be searching for song lyrics that focus on the same theme or
content as Margaret Atwood’s “Siren Song.” After identifying a song, complete the following:
Submit a copy of the lyrics.
Write one paragraph (five sentences minimum) that explains how the ideas presented in
the song relates/compares to the theme or content of “Siren Song” by Margaret Atwood.
Use proper grammar, syntax, and other language conventions.
Assignment #6
5 short essay/free response questions worth 20 points each. You must fully respond to all
portions of each question for full credit. All responses must follow proper grammar, spelling and
punctuation rules as well.
1) You have studied several literary works this semester that contained strong themes of
trickery and deception. Choose two (2) literary works and describe how the themes of
trickery and deception carried throughout the plot of each. Use specific details from the
texts. Your response should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs in length.
2) There were many instances in the literature you read from this semester when characters
were faced with making decisions. Choose a character and analyze a decision they made
in the story. Write an informal letter to the character addressing their decision and
suggesting a different way that they could have handled the situation and why. Use
specific details from the text in your letter. Your response should be a minimum of 7
3) A critical skill in reading comprehension is the ability to make connections to the text;
either connecting to your own self/life, connecting to another text, movie, etc., or
connecting to something in the world. Choose one of the literary works you have studied
this semester and describe the connection that you are making between it and yourself,
another text/movie/show, OR something in the world. Use specific details from the text
in your explanation. Your response should be a minimum of 5 sentences.
4) Each of the works you have read this semester demonstrated society’s expectations and
roles of women during their respective time periods. Choose two (2) works and, using
details and examples from the texts, describe what you learned about women, gender
stereotypes, expected behavior and conduct, etc. Your response should be at least 6
sentences long.
5) You have studied poetic devices and the impact of their use in poetry this semester. You
have studied Margaret Atwood’s poem “Siren Song” with regard to its message and
content. Now you will analyze it for its use of poetic devices. Using your highlighting
tool, highlight 3 different poetic devices in Atwood’s poem below and label the device to
the right of your highlighting. Then indicate which device you feel is the most important
one utilized and why.
Siren Song
by Margaret Atwood
This is the one song everyone
would like to learn: the song
that is irresistible:
the song that forces men
to leap overboard in squadrons
even though they see the beached skulls
the song nobody knows
because anyone who has heard it
is dead, and the others can’t remember.
Shall I tell you the secret
and if I do, will you get me
out of this bird suit?
I don’t enjoy it here
squatting on this island
looking picturesque and mythical
with these two feathery maniacs
I don’t enjoy singing
this trio, fatal and valuable.
I will tell the secret to you,
to you, only to you.
Come closer. This song
is a cry for help: Help me!
Only you, only you can,
you are unique
at last. Alas
it is a boring song
but it works every time.