
The Thesis Statement
The thesis statement is the most important sentence in your essay because it contains
the main idea for the whole essay. Just as major supporting sentences need to directly
support the topic sentence in a paragraph, the body paragraphs in an essay must
support the thesis statement in an essay.
 Read the following essay.
Underline the thesis statement. Then underline the
topic sentences in each body paragraph.
The Smell of Home
Last week a friend told me that she was reading a French novel in her university literature
class. It was called Remembrance of Things Past and was written by Marcel Proust. She told me
that in that book, a man bites into a little cookie called a Madeleine and that the taste of the
cookie makes him think about the past. Personally, it is the sense of smell rather than the sense
of taste that brings back happy memories.
The aroma of pipe tobacco always makes me smile. I know most people feel very differently
about the smell of tobacco, but I like it for a simple reason: My grandfather used to smoke a pipe,
and I adored my grandfather. After an especially good dinner, he used to settle into his favourite
chair and go through a long ritual of filling his pipe with something that looked like dead leaves
and smelled of apples. Then he would light the pipe, lean back, and smile. The grandchildren
gathered around him while he smoked and told us stories about when he was young and travelled
the world on sailing ships. I felt safe and loved sitting near my grandfather while he smoked his
Another wonderful smell is the scent of sweet rolls just coming out of the oven. When I was a
child, my mother used to bake sweet rolls every Saturday. The children helped mix the dough
with sugar and cinnamon and shape it into little balls. Then we eagerly watched the timer as it
counted down the minutes until the rolls were done. After my mother took out the hot rolls and
placed them on the counter, the children mixed water and sugar into a paste. When the rolls were
cool, we spread paste all over the rolls. What a wonderful aroma! My mother let us eat one right
away. We were very happy and secure there in the family kitchen with the smell of sweet, hot
My favourite aunt always wore a perfume that smelled like roses. My aunt was a tall and
large woman who had lots of blond hair and wore flowered dresses. Her perfume was just like
her: soft, friendly, warm and cheerful. She had a lovely singing voice, and when I spent the night
at my cousins’ house, she would sit in the bedroom as we fell asleep singing old lullabies in her
rich low voice. I fell asleep under the blankets to the smell of her rose perfume and her soft
songs, feeling cared for and content.
These are just three examples of smells that I associate with happiness and safety. I do not
know anyone who smokes a pipe these days, so I rarely smell pipe tobacco. However, I have my
mother’s recipe for sweet rolls, and I sometimes bake them for my friends. I like to wear more
than one kind of perfume, but whenever I wear my rose perfume, I think of my aunt. Smells
bring back wonderful memories.
Parts of a Thesis Statement
Topic and Controlling Idea
Being able to write a clear thesis statement is essential for good essay writing in
English. Like a topic sentence, a thesis statement as two main parts: a topic and a
controlling idea. The topic is the subject of the essay, or what the essay is about. The
controlling idea is what you are going to say about the topic.
As with topic sentences, it is not enough to just state the topic of the essay in the thesis
statement. You must also tell the reader what your essay will say about the topic, which
means that you need to have a controlling idea. Naturally, for any one topic there are
many possibilities for controlling ideas. For example, with the topic the sense of smell,
the thesis statement in the example essay has the underlined controlling idea:
 Personally, it is the sense of smell rather than the sense of taste that brings
back happy memories.
However, there could be other controlling ideas with the topic the sense of smell as
shown in these examples:
 The sense of smell is much stronger in dogs than it is in humans.
In an essay with this thesis statement, you would support the controlling idea by giving
examples of how dogs can smell better than people can.
 Many scientists believe that the sense of smell is the most basic of all the
senses in humans.
In this essay, you would discuss how the sense of smell is more basic than the other
The Predictor
Some thesis statement may also have a third component call a predictor. The
predictor of a thesis statement can tell the reader how many body paragraphs there will
be in the essay and/or what their content will be. For example:
 Blindness required a heightened development of the other senses, especially
touch and hearing.
In this thesis statement the topic is blindness. The controlling idea is that it requires a
heightened development of the other senses. The third part of this thesis statement
lists the two senses that the author intends to discuss: touch and hearing. This is called
the predictor because it predicts the number and content of the essay paragraphs. In
this case, there will be two body paragraphs, one about the sense of touch and the
other about the sense of hearing.
Look at these thesis statements. The topic of the statements are circled, the controlling
ideas are underlined, and the predictors are boxed.
 The movie was a joy to watch because of its visual effects, surround sound,
and actors.
 The deafening noise, the strong smells, and the ugly sights are the three main
disadvantages to living in a large city.
Identifying the parts of thesis statements
Read these four thesis statements and answer the questions.
1. Although vision is important, many people manage very well without sight.
What is the topic? ___________________
What is the controlling idea? _________________________________
If there is a predictor, what is it? ______________________________
2. Modern research suggests that the skin feels three main sensations: pressure, heat
and pain.
What is the topic? ___________________
What is the controlling idea? _________________________________
If there is a predictor, what is it? ______________________________
3. My neighbour’s dog is both blind and deaf, but he makes up for this in amazing
What is the topic? ___________________
What is the controlling idea? _________________________________
If there is a predictor, what is it? ______________________________
4. Losing the sense of taste can cause difficulties in a person’s social, professional and
family life.
What is the topic? ___________________
What is the controlling idea? _________________________________
If there is a predictor, what is it? ______________________________
More on Thesis Statements
In addition to a topic, controlling idea, and predictor, there are other characteristics that
a thesis statement must have:
1. A thesis statement must be a statement, not a question.
Not a thesis statement:
Is kimchi and acquired taste?
Thesis statement:
Kimchi is an acquired taste.
2. A thesis statement must be a complete sentence. This means that it must have a
subject and a verb with a tense.
Not a thesis statement:
Music: the food of love.
Thesis statement:
Music is the food of love.
3. A thesis statement is an opinion or shows intent; it cannot be a simple statement of
fact. A fact does not need any support, and therefore you cannot write an essay about
Not a thesis statement:
Dogs have a sense of smell.
Thesis statement:
Dogs use their keen sense of smell in many ways.
4. A thesis statement must state the controlling idea. This means that you must state
your position on the topic; you cannot simply announce the topic of your essay.
Not a thesis statement:
This essay is about Helen Keller.
Thesis statement:
Both blind and deaf, Helen Keller learned to
communicate through touch alone.
5. A thesis statement should have only one controlling idea.
Not a thesis statement:
My cousin has an excellent sense of pitch, and she
is also a famous dancer.
Thesis statement:
My cousin’s excellent sense of pitch has made her an
accomplished musician.
Evaluating thesis statement.
Put a tick () in front of the sentences that are thesis statements. If a sentence is not a
thesis statement, write the number(s) of the rule(s) (1-5 above) it breaks on the line in
front of it, and then change it to make a thesis statement. For example:
I’m going to write about foods that have special meaning for my family.
Kimchi and moon cakes are two foods that have special meaning for my family.
1. Hearing is more important than sight.
2. My mother wears contact lenses.
3. This essay is about how different people react to heat.
4. Why do people react differently to heat?
5. In the past, a keen sense of hearing was crucial to survival.
6. I prefer music with a rapid tempo, but I also like blues.
7. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a sharp sense of smell.
8. There are more advantages than disadvantages to having a sharp sense of
9. The sense of smell: an analysis.
10. In this essay, I will describe the feelings that the scent of my mother’s
cooking gives me.