LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE CHICANO STUDIES 37 -CHICANO/A LITERATURE Spring 2012 Mr. Alberto Juárez, Jr. Office: Instructional Building #2 Hours: Monday 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment. Phone: 818.364.7679 Email: juareza@lamission.edu I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a broad survey of contemporary Chicano/a literature. Through an analysis of poetry, novels, short stories, essays, theater, cinema and arts of the Chicano community, this course will provide students a deeper understanding of the Mexican-American historical experience in America with a major focus placed on writing, and the development and study of voice. Chicano literature not only is about looking at previously silenced voices in the America canon of literature, but of the development of a literacy that is critical and concise that speaks about the cultural, social, political, ethnic traditions mores and history of Chicanos. II . COURSE OBJECTIVES Through a reading and analysis of several novels, essays, poetry, and other forms of Chicana and Chicano literature, students will explore the social, cultural and political expression by examining several authors and themes listed in the following: Historical Overview of European, American, Native and indigenous people in Mexico and the Southwest from the Meso American Period to 21st century and their impact of Chicano Literature. Overview of literary techniques and devices characteristically employed by novelists, dramatists, essayists, and poets (i.e. character development, plot, conflict, resolution, alliteration, and sequential function of the narrative-dialogue-summary focusing of the works of Chicano authors. Short Stories: Exploration, Analysis, and Discussion of several Short Stories. Review of Literary Key Concepts and Terms (See http://www.uncp.edu/home/canada/work/allam/general/glossary.htm) Use of Language: English, Spanish, Calo, Spanglish, Nahuatl, Code-Switching (Chiconics) Biography/Autobiography Historical Fiction: Exploration, Analysis, and Discussion III. ASSIGNMENTS – The Course Outline lists the weekly readings of essays novels, articles, poems and commentaries to be read and analyzed schedule of weekly assignments, due dates for papers and projects . assignments and projects will be due on the date announced by the instructor and tardy assignments will accepted at the discretion of the instructor and may not be given full credit. Course Projects – Autobiography– This project will give you an opportunity to research your and establish a family tree and genealogy (family background, grandparents and great parents, their country and states of origin), and major events that you feel have had an impact on your life your personal development, formation of your outlook on life LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE CHICANO STUDIES 37 -CHICANO/A LITERATURE Spring 2012 and future goals. This project will have a value of 300 points and will be due no later than Wednesday, May 30,2012. IV. Examinations Midterm Exam - will have a value of up to 150 points. There will be an essay and multiple choice, true & false and identification questions valued at 50 points. The essay topic that will be announced two weeks prior to the Mid Term, will have a value of 100 points. Final Examination - will have a value of 300 points. The final will be structured in the same format as the midterm examination with multiple choice , true & false and fill-in questions valued at 100 points. The essay topic will also be announced two weeks prior to the final, will have a value of 200 points. IV. Student Learning Outcomes - You the student will learn to analyze the literary, and technical aspects of literature and literary criticism and in doing consider how literature addresses socio- political, cultural, ethnic , religious and gender issues in both a contemporary and historical context of the American and over all human experience. V. Assessment Methods Students will be required to demonstrate their understanding and interpretation of the assigned literature and related topics discussed throughout the course. Students will be assessed through the use of , and multiple choice and essay exams covering all assigned course materials and creative writing assignments to (skill sets in grammar, spelling, word usage, and vocabulary), will be evaluated Student Evaluation & Grading- course grades will be based on the cumulative number of points earned for the successful completion of all course work including: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Six quizes (50 each)...................................... 300 Six Essays and Book Reveiws………………………………….. 300 the midterm………………………………………………………...... 100 final examination…………………………………………………… . 150 Family History/Autobiography (course project…... 300 class participation (up to 10 points per session…… . . 150 Total………………………………………………………………………….1300 LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE CHICANO STUDIES 37 -CHICANO/A LITERATURE Spring 2012 To successfully pass the course with a “C” or better must to attain at least 70% of the total possible points. For example: (1000 x .60) = 600 points. Please note the matrix of possible grade distributions. Points % Grade 1000 -950 95 A+ 949- 900 90 A 899- 850 85 A- 849-800 80 B+ 799-750 75 B 749-700 70 B- 699-650 65 C+ 649-600 60 C COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Attendance is required at all lectures. 2. Attendance and participation is also required in discussion. Students with three unexcused absences may be dropped from the class. 3. In-class assignments will be included in the attendance and participation portion of the grade. 4. Critical response papers are essays in which you will respond to one of the week’s reading(s). A critical response essay allows you to react and respond to the literature in-depth. Papers must be at least two but no more than 3 pages, typed. 5. All papers MUST be TYPED. Work is due on time. Students must turn in all assignments at the beginning of class. LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE INSTRUCTOR. Brief Biography Alberto Juárez, has taught Chicano Studies and Political Science at Mission College, CSU Dominguez Hills ,Cerritos College, East Los Angeles ,and Pasadena City College. He was born and raised in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. During the course of his thirty five years of public service with both the County and City of Los Angeles, he served as a City Commissioner, a member of former LA City Mayor Tom Bradley's' Staff, and an investigator for the Los Angeles City Housing Department. He is a graduate of Franklin High School, East Los Angeles College, and the University of California ,Los Angeles (UCLA), where he studied Latin American Studies and Political Science. He is a US Navy veteran and served with the 7th Fleet as a petty officer in Southeast Asia. LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE CHICANO STUDIES 37 -CHICANO/A LITERATURE Spring 2012 Semester Week Lecture Topics Assignment Read, analyze,and the following articles by Leal and Troncoso you can access on our class web site 1. Week 1 February 6, 2012 Course Introduction: “What is Chicano Literature And Why is It Important and Relevant in Contemporary Society?” LOS ANGELES TIMES: “Luis Leal, scholar of Mexican, Chicano and Latin American Literature” Segio Troncoso Dr. Luis Leal (1900-2007) Father of Chicano Literature Luis Leal: “A Historical Perspective” Teaching Chicano Chicano Literature A Historical Perspective,“The Problem of Identifying chicano Literature” In Search of Aztlan, Why It is Important to Write your Own Story” By Sergio Troncoso 2.Quiz on Assigned Articles on Monday February 14, 2012 3. Begin Reading: “George Washington Gomez by Americo Paredes : Los Sediciosos” Pages 5- 34 4. Create a Glossary of New Words & Definitions that you discover in your readings and insert in notebook LOS ANGELES MISSION COLLEGE CHICANO STUDIES 37 -CHICANO/A LITERATURE Spring 2012 Monday, February 13, 2012 Week 2 Literarcy and Writing Amongst the Mexican Ancients Pre- Cuahtemoc Period (aka: Precolumbian) From The Olmec to the Maya Culture Film: Dawn of the Maya Part 1 &2 – Film is on Reserve in college library Introductory Discussion: “George Washington Gomez: Los Sediciosos”Pages 5- 34 Read, analyze and critique the following reading assignments 1. Go on line and search for articles on Pre-Columbian Period in Meso America 2.Prepare One Page Autobiographical Sketch Due Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3. Continue: “George Washington Gomez: J onesville on the Grande ”Pages 35-105