Lesson description

Lesson Write-Up For Spring Quarter 2012
Your name: Herrick Chang
Title of Lesson: Robot Battles: Insect Edition
Grade Level: 11, 12
Subject(s): Physics
The purpose of the lesson was primarily to incorporate my research of robotics into the
physics classroom. Secondly, it served the purpose of tying together all the different
subjects of mechanics and electromagnetism in physics into one lesson. Students are tasked
to build a small robot known as a bristlebot by using a battery, toothbrush, and pager
motor. By using concepts of center of gravity/mass students must understand how to
balance their robots such that they don’t fall over. Also, they need to understand concepts
of electromagnetism to understand why and how a battery can be used to move a motor.
Time Required: 55 minutes
Group Size: 20-30 per classroom. Each individual must build a robot
Cost to implement: Around $2 per robot.
Learning Goals:
After this lesson, students should be able to understand:
How a motor works.
Why the D-shaped weight of a pager motor causes such strong vibrations.
Using the concept of center of gravity to balance their robots.
Switching the polarity of the battery, will cause the pager motor spin in the
opposite direction.
Level of Inquiry:
Students were given basic goals and restrictions on what the robot must perform. From
there, it was up to the students to figure out which design was best to fulfill each task. The
lesson was setup as a competition to see who had the “best design”. At the end, students
were allowed to compare their designs to the winning design and have a better
understanding of the shortcomings of their own design.
Introduction / Motivation:
The lesson had the theme of robots battling one another. The goal of the robot was to battle
each other sumo-style in which the winning robot is the last one staying inside the arena. I
built and decorated a small robot known as “Scorpio-bot” which was champion robot that
the students strived to beat. This method was to engage the students’ competitive nature.
For those who lost the battle, they were sent to the “Paint of Shame” where those students
could see their robots roam around in paint and come up with different designs. It also
served as a means for students to keep busy while the others battled.
Lesson Background Concepts for Teachers:
The bristlebot project helps combine different concepts from electromagnetism and
kinematics. Students take the concepts of center of gravity, magnetic fields, current, and
voltage and see how they all interact to create a bristlebot.
1) Powerpoint presentation to review electromagnetism and center of gravity. (10
2) Students were to take a “mechanics certification exam” which tested them on the
concepts that they had just learned.
3) Have students build their robots with little guidance. Give students paper clips only
if “certification exam” has been finished. (25 minutes)
a. This gives the students the added advantage or armaments when battling or
for use as legs when trying to stabilize their robots.
4) Students to battle in groups of 4 (5 minutes).
5) Winners of the groups of 4 go to battle at the large arena. Losers go to “Paint of
Shame” (10 minutes).
6) Conclude class, students compare their designs to winning robot design. (5 minutes)
Materials List
Each group will need:
Pager motor
Masking tape
3V coin-cell battery
Paper clips
To share with the entire class:
1) Washable Paint
Safety Issues:
Not applicable.
Lesson Closure:
After all the battling has concluded and after every student had visited the “Paint of
Shame”, students were called back to their seats to take a look at the winning student
designed robot. Students discussed what the challenges of building the robots were and
how their designs compared to the winning robots design.
Pre-Activity Assessment:
Students were verbally asked during the Powerpoint presentation about concepts on which
they should have learned. The concepts were retaught in the presentation just in case.
Activity Embedded Assessment:
Students were assessed on what they were taught through a “Mechanic Certification Exam”,
in which the students had to answers questions before they were allowed to begin building
their robots.
Post-Activity Assessment:
After the students were done battling, the students discussed design challengers and
compared their design to the winning robot design so that students were able to answer
concluding questions on the handout.
Is this lesson based upon or modified from existing materials? If yes, please specify
source(s) and explain how related:
Lesson was based on DIY projects known as Bristlebots which can be found online.
1) Student Handout
2) Instructor Handout
3) Powerpoint presentation
List CA Science Standards addressed:
Physics 1g,5f