

March 3, 2011

DUE Thursday, March 17 (A, B, E,), Friday, March 18 (F & G)

What You Will Do:

You are creating your own Greek god. You must use at least three known gods to create yours. You may take traits or symbols from these three gods, or you may have these gods present your god with gifts. The gift must be in keeping with the symbols, powers, and physical traits of the god that is giving it. (For example, Hermes may give your god the power of flight by presenting a gift that enables your god to fly, or

Aphrodite may bestow everlasting beauty upon your god, or Demeter may give your god the ability to create a new, unique plant or flower.)

You will present your god in two ways:


A color presentation done on a 22” x 28” poster board.


A five-paragraph essay.


First, use the stories we have read in class, information from the attached packet, and/or on-line resources. Next, choose at least three Greek gods or goddesses that interest you. Finally, take traits, qualities, powers, details of their creation, etc. from each of these gods and create your own god or goddess.

Poster: (Your poster must include the following):


A prominent display of your god with his/her name (both Greek and Roman) and a description of his/her powers.


Names (both Greek and Roman) and illustrations of the three gods you have used to create your god.


A list of the traits borrowed from or gifts given by the three gods must be clearly identified.

When creating your poster, be creative. You may choose to illustrate your god/goddess in any of the following ways:

 Your own drawings with labels

 Illustrations downloaded from the internet

 Illustrations cut out of magazines

 Illustrations colored and cut out of the attached packet

If you have another, unique idea for presenting your god, please run it by me first.

The Essay:

Write a five-paragraph creation myth that explains how your god came to be. Although this is a story, you must also treat it as an informational essay because you will be informing (teaching) the reader about the three gods you used to create your own god.

So, you have two purposes for writing, (i) to tell a creation myth story, and (ii) to educate and inform the reader about the gods you have used t o create your god.


You will present your posters within small groups in class. Your classmates will evaluate your work.

Part Six - Evaluations:

 Your project will be graded based on the attached grading rubric.

 Fill out the rubric as a self-evaluation and attach it with your final project

 Your classmates will evaluate your presentation

Work Schedule:

We will fill in our planners today in class. Follow the work as outlined in your planner, and this project will be manageable.

NAME: _______________________________________________ BLOCK:

Grading Rubric


My project was complete and handed in on the due date (note – you will lose 10 points

for each day the project is late):

1 2 3 4


My poster is creative and reflects my own individuality. It is clear that I put a lot of time and effort into the poster.

1 2 3 4

PRESENTATION – (This portion of the project will be evaluated by your peers – do

not fill this out)

I spoke clearly during the presentation. I maintained eye contact with the audience.

1 2 3 4

I listened attentively to other presentations. At the end, I made positive comments and asked questions.

1 2 3 4


Turn this page over for the Essay Grading Rubric.

Name: _____________________________________________________ Block:


After your presentation, pass this rubric around to each member of your group. Each member will grade your presentation.


Presenter spoke clearly during the presentation and maintained eye contact with the audience.

1 2 3 4

I listened attentively to other presentations. At the end, I made positive comments and asked questions.

1 2 3 4


Presenter spoke clearly during the presentation and maintained eye contact with the audience.

1 2 3 4

I listened attentively to other presentations. At the end, I made positive comments and asked questions.

1 2 3 4


Presenter spoke clearly during the presentation and maintained eye contact with the audience.

1 2 3 4

I listened attentively to other presentations. At the end, I made positive comments and asked questions.

1 2 3 4


Presenter spoke clearly during the presentation and maintained eye contact with the audience.

1 2 3 4

I listened attentively to other presentations. At the end, I made positive comments and asked questions.

1 2 3 4









Essay Grading Rubric

3 4

The paper fits the purpose. The audience will understand it.

The paper fits the purpose. The audience will probably understand it.

The paper has a clear introduction, a well-organized middle, and a summary or conclusion.

All supportive facts are reported accurately.

The paper has description and rich details, and it uses signal words and phrases appropriately.

The writing is original and engaging. It is appropriate for the purpose and audience.

The sentences are written in a variety of ways.

The paper has an introduction, a middle that is organized and mostly in logical order, and a summary or conclusion.

Almost all supportive facts are reported accurately..

The paper has some description and details. Some signal words or phrases are not clear or specific.

The writing is appropriate for the purpose and audience.

Some sentences show variety, but many are the same type.

There are very few errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

There are a few errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


The purpose and audience are not very clear.

The topic is not introduced clearly.

Some details are not in order or drift from the topic. The ending is not clear.

Most supportive facts are reported accurately.

The paper has few details, not enough description, and few signal words or phrases.

The writing isn’t always appropriate for the audience and lacks originality.

Most of the sentences are written in the same way.

There are many errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


It is not possible to identify the purpose and audience.

The paper does not have an introduction.

Details are poorly organized. There is no summary or conclusion.

No facts are reported or most are inaccurately reported.

The paper has almost no description or details, and no signal words or phrases.

Writer’s voice is not evident in the writing.

Most sentences are not written correctly.

There are so many errors that the writing is hard to understand.

Work Schedule:

Monday, 3/7 and Tuesday, 3/8: Finish and type your rough draft. We will peer edit in class on Wednesday (A,B,E) and Thursday, (F&G)

Thursday, 3/10 through Sunday, 3/13: Finish your poster board

Monday, 3/14 and Tuesday, 3/15: Make final revisions to essay and print your final draft.

Wednesday, 3/16: Blocks A, B, E: Project due tomorrow. Complete any finishing touches tonight and fill out your rubrics.

Thursday, 3/17: Blocks F&G: Project due tomorrow. Complete any finishing touches tonight and fill out your rubrics.

Name: Block:

Greek God Essay


Use this outline to organize your thoughts. You should bullet your ideas here, and then use your bulleted ideas to guide you as you write your first draft.

Paragraph One – Introduce your god:

Topic Sentence (grab the reader’s attention with an interesting opening that begins to introduce your god. Remember to give the Greek and Roman name).

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (tell the reader about your god – for example traits, powers, looks, his/her creation, gods that you used to create your god)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (continue to tell the reader about your god – think traits, powers, creation)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (If you haven’t already mentioned them, you should begin to write about at least one of the other three gods you used to create your god.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Transition Sentence: (This sentence should create a conclusion to Paragraph one AND a transition to what you’re going to talk about in Paragraph two. It’s time to talk about the other three gods)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Remember – this is prewriting. You’re just bulleting your ideas here. This is NOT your first draft.

Paragraph Two – Give details about the first god you used to create your god:

Topic Sentence (Introduce the first god you used to create your god. Remember to give the Greek and

Roman name).

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: ( educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Transition Sentence: (This sentence should create a conclusion to paragraph two AND a transition to what you’re going to talk about in Paragraph three – it’s time to mention the next god.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

If you need to, add more sentences. A good paragraph is 5-7 sentences.

Remember – this is prewriting. You’re just bulleting your ideas here. This is NOT your first draft.

Paragraph Three – Give details about the second god you used to create your god:

Topic Sentence (Introduce the second god you used to create your god. Remember to give the Greek and Roman name).

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: ( educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Transition Sentence: (This sentence should create a conclusion to Paragraph three AND a transition to what you’re going to talk about in Paragraph four – it’s time to mention the next god.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

If you need to, add more sentences. A good paragraph is 5-7 sentences.

Remember – this is prewriting. You’re just bulleting your ideas here. This is NOT your first draft.

Paragraph Four – Give details about the third god you used to create your god:

Topic Sentence (Introduce the third god you used to create your god. Remember to give the Greek and Roman name).

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: ( educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (educate the reader about this god, and give details on how he/she was involved in your god’s creation.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Transition Sentence: (This sentence should create a conclusion to Paragraph four AND a transition to what you’re going to talk about in Paragraph five – wrap the main topic back around to just your god.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

If you need to, add more sentences. A good paragraph is 5-7 sentences.

Remember – this is prewriting. You’re just bulleting your ideas here. This is NOT your first draft.

Paragraph Five – This last paragraph is the summary/conclusion to the entire essay. The main focus of this paragraph should be your god, but you can still mention the other three gods. At this point, you have educated the reader about the other three gods. Now, let them use that knowledge to fully appreciate your god.

Topic Sentence (Grab the reader’s attention with more exciting information about your god.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: (Give more details about your god. You can mention specifics on how he/she uses one of the traits or gifts he/she was given by the first god.)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: ( Give more details about your god. You can mention specifics on how he/she uses one of the traits or gifts he/she was given by the second god)

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Detail Sentence: ( Give more details about your god. You can mention specifics on how he/she uses one of the traits or gifts he/she was given by the third god).

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

Concluding Sentence: (This is your closing where you wrap up the essay. Don’t just end it….make sure the reader feels satisfied – not abandoned).

 __________________________________________________________________________________________

If you need to, add more sentences. A good paragraph is 5-7 sentences.
