Character Archetypes Essay Requirements.doc

Name: _______________________________________
Character Archetypes Essay
Directions: You will be writing an essay analyzing a character archetype (other than the hero) in your summer
reading book. Goals of this essay include:
to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of several character archetypes
to provide evidence from the book proving how characters display characteristics of the
to show quality writing by using a strong thesis statement, solid topic sentences, effective
transitions between sentences and paragraphs, MLA-style parenthetical citations, and
minimal grammatical mistakes
o capitalization
o punctuation
o italicizing or underlining titles of books
o accurate spelling
o mix of simple, compound, and complex sentences (sentence variety)
Write a multi-paragraph essay identifying two character archetypes (other than the hero) from your
summer reading book. You must provide at least one piece of evidence establishing each character as
that archetype.
Important dates:
Monday, Sept. 15th: First draft of essay is due typed (minimum of four paragraphs, double-spaced, 12 point
Times New Roman font) and printed out. We will do some revision activities in class that day.
Tuesday, Sept. 16th: Revising rough draft in class
Friday, Sept. 19th: Type final draft in class. Final draft must be turned in to your online portfolio by 10 pm on
Monday, Sept. 22. 