Medieval Europe Literature “Young Arthur” Reading/Writing

Medieval Europe Literature
“Young Arthur”
Part I. Connections and Introduction
A. Prewrite: Think about a time when a friend, relative, coach, or other
person expected a great deal of you. What happened? How did you feel? Describe
the feelings you have when much is expected of you.
*Write a minimum of ½ a page.
B. Connect to the Legend (do this on the back of the Prewrite): Imagine
you are a knight in ancient times in England. What do you think your life might be
like? On your paper, complete the sentences below.
I sleep…
For breakfast, I eat…
I wear..
I am skilled at…
People expect me to be…
*Background: There is no proof that King Arthur was a real person, but stories
have been told about him since the sixth century. These stories are known as the
Arthurian legend.
 According to legend, after Arthur pulled the sword from the stone, he became
king of England.
 Merlin the wizard is an important character in King Arthur’s life.
 King Arthur ruled from the castle Camelot.
 Arthur’s queen was named Guinevere.
 King Arthur had a powerful sword called Excalibur.
 Many stories are told about his knights, the Knights of the Round Table.
*Literary Element
 Legend is a story that relates amazing events or accomplishments. The
heroes in legends may be humans, animals, or even enchanted objects or
forces of nature. Like folktales and myths, legends belong to the oral
tradition. They are passed by word of mouth from one generation to the
next. Some legendary human heroes actually lived, but over the years their
reputations grew larger than life.
Legends often express the values of a culture. In “Young Arthur,” for
example, Arthur shows honor and courage. As you read, look for amazing
events and larger-than-life characters. Ask yourself, what beliefs and values
are important to the characters in the legend?
Part II. Vocabulary HW (all Vocabulary should be done on the same paper(s).
A. Identifying Meanings. Read each word and definition. On your paper,
write the sentence with the word that best completes each sentence. Highlight the
vocabulary word within the sentence.
melancholy (sadness)
rebellion (struggle against people in charge)
grievous (very serious)
1. The man apologized for his ____________________________ crime.
2. Students staged a _______________________ to oppose a new rule.
3. Some people feel ______________________ on rainy days.
B. For each question/statement, write the vocabulary word or answer the question.
1. What word goes with “very sad”?
2. What word goes with “serious”?
3. What word goes with “an uprising”?
4. What word goes with “unhappy”?
5. What word goes with “fighting”?
6. Uther missed his wife.
7. Enemy soldiers stormed the castle.
8. Kay lied about taking the sword.
9. Fighting divided the kingdom
10. It was a life-threatening injury.
11. Would like spending time with a melancholy person? Why or why not?
12. What is the difference between a disagreement and a rebellion?
13. Which is considered more grievous…a burglary or a murder? Explain.
Part III. While We Read
A. *Read “Young Arthur” as a class.
B. Reading Strategy: During the reading, complete the Reading Strategy
sheet. This should be stapled to the very back of your packet, behind your
notebook papers.
Part IV. After You Read (A-D can be done on the same paper).
A. Respond and Think Critically: Answer the following questions in
complete sentences.
1. Who is Merlin? (Identify)
2. Use your own words to retell why Arthur is raised by Sir Ector. (Summarize)
3. Arthur believes that he is “a true knight in (his) heart.” What does he mean
by this? (Interpet)
4. Why is Arthur destined to be king? Use details from the story to explain your
answer. (Infer)
5. What effect do Merlin’s actions have on the plot? (Analyze)
B. Look back at the things you wrote about life as a knight in ancient times
in England before you read the story. Now think about what life was like for
the characters in “Young Arthur.” Imagine that you could be one of the
characters for one day. Which character would you choose?
1. I would want to be _______________________________ because…
C. Based on “Young Arthur,” what do you think some of the most important
values of English culture were during this time period? List what you think
was an important value. Then give an example of that value from the story.
Important Value:
D. Generalizations: When you make generalizations, you form a general
conclusion based on facts and examples you have. Based on the following
statements below and what you already know, make generalizations about the
characters. Read the sentence and then write a generalization about that
1. King Uther gave Merlin his son in order to keep him safe.
2. Arthur agreed to be Kay’s apprentice when he saw that Sir Ector wanted him
to do it.
3. Kay pretended that he was the one who had pulled the sword from the stone.
When we have completed this unit, write your name with roster/date/period
on this sheet, and staple this sheet on top of your notebook papers. Place the
Reading Strategy sheet in the back.
This will become your packet for submission.