UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FAKULTETA ZA ZDRAVSTVENE VEDE Žitna ulica 15 • SI-2000 Maribor • Slovenija Tel.: 02 / 300 47 00 • Fax.: 02 / 300 47 47 E-pošta: fzv@uni-mb.si • http://www.fzv.uni-mb.si APPENDIX 2 – GUIDELINES FOR FORMATTING THE MASTER'S THESIS DISPOSITION AND TEXT GUIDELINES FOR FORMATTING THE MASTER'S THESIS DISPOSITION AND TEXT The master's thesis must be written in clear and concise language, therefore a language expert review is recommended. However, a review by a language expert is mandatory when a mentor or the thesis committee members explicitly request it. The paper format should be A4, line spacing 1.5, and the font size 12 (Word text editor). The main text should be printed on both sides of the paper, and the introductory part (title pages, preface, table of contents) must be printed on one side only. When formatting the main text, please follow the guidelines below: 1. left margin 3 cm, right margin 2.5 cm, top margin 2.5 cm, bottom margin 3.5 cm (down to the page number); 2. the title on the title page must be written in larger letters (with font size 20), the main text (also chapter and sub-chapter titles) with font size 14, and the footnotes with font size 10; 3. use the same font throughout the thesis (e.g. Times New Roman); 4. line spacing and paragraph spacing in the main text is also1.5; chapters or subchapters should be separated by two blank lines; 5. each chapter should start on a new page; 6. each paragraph should start at the left margin (without a first-line indent); 7. the whole text should be aligned to both the left and right margins, which also applies to bulleted lists; 8. also footnotes should be aligned to both margins; 9. when inserting page numbers follow the directions below: the first (inner) title page of a hard bound copy or the title page of a soft bound copy should not be numbered; the abstract page should be numbered with roman numeral II, the abstract in foreign language with roman III and the table of contents with roman numerals IV, V ... the pages of the remaining part of the master's thesis (from the introduction to the bibliography) should be numbered with Arabic numbers (1,2,3,...); page numbers should be at the bottom middle of the page; the bibliography/list of resources is the last numbered page; the appendix which comes after the bibliography should be numbered from 1 onwards; when numbering the chapter titles, use the following system: 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem definition 1.2 Purpose and objectives of the thesis 1.2.1 Purpose 1.2.2 Objectives 1.3 Research methodology... Matična številka: 5089638016 • ID za DDV: SI 71674705 Registrska številka: 5031206815 • TRR: SI56 0110 0609 0125 827 If the master's thesis consists of several parts, you should write the corresponding title before the first chapter of each part, e.g.: FIRST PART: TITLE... Write only main headings in bold capital letters. Other headings should be written in normal letters – they should not be in bold and should only start with a capital letter. Editing images and tables: 1. successive numbers of tables (images) run through the whole master's thesis, therefore you should not start numbering them from 1 onwards in a new chapter; 2. each table (image) should have a title written in bold letters (e.g. Table 1: Awareness of risk factors for lung cancer); 3. each table should have a head - that is the top of the table with the titles of individual columns which must be middle-aligned (in the centre); 4. the other part of the table must contain information (table) or show an idea or a concept (image); 5. if necessary, a table can have accompanying notes which explain individual parts of the table. These notes should be written directly under the table (or image); 6. if necessary, a list and explanation of abbreviations and symbols can be added to a table 7. under a table you should state the resource from which the table is taken or adapted or the source of information which the table is based on; 8. each table (image) should be located on one page in full (together with notes and resources under it); 9. it is reasonable to write a short commentary or analysis for each table to explain the meaning of the structure of the table or image. Master's thesis format On the outer side of the master's thesis (on the covers) there must be UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR written in capital letters in the top middle of the front cover, and FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES under it (font size 20). The MASTER'S THESIS TITLE should be written in capital letters in the middle of the page (font size 20). Under the title there should be a blank line followed by (master's thesis) written in small letters in parenthesis (font size 16). The location and the year of completion of the master's thesis should be written in small letters in the left bottom corner (required location: Maribor) – (font size 16). The first and last name of the candidate should be written (with font size 16) in the right bottom corner of the front cover. Text colour: silver. Examples: UNIVERZA V MARIBORU UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR FAKULTETA ZA ZDRAVSTVENE VEDE 20 točk, velike tiskane črke MASTER'S THESIS TITLE NASLOV DIPLOMSKEGA DELA 20 točk, velike tiskane črke (Master's (Diplomskothesis) delo) 16 točk, male tiskane črke NASLOV DIPLOMSKEGA DELA MASTER'S THESIS TITLE FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Maribor, leto Maribor, year Ime in Priimek First and last name 16 točk, male tiskane črke Font size 20, capital letters Font size 20, capital letters Font size 16, small letters Font size 16, small letters It is desirable that there should be the title of the master's thesis printed on the spine of the thesis covers (starting at the bottom), i.e. The role of nurses in education for life. First inner page: is blank (for eventual notes). Second sheet of paper: the same as the front cover of the thesis. Reverse side of the second sheet of paper: University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences title and name of the mentor (in the bottom left corner) title and name of the co-mentor (in the bottom left corner) – if there is one. Font size 20, CAPITAL LETTERS UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Mentor: Title, First and Last name Co-mentor: Title, First and Last name Font size 16, small letters (e.g.: doc. dr. ) Citation of sources in the text – quotations (the Harvard Style should be used for citing) 1. Research and authorship ethics require you to correctly state the source from which an idea or information has been taken (cited, adapted, etc.) for each idea or information taken from other source or sources. The citation of whole parts (chapters, sub-chapters) from individual sources is generally not admissible, therefore the candidate should limit the citation to a necessary and sensible extent from the perspective of the thesis problem; 2. all sources used and stated in the text should be listed in the bibliography at the end of the thesis; 3. only those sources that you actually directly used should be listed in the bibliography; 4. first write the name of the author for each citation, then the year of the publication from which the citation was taken, and the page numbers on which the original text is located (e.g.: Kokol, 2005, p. 13); 5. when you use the same source repeatedly in a condensed part of text, the citations of the source can be simplified after the first one – if the first one is (Kokol, 2005, p. 13), you can write only (ibid.,13) for other citations of the same source; 6. when you cite several sources by the same author, which were issued in the same year, you have to indicate that by writing letters a, b, c, etc. next to the year of publication (Kokol, 2005a, p. 13), (Kokol, 2005b, p. 67), (Kokol, 2005c, p. 112) etc.; 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 11. 12. 13. 14. if there are two authors, you must name both of them (Kokol and Blažun, 2004, p. 11). If the text or publication has more than two authors, name only the first one and add »et al.« (e.g.: Blažun et al., 2007, p. 10); when referring to a specific idea without quoting it, you should state the source in the following way (see Železnik, 2007, p. 7); you can also cite findings of a certain author (i.e. Turk) which were used in a publication by a second author (i.e. Čelan). This is considered citation of a secondary source (not of the original text). Such citation should include the name of the author of the original text followed by »in« and the last name of the author of the secondary source (i.e.: Turk in: Čelan, 2003, p. 135); when generally referring to a specific author or publication, state only the last name and the year of publication (Pokorn, 2004). Such references should be the exception rather than the rule; when summarizing a text by another author, the text should be written without quotation marks. However, you must state that the text is a summary of another work (e.g.: after Pokorn, 2004, p. 21); when citing legislation, statutes, etc. you should write the abbreviation of the statute and the number of the article (e.g.: ZVIS, Article16); when citing anonymous sources (e.g. Statistical Yearbook), write the abbreviation or the sign of the resource, year of publication and page number (SY, 1995, p. 57); when citing a text published on the Internet, follow the same guidelines (author, year, page). The authors of Internet documents are often not given; in this case write the name of the owner of rights (authorship, moral or material rights). If the Internet page is not numbered, you can omit the information on page numbers. A text published on the Internet page of e.g. the Faculty of Health Sciences http://sola.vzdr.uni-mb.si/pravilniki/pravilnik_spec_delo.pdf would be cited in the text in the following way: (Faculty of Health Sciences, 2007), and the link to the page would have to be written in the bibliography in accordance with the guidelines. texts from other sources can be cited in several ways: a. summarizing in abridged quotations from the same source, e.g.: Kokol calls attention to the stated problem (2003a, p. 250): “Xxxxxxxx […]xxxxxxxx […] xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx […] xxxxxxxxxxx.”; b. you may insert your interpretation or additional text in the abridged quotation, e.g.: Kokol calls attention to the stated problem (2003a, p. 250): “Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx [in our opinion, this is questionable] xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx.”; c. summarizing a text with your own words and in abridged form or supplementing a text with your own ideas: Our research shows that this problem is undoubtedly still of interest, since Kokol already called attention to it when studying the xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx. Listing resources in the reference list – bibliography (when entering references in the bibliography, use the modified Harvard-Vancouver system) At the end of the master's thesis, the candidate must list all used publications with last names of authors in alphabetical order. In the chapter entitled »Bibliography«, the candidate should list all used authors' works (Slovenian and foreign literary works, essays and articles in professional magazines and collections of professional papers, author contributions published on the Internet, bachelor's, specialist's, master's and doctoral theses, published research findings, expert's reports, etc.). When there are several works by the same author listed in bibliography, arrange them chronologically by year of publication. If the candidate used several works by the same author that were published the same year, appropriate successive letters should be added to the year of publication of these sources, e.g. Kokol 2003a, Kokol 2003b, Kokol 2003c, etc. Do not write authors' academic titles when listing references in the bibliography. In the section entitled »Resources«, the candidate should list various sources with no authors, such as statistical publications, information obtained in labour organizations and various institutions, website addresses, statutes and other general legal acts, etc. The list of scientific and professional sources should include the following information: 1. a. b. c. d. For books and other monographs: Author's Surname, first name initials. Book title. Place: Publisher. Publication year. Example: Kališnik, M, Zabavnik Piano, J, Rožić, A. Temelji znanstvenoraziskovalne metodologije v biomedicini. Ljubljana: Družba Piano, 2006. Kersnič, P, Filej, B (ed.). Kodeks etike medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije. Mednarodni kodeks etike za babice. Issue 2 Ljubljana: Zbornica zdravstvene in babiške nege Slovenije – Zveza društev medicinskih sester, babic in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije, 2006. 2. For books or other publications published by an institution or organization a. (Abbreviation) – Name of the institution, organization, etc. (if the author or the copyright owner is not given, name the owner of material rights in the place of the author's name). b. c. d. Book title (publication title). Place: Publisher. (if stated). Publication year. Example: OECD – Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Industrial Policy in OECD Countries - Annual Review. Paris, 1992. 3. a. b. c. Citing legislation: Title of the statute (Act). Source (Publication). Number/year. Example: Health Services Act. Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia Nos. 9/1992, 26/1992, 37/1995, 8/1996, 90/1999. 4. a. b. c. d. e. f. For chapters in a book (or in a collection of scientific papers): Author's Surname, first name initials. Chapter title. In: Editor's Surname, first name initials. Book title. Place: Publisher. Year of publication of the book (publication, collection of scientific papers): chapter pages. Examples: Kupnik, D. Oskrba dihalne poti in drugi nujni posegi. In: Grmec, Š, Čretnik, A, Kupnik, D. (ed.). Oskrba poškodovancev v predbolnišničnem okolju. Maribor: Visoka zdravstvena šola, 2006: 103-148. Fry, CL. Globalization and the Experiences of Aging. In: Shenk, D, Groger, L. (ed.). Aging Education in a Global Context. New York: Haworth Press, 2005: 9-22. 5. For articles in newspapers or magazines: a. b. c. d. e. f. Author's Surname, first name initials. Article title. Title of the magazine (the official abbreviation of the title of the magazine in which the article – contribution was published). Year of publication (issue) of the article. Issue number of the magazine. First and last page numbers of the whole article (author contribution). Examples: Karoli, B. Pojavljanje medicinskih sester v javnih medijih. Obzor Zdr N 2007; 41(1): 21-4. Allan, H. Mobbing behaviors encountered by nurse teaching staff. Nurs Ethics 2007; 14(4):463-465. 6. For articles in electronic newspapers or magazines: a. Author's Surname, first name initials. b. Article title. c. Title of the magazine or newspaper. d. Year of publication (for newspapers also the day and month of publication) e. Available at: full URL address [protocol://full address]. f. [the date when you read or used the contents of the source]. Example: Yong-Soon, K, Park, JH, Sung-Suk, H. Differences in moral judgment between nursing students and qualified nurses. Nursing Ethics 2007. Available at: http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=3&hid=123&sid=706f42c6-58d2-4f01-8e85c2ab82efa9c5%40sessionmgr108 (23.08.2007).