In the book The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, There is a

Haylee Brewer
English Gold 4
Chocolate Controversy
In the book The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, There is a chocolate
sale. The students have to sell twice as much chocolate as last year, for twice the
price. Jerry Renault did not sell the chocolates.
Jerry was assigned by the Vigils to deny selling the chocolates for ten days.
After the ten days Jerry still refused to sell the chocolates. “’My name is Jerry
Renault and I’m not going to sell the chocolates,’ he said. The words and his
voice sounded strong and noble.” Jerry did not sell the chocolates because he
didn’t want to, so then other kids started bullying him about it. If Jerry did not
want to start trouble, he should have sold the chocolates.
Jerry did not sell the chocolates in the first place because the Vigils assigned
him not to. When he continued to not sell them, he started corruption in the
school. “Why did you do it? Have you gone crazy? The way that ‘No’ popped out
of your mouth, why?” These are the questions Jerry was asked. It seems like
Jerry would rather be bullied than sell the chocolates. Also the amount of
chocolates was more than the past years.
At Trinity School, it was expected to sell chocolates every year. When Jerry
came, he disrupted the culture at the school. Not many people liked that
especially Brother Leon and the Vigils. Jerry denied the chocolates also because
of how people like Brother Leon and the Vigils treat others. “Was it because of
what Brother Leon does to people, like Bailey, the way he tortures them, tries to
make fools of them in front of everybody.” Jerry wanted to put a stop to that,
but didn’t he just torture himself?
Jerry did not sell chocolates because he was assigned, he felt it was too much,
and he wanted to stick up for his fellow students. Because he did not want to, the
other kids bullied him about it. He also did not stop denying them after the ten
days, that he was assigned, was over. Jerry should have just sold the chocolates
and then there would have been peace among the school.
He didn't want to
The Vigils assigned him to say no to the chocolates for 10 days
Kids bullied him about it
He didn't stop denying them after the 10 days
It was double the chocolates than last year
Felt it was too much to sell
II. wanted to be on the football team
He was too scrawny
He got pushed around on the field
He got beaten up
He persevered
coach gave him a second chance
It ended up in a fight
He became a quarterback
He didn't have anything to talk to him dad about
He would have something to talk about with him