
T. K. Sztainert


Carleton University Gambling Lab

Research Associate

Address: a) Home 10 Cone Terrace, RR#1

Richmond, Ontario, Canada

K0A 2Z0

Phone: a) Home 613-889-8905

Email: b) Office Carleton University b) Office

1125 Colonel by Drive

Department of Psychology

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

K1S 5R5

613-520-2600 ext. 6312


Currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology at Carleton University, my research interests include factors that promote or maintain craving to gamble. I aim to find research and career opportunities, both inside and outside of academia, which may utilize my specialized knowledge and skills. Specific areas of expertise within research include methodological design, statistical analysis and critical reviews.


Ph.D. in Psychology – In progress

Carleton University

Thesis: “Modulation of craving to gamble and food reward by Ghrelin”

M.A. in Psychology – 2009

Carleton University

Thesis: “Inhibiting Gambling Behaviour as an Antecedent of Craving”

B.A. Honours in Psychology - 2007

Highest Honours, Minor in Philosophy

Carleton University

Thesis: “The Effect of Near Wins on Craving to Gamble”

Publications a) Academic

Wohl, M. J. A., Sztainert, T., & Young, M. M. (in press). The CARE Model: How to improve Industry-

Government-Health Care Provider Linkages. In A. Blaszczynski (Ed.) The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of

Pathological Gambling. Wiley Press.

Sztainert, T., Wohl, M. J. A., McManus, J. F., & Stead, J. D. H. (in press). On being attracted to the possibility of a win: Reward sensitivity (via gambling motives) undermines treatment seeking among pathological

gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies.

Wohl, M. J. A., Gainsbury, S., Stewart, M. J., & Sztainert, T. (2012). Facilitating responsible gambling: The relative effectiveness of education-based animation and limit setting pop-up messages among electronic

gaming machine players. Journal of Gambling Studies.

Squires, E. C., Sztainert, T., Gillen, N., Caouette, J., & Wohl, M. J. A (2012). The Problem with Self-Forgiveness:

Forgiving the Self Deters Readiness to Change Among Gamblers. Journal of Gambling Studies.

Wohl, M. J. A. & Sztainert, T. (2011). Where did all the pathological gamblers go? Gambling symptomatology

and stage of change predict attrition in longitudinal research. Journal of Gambling Studies.


T. K. Sztainert b) Other

Sztainert, T. & McManus, J. (2012). Responsible gambling systems prior to 2001: A literature review [Research

Report]. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation.

Wohl, M. J. A., & Sztainert, T. (2011). Atlantic Lottery’s proposed player service approach: Review, assessment,

and recommendations [Research Report]. Moncton, NB: Atlantic Lotteries Corporation.

Young, M. M., Sztainert, T., & Santoro, M. (2010). The treatment and prevention of problem gambling in Ontario

ethno-cultural communities [Research Report]. Guelph, ON: Ontario Problem Gambling Research


Conference Proceedings a) Presentations

Sztainert, T., Wohl, M. J. A. & Abizaid, A (2013, May). Starving to gamble: Hunger and gambling-related craving

interact to heighten persistent play among problem gamblers. Paper presented at the 15 th

International Conference on Gambling and Risk-taking, Las Vegas, NV.

Wohl, M. J. A., Sztainert, T., & Young, M. M. (2013, January). Antecedents of gambling-related craving:

Implications for initiatives to promote responsible gambling. Paper presented at the New Horizons in

Responsible Gambling Conference. Vancouver, BC.

Sztainert, T. K., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2009, May). Missing those who need help the most: How attrition in

longitudinal research differs among gambling pathology and willingness to change. Paper presented at the 14 th International Conference on Gambling and Risk-taking, Harrah's Lake Tahoe, NV. b) Posters

Sztainert, T., Wohl, M. J. A. & Abizaid, A (2013, June). Starving to gamble: Hunger and gambling-related craving

interact to heighten persistent play among problem gamblers. Poster presented at the 5 th annual

Young Researchers’ Conference, Ottawa, Ontario.

Sztainert T., Wohl, M. J. A., Stead, J., Anisman, H., & Matheson, K. (2012, April). Gambling motivations predict

reward drive among problem gamblers. Poster presented at the Alberta Gambling Research Institute’s

11th Annual Conference, Banff, Alberta.

Young, M. M., Wohl, M.J.A. and Sztainert, T. (2011, November). The Gambling Craving Scale: Psychometric

validation and behavioral outcomes. Poster presented at Issues of Substance (the Canadian Centre on

Substance Abuse national conference), Vancouver, British Columbia.

Sztainert, T. K., Squires, E. C., Gillen, N., Caouette, J., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2011, October). The problem with self-

forgiveness: Forgiving the self deters readiness to change in gamblers. Poster presented at the 12th

Annual NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Sztainert, T., Young, M. M., & Santoro, M. (2011, April). What works: The treatment and prevention of problem

gambling in Ontario ethno-cultural communities. Poster presented at Discovery 2011, Ottawa,


Sztainert, T. K., Squires, E. C., Gillen, N., Caouette, J., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2011, March). Forgiving the self for

gambling undermines readiness to change. Poster presented at the 3 rd annual Young Researchers’

Conference, Ottawa, Ontario.

Sztainert, T. K., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2010, November). The effects of blocking gambling behaviour on craving.

Poster presented at the 11 th annual NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Academic Scholarships and Awards

Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Ontario Government, 2012-2013, $15000

Studentship, Ontario Problem Gambling and Research Centre, 2009-2012, $60000

P.D. McCormack Scholarship, Carleton University, 2009-2012, $8000

Conference Registration Scholarship, National Center for Responsible Gaming, 2011, $295

Conference Grant, Ontario Problem Gambling and Research Center, 2009, $2000

Departmental Scholarship, Carleton University, 2007, $4000


T. K. Sztainert

Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship, Ontario Government, 2003-2006, $4864

Deans’ Honour List, Carleton University, 2004-2006

E. W. R. Steacie Scholarship, Carleton University, 2006, $2000

Lester Bowles Pearson Scholarship, Carleton University, 2005, $2000

Harry H. Southam Scholarship, Carleton University, 2004, $2000

Carleton University Entrance Scholarship, Carleton University, 2003, $2500

Employment a) Academic Employment

Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Carleton University, 2007-2013

Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Carleton University, 2007-2013

Contract Instructor, Department of Psychology, Carleton University, 2012 b) Other Employment

Market Researcher, Acuity Research Group Inc., Data Collection, 2008-2009

Co-owner and Founder, Private Paradise, Pool Maintenance and Servicing, 2007-2008

Manager and Technician, Stittsville Pool & Spa, Pool Maintenance and Servicing, 2004-2007

Service to the Profession

Journal of Gambling Issues, Ad Hoc Reviewer, 2010

The American Journal of Addictions, Ad Hoc Reviewer, 2009

Volunteer Experience

Website Designer and Administrator, PGSA, 2007-Current

President, Psychology Graduate Students Association [PGSA], 2009-2011

Graduate Student Association Committee Representative, PGSA, 2011

Volunteer Lecturer, Psychology Honours Essay Stream, 2011

Educational Volunteer, Brain Awareness Week, 2010

Social Committee Coordinator, PGSA, 2008-2009

Social Committee, PGSA, 2007-2008

Health Awareness Promoter, Super Power Truth Club, 2006


Available upon request.

