WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION __________________ REGIONAL ASSOCIATION VI (EUROPE) WORKING GROUP ON PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WWW IN REGION VI RA VI-WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1) (10.VIII.2008) ITEM: 5 Original: ENGLISH Sixth Session TOULOUSE, FRANCE, 15 - 19 SEPTEMBER 2008 STATUS OF THE GLOBAL OBSERVING SYSTEM (GOS) IN REGION VI (Submitted by the Secretariat) Summary and Purpose of the Document The document contains information on the status of operation/implementation of the Global Observing System (GOS) in Region VI. ACTION PROPOSED The meeting is invited to consider the status of the operation of the Global Observing System in Region VI together with the report of the Coordinator of the Subgroup on Regional Aspects of the Integrated Observing Systems. The meeting is also invited to develop appropriate recommendations to enhance the relevant observing systems to meet regional and global requirements. APPENDICES: I. II. List of Stations comprising the RBSN in Region VI List of Stations comprising the RBCN in Region VI ______________ RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), p. 2 DISCUSSION SURFACE-BASED SUBSYSTEM OF THE GOS Regional Basic Synoptic Network (RBSN) 1. Since the last session of RA VI Working Group on Planning and Implementation of World Weather Watch (RA VI/WG/PIW), Exeter, United Kingdom, 4 – 8 October 2004, and in accordance with the decision of the fourteenth session of the Regional Association VI (Europe), Heidelberg, Germany, 7 -15 September 2005, which approved a total of 797 surface synoptic stations in the RBSN, the number of stations has increased to 807 stations during the last Annual Global Monitoring (AGM) period in October 2007. However, the number of upper-air stations in the RBSN remained unchanged at 129 stations during the same period. The current approved RBSN list (July 2008) as adjusted by the WMO Secretariat in accordance with the station change information provided by RA VI members is comprised of 946 stations (808 surface, 127 upper-air, 10 moored buoys and 1 fixed ship) in total (see Appendix A). This session may wish to consider proposing an updated RBSN list for consideration at the upcoming fifteenth session of RA VI, scheduled to be held next year. 2. The status of implementation of surface and upper-air stations in the RBSN, according to information provided by Members, is presented in Tables I and II, respectively. 3. The level of implementation of surface stations in the region that make 8 observations per day (complete observational programme) has shown a positive increase to around 98% in 2008 compared to 94% (in 2006) soon after the approval of a revised RBSN. The percentage of non-operational stations (silent) has shown some positive results decreasing to less than 1% (3 stations) in 2008 compared to 3% (25 stations) in 2006. TABLE I Status of implementation of RBSN surface stations in RA VI as of July 2008 compared to those in 2004 - 2006. The stations report every three hours, every six hours and, less frequently, as committed to by Members in Weather Reporting (WMO-NO. 9, Volume A) Year 1 Number of stations making observations at both the main and the intermediate standard hours per day (complete programme) 2 Number of stations making observations at only the main standard or in addition at some intermediate hours per day (not the complete programme) 3 Number of stations making at least one or more observations per day (incomplete programme) Region VI 20 3% 2004 735 95% 9 1% 2006 2008 753 788 94% 98% 9 7 1% 0.5% 10 10 Global 2008 3173 74% 380 9% 616 4 Number of stations not yet established or otherwise nonoperational (silent) Total number of stations in the RBSN (1+2+3+4) 6 1% 770 2% 1% 25 3 3% 0.5% 797 808 14% 115 3% 4284 Note: Main standard hours – 0000, 0600, 1200, 1800 UTC; Intermediate hours – 0300, 0900, 1500, 2100 UTC RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), p. 3 4. The level of implementation of upper-air stations making 2 soundings per day has decreased during the intesessional period continuing the negative trend since 2004, counter balanced by increase of AMDAR measurements. From a high of 91% in 2004 the number of fully operational stations (making two observations per day) as a percentage of the RBSN decreased to 86% in 2006 and 84% in 2008. Further details of the RBSN performance are presented in the reports of the coordinator of the subgroup on Regional Aspects of the Integrated Observing Systems (Doc. 6.1(1)) and quantitative monitoring results (Doc. 5(4)). TABLE II Status of Implementation of RBSN upper-air stations in RA VI as of July 2008 compared to those in 2004 – 2006. The stations make observations at 2 main standard hours or less frequently, as committed by Members in Weather Reporting (WMO-No. 9) Volume A (R = Radiosonde, W = Radiowind) Year 1 Number of stations making observations at the two main standard hours per day RW 2004 2006 2008 Global 2008 123 111 106 91% 86% 84% 537 67% 2 3 Number of stations Number of stations making at least one not yet established observation at the or otherwise nonmain standard or at operational (silent) intermediate hours per day Region VI RW RW 10 8% 2 1% 16 12% 2 2% 18 14% 3 2% 204 26% 57 7% Total number of stations in the RBSN (1+2+3) RW 135 129 127 798 Note 1: RA VI does not have any upper-air stations that make only wind observations. Note 2: Main standard hours – 0000, 1200 UTC; Intermediate hours – 0600, 1800 UTC Regional Basic Climatological Network (RBCN) 5. During the intersessional period and since the XIV-RAVI (September 2005) which approved a total of 662 climatological stations in the RBCN, the number of stations has increased to 665 stations (574 CLIMAT and 94 CLIMAT TEMP) during the last Annual Global Monitoring (AGM) period in October 2007. The current approved RBCN list (July 2008) as adjusted by the WMO Secretariat in accordance with the station change information provided by RA VI members has increased up to 671 stations in total (see Appendix B). Similar to the RBSN list, this session may wish to consider proposing an updated RBCN list for consideration at the upcoming fifteenth session of RA VI. 6. The status of implementation of RBCN climatological stations according to information provided by Members is presented in Table III. The level of implementation of stations reporting CLIMAT has remained unchanged at 88% during the biennial period 2006 – 2008 compared to 80% (2004) prior to the approval of a revised RBCN in 2005. The implementation of stations reporting CLIMAT TEMP has however decreased marginally up to 88% from 89% during the same period after a positive increase from a low of 56% in 2004. More details on the RBCN performance are presented in the reports of the coordinator of the subgroup on Regional Aspects of the Integrated Observing Systems (Doc. 6.1(1)) and quantitative monitoring results (Doc. 5(4)). RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), p. 4 TABLE III The status of Implementation of RBCN climatological stations in RA VI as of July 2008 compared to those in 2004 – 2006, as committed by Members in Weather Reporting (WMONo. 9) Volume A CLIMAT Year 2004 2006 2008 Global 2008 CLIMAT TEMP Number of stations / reports implemented Number of stations not reporting / operational Total Number of number stations / of reports stations implemented in the RBCN Region VI Number of stations not reporting / operational Total number of stations in the RBCN 423 498 509 80% 88% 88% 103 70 67 20% 12% 12% 526 568 576 49 84 84 56% 89% 88% 39 10 11 44% 11% 12% 88 94 95 2355 82% 532 18% 2887 446 84% 88 16% 534 7. The efforts to enhance the updating of Weather Reporting Publication (WMO-No. 9, Volume A) and maintaining the lists of Regional Basic Synoptic and Climatological Networks (RBSN and RBCN) has continued to show significant improvement with the establishment of National Focal Points for WMO on operational matters related to Volume A, RBSN and for GCOS and related climatological data monitoring issues. The WMO Secretariat and appropriate CBS Lead centres are now in direct contact with these experts to facilitate the collection of detailed information on national specifications and to take actions needed to improve network performance. GCOS Surface Network (GSN) / GCOS Upper-Air Network (GUAN) 8. Both the GSN and the GUAN in Region VI work generally very well, but still some improvements are needed. There are 131 GSN stations in the region and all but about 2 reported in June 2008, the level of implementation being 98 %. The most common GSN problem is that the monthly CLIMAT reports are not received. This problem is addressed through working with the national GCOS focal points. Improvement in RA VI concerning CLIMAT submission via GTS is needed in FYR Macedonia. Some Members have not yet submitted historical daily and monthly data to the GCOS archive at NCDC and this remains the largest single deficiency in the usefulness of GSN in RA VI. 9. There are 18 GUAN stations in RA VI, and in July 2008, all but one was reporting. 16 out of the 17 active stations operate on a two soundings per day basis (the GCOS target requirement), and one operates with a single sounding per day on at least 25 days of the month (the GCOS minimum requirement). None of the reporting stations routinely achieve 5 hPa heights although the majority achieves at least 10 hPa, and all of them regularly achieve 50 hPa. The GCOS target requirement is 30 hPa. All reporting GUAN stations in RA VI meet the GCOS minimum requirement of 100 hPa height. 10. The CBS Lead Center for GCOS for the Region is hosted by DWD, and it has actively sought to make contact with the designated GCOS national focal points to improve the GSN and GUAN networks. Major current areas of improvement in RA VI concern (1) the possibility of the site at La Coruña (Spain) being designated a GUAN site, filling a perceived gap in GUAN coverage (action is underway by the CBS Lead Centre for GCOS in the Region), and (2) reporting of the station 8508 Lajes/Santa Rita (Acores, Portugal), which appears silent in the GUAN Monitoring Centre reports of July 2008. RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), p. 5 11. From the GCOS point of view, GSN and GUAN should follow the observing guidelines for both quality and timeliness, submit the monthly CLIMAT, provide the historical data to the designated archives, and to identify a GCOS focal point. 12. Given the overall very good network status in Region VI, the Regional Association may wish to consider supporting network activities in other, less-developed Regions, such as RA I. System Improvement of GSN and GUAN 13. In supporting the GSN through the GCOS Cooperation Mechanism (GCM), renovation of the observatory at Bjelasnica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was nearly completed. The exterior of the building was replaced last year with modern, insulated aluminium siding to seal the building. The interior work will be completed in early spring 2008. Both phases of the work were done by a local construction company on contracts awarded directly by the WMO. A high-performance ultrasonic wind sensor has been provided. This unit is supposed to be “ice free”, and has a very high upper range of wind measurement of 75 meters / second. This high performance is needed because of the conditions at this mountain top location. The renovation of the building was funded by the United States while the wind instrument was funded by Germany. 14. In support of the GUAN, radiosondes were supplied by the GCOS Cooperation Mechanism (GCM) to Yerevan, Armenia. Discontinuation of the CLIMAT TEMP reports 15. AOPC-XIII (2007) concluded that the calculation and transmission of CLIMAT TEMP messages was no longer required for GCOS purposes. Having been informed about this matter at its 60th session in June 2008, the WMO Executive Council felt it appropriate that the President of the Commission for Climatology (CCl) and the CCl Management Group were considering the operational impacts of this conclusion by AOPC. It also requested CCl to assess the impacts of a possible discontinuation of CLIMAT TEMP on other domains, such as applied climatology, research, aviation, etc. The Council agreed that if a decision on discontinuing CLIMAT TEMP were reached, CCl should notify CBS to take into consideration required operational arrangements. Additionally, NMHSs, users and instrument manufacturers should be informed, e.g. through the WMO and GCOS websites, as well as through a formal information letter by the Secretary-General to WMO Members. It was noted that the agreement was foreseen with ECMWF and NCDC to pursue their respective TEMP monitoring activities for the GUAN. 16. The Council finally emphasized that this issue in no way relates to the generation and exchange of monthly CLIMAT messages for surface data, which remain essential to GCOS requirements and to the World Climate Programme needs. AMDAR Observations 17. An overview of the AMDAR observations for European for the 21 March is shown in Figure 1. The EUMETNET-AMDAR (E-AMDAR) Fleet consists of aircraft from British Airways, Air France, SAS, Lufthansa and KLM. Other NMHSs in Europe that have requested general and technical information regarding establishing a national AMDAR Programme include Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine and the Russian Federation. RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), p. 6 Figure 1. Sub 3-hourly data included. Courtesy of the E-AMDAR Portal at DWD. 18. The E-AMDAR Programme contributes to the WMO WWW programme. This contribution is of about 10 % of the total amount of data. Additional data above the 10% are made available from areas outside the EUCOS Area, covered by E-AMDAR flights, in contract with NMSs. As an example is the data provision to the South African Weather Service (SAWS). Also the E-AMDAR Programme is working in partnership with ASECNA for the development of a software solution for Air France’s long haul fleet. This development will greatly assist with the provision of AMDAR observations into the ASECNA group of countries. 19. The number of operational E-AMDAR aircraft reporting daily observations continues to grow as does the number of daily observations over Europe. The average number of daily number of observations is currently around 35000. In 2008, E-AMDAR set a target for number of daily profiles at 780 covering 140 airports with 40 airport reporting 3 hourly AMDAR profiles per day. There is concern however that the number of AMDAR observations globally could decrease as a result of the airline industry discontinuing 747-400 operations. Software development for future long haul aircraft, such as the Airbus A380 or Boeing 747800 is still in the early stages of planning. The number of AMDAR observations could also decrease in the short term due to the high price of fuel adversely impacting on airline operations. 20. Improvements to software used by the E-AMDAR Programme to optimisation the SAS, British Airways and Air France fleet configurations have been ordered or are currently being implemented. This optimisation software solution will make it possible for the EAMDAR Technical Coordinator to better refine the flight selection systems used by the EAMDAR Programme in order to better meet the programme objectives e.g. meet the targets for AMDAR profiles/observations and to reduce sampling in over-sampled areas. 21. During 2006, the WVSS-II Water Vapour Sensor was tested in the environmental simulation chamber at the Research Centre Julich in Germany. Following the chamber testing, the WVSS-II water vapour sensor system was installed on three Lufthansa A-319 freighter aircraft. The initial evaluation of the WVSS-II sensors by E-AMDAR was originally intended for 2007, however due to several problems with the first batch of sensors a further RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), p. 7 evaluation trial with an upgrade sensor package has been scheduled for late 2008/early 2009. 22. The E-AMDAR team assisted the WMO AMDAR Programme with a two and half day AMDAR regional technical training workshop, held in Bucharest, Romania in November 2007 with 8 participating countries from Central and Eastern Europe. The Russian Federation has also expressed an interest in hosting a regional AMDAR Training/Technical Workshop. 23. Within the WMO Integrated Global Observing Systems (WIGOS) a WIGOS Pilot Project (PP) for AMDAR has been initiated with participation from E-AMDAR. The ad-hoc steering group on the WIGOS PP for AMDAR met in its first session on 2-3 July 2008. The PP will focus on the practices impacting AMDAR data collection, processing, archiving and dissemination. Six PP aims and objectives were developed to assist the integration of AMDAR into WIGOS: (a) Development of a standardised BUFR template for AMDAR; (b) Update of the AMDAR Reference Manual WMO No- 958; (c) Development of a standardised procedure for Quality Management of AMDAR data; (d) Application of WMO Metadata relevant to AMDAR; (e) Development of the framework for a generic specification for AMDAR; and (f) Validation and preparation for inter-comparison of available water vapour sensors. The time frame for presenting results is 18 months. A business case will be explored, ideally together with the airline industry, for the development of the AMDAR software, based on the generic software specification. Marine Observations 24. Operational implementation of in-situ marine and oceanographic observing systems under JCOMM is placed under the umbrella of its Observations Programme Area (OPA), and particularly coordinated by the Observations Coordination Group (OCG), which has developed a phased-in implementation plan. Members of the Regional Association continue to provide extensive support for ocean observation programmes such as the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS), the VOS Climate Project (VOSClim), the Ship of Opportunity Programme (SOOP), the Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme (ASAP), the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP), and the Argo profiling floats. 25. Dramatic progress has been made in the implementation of the ocean observing networks in the last decade. Overall, the global ocean in situ observing system is now 60% implemented, with the JCOMM plan driving to full implementation, in principle by 2012. All data are being made freely available to all Members in real-time. However, completion will require substantial additional yearly investment by the Member/Member States. 26. In Europe, EUCOS, and the European Meteorological Services (EUMETNET) Surface Marine programme (E-SURFMAR) and the EUMETNET Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme (E-ASAP) are particularly providing substantial contributions to the in-situ marine observational networks in support of NWP. 27. The total number of Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) recruited by 15 Members of the Association was 2099, 2105, 1994, and 1670 as of the end of 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively (many historical ships have been deleted from the WMO Publication No. 47 which explains the sudden drop in 2007). The number of Automatic Weather Stations installed onboard ships and providing hourly observations has increased leading to a continued increase in the total number of SHIP reports available on the GTS despite the reduced number of recruited vessels. VOSClim programme now targets a sustained network of some 250 ships globally (instead of 200) voluntary observing ships delivering high quality observational data for climate related applications is now practically completed although efforts remain to be made to provide for the required additional quality and metadata. RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), p. 8 28. Fully automated systems within the Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme (ASAP) are considered as a fully operational component of the WWW. 6425 ASAP reports have been received from the GTS globally in 2007. 16 units are now operated by 6 Members of the Association, including 5 by EUMETNET as a whole. All 16 units are part of the EASAP, and produced 5235 TEMP SHIP reports in 2007 from the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea, with 4029 of those being received from the GTS, including 3574 soundings achieving the 100 hPa level, 3264 the 50 hPa level, and 8 the 10 hPa level. EUMETNET is planning to extend the E-ASAP fleet to 19 ships in 2009. 29. The global surface buoy network (DBCP) is essentially complete since September 2005 and being sustained at the level of 1250 units (1199 units in June 2008). Efforts are being made to install barometers on all operational drifters (554 units reporting SLP in June 2008). 40 drifting buoys from 4 countries of the Association and 67 from E-SURFMAR were reporting mainly from the North Atlantic, and the Arctic Basin regions. In addition, a substantial number of drifting buoys deployed by operators from countries in other regions were also reporting from waters within the region. At the same time, agencies in 3 countries in Region VI plus E-SURFMAR were operating, at least 46 moored buoys in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea in June 2008. Other marine stations are reporting from the North Sea, Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. 30. The Argo profiling float programme reached completion in November 2007 (3000 units) and is now providing essential upper ocean thermal data for Tropical Cyclones research, monitoring and forecast activities. In July 2008, 3218 floats were operational globally, including 478 by 8 Members of the Association and through projects funded by the European Union. All operational floats are reporting their data on GTS. 31. Substantial development of the Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic (PIRATA) moored array has been achieved since 2005 thanks to the SouthWest extension (2005), NorthEast extension (2006), and SouthEast extension (2006, one year only), with good data return. The PIRATA array increased in 2007 to a 17 surface mooring and 1 subsurface ADCP mooring configuration with the addition of 2 ATLAS moorings in the northern tropical Atlantic. 32. The Ship of Opportunity Programme also provides for valuable upper ocean thermal data through 41 high resolution and frequently repeated XBT lines now fully occupied (target 51 lines). Five of those lines in the North Atlantic Ocean, and two in the Mediterranean Sea are being supported fully or partially by Members of the Region. The global tide gauge network is 62% complete (105 units). 33. Implementation of marine observing network in the Region has continued to expand thanks to prominent role of Members in the region. ___________________ RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A LIST OF STATIONS COMPRISING THE RBSN IN REGION VI INDEX STATION NAME ARMENIA 37682 AMASIA 37717 SEVAN OZERO 37788 YEREVAN ZVARTNOTS 37789 YEREVAN AUSTRIA 11010 LINZ HOERSCHING AP 11120 INNSBRUCK AP 11035 WIEN HOHE WARTE 11035 WIEN HOHE WARTE 11150 SALZBURG AP 11157 AIGEN IM ENNSTAL 11231 KLAGENFURT 11240 GRAZ THALERHOF AP AZERBAIJAN 37575 ZAKATALA 37675 GUBA 37735 GANDJA 37749 GOYCHAY 37756 MARAZA 37864 BINA 37985 LANKARAN BELARUS 26554 VERHNEDVINSK 26666 VITEBSK 26850 MINSK 26863 MOGILEV 26941 BARANOVICHI 26951 SLUTSK 33008 BREST 33019 PINSK 33036 MOZYR' 33041 GOMEL' BELGIUM 06407 OOSTENDE AP 06447 UCCLE 06476 ST HUBERT BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 14542 BANJA LUKA 14648 MOSTAR 14652 BJELASNICA OBSERVATIONS S S S R S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 2 14654 SARAJEVO BEJELAVE BULGARIA 15502 VIDIN 15525 LOVETCH 15549 RAZGRAD 15552 VARNA 15614 SOFIA OBS 15614 SOFIA OBS 15640 SLIVEN 15655 BURGAS 15712 SANDANSKI 15730 KURDJALI CROATIA 14240 ZAGREB MAKSIMIR 14240 ZAGREB MAKSIMIR 14258 DARUVAR 14307 PULA/AERODROM 14330 GOSPIC 14370 SLAVONSKI BROD 14445 SPLIT MARJAN 14474 DUBROVNIK CILIPI CYPRUS 17600 PAPHOS AP 17607 ATHALASSA 17609 LARNACA AP CZECH REPUBLIC 11423 PRIMDA 11487 KOCELOVICE 11518 PRAHA RUZYNE 11520 PRAHA LIBUS 11603 LIBEREC 11659 PRIBYSLAV 11723 BRNO TURANY 11782 OSTRAVA MOSNOV DENMARK, GREENLAND & FAROE ISLANDS 04203 KITSISSUT CAREY 04208 KITSISSORSUIT EDDER 04211 MITTARFIK UPERNAVIK 04213 QAARSUT MITTARFIA 04214 NUUSSUAATAA NUSSUAQ 04221 ILULISSAT 04224 AASIAAT MITTARFIA 04228 KITSISSUT ATTU 04231 KANGERLUSSUAQ 04234 SISIMIUT MITTARFIK 04241 MANIITSOQ MITTARFIA 04250 NUUK S S S S S S R S S S S S R S S S S S S S R S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 3 04253 04260 04266 04270 04270 04272 04285 04301 04312 04313 04320 04320 04330 04339 04339 04351 04360 04360 04373 04382 04390 04416 06011 06011 06030 06060 06070 06120 06180 06193 ESTONIA 26038 26038 26045 26115 26135 26231 26242 26247 FINLAND 02755 02805 02807 02836 02836 02845 02849 UKIIVIK PAAMIUT NUNARSUIT NARSARSUAQ NARSARSUAQ QAQORTOQ ANGISOQ KAP MORRIS JESUP NORD AUT HENRIK KROEYER HOLME DANMARKSHAVN DANMARKSHAVN DANEBORG ILLOQQORTOORMIUT ILLOQQORTOORMIUT APUTITEEQ TASIILAQ TASIILAQ IKERMIIT IKERMIUARSUK PR CHRISTIAN SUND SUMMIT TORSHAVN TORSHAVN AALBORG KARUP TIRSTRUP ODENSE BELDRINGE KOEBENHAVN KASTRUP HAMMER ODDE S S S S R S S S S S S R S S R S S R S S S S S R S S S S S S TALLINN TALLINN KUNDA RISTNA TURI PARNU TARTU VALGA S R S S S S S S YLIVIESKA AIRPORT UTSJOKI KEVO INARI / IVALO SODANKYLA SODANKYLA ROVANIEMI AIRPORT SALLA KK S S S S R S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 4 02866 PUDASJARVI AIRPORT 02897 KAJAANI PALTANIEMI 02913 KAUHAVA AIRPORT 02917 KUOPIO AIRPORT 02924 AHTARI MYLLYMAKI 02935 JYVASKYLA AIRPORT 02935 JYVASKYLA AIRPORT 02939 ILOMANTSI MEKRIJARVI 02944 TAMPERE PIRKKALA AIRPORT 02947 MIKKELI AIRPORT 02952 PORI AIRPORT 02963 JOKIOINEN OBSERVATORY 02963 JOKIOINEN OBSERVATORY 02971 JOMALA SODERSUNDA 02974 HELSINKI VANTAA AIRPORT 02976 KOTKA RANKKI 02981 KORPPOO UTO 02982 HANKO RUSSARO FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 13583 BITOLA 13586 SKOPJE PETROVEC 13588 SKOPJE ZAJCEV RID 13591 STIP FRANCE 07005 ABBEVILLE 07015 LILLE 07020 LA HAGUE 07027 CAEN CARPIQUET 07037 ROUEN 07070 REIMS 07110 BREST GUIPAVAS 07110 BREST GUIPAVAS 07117 PLOUMANACH 07130 RENNES 07139 ALENCON 07145 TRAPPES 07149 PARIS ORLY 07168 TROYES 07180 NANCY ESSEY 07180 NANCY ESSEY 07190 STRASBOURG ENTZHEIM 07207 POINTE DU TALUT 07222 NANTES 07240 TOURS 07255 BOURGES 07280 DIJON LONGVIC 07299 BALE MULHOUSE S S S S S S R S S S S S R S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S R S S S R S S S R S S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 5 07314 07335 07434 07460 07471 07481 07481 07510 07510 07535 07558 07577 07591 07607 07621 07627 07630 07643 07645 07650 07661 07690 07747 07761 07761 07790 61001 61002 GEORGIA 37279 37308 37395 37403 37404 37432 37484 37514 37545 37553 37621 GERMANY 10004 10015 10020 10035 10035 10055 CHASSIRON POITIERS LIMOGES BELLEGARDE CLERMONT FERRAND LE PUY LYON SATOLAS LYON SATOLAS BORDEAUX MERIGNAC BORDEAUX MERIGNAC GOURDON MILLAU MONTELIMAR EMBRUN MONT DE MARSAN TARBES OSSUN ST GIRONS TOULOUSE BLAGNAC MONTPELLIER NIMES COURBESSAC MARSEILLE MARIGNANE CAP CEPET NICE PERPIGNAN RIVESALTE AJACCIO AJACCIO BASTIA ODAS BUOY CÔTE D’ AZUR ODAS BUOY GOLFE DU LYON S S S S S S R S R S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S R S S S ZUGDIDI AMBROLAURI KUTAISI SACHTHERE ZESTAFONI PASANAURI BATUMI AKHALSIKHI TBILISI TELAVI BOLNISI S S S S S S S S S S S LV TW EMS HELGOLAND ISL LIST SYLT SCHLESWIG SCHLESWIG WESTERMARKELSDORF S S S S R S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 6 10147 10162 10184 10184 10200 10200 10224 10270 10338 10361 10393 10393 10400 10410 10438 10469 10488 10506 10548 10548 10618 10637 10685 10738 10739 10763 10771 10788 10852 10868 10946 GIBRALTAR 08495 08495 GREECE 16614 16622 16622 16627 16641 16643 16648 16650 16667 16675 16682 16684 HAMBURG FUHLSBUTTEL SCHWERIN GREIFSWALD GREIFSWALD EMDEN FP EMDEN FP BREMEN NEURUPPIN HANNOVER MAGDEBURG LINDENBERG LINDENBERG DUESSELDORF ESSEN KASSEL LEIPZIG SCHKEUDITZ DRESDEN KLOTZSCHE NUERBURG BARWEILER MEININGEN MEININGEN IDAR OBERSTEIN FRANKFURT MAIN AP HOF STUTTGART ECHTERDING STUTTGART SCHNARREN NUERNBERG KUEMMERSBRUCK STRAUBING AUGSBURG MUENCHEN OBERSCHLEI KEMPTEN S S S R S R S S S S S R S R S S S S S R R S S S R S R S S R S GIBRALTAR GIBRALTAR S R KASTORIA AP THESSALONIKI AP THESSALONIKI AP ALEXANDROUPOLI AP KERKYRA AP AKTION AP LARISSA AP LIMNOS AP MYTILINI AP LAMIA ANDRAVIDA AP SKYROS AP S S R S S S S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 7 16710 16716 16716 16732 16734 16738 16743 16746 16749 16754 16754 HUNGARY 12772 12822 12843 12843 12882 12925 12942 12982 12982 ICELAND 04005 04013 04018 04018 04048 04056 04063 04064 04077 04082 04097 IRELAND 03953 03953 03955 03956 03962 03969 03973 03976 03980 62090 ISRAEL 40153 40179 TRIPOLIS AP ATHINAI AP HELLINIK ATHINAI AP HELLINIK NAXOS METHONI MILOS KYTHIRA SOUDA AP RHODES AP PARA HERAKLION AP HERAKLION AP S S R S S S S S S S R MISKOLC GYOR BUDAPEST LORINC BUDAPEST LORINC DEBRECEN NAGYKANIZSA PECS POGANY SZEGED SZEGED S S S R S S S S R BOLUNGAVIK STYKKISHOLMUR KEFLAVIK AP KEFLAVIK AP VESTMANNAEYJAR HVERAVELLIR AKUREYRI KIRKJUBAEJARKLAUSTUR RAUFARHOFN AKURNES DALATANGI S S S R S S S S S S S VALENTIA OBS VALENTIA OBS CORK AP JOHNSTOWN CASTLE SHANNON AP DUBLIN AP CONNAUGHT AP BELMULLET MALIN HEAD ODAS BUOY M1 S R S S S S S S S S HAR KNAAN (ZEFAT) BET DAGAN S R RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 8 40180 40190 40199 ITALY 16008 16021 16022 16033 16061 16080 16080 16084 16088 16098 16110 16120 16134 16138 16148 16153 16158 16172 16179 16206 16219 16224 16230 16232 16245 16245 16252 16253 16258 16263 16270 16280 16294 16310 16320 16320 16325 16344 16360 16400 16420 16429 16429 BEN GURION AP BEER-SHEVA CITY EILAT S S S SAN VALENTINO ALLA M PASSO ROLLE PAGANELLA DOBBIACO TORINO BRIC DELLA CROCE MILANO LINATE MILANO LINATE PIACENZA S.DAMIANO BRESCIA/GHEDI TREVISO ISTRANA TRIESTE GENOVA SESTRI MONTE CIMONE FERRARA CERVIA CAPO MELE PISA S GIUSTO AREZZO FRONTONE GROSSETO MONTE TERMINILLO VIGNA DI VILLE PESCARA TERMOLI PRATICA DI MARE PRATICA DI MARE CAMPOBASSO GRAZZANISE MONTE SAN'T ANGELO TREVICO BARI PALESE MACCHIE PONZA CAPRI CAPO PALINURO BRINDISI AB CASALE BRINDISI AB CASALE MARINA DI GINOSA MONTESCURO S MARIA DI LEUCA USTICA MESSINA TRAPANI BIRGI TRAPANI BIRGI S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S R RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 9 16450 ENNA 16459 CATANIA SIGONELLA 16470 PANTELLERIA 16480 COZZO SPADARO 16522 CAPO CACCIA 16531 OLBIA 16539 CAPO FRASCA 16546 DECIMOMANNU 16550 CAPO BELLAVISTA JORDAN 40250 H 4 'IRWAISHED' 40265 MAFRAQ 40265 MAFRAQ 40296 GHOR EL SAFI 40310 MA'AN KAZAKHSTAN 34398 ZHALPAKTAL 34691 NOVYJ USHTOGAN 34798 GANJUSHKINO LATVIA 26313 KOLKA 26346 ALUKSNE 26406 LIEPAJA 26416 SALDUS 26422 RIGA 26435 SKRIVERI 26544 DAUGAVPILS LEBANON 40100 BEYROUTH AP 40100 BEYROUTH AP 40103 TRIPOLI LITHUANIA 26509 KLAIPEDA 26518 LAUKUVA 26524 SIAULIAI 26531 BIRZAI 26629 KAUNAS 26629 KAUNAS 26633 UTENA 26730 VILNIUS LUXEMBURG 06590 LUXEMBOURG MALTA 16597 LUQA MONTENEGRO 13363 PLEVLJA 13459 NIKSIC S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S R S S R S S S S S S R S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 10 13462 PODGORICA GOLUBOVCI 13464 ULCINJ NETHERLANDS 06235 DE KOOY 06239 PLATFORM F3 06240 AMSTERDAM AP SCHIPH 06252 PLATFORM K13 06260 DE BILT 06270 LEEUWARDEN 06290 TWENTHE 06321 PLATFORM EURO 06375 VOLKEL 06380 BEEK NORWAY 01001 JAN MAYEN 01001 JAN MAYEN 01003 HORNSUND 01004 NY ALESUND II 01007 NY ALESUND 01008 SVALBARD AP 01010 ANDOYA 01026 TROMSO 01028 BJORNOYA 01028 BJORNOYA 01047 KAUTOKEINO 01049 ALTA AD 01055 FRUHOLMEN LH 01062 HOPEN 01078 SLETTNES LH 01098 VARDO 01102 SKLINNA LH 01115 MYKEN 01152 BODO VI 01152 BODO VI 01160 SKROVA AD 01205 SVINOY LH 01212 ONA II 01218 TAFJORD 01238 FOKSTUA II 01241 ORLAND III 01241 ORLAND III 01271 TRONDHEIM VAERNES 01300 GULLFAKS C 01317 BERGEN FLORIDA 01338 VANGSNES 01367 FAGERNES 01384 OSLO GARDERMOEN S S S S S S R S S S S S S R S R S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S R S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 11 01389 01400 01400 01403 01415 01415 01448 01482 01492 99090 99090 POLAND 12105 12120 12120 12160 12195 12205 12235 12250 12270 12280 12295 12300 12330 12374 12375 12400 12424 12425 12435 12465 12495 12530 12566 12570 12580 PORTUGAL 08501 08505 08508 08509 08512 08515 08533 08541 08545 RENA HAUGEDALEN EKOFISK EKOFISK UTSIRA LH STAVANGER SOLA STAVANGER SOLA OKSOY LH FERDER LH OSLO BLINDERN SHIP M SHIP M S S R S S R S S S S WR KOSZALIN LEBA LEBA ELBLAG SUWALKI SZCZECIN CHOJNICE TORUN MLAWA MIKOLAJKI BIALYSTOK GORZOW WLKP POZNAN LEGIONOWO WARSZAWA OKECIE ZIELONA GORA W ROCLAW II STRACHOW W ROCLAW I KALISZ LODZ LUBLIN RADAWIEC OPOLE KRAKOW BALICE KIELCE RZESZOW JASIONKA S S R S S S S S S S S S S R S S S R S S S S S S S FLORES HORTA CASTELO BRANC LAJES SANTA RITA LAJES PONTA DELGADA NORDE SANTA MARIA SAGRES SINES MONTES CHAOS PORTO PEDRAS RUBRAS S S R S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 12 08548 COIMBRA CERVACHE 08554 FARO AP 08558 EVORA C COORD 08560 VISEU 08567 VILA REAL 08570 CASTELO BRANCO 08575 BRAGANCA 08579 LISBOA GAGO COUTINH 08579 LISBOA GAGO COUTINH REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA 33815 CHISINAU ROMANIA 15015 OCNA SUGATAG 15020 BOTOSANI 15090 IASI 15108 CEAHLAU TOACA 15120 CLUJ NAPOCA 15120 CLUJ NAPOCA 15150 BACAU 15170 MIERCUREA CIUC 15200 ARAD 15230 DEVA 15260 SIBIU 15280 VF OMU 15292 CARANSEBES 15310 GALATI 15335 TULCEA 15346 RIMNICU VILCEA 15350 BUZAU 15360 SULINA 15410 DROBETA TR SEVERIN 15420 BUCURESTI IMH BANES 15421 BUCURESTI AFUMATI 15450 CRAIOVA 15460 CALARASI 15470 ROSIORI DE VEDE 15480 CONSTANTA 15480 CONSTANTA RUSSIAN FEDERATION 22028 TERIBERKA 22106 PADUN 22113 MURMANSK 22107 BARENCBURG 22113 MURMANSK 22113 MURMANSK 22127 LOVOZERO 22165 KANIN NOS S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S S R S S S S S R S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 13 22217 22217 22235 22271 22271 22282 22324 22349 22408 22438 22522 22550 22550 22563 22583 22602 22621 22641 22676 22695 22721 22768 22802 22820 22831 22837 22845 22845 22867 22887 22892 22939 22954 22996 26059 26063 26063 26094 26167 26258 26275 26298 26298 26359 26389 26477 26695 KANDALAKSA KANDALAKSA KRASNOSCEL'E SOJNA SOJNA MYS MIKULKIN UMBA PJALICA KALEVALA ZIZGIN KEM' PORT ARHANGEL'SK ARHANGEL'SK PINEGA KOJNAS REBOLY SEGEZA ONEGA SURA KOSLAN MEDVEZEGORSK SENKURSK SORTAVALA PETROZAVODSK PUDOZ VYTEGRA KARGOPOL' KARGOPOL' VEL'SK KOTLAS VYBORG BELOZERSK VOZEGA OB'JACEVO KINGISEPP ST PETERBURG ST PETERBURG (VOEJKOVO) TIHVIN NIKOLAEVSKOE PSKOV STARAJA RUSSA BOLOGOE BOLOGOE PUBKINSKIE GORY OSTASKOV VELIKIE LUKI VJAZ'MA S R S S R S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S R S S S S S R S S R S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 14 26702 26781 26781 26882 26997 27008 27037 27037 27051 27066 27083 27113 27199 27199 27208 27225 27242 27252 27271 27329 27355 27369 27373 27393 27402 27459 27459 27479 27532 27595 27595 27612 27612 27648 27665 27679 27707 27719 27730 27730 27786 27835 27857 27906 27928 27947 27962 KALININGRAD SMOLENSK SMOLENSK ROSLAVL' TRUBCEVSK BABAEVO VOLOGDA VOLOGDA TOT'MA NIKOL'SK OPARINO CEREPOVEC KIROV KIROV MAKSATIKHA RYBINSK BUJ NIKOLO POLOMA SAR'JA ROSTOV JUR'EVEC KRASNYE BAKI SAKUN'JA NOLINSK TVER' NIZNIJ NOVGOROD NIZNIJ NOVGOROD KOZ'MODEM'JANSK VLADIMIR KAZAN' KAZAN' MOSKVA MOSKVA DOLGOPRUDNYJ ELAT'MA LUKOJANOV ALATYR' SUHINICI TULA RJAZAN' RJAZAN' ULYANOVSK RJAZSK ZAMETCINO OREL ELEC TAMBOV PENZA S S R S S S S R S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S R S R S S S S S S R S S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 15 27962 27983 34009 34009 34122 34123 34152 34172 34186 34247 34247 34336 34357 34363 34391 34545 34560 34560 34579 34731 34824 34838 34858 34858 34866 34880 34880 34929 37018 37031 37054 37054 37061 37085 37171 37228 37472 SERBIA 13067 13160 13168 13173 13174 13180 13183 13262 13266 PENZA SYZRAN' KURSK KURSK VORONEZ VORONEZ BALASOV SARATOV ERSOV KALAC KALAC BOGUCAR SERAFIMOVIC KAMYSIN ALEKSANDROV GAJ MOROZOVSK VOLGOGRAD VOLGOGRAD VERHNIJ BASKUNCAK ROSTOV NA DONU PRIMORSKO AHTARSK TIHORECK DIVNOE DIVNOE JASKUL' ASTRAHAN' ASTRAHAN' KRASNODAR TUAPSE ARMAVIR MINERAL'NYE VODY MINERAL'NYE VODY BUDENNOVSK KOCUBEJ ADLER VLADIKAVKAZ MAHACKALA R S S R R S S S S S R S S S S S S R S R S S S R S S R S S S S R S S S S S SUBOTICA-PALIE SOMBOR NOVI SAD ZRENJANIN KIKINDA BANATSKI KARLOVAC VRSAC LOZNICA SREMDKA MITROVICA S S S S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 16 13269 13272 13274 13275 13278 13279 13285 13289 13295 13367 13369 13376 13378 13384 13388 13389 13397 13477 13481 13489 SLOVAKIA 11826 11903 11934 11952 11968 SLOVANIA 14015 14015 14026 SPAIN 08001 08001 08015 08023 08023 08027 08045 08055 08075 08084 08141 08160 08160 08171 08181 08184 VALJEVO BEOGRAD SURCIN BEOGRAD VRACAR BEOGRAD KOSUTNJAK KRAGUJEVAC SMEDEREVSKA PALANKA VELIKO GRADISTE CRNI VRH NEGOTIN ZLATIBOR SJENICA KRALJEVO KOPAONIK CUPRIJA NIS LESKOVAC DIMITROVGRAD PRIZREN PRISTINA VRANJE S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S PIESTANY SLIAC POPRAD TATRY POPRAD GANOVCE KOSICE S S S R S LJUBLJANA BEZIGRAD LJUBLJANA BEZIGRAD MARIBOR SLIVNICA S R S LA CORUNA LA CORUNA OVIEDO SANTANDER SANTANDER SAN SEBASTIAN IGUELDO VIGO PEINADOR LEON VIRGEN DEL CAMINO BURGOS VILLAFRIA LOGRONO AGONCILLO VALLADOLID ZARAGOZA AEROPUERTO ZARAGOZA AEROPUERTO LERIDA BARCELONA AEROPUERTO GERONA COSTA BRAVA S R S S R S S S S S S S R S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 17 08190 08202 08221 08221 08231 08235 08238 08261 08280 08284 08302 08306 08314 08330 08348 08360 08373 08410 08419 08430 08430 08451 08482 08487 SWEDEN 02020 02080 02095 02101 02120 02124 02128 02151 02185 02186 02196 02206 02219 02226 02243 02269 02287 02297 02308 02324 02355 02365 BARCELONA SERVEI SALAMANCA MATACAN MADRID BARAJAS MADRID BARAJAS CUENCA TERUEL TORTOSA CACERES ALBACETE LOS LLANOS VALENCIA AEROPUERTO MALLORCA/SON BONET PALMA DE MALLORCA/SON SAN JUAN MENORCA MAHON BADAJOZ TALAVERA LA REAL CIUDAD REAL ALICANTE EL ALTET IBIZA ES CODOLA CORDOBA AEROPUERTO GRANADA AEROPUERTO MURCIA MURCIA JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA/AEROPUERTO MALAGA AEROPUERTO ALMERIA AEROPUERTO R S S R S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S R S S S KATTERJAKK KARESUANDO PAJALA A HEMAVAN A KVIKKJOKK ARRENJ ARJEPLOG GUNNARN JOKKMOKK FPL LULEA KALLAX LULEA KALLAX HAPARANDA STORLIEN GADDEDE A OSTERSUND FROSON JUNSELE A SKAGSUDDE HOLMON BJUROKLUBB TANNAS SVEG KUGGOREN SUNDSVALL HARNOSAND S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S R RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 18 02366 TIMRA MIDLANDA 02410 MALUNG 02418 KARLSTAD FLYGPLATS 02435 BORLANGE 02440 AMOT 02452 KILSBERGEN SUTTARBO 02456 FILM 02464 STOCKHOLM-BROMMA 02469 TULLINGE 02496 SVENSKA HOGARNA 02500 NORDKOSTER 02513 GOTEBERG 02518 NIDINGEN 02520 SATENAS 02527 GOTEBORG LANDVETTER 02550 JONKOPING AXAMO 02562 LINKOPING MALMSLAET 02563 HARSTENA 02565 MALILLA A 02584 GOTSKA SANDON 02590 VISBY AD 02591 VISBY AS 02616 FALSTERBO 02620 TORUP 02635 MALMO 02664 RONNEBY KALLINGE 02680 HOBURG SWITZERLAND & LIECHTENSTEIN 06610 PAYERNE 06610 PAYERNE 06670 ZURICH AP KLOTEN 06680 SANTIS 06700 GENEVE AP COINTRIN 06720 SION 06760 LOCARNO MONTI 06990 VADUZ LIECHTENSTEIN SYRIA 40001 KAMISHLI 40007 ALEPPO AP 40022 LATTAKIA 40030 HAMA 40039 RAQQA 40045 DEIR EZZOR 40061 PALMYRA 40072 ABUKMAL 40080 DAMASCUS AP TURKEY S S S S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S R S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 19 17022 17024 17026 17030 17031 17034 17038 17042 17050 17056 17060 17062 17067 17070 17074 17084 17086 17088 17090 17092 17096 17098 17112 17115 17116 17124 17128 17130 17140 17150 17155 17160 17170 17184 17188 17189 17195 17199 17202 17203 17210 17219 17220 17234 17237 17240 17240 ZONGULDAK INEBOLU SINOP SAMSUN CARSAMBA SAMSUN GIRESUN TRABZON HOPA EDIRNE TEKIRDAG ISTANBUL ATATURK ISTANBUL GOZTEPE GOLCUK DUMLUPINAR BOLU KASTAMONU CORUM TOKAT GUMUSHANE SIVAS ERZINCAN ERZURUM KARS CANAKKALE BANDIRMA BURSA ESKISEHIR ANKARA ESENBOGA ANKARA CENTRAL YOZGAT BALIKESIR KUTAHYA KIRSEHIR VAN AKHISAR USAK AFYONKARAHISAR KAYSERI ERKILET MALATYA BOLGE ELAZIG BINGOL SIIRT IZMIR A MENDERES IZMIR GUZELYALI AYDIN DENIZLI ISPARTA ISPARTA S S S R S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S R RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 20 17244 17248 17250 17260 17272 17280 17281 17290 17292 17295 17300 17310 17320 17330 17350 17351 17370 17375 UKRAINE 33088 33135 33177 33261 33275 33301 33317 33317 33325 33345 33345 33377 33393 33393 33415 33429 33466 33506 33526 33562 33587 33614 33631 33658 33658 33663 33711 33761 KONYA KONYA EREGLI NIGDE GAZIANTEP SANLIURFA-MEYDAN DIYARBAKIR DIYARBAKIR-BOLGE BODRUM MUGLA DALAMAN ANTALYA ALANYA ANAMUR SILIFKE ADANA INCIRLIK ADANA BOLGE ISKENDERUN FINIKE S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S R S S SARNY CHERNIHIV VOLODYMYR VOLYNS'KY KONOTOP SUMY RIVNE SHEPETIVKA SHEPETIVKA ZHYTOMYR KYIV KYIV LUBNY L'VIV L'VIV TERNOPIL' KHMEL'NYTS'KYI MYRONIVKA POLTAVA IVANO FRANKIVS'K VINNYTSIA UMAN' SVITLOVODS'K UZHHOROD CHERNIVTSI CHERNIVTSI MOHYLIV PODIL'S'KYI KIROVOHRAD LIUBASHIVKA S S S S S S S R S S R S S R S S S S S S S S S S R S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 21 33791 KRYVYI RIH 33791 KRYVYI RIH 33837 ODESA 33837 ODESA 33902 KHERSON 33924 CHORNOMORS'KE 33946 SIMFEROPOL' 33946 SIMFEROPOL' 33983 KERCH 34300 KHARKIV 34300 KHARKIV 34415 IZIUM 34504 DNIPROPETROVS'K 34519 DONETS'K 34523 LUHANS'K 34601 ZAPORIZHZHIA 34712 MARIUPOL' UNITED KINGDOM 03005 LERWICK 03005 LERWICK 03026 STORNOWAY 03037 SKYE LUSA 03066 KINLOSS 03075 WICK 03091 ABERDEEN DYCE AP 03100 TIREE 03105 PORT ELLEN 03136 PRESTWICK RNAS 03162 ESKDALEMUIR 03171 LEUCHARS 03204 ISLE OF MAN RONALDS 03238 ALBEMARLE 03240 BOULMER 03257 LEEMING 03292 BRIDLINGTON MRSC 03302 VALLEY 03348 WOODFORD 03354 NOTTINGHAM 03377 WADDINGTON 03414 SHAWBURY 03462 WITTERING 03495 COLTISHALL 03502 ABERPORTH 03590 WATTISHAM 03716 ST ATHAN 03740 LYNEHAM 03772 LONDON HEATHROW AP S R S R S S S R S S R S S S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S S S R S S S S S R S S S S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX A, p. 22 03797 MANSTON 03808 CAMBORNE 03808 CAMBORNE 03853 YEOVILTON 03874 SOLENT MRSC 03882 HERSTMONCEUX 03882 HERSTMONCEUX 03917 BELFAST ALDERGROVE 03918 CASTOR BAY 62029 ODAS BUOY K1 62081 ODAS BUOY K2 62105 ODAS BUOY K4 62108 ODAS BUOY K3 64045 ODAS BUOY K5 COOPERATION BY UNITED KINGDOM & FRANCE 62001 ODAS BUOY GASCOGNE 62163 ODAS BUOY BRITTANNY S S R S S S R S R S S S S S S S RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B LIST OF STATIONS COMPRISING THE RBCN IN REGION VI INDEX STATION NAME ARMENIA 37682 AMASIA 37717 SEVAN OZERO 37789 YEREVAN AUSTRIA 11012 KREMSMUENSTER 11035 WIEN HOHE WARTE 11035 WIEN HOHE WARTE 11120 INNSBRUCK AP 11146 SONNBLICK 11150 SALZBURG AP 11155 FEUERKOGEL 11212 VILLACHERALPE 11231 KLAGENFURT 11240 GRAZ THALERHOF AP AZERBAIJAN 37661 SHEKI 37735 GANDIA 37747 YEVLAKH 37860 MASHTAGA 37936 NAKHCHIVAN 37989 ASTARA BELARUS 26554 VERHNEDVINSK 26666 VITEBSK 26825 GRODNO 26850 MINSK 26863 MOGILEV 26941 BARANOVICHI 26951 SLUTSK 33008 BREST 33019 PINSK 33036 MOZYR 33038 VASILEVICHI 33041 GOMEL' BELGIUM 06447 UCCLE BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 14542 BANJA LUKA 14557 TUZLA 14648 MOSTAR 14652 BJELASNICA 14654 SARAJEVO BEJELAVE BULGARIA 15502 VIDIN 15552 VARNA CLIMAT CLIMAT TEMP GSN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GUAN X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 2 15614 SOFIA OBS 15614 SOFIA OBS 15730 KURDJALI CROATIA 14236 ZAGREB GRIC 14240 ZAGREB MAKSIMIR 14445 SPLIT MARJAN CYPRUS 17607 ATHALASSA 17609 LÁRNACA AP CZECH REPUBLIC 11423 PRIMDA 11464 MILESOVKA 11487 KOCELOVICE 11520 PRAHA LIBUS 11520 PRAHA LIBUS 11603 LIBEREC 11659 PRIBYSLAV 11723 BRNO TURANY 11782 OSTRAVA MOSNOV 11787 LYSA HORA DENMARK, GREENLAND & FAROE ISLANDS 04211 MITTARFIK UPERNAVIK 04220 AASIAAT 04220 AASIAAT 04250 NUUK 04270 NARSARSUAQ 04312 NORD AUT 04320 DANMARKSHAVN 04320 DANMARKSHAVN 04339 ILLOQQORTOORMIUT 04339 ILLOQQORTOORMIUT 04360 TASIILAQ 04360 TASIILAQ 04390 PR CHRISTIAN SUND 06011 TORSHAVN 06011 TORSHAVN 06030 AALBORG 06186 KOEBENHAVN LHS 06190 ROENNE ESTONIA 26038 TALLINN 26214 VILSANDI 26242 TARTU FINLAND 02801 ENONTEKIO KILPISJARVI 02805 UTSJOKI KEVO 02836 SODANKYLA 02836 SODANKYLA 02875 OULU AIRPORT 02897 KAJAANI PALTANIEMI 02935 JYVASKYLA AIRPORT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 3 02935 JYVASKYLA AIRPORT 02942 KANKAANPAA NIINISALO 02958 LAPPEENRANTA AIRPORT 02963 JOKIOINEN OBSERVATORY 02963 JOKIOINEN OBSERVATORY 02972 TURKU AIRPORT 02974 HELSINKI VANTAA AIRPORT FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 13577 LAZAROPOLE 13583 BITOLA 13588 SKOPJE ZAJCEV RID 13591 STIP FRANCE 07005 ABBEVILLE 07015 LILLE 07020 LA HAGUE 07027 CAEN CARPIQUET 07037 ROUEN 07070 REIMS 07110 BREST GUIPAVAS 07110 BREST GUIPAVAS 07117 PLOUMANACH 07130 RENNES 07139 ALENCON 07145 TRAPPES 07149 PARIS ORLY 07168 TROYES 07180 NANCY ESSEY 07181 NANCY OCHEY 07190 STRASBOURG ENTZHEIM 07207 POINTE DU TALUT 07222 NANTES 07240 TOURS 07255 BOURGES 07280 DIJON LONGVIC 07299 BALE MULHOUSE 07314 CHASSIRON 07335 POITIERS 07434 LIMOGES BELLEGARDE 07460 CLERMONT FERRAND 07471 LE PUY 07481 LYON SATOLAS 07481 LYON SATOLAS 07510 BORDEAUX MERIGNAC 07510 BORDEAUX MERIGNAC 07535 GOURDON 07560 MONT AIGOUAL 07577 MONTELIMAR 07591 EMBRUN 07607 MONT DE MARSAN 07621 TARBES OSSUN 07627 ST GIRONS X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 4 07630 TOULOUSE BLAGNAC 07643 MONTPELLIER 07645 NIMES COURBESSAC 07650 MARSEILLE MARIGNANE 07661 CAP CEPET 07690 NICE 07747 PERPIGNAN RIVESALTE 07761 AJACCIO 07761 AJACCIO 07790 BASTIA GEORGIA 37279 ZUGDIDI 37395 KUTAISI 37404 ZESTAFONI 37432 PASANAURI 37484 BATUMI 37545 TBLISI 37621 BOLNISI GERMANY 10015 HELGOLAND ISL 10020 LIST SYLT 10035 SCHLESWIG 10035 SCHLESWIG 10055 WESTERMARKELSDORF 10091 ARKONA 10113 NORDERNEY 10131 CUXHAVEN 10147 HAMBURG FUHLSBUTTEL 10162 SCHWERIN 10170 ROSTOCK WARNEMUNDE 10184 GREIFSWALD 10184 GREIFSWALD 10200 EMDEN FP 10200 EMDEN FP 10224 BREMEN 10238 BERGEN 10270 NEURUPPIN 10315 MUENSTER OSNABRUCK 10338 HANNOVER 10361 MAGDEBURG 10379 POTSDAM 10384 BERLIN-TEMPELHOF 10393 LINDENBERG 10393 LINDENBERG 10400 DUESSELDORF 10410 ESSEN 10427 KAHLER ASTEN 10453 BROCKEN 10469 LEIPZIG SCHKEUDITZ 10488 DRESDEN KLOTZSCHE 10499 GORLITZ 10501 AACHEN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 5 10506 NUERBURG BARWEILER 10513 KOLN BONN 10544 WASSERKUPPE 10548 MEININGEN 10548 MEININGEN 10554 ERFURT BINDERSLEBEN 10567 GERA-LEUMNITZ 10578 FICHTELBERG 10609 TRIER-PETRISBERG 10616 HAHN 10637 FRANKFURT MAIN AP 10655 WUERZBURG 10675 BAMBERG 10685 HOF 10708 SAARBRUECKEN ENSHEIM 10727 KARLSRUHE 10738 STUTTGART ECHTERDING 10739 STUTTGART SCHNARREN 10763 NUERNBERG 10776 REGENSBURG 10788 STRAUBING 10791 GROSSER ARBER 10805 LAHR 10852 AUGSBURG 10868 MUENCHEN OBERSCHLEI 10870 MUENCHEN AP 10908 FELDBERG SCHWARZW 10929 KONSTANZ 10946 KEMPTEN 10948 OBERSTDORF 10961 ZUGSPITZE 10962 HOHENPEISSENBERG 10980 WENDELSTEIN GIBRALTAR 08495 GIBRALTAR 08495 GIBRALTAR GREECE 16622 THESSALONIKI AP 16641 KERKYRA AP 16648 LARISSA AP 16714 ATHENS OBSERVATORY 16719 ZAKINTHOS 16726 KALAMATA 16746 SOUDA AP 16754 HERAKLION AP 16754 HERAKLION AP HUNGARY 12772 MISKOLC 12822 GYOR 12843 BUDAPEST LORINC 12843 BUDAPEST LORINC 12882 DEBRECEN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 6 12925 NAGYKANIZSA 12942 PECS POGANY 12982 SZEGED 12982 SZEGED ICELAND 04013 STYKKISHOLMUR 04018 KEFLAVIK AP 04018 KEFLAVIK AP 04048 VESTMANNAEYJAR 04063 AKUREYRI 04097 DALATANGI IRELAND 03953 VALENTIA OBS 03953 VALENTIA OBS 03955 CORK AP 03956 JOHNSTOWN CASTLE 03962 SHANNON AP 03969 DUBLIN AP 03973 CONNAUGHT AP 03976 BELMULLET 03980 MALIN HEAD ISRAEL 40153 HAR-KNAAN (ZEFAT) 40179 BET DAGAN 40180 BEN GURION AP 40199 EILAT ITALY 16008 SAN VALENTINO ALLA M 16022 PAGNELLA 16033 DOBBIACO 16044 UDINE CAMPOFORMIDO 16052 PIAN ROSA 16061 BRIC DELLA CROCE 16088 BRESCIA/GHEDI 16098 TREVISO ISTRANA 16110 TRIESTE 16134 MONTE CIMONE 16148 CERVIA 16153 CAPO MELE 16158 PISA S GIUSTO 16179 FRONTONE 16206 GROSSETO 16219 MONTE TERMINILLO 16224 VIGNA DI VALLE 16232 TERMOLI 16245 PRATICA DI MARE 16245 PRATICA DI MARE 16252 CAMPOBASSO 16253 GRAZZANISE 16258 MONTE SAN’T ANGELO 16280 PONZA 16310 CAPO PALINURO X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 7 16320 BRINDISI AB CASALE 16325 MARINA DI GINOSA 16344 MONTESCURO 16360 S MARIA DI LEUCA 16420 MESSINA 16429 TRAPANI BIRGI 16429 TRAPANI BIRGI 16450 ENNA 16459 CATANIA SIGONELLA 16480 COZZO SPADARO 16522 CAPO CACCIA 16546 DECIMOMANNU 16550 CAPO BELLAVISTA 16560 CAGLIARI ELMAS JORDAN 40250 H 4 'IRWAISHED' 40265 MAFRAQ 40265 MAFRAQ 40296 GHOR EL SAFI 40310 MA'AN KAZAKHSTAN 34398 ZHALPAKTAL 34691 NOVYJ USHTOGAN LATVIA 26346 ALUKSNE 26406 LIEPAJA 26422 RIGA 26544 DAUGAVPILS LEBANON 40100 BEYROUTH AP 40100 BEYROUTH AP 40103 TRIPOLI LITHUANIA 26509 KLAIPEDA 26524 SIAULIAI 26531 BIRZAI 26629 KAUNAS 26629 KAUNAS 26730 VILNIUS 26730 VILNIUS LUXEMBERG 06590 LUXEMBOURG MALTA 16597 LUQA MONTENEGRO 13363 PLEVLJA 13462 PODGORICA GOLUBOVCI NETHERLANDS 06235 DE KOOY 06239 PLATFORM F3 06252 PLATFORM K13 06260 DE BILT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 8 06260 DE BILT 06310 VLISSINGEN 06380 BEEK NORWAY 01001 JAN MAYEN 01001 JAN MAYEN 01008 SVALBARD AP 01026 TROMSO 01028 BJORNOYA 01028 BJORNOYA 01098 VARDO 01152 BODO VI 01152 BODO VI 01212 ONA II 01238 FOKSTUA II 01241 ORLAND III 01241 ORLAND III 01317 BERGEN FLORIDA 01400 EKOFISK 01403 UTSIRA LH 01415 STAVANGER SOLA 01415 STAVANGER SOLA 01465 TORUNGEN LH 01492 OSLO BLINDERN 99090 SHIP M POLAND 12120 LEBA 12120 LEBA 12160 ELBLAG 12205 SZCZECIN 12295 BIALYSTOK 12330 POZNAN 12374 LEGIONOWO 12375 WARSZAWA OKECIE 12385 SIEDLCE 12424 WROCLAW II STRACHOW 12425 WROCLAW I 12497 WLODAWA 12566 KRAKOW BALICE PORTUGAL 08501 FLORES 08506 HORTA 08508 LAJES SANTA RITA 08509 LAJES 08512 PONTA DELGADA/NORDELA 08515 SANTA MARIA 08535 LISBOA GEOFISICA 08546 PORTO SERRA DO PILA 08548 COIMBRA CERVACHE 08554 FARO AP 08558 EVORA C COORD 08570 CASTELO BRANCO X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 9 08575 BRAGANCA 08579 LISBOA GAGO COUTINH REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA 33815 CHISINAU 33883 KOMRAT ROMANIA 15023 SUCEAVA 15085 BISTRITA 15090 IASI 15120 CLUJ NAPOCA 15120 CLUJ NAPOCA 15247 TIMISOARA 15260 SIBIU 15280 VF OMU 15292 CARANSEBES 15310 GALATI 15350 BUZAU 15360 SULINA 15420 BUCURESTI BANEASA 15421 BUCURESTI AFUMATI 15450 CRAIOVA 15480 CONSTANTA 15480 CONSTANTA RUSSIAN FEDERATION 22113 MURMANSK 22165 KANIN NOS 22217 KANDALAKSHA 22217 KANDALAKSHA 22235 KRASNOSCEL’E 22271 SHOJNA 22471 MEZEN' 22520 KEM' PORT 22522 KEM’ 22550 ARHANGEL'SK 22550 ARHANGEL'SK 22602 REBOLY 22619 PADANY 22641 ONEGA 22676 SURA 22768 SHENKURSK 22802 SORTAVALA 22820 PETROZAVODSK 22837 VYTEGRA 26063 ST PETERBURG 26157 GDOV 26275 STARAYA RUSSA 26359 PUSKINSKIE GORY 26781 SMOLENSK 26997 TRUBCHEVSK 27037 VOLOGDA 27051 TOT’MA 27333 KOSTROMA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 10 27459 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD 27459 NIZHNIJ NOVGOROD 27595 KAZAN' 27612 MOSKVA 27612 MOSKVA 27648 ELAT’MA 27675 PORETSKOE 27707 SUHINICHI 27707 SUHINICHI 27730 RYAZAN’ 27823 PAVELETS 27857 ZEMETCHINO 27962 PENZA 27995 SAMARA (BEZENCHUK) 34009 KURSK 34110 BOGORODITSKOE-FENINO 34122 VORONEZH 34123 VORONEZ 34152 BALASHOV 34163 OKTYABR’SKIJ GORODOK 34186 ERSHOV 34579 VERHNIJ BASKUNCHAK 34720 TAGANROG 34740 GIGANT 34866 YASHKUL’ 34880 ASTRAHAN' 34927 KRASNODAR-KRUGLIK 34949 STAVROPOL’ 37001 ANAPA 37061 BUDENNOVSK 37107 KRASNAYA POLYANA 37126 SHADZHATMAZ 37228 VLADIKAVKAZ 37470 DERBENT 37472 MAHACHKALA 37663 AHTY SERBIA 13168 NOVI SAD 13274 BEOGRAD VRACAR 13275 BEOGRAD KOSUTNJAK 13388 NIS SLOVAKIA 11826 PIESTANY 11858 HURBANOVO 11903 SLIAC 11934 POPRAD TATRY 11952 POPRAD GANOVCE 11968 KOSICE SLOVENIA 14015 LJUBLJANA BEZIGRAD SPAIN 08001 LA CORUNA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 11 08001 LA CORUNA 08015 OVIEDO 08023 SANTANDER 08023 SANTANDER 08025 BILBAO SONDICA 08027 SAN SEBASTIAN IGUELDO 08045 VIGO PEINADOR 08048 ORENSE 08053 PONFERRADA 08055 LEON VIRGEN DEL CAMINO 08084 LOGRONO AGONCILLO 08085 PAMPLONA NOAIN 08130 ZAMORA 08141 VALLADOLID 08148 SORIA 08160 ZARAGOZA AEROPUERTO 08160 ZARAGOZA AEROPUERTO 08171 LERIDA 08175 REUS AP 08181 BARCELONA AEROPUERTO 08184 GERONA COSTA BRAVA 08202 SALAMANCA MATACAN 08215 NAVACERRADA 08221 MADRID BARAJAS 08221 MADRID BARAJAS 08222 MADRID RETIRO 08231 CUENCA 08235 TERUEL 08238 TORTOSA 08261 CACERES 08272 TOLEDO 08280 ALBACETE LOS LLANOS 08284 VALENCIA AEROPUERTO 08286 CASTELLON ALMAZORA 08302 MALLORCA SON BONET 08306 PALMA DE MALLORCA/SON SAN JUAN 08314 MENORCA MAHON 08330 BADAJOZ TALAVERA LA 08348 CIUDAD REAL 08360 ALICANTE EL ALTET 08373 IBIZA ES CODOLA 08383 HUELVA 08391 SEVILLE SAN PABLO 08410 CORDOBA AEROPUERTO 08417 JAEN 08419 GRANADA AEROPUERTO 08430 MURCIA 08430 MURCIA 08451 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA/AEROPUERTO 08482 MALAGA AEROPUERTO 08487 ALMERIA AEROPUERTO SWEDEN X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 12 02080 KARESUANDO 02120 KVIKKJOKK ARRENJ 02128 GUNNARN 02185 LULEA KALLAX 02196 HAPARANDA 02226 OSTERSUND FROSON 02287 HOLMON 02365 SUNDSVALL HARNOSAND 02366 TIMRA MIDLANDA 02410 MALUNG 02418 KARLSTAD FLYGPLATS 02485 STOCKHOLM 02527 GOTEBORG LANDVETTER 02550 JONKOPING AXAMO 02589 GOTSKA SANDON 02590 VISBY AD SWITZERLAND & LIECHTENSTEIN 06601 BASEL-BINNINGEN 06610 PAYERNE 06610 PAYERNE 06660 ZURICH CITY 06680 SAENTIS 06700 GENEVE AP COINTRIN 06717 GRAND ST. BERNARD 06720 SION 06770 LUGANO SYRIA 40001 KAMISHLI 40007 ALEPPO AP 40022 LATTAKIA 40030 HAMA 40045 DEIR EZZOR 40061 PALMYRA 40080 DAMASCUS AP TURKEY 17022 ZONGULDAK 17026 SINOP 17030 SAMSUN 17030 SAMSUN 17034 GIRESUN 17040 RIZE 17045 ARTVIN 17050 EDIRNE 17056 TEKIRDAG 17062 ISTANBUL GOZTEPE 17062 ISTANBUL GOZTEPE 17069 ADAPAZARI 17070 BOLU 17074 KASTAMONU 17080 CANKIRI 17084 CORUM 17086 TOKAT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 13 17088 GUMUSHANE 17090 SIVAS 17092 ERZINCAN 17096 ERZURUM 17098 KARS 17099 AGRI 17112 CANAKKALE 17116 BURSA 17123 ESKISEHIR 17130 ANKARA CENTRAL 17130 ANKARA CENTRAL 17140 YOZGAT 17150 BALIKESIR 17155 KUTAHYA 17160 KIRSEHIR 17170 VAN 17188 USAK 17190 AFYON 17193 NEVSEHIR 17196 KAYSERI/CITY 17199 MALATYA BOLGE 17202 ELAZIG 17203 BINGOL 17204 MUS 17210 SIIRT 17220 IZMIR GUZELYALI 17220 IZMIR GUZELYALI 17234 AYDIN 17237 DENIZLI 17240 ISPARTA 17240 ISPARTA 17244 KONYA 17250 NIGDE 17255 KAHRAMANMARAS 17260 GAZIANTEP 17265 ADIYAMAN 17270 SANLIURFA 17280 DIYARBAKIR 17281 DIYARBAKIR-BOLGE 17282 BATMAN 17285 HAKKARI 17292 MUGLA 17300 ANTALYA 17340 MERSIN 17351 ADANA BOLGE 17351 ADANA BOLGE 17370 ISKENDERUN 17375 FINIKE UKRAINE 33213 OVRUCH 33275 SUMY 33301 RIVNE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RA VI/WG/PIW-6/Doc. 5(1), APPENDIX B, p. 14 33317 SHEPETIVKA 33345 KYIV 33345 KYIV 33377 LUBNY 33393 L'VIV 33415 TERNOPIL' 33429 KHMEL'NYTS'KYI 33506 POLTAVA 33526 IVANO FRANKIVS'K 33562 VINNYTSIA 33587 UMAN' 33631 UZHHOROD 33658 CHERNIVTSI 33711 KIROVOHRAD 33777 VOZNESENS'K 33791 KRYVYI RIH 33837 ODESA 33889 IZMAIL 33902 KHERSON 33915 ASKANIIA NOVA 33946 SIMFEROPOL' 33998 AI PETRI 34300 KHARKIV 34415 IZIUM 34519 DONETS'K 34523 LUHANS'K 34607 PRYSHYB 34712 MARIUPOL' UNITED KINGDOM 03005 LERWICK 03005 LERWICK 03017 KIRKWALL AP 03026 STORNOWAY 03066 KINLOSS 03091 ABERDEEN DYCE AP 03100 TIREE 03162 ESKDALEMUIR 03171 LEUCHARS 03257 LEEMING 03302 VALLEY 03377 WADDINGTON 03414 SHAWBURY 03502 ABERPORTH 03590 WATTISHAM 03740 LYNEHAM 03772 LONDON HEATHROW AP 03797 MANSTON 03808 CAMBORNE 03808 CAMBORNE 03862 BOURNEMOUTH AP 03917 BELFAST ALDERGROVE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X