Squash Ball Investigation.doc

Squash Ball Investigation
Title: Squash Ball investigation
Aim: The Aim in this investigation is to find out what the difference is when `none heated squash ball
bounces and when the squash ball which are heated bounces.
Hypothesis: - I think that the squash ball which is heated would be bouncing at a good height because
inside the pressure which would be present within the squash ball which then put more pressure on the
ball as it gives more bounce and also so that it could either go further away from the person or at least
go to the person who is playing squash.
Key Variables:
Independent variable- The independent variable would be the temperature of the squash ball
Dependent variable- the dependent variable would be the height
Controlled variable-The controlled variable would be the height drop and the Squash ball
Squash Ball
Bunsen Burner
We at first gather up all the apparatus we need for the experiment
After gathering up all the we start boiling the water which is put into a beaker as the water boils
we put the squash ball inside the beaker along with a thermometer so that we could keep track
of the temperature.
After every 100C we keep taking the squash ball out and check how much the ball bounces with
the help of a 1meter scale.
After checking the height of the ball we again put it back inside the beaker and keep the squash
ball inside the beaker and wait till it rises another 100C.
We do this until it reaches 900C.
Temperature height
Data Analysis
The graph shows us that as we heat the ball in the beaker and as the temperature rises the height of the
ball keeps on increasing because of the pressure which is present in the ball because of heating of the
ball in the boiling water.
In Conclusion I would say that the hypothesis which I had predicted before I had done the experiment
was correct as I my hypothesis was that as the squash ball keeps heating the height of the bounce would
keep increasing as the pressure which would have been present within the squash ball because of the
boiling of the squash ball in the beaker.
Improvements: - the next time I would have to do this experiment the things I would have to improve
was that keep getting more results until I don’t get a satisfying result. Another thing I would need to
improve is that no keep bouncing the ball because then the pressure present within the ball would keep
decreasing and hence the height of the ball would also keep decreasing. These would the two things I
would want to improve the next time I would be doing the experiment.